Building a wasm library, need to override .object._d_newitemT!T

2023-12-23 Thread Etienne Cimon via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've been developing a library[1] based on spasm for which I've 
implemented the druntime and currently it compiles web apps 
properly with TypeInfo, no GC, and it even uses diet templates.

I'm having a problem implementing the `new` keyword, so that I 
can start importing more libraries with minimal change. However, 
LDC calls .object._d_newitemT!T from the original druntime - 
which I need for compile-time function execution, but my 
implementation in `module object` doesn't override it in the 
compiler and the original implementation tries import 
core.stdc.time which errors out in wasm (with good reasons). Is 
there a compiler flag than I can use to override module templates?

Thanks in advance.


Re: D is nice whats really wrong with gc??

2023-12-23 Thread IGotD- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 December 2023 at 16:44:11 UTC, Bkoie wrote:
just look at this i know this is overdesign im just trying to 
get a visual on how a api can be design im still new though but 
the fact you can build an api like this and it not break it is 

but what is with these ppl and the gc?
just dont allocate new memory or invoke,
you can use scopes to temporry do stuff on immutable slices 
that will auto clean up

the list goes on

and you dont need to use pointers at all...!!

i honesty see nothing wrong with gc,

I don't think there is any wrong having GC in language either and 
upcoming languages also show that as a majority of the have some 
form of GC. GC is here to stay regardless.

So what is the problem with D? The problem with D is that it is 
limited to what type of GC it can support. Right now D only 
supports stop the world GC which is quickly becoming unacceptable 
on modern systems. Sure it was fine when when we had dual core 
CPUs but today desktop PCs can have 32 execution units (server 
CPUs can have an insane amount of of them like 128). Stopping 32 
execution (potentially even more if you have more threads) units 
is just unacceptable, which not only takes a lot of time but a 
very clumsy approach on modern systems.

What GC should D then support? In my opinion, all of them. Memory 
management is a moving target and I don't know how it will look 
like in 10 years. Will cache snoop be viable for example, will 
the cores be clustered so that snoops are only possible within 
them etc? D needs a more future proof language design when it 
comes to memory management.

Because of this it is important that D can as seamless as 
possible support different types of GC types. Exposing raw 
pointers in the language for GC allocated type was a big mistake 
in the D language design which I think should be rectified. About 
all other new languages have opaque pointers/reference types in 
order to hide the GC mechanism and so that other GC algorithms 
like reference counting can be used.

This is a an F- in language design.

Re: D is nice whats really wrong with gc??

2023-12-23 Thread bomat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 22:33:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
IMNSHO, if I had very large data files to load, I wouldn't use 
JSON. Precompile the data into a more compact binary form 
that's already ready to use, and just mmap() it at runtime.

I wondered about that decision as well, especially because this 
was internal game data that did not have to be user readable.
That's beside the point though; it was a ~10 MB JSON file that 
took them several minutes to parse. That's really just insane. 
Turns out it helps if you don't count the length of the entire 
document for every single value. It also helps if you don't 
iterate over your entire array of already written values every 
time you want to insert a new one. :)

In case you didn't know the story, here's a link:

I think there are several great lessons in there. Rockstar must 
have noticed how slow the loading is, but apparently just 
accepted it as a given... for 7+ years. Who needs optimizations 
on today's great hardware, right? There couldn't possibly be 
algorithmic problems in something simple like a JSON parser, 
Second, look at what people suspected as the root cause of the 
problem, like the P2P architecture. It's funny how speculations 
about performance problems are *always* wrong. Only measuring 
will tell you the truth.

Re: How to get serve-d to find dub dependencies

2023-12-23 Thread Renato via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 16:13:01 UTC, Renato wrote:

I am trying to use dependencies, so I need dub.

On emacs, the imports from dub libraries cannot be found, even 
though dub can build it fine.

How can I get emacs/serve-d to "see" the libraries added by dub?

I found that dub has a command for letting the compiler know 
about the load paths:

dub describe --data=import-paths

This shows the correct paths for the project, so perhaps I can 
pass this to serve-d somehow?

I've managed to kind of hack it by adding the paths to my 

((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
 (tab-width . 4)))
 (d-mode . ((compile-command . "dmd -L-ld_classic -run")
(eglot-workspace-configuration . (:importPath 


Far from ideal but this makes it half work... it actually shows 
the definitions in the library now and I can even navigate to the 
source, but still for some reason the import is shown as an error:

Expected 'consolecolors.d' or 'consolecolors/package.d' in one of 
the following import paths:


I believe that's because this is coming from d-mode, not serve-d 
(as serve-d actually "sees" it now)?!

Anyway, would love to know how to get serve-d to automatically 
detect dub libs.

Does the VS Code do that? If it does, this should work also on 

How to get serve-d to find dub dependencies

2023-12-23 Thread Renato via Digitalmars-d-learn

I am trying to use dependencies, so I need dub.

On emacs, the imports from dub libraries cannot be found, even 
though dub can build it fine.

How can I get emacs/serve-d to "see" the libraries added by dub?

I found that dub has a command for letting the compiler know 
about the load paths:

dub describe --data=import-paths

This shows the correct paths for the project, so perhaps I can 
pass this to serve-d somehow?