Re: Mistake of opening of a file having a name in cp1251.

2015-04-03 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn
According to the documentation, _wfopen 
already takes a wide-character string, not an ANSI string.


 return _wfopen(name.tempCStringW(), mode.tempCStringW());

would be the correct way. All these weird ansi versions are 
Windows 98 era legacy, they aren't commonly used anymore.

Please also try whether your C runtime implements _wfopen 
correctly or otherwise your file name is somehow broken (maybe 
it's on a FAT filesystem etc). For that, please try opening it in 
a C program using _wfopen(_T(filenamehere), r);

For comparison, try to create a file with the same name on an 
NTFS filesystem and try opening it in a C program using 
_wfopen(_T(filenamehere), r);

Does that work?

Also, what version and flavour (DMD, GDC, LDC) of D do you use?

Re: signal handling

2015-02-09 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


Just found, 
the bottom part Compliant Solution (POSIX) does raise() in the 
signal handler.

However, I can't find it in the POSIX standard at

lists the async-safe functions. raise() and sigaction() are in 
it. But _Exit() is, too.

Re: internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-08 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi Ketmar,
Hi Ali,

thank you!

On Sunday, 8 February 2015 at 09:42:14 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
spawn(user, cucs, ubyte(3));


Other than that, it works.

(The Attributes are basically literal constants but the library 
cannot know which are used in a given program - but probably not 
more than 20 or so are used realistically - it would be a UI 
design faux pas for content to be - like XP start menu - in 
hundreds of different yellowish greenish colors)

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get opEquals to work with 
immutable (or const, for that matter) either. (does compile, 

The obvious
bool opEquals(immutable(C) b) immutable {
return value == b.value;
doesn't work. Probably have to override the one from Object ? 
Even though I don't really use polymorphism here.

override bool opEquals(Object b) immutable {
return value == (cast(immutable(C)) b).value;

Nope. Doesn't work (or compile) either.

As a test, I added

   foreach (ubyte i; 0 .. 10) {
if (i % 2) {
cucs.add(new immutable(C)(i));
assert(new immutable(C)(i) == new immutable(C)(i)); 
// this


to your program but the assertion fails after the changes (if it 
even compiles).

Hmm, maybe I should just store immutable struct C pointers? Yep, 
that works, although then I have to compare for equality by *a == 
*b... oh well, I use opEquals comparison only internally after 

internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to use immutable class instances and that seems to be 
really difficult.

For example, with the following program I get an internal 
compiler error:

import std.outbuffer : OutBuffer;
import std.typecons : Rebindable;

enum Attrkey : ubyte {

alias Codes = Rebindable!(Attrs)[MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS];
static shared Codes codes;
private class Attrsp {
immutable(Attrsp) next;
Attrkey key;
ubyte value;
private this(Attrkey key, ubyte value, immutable(Attrsp) next) { = next;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
// FIXME allow comparing the entire chain for equality.
	private immutable void print(OutBuffer destination /* 
destination */) {

destination.write(cast(ubyte) key); // FIXME .toString()
destination.write(, );
destination.write(, \n);
if( is null)
override immutable string toString() {
auto destination = new OutBuffer();
return destination.toString();
// TODO add newless static opCall which also does compression?
	/*doesn't work static immutable immutable(Attrsp) opCall(Attrkey 
key, ubyte value, immutable(Attrsp) next) {

return new immutable Attrsp(key, value, next);
alias Code = ubyte;
/* Compresses the given attributes into 1 Byte, if possible.
   Returns MAX_COMPRESSED if it's not possible. */
	static Code compress(immutable(Attrs) node) { // FIXME make 
thread safe

ubyte i;
for(i = 0U; i  MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS; ++i) {
if(codes[i] is null) {
codes[i] = node;
return i;
} else if(codes[i] == node)
return i;
return i; // tell that it didn't work.
static immutable(Attrs) uncompress(Code value) {
assert(value = 0U  value  MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS);
return codes[value];
alias Attrs = immutable(Attrsp);
gdc A.d
cc1d: ../../src/gcc/d/dfrontend/statement.c:293: 
ErrorStatement::ErrorStatement(): Assertion `global.gaggedErrors 
|| global.errors' failed.

cc1d: internal compiler error: Aborted
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.9/README.Bugs for instructions.
gdc (Debian 4.9.1-19) 4.9.1

What I'm trying to do is save space by putting often-used Attrs 
into an array and just compressing references to those into 1 
Byte in the other data structures where it's used (these other 
data structures are not thread-local). Why do I need Rebindable 
to begin with? I'm not even trying to modify the contents of the 
instance, I'm just trying to assign another one to the array slot 
(actually not even another one - it was null before).

Re: signal handling

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi rlonstein,

I've now read up on the opengroup pages about signal handling 
(which references POSIX), and apparently it goes like this:

A signal can be delivered to a specific thread or to a process. 
If it's delivered to a process, a random thread of that process 
will receive it. If it's delivered to a thread, that thread will 
receive it. sigaction() thus seems to be required per-thread. The 
handler of a random thread will usually be called.

I've now settled on:
- per thread, register signal handler using sigaction with a mask 
that blocks all the cleanup signals while the handler is running. 
Remember the old handler in TLS variable.
- in the signal handler, clean up (just use the write syscall to 
make it sane), then use sigaction to reinstall the old signal 
handler, and then call raise().

Seems to work fine so far. Not sure whether it's safe to raise() 
inside a signal handler. Calling raise() without reinstalling the 
old signal handler is a very bad idea, I tried. Interesting is 
that, after reinstalling the old signal handler, I can raise() 
inside the signal handler even though it's blocked. It probably 
gets queued in the kernel for the thread. Then the handler 
returns and it processes the queue, calling the old handler. So 
win win?

bottom. Note that I don't distinguish between whether I'm in the 
correct thread or not since for my use case it's not necessary. 
The FD is always the same and who cares who resets the terminal...

I have very little state so I'm doing
equally little beside freeing extern handles.

Yeah, same for me, really.

Setting a global flag and testing it didn't really prove 
adequate and littered the checks everywhere

Yeah,I don't think that EINTR and flag-checking is even safe. 
What if you check the flag (and see nothing happened) and then go 
back to the loop and block (in read() or whatever), and right 
after the flag checking, unbeknowst to you the signal handler 
sets the flag, returns, and only then you block in read()? You'd 
block forever.

Do you know signalfd() ?

I know how it is with external libaries, they always block at the 
silliest of times. But I've had one (OKAPI) which gave me the FD 
back, so I could select() on a bunch FDs in my mainloop. In that 
case, signalfd() was nice since it showed up as a normal read 
ready in select(), i.e. as a normal event source. Might be 
worth a try in your case?

Like this, in pseudo-code:

while (!error) {
   auto readyfd = select([signalfd, externalfd]);
   if (readyfd == signalfd)
  ... signal (would have) happened, handle it
   else if (readyfd == externalfd)
   else ...

so I'm thinking now of leveraging std.signals but I'm not sure 
that will be reliable.

Hmm, I don't know that one yet.

Re: internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've filed it with before reading your reply. Will 
it be forwarded to or should I file it there as 

Also, it seems there's a new DMD release underway right now, does 
it still happen with that? (I tried but can't get it to build - 
doesn't seem to support ARMHF target)

signal handling

2015-02-06 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


if I want to clean up inside a signal handler and then exit the 
process (as it would have without me handling it), what do I do?

Can I exit() inside a signal handler or should I use a more 
direct quit now function? (after all, it could have been in the 
middle of relinking the free list when the signal arrived)

Do I reinstall the previous signal handler and then abort() ? If 
I want to store the previous signal handler, do I have to store 
in a shared variable ?

If I have multiple threads, what will happen to the other 
threads? Will it join() them and hang or will it kill them as 
well or will it just stop the thread that received the signal? 
Which thread did receive the signal?

BitArray crash

2015-01-30 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to use BitArray instead of rolling my own. But how 
does one use it?

I tried:

import std.bitmanip : BitArray;

int main() {
BitArray b;
b[2] = true;
return 0;

$ gdc l.d
$ gdb a.out
(gdb) r
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00438f88 in std.bitmanip.BitArray.opIndexAssign() 
(this=..., b=true,

i=2) at ../../../../src/libphobos/src/std/bitmanip.d:604


(gdc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2)

I think I have to set length first. At least an example at the 
docs of bitsSet() halfway down the page does it...

Threads and stdio and HANDLE

2015-01-28 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to write some toy examples using threads in D.

Is the std.stdio.File thread-local or shared? Is flockfile used 
when I synchronize on it?

I tried checking phobos myself and found some things I don't get 
(in stdio.d):

alias FLOCK = flockfile;

this(this) { @trusted

What is this(this)?

If I want to write to stdout from a thread, do I use 
LockingTextWriter? File? shared File? Does each thread have the 
same stdout? (Ok I checked, they have the same address, so 
probably. Phobos has it as __gshared stdout, aha)

Also, in order to avoid all that (also I want to be able to set 
Console text attributes on Windows), I tried to use the lowlevel 
I/O next:

For UNIX, the fds are per-process and just integers. So I know 
there that I can just pass around the int fd to any threads.

For Windows, if I use GetStdHandle, is the resulting HANDLE valid 
for threads other than the one that called GetStdHandle ? Because 
the HANDLE is a pointer but doesn't have shared. Does one know 
for Windows handles in general which are per-thread and which are 
per-process ?

Finally, I'm trying to come to grips with shared:

The first use of shared is to signal to the compiler that it 
should not store the variable in thread-local storage. But when I 
acquire a lock (using synchronized, say), I'm supposed to cast 
away the shared, right? Does it then still know that it's not 
thread-local (but that I ensured that nobody else accesses it for 
the time being)?

What does specifying shared class or shared struct do?

Re: How to prevent sensitive information is displayed when the extension 'exe' is modified to 'txt' on windows?

2015-01-08 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


sigh, so I have to annoy you with the truth...

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 17:15:28 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
How to prevent sensitive information is displayed when the 
extension 'exe' is modified to 'txt' on windows?

By not putting it in in the first place. Everything else is no 
good in the end. Encryption, xoring, everything is almost useless 
for that purpose.

If you build a exe ,such as which can get Data from 
DataBase,when you modify the exe's  extension to 'txt',
and you open it by notepad.exe (on windows),you will find the 
info,it's important for me,so how to stop  the info to display  

Do you mean find the password? (I don't see that field in your 

Remove the password field and let the operating system care of 
auth forwarding to the database server. Then create all the users 
on your database and make sure to set their permissions right. 
That way, your computer and the database server will negotiate 
whether they let the user in and it's their problem. I always do 
it like that. Also, that way, you already have existing 
permission management tools (in the dbms).

If you don't want to grant them permission on the table, don't. 
Create a view with the harmless info and grant them permission to 
that. Likewise, if you want to completely abstract it away, 
create stored procedures in the database as the interface for 
your app and grant them only permission to execute them.


Well, now I don't see what the problem you are trying to solve 
is. You are doing as outlined above already.

So what is the problem you are trying to solve?


2014-12-25 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to learn how opDispatch works. Unfortunately, a very 
simple example already doesn't work (error: no property 'a' for 
type 'Foo'):

import std.stdio : writeln;

struct X {
int a;
class Foo {
X value;
template opDispatch(string s) {
value.opDispatch!(s) opDispatch;
int main() {
auto f = new Foo;
return 0;

What am I missing?

Is there another way to make Foo forward all unknown things to X ?

Re: opDispatch

2014-12-25 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn
I tried to make it even simpler to get to the core of the problem 
I'm having:

template opDispatch(string s) {
alias value.a opDispatch;

The compiler then complains:
error: need 'this' for 'a' of type 'int'

I can only think: And? It's right there... it's a class instance, 
it has 'this'.

Re: opDispatch

2014-12-25 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Tobias: Thanks! Your version works. But now it's read-only.

Re: opDispatch

2014-12-25 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn
Adam: Thanks, that was very illuminating! I tried and these work 

Is there a function like opDispatch which can be used (at compile 
time) to refer to something by name whether or not it's custom? 
(to access something like value.a safely. mixin and string 
concatenation looks like would have problems with special 
characters easily)

(Something like getattr(x, a) in Python)

Re: opDispatch

2014-12-25 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Not sure how that works together with opDispatch. I am not sure
why you see safety reasons at compile time though.

Hmm, I'm not really worried about safety in this case (in many 
other slightly different scenarios I am). More worried about 
strange Unicode characters in fields I have no control over (in 
other libraries etc) messing it up for no reason.