Insert if doesn't exist without double lookup.
Hello!, i would like to know if this is possible. auto asValue ?= (map["Key"] == new Value); Instead of doing: if (("Key" in map) is null) map["Key"] = new Value auto asValue = map["Key"];
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 14:31:27 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:29:44 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])' Try to use front and removeFront (I don't know why there is removeFront instead of popFront). Bye, bearophile I had to implement a custom IterableBinaryHeap implementation. IterableBinaryHeap!(Array!uint, "a < b") heap; heap.insert(0); heap.insert(3); heap.insert(2); heap.insert(1); foreach(item; heap) writeln(item); The above code was working until i upgrade to DMD32 D Compiler v2.064. Now i got: "Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types" Help!
Re: Function is not implemented.
On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 17:50:12 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 11/26/2013 09:32 AM, Agustin wrote: I'm trying to move from Java to D, and i have some like this: interface A { public bool isCancelled(); public void setCancelled(bool value); } class B { public bool isCancelled(); protected void setCancelled(bool value); } But when i do class C : B, A {} I get Engine/Main.d(6): Error: class Main.C interface function 'bool isCancelled()' is not implemented Engine/Main.d(6): Error: class Main.C interface function 'void setCancelled(bool value)' is not implemented You have to provide the implementations of the interface functions either in B or C. I think you actually tested with B implementations though: class B { public bool isCancelled() { // implemented return false; } protected void setCancelled(bool value) { // implemented } } Still the same error... Unless you want to implement the functions on C as well, then C should not inherit from A. A is already inherited by B: class C : B// <-- no A {} Ali Oh i forgot to add the implementation here, but its there, what i want to do is with an interface be able to change "protected" to "public", this is possible using Java but i don't know if possible using D. class C : B, A -> setCancelled() is changed from protected to public { }
Function is not implemented.
I'm trying to move from Java to D, and i have some like this: interface A { public bool isCancelled(); public void setCancelled(bool value); } class B { public bool isCancelled(); protected void setCancelled(bool value); } But when i do class C : B, A {} I get Engine/Main.d(6): Error: class Main.C interface function 'bool isCancelled()' is not implemented Engine/Main.d(6): Error: class Main.C interface function 'void setCancelled(bool value)' is not implemented
Re: interface and class inheritance
On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 21:20:57 UTC, Oleg B wrote: [code] import std.stdio; interface A { void funcA(); } class B { final void funcA() { writeln( "B.funcA()" ); } } class C: B, A { } void main() { auto c = new C; c.funcA(); } [code/] $ dmd -run interface.d interface.d(6): Error: class interface.C interface function 'void funcA()' is not implemented if swap A and B [code] class C: A, B { } [code/] $ dmd -run interface.d interface.d(6): Error: class interface.C base type must be interface, not interface.B how to workaround this without change in class B and interface A? Try interface A { final void funcA(); } class B { final void funcA() { writeln( "B.funcA()" ); } } class C: B, A { }
Re: interface and class inheritance
On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 21:42:38 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 21:20:57 UTC, Oleg B wrote: [code] import std.stdio; interface A { void funcA(); } class B { final void funcA() { writeln( "B.funcA()" ); } } class C: B, A { } void main() { auto c = new C; c.funcA(); } [code/] $ dmd -run interface.d interface.d(6): Error: class interface.C interface function 'void funcA()' is not implemented if swap A and B [code] class C: A, B { } [code/] $ dmd -run interface.d interface.d(6): Error: class interface.C base type must be interface, not interface.B how to workaround this without change in class B and interface A? Try interface A { final void funcA(); } class B { final void funcA() { writeln( "B.funcA()" ); } } class C: B, A { } Oh sorry i mean interface A { void funcA(); } class B : A { final void funcA() { writeln( "B.funcA()" ); } } class C : B { }
Cannot cast char[] to string.
I'm trying to use and when i compile the same example i get: cannot implicitly convert expression (get(cast(const(char)[])address, AutoProtocol())) of type char[] to string string address = "";; string _data = get(address);
Re: function XXXX conflict with YYYY
Thanks, i updated to v2.064.2 and everything works just fine. I had this issue long time ago and it was annoying to have multiple function with different names.
function XXXX conflict with YYYY
final uint registerEvent(T, J)(IPlugin, void delegate(J)) { } final uint registerEvent(IPlugin, EventHandler, EventInfo, ulong) { } There seems to be a problem when having two function with same name but different parameters. Only happend when one of the function use templates. Is that a compiler limitation?
Unexpected OPTLINK Termination at EIP=000000000
I'm getting "Unexpected OPTLINK Termination at EIP = 0 and assembly register values" when compiling the follow code. I'm doing something wrong? class MyClass { void opCall() { } } public void main(string[] arguments) { MyClass clazz = new MyClass(); TaskPool pool = new TaskPool(); pool.put(std.parallelism.task(&clazz.opCall)); }
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:29:44 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])' Try to use front and removeFront (I don't know why there is removeFront instead of popFront). Bye, bearophile I had to implement a custom IterableBinaryHeap implementation. IterableBinaryHeap!(Array!uint, "a < b") heap; heap.insert(0); heap.insert(3); heap.insert(2); heap.insert(1); foreach(item; heap) writeln(item);
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:45:11 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:29:44 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])' Try to use front and removeFront (I don't know why there is removeFront instead of popFront). Bye, bearophile Saddly i had to do this auto clone = _heap.dup; while (!clone.empty()) { auto item = clone.front(); // ... Do something with item clone.removeFront(); } Iterate directly over a binary heap will be better perfomance wise than doing that because i had to clone the heap to be able to iterate over without removing items from the original heap. By looking at the source, having "private @property ref Store _store()" public will help a lot.
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:29:44 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])' Try to use front and removeFront (I don't know why there is removeFront instead of popFront). Bye, bearophile Saddly i had to do this auto clone = _heap.dup; while (!clone.empty()) { auto item = clone.front(); // ... Do something with item clone.removeFront(); } Iterate directly over a binary heap will be better perfomance wise than doing that because i had to clone the heap to be able to iterate over without removing items from the original heap.
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 12:14:22 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 09:00:11 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: I'm trying to use BinaryHeap and i found out that i cannot use foreach(). My question is, there is any other way to do it?, can i iterate a BinaryHeap? Please show the code :-) Perhaps you need to look at the head, pop the head item, look at the head, etc. Bye, bearophile BinaryHeap!(uint[]) heap; foreach(type; heap) { } no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])' It seems that i need to have a pointer to the underlying array. uint[] intArray; BinaryHeap!(uint[]) heap; heap.acquire(intArray); foreach(int; intArray) { }
Re: BinaryHeap
On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 09:00:11 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: I'm trying to use BinaryHeap and i found out that i cannot use foreach(). My question is, there is any other way to do it?, can i iterate a BinaryHeap? Please show the code :-) Perhaps you need to look at the head, pop the head item, look at the head, etc. Bye, bearophile BinaryHeap!(uint[]) heap; foreach(type; heap) { } no property 'popFront' for type 'BinaryHeap!(uint[])'
I'm trying to use BinaryHeap and i found out that i cannot use foreach(). My question is, there is any other way to do it?, can i iterate a BinaryHeap?
Re: Weird thing related to stdio.
On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 02:20:39 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 02:18:29 UTC, Agustin wrote: My code contains zero console write call, and when i add std.stdio in a specific module i get some text about the classes i defined using mixin. If i add std.stdio here: i get "" Classes: Functions: Forgot to mention that the message is printed on the console when i execute "pPlayerMoveCodec.write(pMessageStream, pPlayerMoveMessage);" Also if i add std.stdio, io fails for some weird reason :/
Re: Weird thing related to stdio.
On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 02:18:29 UTC, Agustin wrote: My code contains zero console write call, and when i add std.stdio in a specific module i get some text about the classes i defined using mixin. If i add std.stdio here: i get "" Classes: Functions: Forgot to mention that the message is printed on the console when i execute "pPlayerMoveCodec.write(pMessageStream, pPlayerMoveMessage);"
Weird thing related to stdio.
My code contains zero console write call, and when i add std.stdio in a specific module i get some text about the classes i defined using mixin. If i add std.stdio here: i get "" Classes: Functions:
Re: Error: unsupported char 0x03
On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 15:16:17 UTC, bearophile wrote: John Colvin: do you perhaps want to!string(id) ??? Or: id.text Bye, bearophile I like id.text better than to!string, thanks
Re: Error: unsupported char 0x03
On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 15:05:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote: On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 15:01:20 UTC, Agustin wrote: = "public immutable(int) getId() const { \n" ~ id ~ "; \n}"; You'll probably want to convert id to a string there import std.conv; "public immutable(int) getId() const { \n" ~ to!string(id) ~ "; and also put in return for that function: "public immutable(int) getId() const { \n return " ~ to!string(id) ~ "; and it should compile. What was happening before is string ~ int implicitly converts the int to a char, and cast(char)(3) isn't a printable character, and isn't allowed in D source code. Works great, thanks! :)
Error: unsupported char 0x03
Trying to use mixin, i get an unsupported char error. protected template GenMessageGetId(uint id) { immutable string GenMessageGetId = "public immutable(int) getId() const { \n" ~ id ~ "; \n}"; } public mixin template Packet(uint id, T...) { ... private static string buildPacket() { ... return GenMessageGetId!(id); } mixin (buildPacket()); } class MyPacket : Message { mixin Packet!(3, ...); -> Error: unsupported char 0x03 } GenMessageGetId is generating "unsupported char 0x03".
Re: Error: unsupported char 0x03
On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 15:01:20 UTC, Agustin wrote: Trying to use mixin, i get an unsupported char error. protected template GenMessageGetId(uint id) { immutable string GenMessageGetId = "public immutable(int) getId() const { \n" ~ id ~ "; \n}"; } public mixin template Packet(uint id, T...) { ... private static string buildPacket() { ... return GenMessageGetId!(id); } mixin (buildPacket()); } class MyPacket : Message { mixin Packet!(3, ...); -> Error: unsupported char 0x03 } GenMessageGetId is generating "unsupported char 0x03". protected template GenMessageGetId(uint id) { immutable string GenMessageGetId = "public immutable(int) getId() const { \nreturn" ~ id ~ "; \n}"; }
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 07:31:30 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 10/20/2013 10:59 PM, Agustin wrote: > That didn't work, but after reading how emplace works, i had to make > some changes. > > public T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { > auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), > T.alignof); Does rawAllocate still return void*? For classes, emplace requires (or at least "also accepts" a slice). Your code will be simpler if rawAllocate returned a slice: import std.conv; void[] rawAllocate(size_t, size_t) { static ubyte[1000] buffer; return buffer; } T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); return emplace!T(pMemory, arguments); } class C { this(int i, double d) {} } void main() { auto c = allocate!C(42, 1.5); } If it has to return void*, you can make a slice from a plain pointer with the following syntax: void * rawAllocate(size_t, size_t) { static ubyte[1000] buffer; return buffer.ptr; } import std.stdio; void main() { enum requiredLength = 42; auto rawPtr = rawAllocate(requiredLength, 16); auto slice = rawPtr[0..requiredLength]; // <-- slice from plain pointer writeln(slice); } Ali Thanks!, i didn't knew i could do that, void[] sounds like an array of nothing :P. On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 11:48:11 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote: Am 21.10.2013 04:17, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:06:02 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm implementing some custom memory allocator, is possible to call an object destructor directly? destroy(object); destroy is in the automatically imported so you don't have to import anything, The source code is in dmd2/src/druntime/src/object_.d, there's a few overloads if you are curious how it is implemented. Short answer is there's a pointer to the destructor in the TypeInfo and destroy calls it. Using destroy will zero the entire memory block after destroying the object. If you are freeing the memory right after destroying this is going to cost you performance. To avoid this declare: extern (C) void rt_finalize2(void* p, bool det = true, bool resetMemory = true); and then call rt_finalize(cast(void*)object, false, false); Also if you want to give a nice error message in case you are calling a construcor that does not exist you should take a look at my AllocatorNew function: Doing it the way emplace does will just result in a error message "Dont know how to initialize a object of type YourObject" With some meta programming you can get error messages like: "Dont know how to initialize a object of type YourObject Available constructors: this(int, int) this(float) this(void*)" Kind Regards Benjamin Thaut I just need to call the destructor of the class since the memory of the allocators is released at the end of the application. // Pre allocate 1GB. auto pMemory = GC.malloc(1_048_576 * 1000, GC.BlkAttr.NONE); // Allocate a linear allocator of 10MB. auto pLinearAllocator = new LinearAllocator(1_048_576 * 10, pMemory); // Allocates a pool allocator of 50MB. auto pMemoryBlock = pMemory + 1_048_576 * 10; auto pPoolAllocator = new PoolAllocator!MyComponent(1_048_576 * 50, pMemory + 1_048_576 * 10); // Game loop, etc. // . (When a object is called to release, it won't release its memory rather than cache the entry and call the object destructor. Releasing the object from GC // end of game exit() // Allocators are released here, because GC will not find any reference to it, and will call any object destructor left.
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 05:40:13 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 05:17:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:53:46 Agustin wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:50:24 UTC, Agustin wrote: > On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:46:33 UTC, Jonathan M Davis > > wrote: >> On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:07:02 Agustin wrote: >>> What about constructor?. My current code is: >>>T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { >>> >>> auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, >>> T), >>> >>> T.alignof); // Return void* >>> >>> emplace!T(cast(T *)pMemory, arguments); >>>return cast(T) pMemory; >>> >>>} >>> >>> Doesn't seems to work, and i can't find any good >>> documentation >>> about it. >> >> IIRC, the constructor should be name __ctor. >> >> - Jonathan M Davis > > no property 'opCall' for type 'Main.MyClass' :( Trait allMember return "__ctor", but seems like i cannot call it directly: (cast(T)pMemory).__ctor(arguments); // Being pMemory void* If you want to see how to use emplace, I'd advise looking at std.typecons.RefCounted's implementation: emplace calls the constructor for you, so I don't know why you'd be trying to call it. But you can look at emplace's implementation if you want to see how to call __ctor. For structs: For classes: I don't think that it'll work if the constructor is private though, so maybe that's your problem. - Jonathan M Davis I'm silly the issue was at this line auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); emplace(pMemory, arguments); Correct was auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); emplace(&pMemory, arguments); Thanks guys That didn't work, but after reading how emplace works, i had to make some changes. public T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); assert(pMemory !is null, "Not enought memory on the allocator"); byte[] * pByteMemory = cast(byte[] *) pMemory; *pByteMemory = typeid(T).init[]; auto pObject = cast(T) pMemory; static if (is(typeof(pObject.__ctor(arguments { pObject.__ctor(arguments); } return pObject; } That would work.
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 05:17:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:53:46 Agustin wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:50:24 UTC, Agustin wrote: > On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:46:33 UTC, Jonathan M Davis > > wrote: >> On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:07:02 Agustin wrote: >>> What about constructor?. My current code is: >>>T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { >>> >>> auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, >>> T), >>> >>> T.alignof); // Return void* >>> >>> emplace!T(cast(T *)pMemory, arguments); >>>return cast(T) pMemory; >>> >>>} >>> >>> Doesn't seems to work, and i can't find any good >>> documentation >>> about it. >> >> IIRC, the constructor should be name __ctor. >> >> - Jonathan M Davis > > no property 'opCall' for type 'Main.MyClass' :( Trait allMember return "__ctor", but seems like i cannot call it directly: (cast(T)pMemory).__ctor(arguments); // Being pMemory void* If you want to see how to use emplace, I'd advise looking at std.typecons.RefCounted's implementation: emplace calls the constructor for you, so I don't know why you'd be trying to call it. But you can look at emplace's implementation if you want to see how to call __ctor. For structs: For classes: I don't think that it'll work if the constructor is private though, so maybe that's your problem. - Jonathan M Davis I'm silly the issue was at this line auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); emplace(pMemory, arguments); Correct was auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); emplace(&pMemory, arguments); Thanks guys
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:46:33 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:07:02 Agustin wrote: What about constructor?. My current code is: T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); // Return void* emplace!T(cast(T *)pMemory, arguments); return cast(T) pMemory; } Doesn't seems to work, and i can't find any good documentation about it. IIRC, the constructor should be name __ctor. - Jonathan M Davis no property 'opCall' for type 'Main.MyClass' :(
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:50:24 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 03:46:33 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: On Monday, October 21, 2013 05:07:02 Agustin wrote: What about constructor?. My current code is: T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); // Return void* emplace!T(cast(T *)pMemory, arguments); return cast(T) pMemory; } Doesn't seems to work, and i can't find any good documentation about it. IIRC, the constructor should be name __ctor. - Jonathan M Davis no property 'opCall' for type 'Main.MyClass' :( Trait allMember return "__ctor", but seems like i cannot call it directly: (cast(T)pMemory).__ctor(arguments); // Being pMemory void*
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:26:03 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:17:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:06:02 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm implementing some custom memory allocator, is possible to call an object destructor directly? destroy(object); destroy is in the automatically imported so you don't have to import anything, The source code is in dmd2/src/druntime/src/object_.d, there's a few overloads if you are curious how it is implemented. Short answer is there's a pointer to the destructor in the TypeInfo and destroy calls it. Thank you :) What about constructor?. My current code is: T allocate(T : Object, A...)(auto ref A arguments) { auto pMemory = rawAllocate(__traits(classInstanceSize, T), T.alignof); // Return void* emplace!T(cast(T *)pMemory, arguments); return cast(T) pMemory; } Doesn't seems to work, and i can't find any good documentation about it.
Re: Call destructor directly.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:17:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote: On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 02:06:02 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm implementing some custom memory allocator, is possible to call an object destructor directly? destroy(object); destroy is in the automatically imported so you don't have to import anything, The source code is in dmd2/src/druntime/src/object_.d, there's a few overloads if you are curious how it is implemented. Short answer is there's a pointer to the destructor in the TypeInfo and destroy calls it. Thank you :)
Call destructor directly.
I'm implementing some custom memory allocator, is possible to call an object destructor directly? For example void deallocate(T)(T object) { assert(object !is null); object.~this(); rawDeallocate(cast(void *)object); }
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 00:13:59 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: Sorry i clicked the post button :(. The full code is: I don't see your error with the following code, please give the code that gives the error, so we can fix the compiler bug: public class Component { /// Component's unique id. private hash_t id; Assertion failure: 'thisval && thisval->op == TOKclassreference' on line 4067 in file 'interpret.c' when compiling this. /// \brief Default constructor. /// /// \param[in] id The id of the component public this(hash_t id) { = id; = true; this.validated = true; } } public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = typeid(T).toHash; /// \brief Default constructor. public this() { super(ID); } } private class InputComponent : ComponentDetail!InputComponent { } void main() { auto pComponent = new InputComponent(); writeln(pComponent.getId()); writeln(InputComponent.ID); } Bye, bearophile The code is: Using (LDC 0.12.0-beta 1 Ubuntu): Using (DMD Windows): Assertion failure: 'thisval && thisval->op == TOKclassreference' on line 4067 in file 'interpret.c' when compiling this.
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 22:04:49 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 21:54:37 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 02:14:55 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote: Anyway to evaluate the name of the class and return its hash at compile time? I couldn't find the built in hash unction for strings so i used the one from as an example. More advanced and better hash functions can be found online. public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = hash!(T); } hash_t hash(T)() { hash_t hash; foreach (char c; T.stringof) hash = (hash * 9) + c; return hash; } Works perfectly :), now if i want to implement the same but rather do something like template GetHash(string character, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (character[index]) enum GetHash = GetHash(character, hash = (hash * 9) + character[index], ++index); else enum GetHash = hash; } How should i implement it? I came up with something like template GetHash(string character, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (index < character.length) enum GetHash = GetHash!(character, (hash * 9) + character[index], index + 1); else enum GetHash = hash; } And the final template is template Hash(string text, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (index < text.length) enum Hash = Hash!(text, (hash ^ text[index]) * 1099511628211UL, index + 1); else enum Hash = hash; } :D
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 21:54:37 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 02:14:55 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote: Anyway to evaluate the name of the class and return its hash at compile time? I couldn't find the built in hash unction for strings so i used the one from as an example. More advanced and better hash functions can be found online. public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = hash!(T); } hash_t hash(T)() { hash_t hash; foreach (char c; T.stringof) hash = (hash * 9) + c; return hash; } Works perfectly :), now if i want to implement the same but rather do something like template GetHash(string character, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (character[index]) enum GetHash = GetHash(character, hash = (hash * 9) + character[index], ++index); else enum GetHash = hash; } How should i implement it? I came up with something like template GetHash(string character, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (index < character.length) enum GetHash = GetHash!(character, (hash * 9) + character[index], index + 1); else enum GetHash = hash; }
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 02:14:55 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote: Anyway to evaluate the name of the class and return its hash at compile time? I couldn't find the built in hash unction for strings so i used the one from as an example. More advanced and better hash functions can be found online. public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = hash!(T); } hash_t hash(T)() { hash_t hash; foreach (char c; T.stringof) hash = (hash * 9) + c; return hash; } Works perfectly :), now if i want to implement the same but rather do something like template GetHash(string character, hash_t hash = 0, size_t index = 0) { static if (character[index]) enum GetHash = GetHash(character, hash = (hash * 9) + character[index], ++index); else enum GetHash = hash; } How should i implement it?
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 01:56:39 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote: public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = typeid(T).toHash; typeid(T).toHash can not be evaluated by the compiler at compile-time. Placing the ID initalization in a static this should fix the problem. eg. public static hash_t ID; static this() { ID = typeid(T).toHash; } Anyway to evaluate the name of the class and return its hash at compile time?
Re: Weird error when compiling.
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 01:41:58 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm getting Assertion failure: 'thisval && thisval->op == TOKclassreference' on line 4067 in file 'interpret.c' when compiling this. public class Component { /// Component's unique id. private hash_t id; /// \brief Default constructor. /// /// \param[in] id The id of the component public this(hash_t id) { = id; = true; this.validated = true; } } public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = typeid(T).toHash; /// \brief Default constructor. public this() { super(ID); } } Sorry i clicked the post button :(. The full code is: I'm getting Assertion failure: 'thisval && thisval->op == TOKclassreference' on line 4067 in file 'interpret.c' when compiling this. public class Component { /// Component's unique id. private hash_t id; /// \brief Default constructor. /// /// \param[in] id The id of the component public this(hash_t id) { = id; = true; this.validated = true; } } public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = typeid(T).toHash; /// \brief Default constructor. public this() { super(ID); } } private class InputComponent : ComponentDetail!InputComponent { } void main() { auto pComponent = new InputComponent(); writeln(pComponent.getId()); writeln(InputComponent.ID); }
Weird error when compiling.
I'm getting Assertion failure: 'thisval && thisval->op == TOKclassreference' on line 4067 in file 'interpret.c' when compiling this. public class Component { /// Component's unique id. private hash_t id; /// \brief Default constructor. /// /// \param[in] id The id of the component public this(hash_t id) { = id; = true; this.validated = true; } } public class ComponentDetail(T) : Component { /// Component's ID as static member. public static hash_t ID = typeid(T).toHash; /// \brief Default constructor. public this() { super(ID); } }
Metaprogramming with D.
I'm trying to implement a template Vector and i would like to know if this is possible. My current vector class is: public class Vector(T, size_t size) { private T components[size]; } And i would like to implement a property as this: @property public size_t length() const { return Trait.ExpandFor(size, components, Function(+, (n, j))); // Kind of messy but you get my point. } instead of doing for(...) over a array i would like to make a trait that produce this code return (x * x + y * y + z * z + ...)
Return a const structure by reference.
I'm having trouble trying to return a const reference of a structure. public struct Structure { } public class A { private Structure structure; this(Structure structure) { this.structure = structure; } public ref const Structure getStructure() const { return structure; } } cannot implicitly convert expression (this.structure) of type const(Structure) to Structure
Can't inherit a class and multiple interfaces.
Like the the title says, i cannot inherit a class and have interfaces. class A { } interface B { } class C : A, B -> Error { } I know that D doesn't support multiple classes, but that means i cannot mix a class and an interface?
Re: Can't inherit a class and multiple interfaces.
On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 01:35:48 UTC, Agustin wrote: Like the the title says, i cannot inherit a class and have interfaces. class A { } interface B { } class C : A, B -> Error { } I know that D doesn't support multiple classes, but that means i cannot mix a class and an interface? Oh i had a typo error, no need to answer me this :D
Re: Traits
On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 19:19:31 UTC, luminousone wrote: On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 14:09:09 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote: On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 05:49:38 UTC, luminousone wrote: On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 04:13:55 UTC, Agustin wrote: I have a function that needs to check if the template provided inherit a class. For example: public void function(T, A...)(auto ref A values) { // static assert(IsBaseOf(L, T)); } Check if T inherit class "L". Same result that std::is_base_of::value using C++. Any clean way to do it, without a dirty hack. import std.traits; bool ChildInheritsFromParent( parent, child )( ) { foreach ( k, t; BaseClassesTuple!child ) { if( typeid(t) == typeid(parent) ) return true; } return false; } A simpler way: import std.stdio; bool instanceOf(A, B)(B value) { return !!cast(A)value; } void main() { assert(1.instanceOf!(int)); } Using casts that way won't always be correct, it would be better to use reflection in some way if possible. This is wrong for me because i don't have a value, i just wanted to check if a template parameter inherit a class at compile time. bool instanceOf(A, B)();
Re: Traits
On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 04:35:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 10/10/2013 09:13 PM, Agustin wrote: > I have a function that needs to check if the template provided inherit a > class. > > For example: > > public void function(T, A...)(auto ref A values) function happens to be a keyword. :) > { >// static assert(IsBaseOf(L, T)); > } > > Check if T inherit class "L". Same result that std::is_base_of T>::value using C++. Any clean way to do it, without a dirty hack. One of the uses of the is expression determines "whether implicitly convertible to". It may work for you: public void foo(T, A...)(auto ref A values) { static assert(is (T : L)); } class L {} class LL : L {} void main() { foo!LL(1, 2.3, "4"); } Ali On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 05:45:00 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: On Thursday, October 10, 2013 21:35:37 Ali Çehreli wrote: One of the uses of the is expression determines "whether implicitly convertible to". It may work for you: public void foo(T, A...)(auto ref A values) { static assert(is (T : L)); } Actually, checking for implicit conversion will work directly in the template signature without a template constraint or static assertion. e.g. public void foo(T : L, A...)auto ref A values) { } - Jonathan M Davis Those work great, thanks a lot!
I have a function that needs to check if the template provided inherit a class. For example: public void function(T, A...)(auto ref A values) { // static assert(IsBaseOf(L, T)); } Check if T inherit class "L". Same result that std::is_base_ofT>::value using C++. Any clean way to do it, without a dirty hack.
Re: Scope variables.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 23:18:13 UTC, Justin Whear wrote: On Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:01:43 +0200, Agustin wrote: Doesn't ref means i'm passing the parameter by reference instead of by value?. Isn't "a" being copied when calling func?, or does D always pass by reference when using classes and structures? Class instances are by reference already, structs are by value. For further comparison, please see the table here: Thank you!.
Re: Scope variables.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 22:57:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 10/07/2013 03:52 PM, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:59:09 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:58:21 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm having a hard time trying to use "scoped". public T callEvent(T, A...)(auto ref A args) const { T pEvent = scoped!T(forward!args); postEvent(pEvent, typeid(T).toHash); return pEvent; } private void postEvent(ref Event event, Event.ID type) const { } src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) const src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: cast(Event)pEvent is not an lvalue callEvent!MyEvent(); Being MyEvent a subclass of Event. So i found out that i cannot do this, may i ask why? public class A { int x = 0; } public class B : A { } void func(ref A a) { } void main() { B b = new B(); func(b); } Since classes are already references, you would normally pass A, not 'ref A'. If you really want to pass 'ref A', perhaps you want to change the actual object that an A is referring to: public class C : A {} void func(ref A a) { a = new C;// <-- A reason for taking 'ref A' } However, that would upset the caller, which thinks it has a reference to a B object: void main() { B b = new B(); func(b);// <-- Oops! Not a B anymore? } Ali Doesn't ref means i'm passing the parameter by reference instead of by value?. Isn't "a" being copied when calling func?, or does D always pass by reference when using classes and structures?
Re: Scope variables.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:59:09 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:58:21 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm having a hard time trying to use "scoped". public T callEvent(T, A...)(auto ref A args) const { T pEvent = scoped!T(forward!args); postEvent(pEvent, typeid(T).toHash); return pEvent; } private void postEvent(ref Event event, Event.ID type) const { } src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) const src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: cast(Event)pEvent is not an lvalue callEvent!MyEvent(); Being MyEvent a subclass of Event. So i found out that i cannot do this, may i ask why? public class A { int x = 0; } public class B : A { } void func(ref A a) { } void main() { B b = new B(); func(b); }
Re: Get unique id of a class type.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:24:32 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:07:19 UTC, simendsjo wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 18:55:58 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm looking a way to get the unique id of a class. I'm able to do this in C++ using type_info::hash_code(). void function(T) { auto id = typeid(T).getHash(); // Something like this? // I know i could write this but seems ugly to me :/ auto id = typeid(string).getHash(typeid(T).name); // Or maybe even better. auto id = typeid(T).id; // ID is not a number but a class for storing } Have you tried toHash()? I Think that would return the hash of every member of a class, rather than just the hash of the class name Nevermind, i just saw the link you gave me, thanks a lot!.
Scope variables.
I'm having a hard time trying to use "scoped". public T callEvent(T, A...)(auto ref A args) const { T pEvent = scoped!T(forward!args); postEvent(pEvent, typeid(T).toHash); return pEvent; } private void postEvent(ref Event event, Event.ID type) const { } src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) const src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: cast(Event)pEvent is not an lvalue
Re: Scope variables.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:58:21 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm having a hard time trying to use "scoped". public T callEvent(T, A...)(auto ref A args) const { T pEvent = scoped!T(forward!args); postEvent(pEvent, typeid(T).toHash); return pEvent; } private void postEvent(ref Event event, Event.ID type) const { } src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: function ghrum.event.EventManager.EventManager.postEvent (ref Event event, uint type) const is not callable using argument types (MyEvent,uint) const src\event\EventManager.d(37): Error: cast(Event)pEvent is not an lvalue callEvent!MyEvent(); Being MyEvent a subclass of Event.
Re: Get unique id of a class type.
On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:07:19 UTC, simendsjo wrote: On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 18:55:58 UTC, Agustin wrote: I'm looking a way to get the unique id of a class. I'm able to do this in C++ using type_info::hash_code(). void function(T) { auto id = typeid(T).getHash(); // Something like this? // I know i could write this but seems ugly to me :/ auto id = typeid(string).getHash(typeid(T).name); // Or maybe even better. auto id = typeid(T).id; // ID is not a number but a class for storing } Have you tried toHash()? I Think that would return the hash of every member of a class, rather than just the hash of the class name
Get unique id of a class type.
I'm looking a way to get the unique id of a class. I'm able to do this in C++ using type_info::hash_code(). void function(T) { auto id = typeid(T).getHash(); // Something like this? // I know i could write this but seems ugly to me :/ auto id = typeid(string).getHash(typeid(T).name); // Or maybe even better. auto id = typeid(T).id; // ID is not a number but a class for storing }
Designing an API with D.
Hello, i'm trying to make a library and i would like to use that library on a separated application using only interfaces. I know how to do it using C++, but i don't known using D. Can anyone help me? Project #1 include/*.d -> These are interfaces. src/*.d -> Implementation code using those interface. Project #2 src/*.d -> Its code using only Project #1's include folder without implementation code. Thanks!
Re: Question about Mixin.
On Wednesday, 19 June 2013 at 23:35:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 06/19/2013 04:29 PM, Agustin wrote: Hello guys, my question is, its possible to write a mixin in a class, then if that class is inherited, the mixin will be written again instead of written the mixin again in the class child, for example: Class A(T) { mixin(WriteFunctionFor!(A)); } Class B : A(B) { ... -> mixin is written for B without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") } Class C : A(C) { ... -> mixin is written for C without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") } Yes: import std.stdio; template WriteFunctionFor(T) { T data; void foo() { writefln("I am working with a %s.", T.stringof); } } class A(T) { mixin WriteFunctionFor!T; } class B : A!B {} class C : A!C {} void main() { auto b = new B();; auto c = new C();; } The output: I am working with a B. I am working with a C. Ali Thanks!, now i'm trying to do that but its not working :(. template Eventable(T) { final static __gshared public HandlerList!T getHandler() { if( handler_ is null ) { handler_ = new HandlerList!T(); } return handler_; } } public class EventTemplate(T) : Event { mixin Eventable!T; } class TestEvent : EventTemplate!(TestEvent) { double x = 0.0; } TestEvent.getHandler() -> wont work.
Re: Question about Mixin.
On Thursday, 20 June 2013 at 00:20:36 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Wednesday, 19 June 2013 at 23:35:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote: On 06/19/2013 04:29 PM, Agustin wrote: Hello guys, my question is, its possible to write a mixin in a class, then if that class is inherited, the mixin will be written again instead of written the mixin again in the class child, for example: Class A(T) { mixin(WriteFunctionFor!(A)); } Class B : A(B) { ... -> mixin is written for B without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") } Class C : A(C) { ... -> mixin is written for C without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") } Yes: import std.stdio; template WriteFunctionFor(T) { T data; void foo() { writefln("I am working with a %s.", T.stringof); } } class A(T) { mixin WriteFunctionFor!T; } class B : A!B {} class C : A!C {} void main() { auto b = new B();; auto c = new C();; } The output: I am working with a B. I am working with a C. Ali Thanks!, now i'm trying to do that but its not working :(. template Eventable(T) { final static __gshared public HandlerList!T getHandler() { if( handler_ is null ) { handler_ = new HandlerList!T(); } return handler_; } } public class EventTemplate(T) : Event { mixin Eventable!T; } class TestEvent : EventTemplate!(TestEvent) { double x = 0.0; } TestEvent.getHandler() -> wont work. public class EventTemplate(T) : Event { mixin Eventable!T; protected __gshared HandlerList!T handler_; }
Question about Mixin.
Hello guys, my question is, its possible to write a mixin in a class, then if that class is inherited, the mixin will be written again instead of written the mixin again in the class child, for example: Class A(T) { mixin(WriteFunctionFor!(A)); } Class B : A(B) { ... -> mixin is written for B without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") } Class C : A(C) { ... -> mixin is written for C without need to write ("mixin(Write...))") }
Re: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 21:43:17 UTC, Agustin wrote: On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 21:39:35 UTC, Agustin wrote: Hello!, i'm having a problem and i don't know how to fix it :(. /** * Define a common structure for any event. * * @author Wolftein */ public class Event(T) { private bool cancelled_; private shared static HandlerList!T handler_; /** * Return if the event was cancelled. */ final public bool isCancelled() { return cancelled_; } /** * Set the cancelled flag. * * @param cancelled the cancelled flag value */ final public void setCancelled(bool cancelled) { cancelled_ = cancelled; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. This function is * static, so can be called like Template.getHandler() */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } } --- class PlayerLoginEvent : Event!(PlayerLoginEvent) { int x; } src\Event\Event.d(41): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList src\Event\Event.d(51): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList The last function is: final static public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } I just fixed by replacing shared with __gshared. Another issue that i have is that if i have. public class Event(T) { static public HandlerList!T getHandler() { if( handler_ is null ) { handler_ = new HandlerList!T(); } return handler_; } } public class MyPlayerEvent : Event!MyPlayerEvent { } MyPlayerEvent.getHandler(); -> Error: need 'this' for getHandler type HandlerList(). Thanks in advance!
Re: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 21:39:35 UTC, Agustin wrote: Hello!, i'm having a problem and i don't know how to fix it :(. /** * Define a common structure for any event. * * @author Wolftein */ public class Event(T) { private bool cancelled_; private shared static HandlerList!T handler_; /** * Return if the event was cancelled. */ final public bool isCancelled() { return cancelled_; } /** * Set the cancelled flag. * * @param cancelled the cancelled flag value */ final public void setCancelled(bool cancelled) { cancelled_ = cancelled; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. This function is * static, so can be called like Template.getHandler() */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } } --- class PlayerLoginEvent : Event!(PlayerLoginEvent) { int x; } src\Event\Event.d(41): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList src\Event\Event.d(51): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList The last function is: final static public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; }
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
Hello!, i'm having a problem and i don't know how to fix it :(. /** * Define a common structure for any event. * * @author Wolftein */ public class Event(T) { private bool cancelled_; private shared static HandlerList!T handler_; /** * Return if the event was cancelled. */ final public bool isCancelled() { return cancelled_; } /** * Set the cancelled flag. * * @param cancelled the cancelled flag value */ final public void setCancelled(bool cancelled) { cancelled_ = cancelled; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } /** * Gets the unique handler of the event, the handler * contains a list of delegates to be executed when * the event triggers an action. This function is * static, so can be called like Template.getHandler() */ final public HandlerList!T getHandler() { return handler_; } } --- class PlayerLoginEvent : Event!(PlayerLoginEvent) { int x; } src\Event\Event.d(41): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList src\Event\Event.d(51): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (handler_) of type shared(HandlerList) to ghrum.event.HandlerList.HandlerList!(PlayerLoginEvent).HandlerList
Re: Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types
On Friday, 14 June 2013 at 17:17:46 UTC, bearophile wrote: Agustin: Hello, i'm trying to create a library with utilities classes like containers using Java API. The problem with this is that most Phobos works with ranges... Could anyone help me? Maybe your code has multiple problems. If you want a precise answer, then give a complete little program. But a possible problem is in the opApply: int opApply(int delegate(ref E) delegation); If you want to use: foreach (i, e; it) { Then you need to put both in the opApply (or add a second opApply overload), something like: int opApply(int delegate(ref int, ref E) delegation); Bye, bearophile int opApply(int delegate(ref int, ref E) delegation); Works!, thanks.
Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types
Hello, i'm trying to create a library with utilities classes like containers using Java API. Could anyone help me? public interface Iterator(E) { bool hasNext(); E next(); void remove(); int opApply(int delegate(ref E) delegation); } public class AbstractCollection(E) : Collection!E { . E[] toArray(E[] dst = null) { size_t count = size(); if( dst.length < count ) { dst.length = count; } Iterator!E it = iterator(); foreach(int i,E e; it) { -> Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types dst[i] = e; } return dst[0 .. count]; } . }
Re: Static member inside a class.
On Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 19:59:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote: On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:47:22 -0400, Agustin wrote: I would like to know if static members are shared between 2 library. For example: Class A { static uint var; } From Library A: A::var = 3; From Library B: if( A::var == 3 ) ... Its this possible? if not, its any way to make it happend? It's possible, and works just like you have it (syntax is slightly different, use A.var) However, static means "thread local" So you can't access the same A.var from multiple threads. To access from multiple threads, declare var like: shared static uint var; -Steve On Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 20:00:59 UTC, w0rp wrote: On Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 19:47:23 UTC, Agustin wrote: I would like to know if static members are shared between 2 library. For example: Class A { static uint var; } From Library A: A::var = 3; From Library B: if( A::var == 3 ) ... Its this possible? if not, its any way to make it happend? The members are shared between different modules, yes. You use . instead of :: for scope resolution. You can also initialise a few things in a static constructors at class scope... class A { static uint var; static this() { var = 3; } } Or at module scope... class A { static uint var; } static this() { A.var = 3; } You should note that the data isn't shared between threads by default, but that's another detail. You can also usually produce a design that uses non-static data instead of static data. Thanks for taking the time to explain me, i'm currently doing an event system for my game, and i came out with the idea of an Event System. \ [1] - Map each event to an ID with their name. Event { . } PlayerLoginEvent : Event { . } EventManager.callEvent(PlayerLoginEvent(Player)); EventManager.registerListener!PlayerLoginEvent(delegate) { Map[ID(PlayerLoginEvent.Name)] ~ delegate; } \ [2] - Have a static list inside each event class. PlayerLoginEvent : Event { Static Delegates; } EventManager.registerListener!PlayerLoginEvent(delegate) { // T -> Template T.Delegates ~ delegate; // No lookup in a associative array. } So thats why i was asking about the static member, thanks!.
Static member inside a class.
I would like to know if static members are shared between 2 library. For example: Class A { static uint var; } From Library A: A::var = 3; From Library B: if( A::var == 3 ) ... Its this possible? if not, its any way to make it happend?