Re: Interfacing C++ to D -- or better: C++ -- C --- D (DLL)

2014-03-30 Thread BeschBesch
have you looked at exported symbols in dll? it may be C++ from 
what you said(lib not designed for C++?), so you can try 
extern(C++) on D side instead extern(C). or add manually #ifdef 
__cplusplus and extern C on lib side(if its not that big of 

First of all: I started with a C++-dll and tried to declare the 
functions with extern (C++) -- did not work. Then I switched the 
compiler to C. As VC++ still uses only C89 as standard you can 
imagine there is NOTHING C++-ish that could have survived. I also 
tested this DLL in a C++-application (static) and it worked like 
a charm.

As i suspected that some things written by me could be 
responsible for this, I build a test application with three 
functions (Test, Test2,Test3), got myself the D-.lib for 
statical-linking (implib-Dmd) and tried that one out. The 
result: Error 42.

So, actually I am trying to get a DLL containing three 
single-line test functions to work. What I have already achieved 
is to load it dynamically, and it worked 
(Derelict.Util.Loader.SharedLibLoader Class). As I also use the 
Derelict-packages, I may intend to build a custom loader class as 
a work-around.

Re: Interfacing C++ to D -- or better: C++ -- C --- D (DLL)

2014-03-29 Thread BeschBesch

extern (C)   /// needed so the compiler can link the functions

void Test();


The function of course is called Test1 not Test.

Interfacing C++ to D -- or better: C++ -- C --- D (DLL)

2014-03-29 Thread BeschBesch
I want to use a set of functions that rely on a library which is 
not available for D (Harfbuzz). So I just wrote myself a set a 
functions that will do anything I need (Init, Free, Fonts, Text, 

The DLL is working fine and dynamically linking should work (it 
does in C++ -- LoadLibrary). Unfortunately, i get Error 42 
evertime i try to call a function.

As i suspected that some things written by me could be 
responsible for this, I build a test application with three 
functions (Test, Test2,Test3), got myself the D-.lib for 
statical-linking (implib-Dmd) and tried that one out. The result: 
Error 42.

What did I miss that can still cause linker errors? So far I did:

DLL is written in C (C89 -- VC++ only can afford that one it 
seems). And yes I changed it to C from C++ in the compiler 

DLL has an entry function AND a module-definition file (.def). A 
.lib-file is created alongside with the DLL (.def specified in 
porject settings). OF COURSE, I built a D-conform .lib by using 
implib with /s option (and without) /s option.

Thank you, if you are still reading.

// declared in Test.h
void Test1(void);
int Test2(int i);
long Test3(int* ptr);
// Example implementation in Test.c (include test.h
void Test1(void)
/ .def-File
Test1 @1
Test2 @2
Test3 @3
/// SETTINGS (C++)
Calling-convention: __cdecl (= std. ??)
Compiling for:   C (/TC)
Modul-definition-file: CTestDll.def

// D-Module for usage with .lib from .dll (implib! from bup)
module CoreFuncs; // just a name

pragma (lib,CtoDtestDll.lib); // statically linking (could user 
settings too)

extern (C)   /// needed so the compiler can link the functions

void Test();


More updated question about Sleep/msleep/usleep

2014-03-22 Thread BeschBesch


I know there are severel threads concerning Wait, Pause, 
Sleep, a.s.o
but most of them were created in 2007 or similiar. It seems D has 
changed a lot because when I try to call sleep/msleep (example), 
the compiler cannot find it (ERROR: undefined indentifier).

import std.stdio;
///  other imports as well

import std.c.time;

 init and things

sleep(1); // not found

std.c.time.sleep(2); // not found as well

std.c.time.msleep(1000); // nope...

/// continued code

So, is there a newer version? I get a hint for thread.sleep but 
this may be a member function. Also, i suppose I MAY use Sleep() 
from windows.h, if there is no other option.

Re: Win32 with D: Using RegisterClassExA instead of RegisterClass

2014-01-29 Thread BeschBesch

You need to fill in the cbSize field like so:

 wce.cbSize = WNDCLASSEXA.sizeof;

Ungh. How embarassing. Now it works, thank you.