std.array.array for immutable data types

2018-02-18 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a way to avoid using to! conversion here?

immutable string[] dst = to!(immutable 

Re: enumerated iteration to struct

2018-02-06 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 01:10:34 UTC, Fra Mecca wrote:
I don't know if this post belongs to the learn section, but 
I'll try anyway.

I am using the std.path.pathSplitter function that returns a 
PathSplitter function exposing ranges primitive.

I have some question that could be generalized to other structs 
that expose range primitives.

1. Why can't I write foreach(i, el; 
pathSplitter("foor/bar").enumerate)  ?
2. Supposing I want to fix this problem, what do I add to the 
struct? opApply?

There was a stupid stupid error on my part because I wasn't 
import the range module.

3. Why doesn't ranges infer the iteration method at compile 
time so that I don't need to write enumerate?

This question is still valid.
I think it would be saner to write
foreach(idx, el; paths)
instead of
foreach(idx, el; paths.enumerate)

enumerated iteration to struct

2018-02-06 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn
I don't know if this post belongs to the learn section, but I'll 
try anyway.

I am using the std.path.pathSplitter function that returns a 
PathSplitter function exposing ranges primitive.

I have some question that could be generalized to other structs 
that expose range primitives.

1. Why can't I write foreach(i, el; 
pathSplitter("foor/bar").enumerate)  ?
2. Supposing I want to fix this problem, what do I add to the 
struct? opApply?
3. Why doesn't ranges infer the iteration method at compile time 
so that I don't need to write enumerate?

Re: rdmd main.d leads to Segmentation fault

2018-01-26 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 January 2018 at 22:40:29 UTC, Timoses wrote:


simple hello world crashes with segfault:


Where did you get the D toolchain?
Does the same segmentation fault happen with dmd or gdc or ldc? 
(dmd should be the more probable)

Can you compile a dub project?

Help me understand how to contribute to bugs report / fixing

2018-01-26 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have been lurking in the bug tracker for some time, checking 
and trying to reproduce bugs and fixes.

I finally want to submit something and contribute but I am having 
an hard time understanding the workflow.

Pull request are done via git and bugs reported by the tracker.
The problem is when I want to understand if the bug of the 
tracker is referenced in the repo of the organization and has an 
open PR.


Real world case:
this bug has been reported recently:

but it should be closed given how in the recent changes to the 
phobos master branch the bug is fixed. You can double check that 
by running the code snippet using dmd-nightly in

From a quick glance at the phobos repo, I found no mention of 
this bug in any closed or open PR, just a PR (#6056, bug 18280) 
on the same file (comparison.d) that probably fixed the issue for 
bug 18288.

What should I do now?
I am undecided between:
- commenting on the bug tracker and close the bug
- link the pr 6056 on the bug tracker
- leaving it be

I feel that the section "Get involved" on the D wiki should aid 
newcomers with a more detailed description of the workflow of 
maintainers and collaborators.

Create D portable binary

2017-12-07 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a way to compile a project and deploying it as a single 
statically linked binary?

My main target would be something like a self contained jar (like 
.war files), but something that is in the style of go binaries 
and portable to another Linux distribution without any hassle 
would be enough.

From what I understand the main problem in achieving this is the 
dependency to curl (all the warnings related to gethostbyname 
during linking phase) and glibc that makes it hard to static link.

What if musl is used as libc?

Right now it seems that the only viable option is to distribute 
object files and make the end user link them

How to declare immutable struct outside of try catch and reference it later

2017-12-02 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have this code:
Configuration conf = void ;
try {
conf = parse_config("config.sdl");
} catch (Exception e) {
std.stdio.stderr.writeln("Error reading configuration 
file: ", e.msg);


// other code
function(value, conf);
// end

I get:
source/app.d(18,3): Error: cannot modify struct conf 
Configuration with immutable members

Is there a way to declare conf outside of the try catch block and 
use it later?

I thought void explicitly avoid inizialization.

Strange error when compiling with dmd, not with ldc

2017-11-28 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have this struct:

immutable struct Configuration {
string title;
string baseurl;
string url;
string email;
string author;
string parser;
string target;
string urlFormat;
string urlFormatCmd;

short port;

string[] ignore;
string[] extensions;

@property string toString()
auto urlF = (urlFormatCmd ? "url_format_cmd: " ~ 
urlFormatCmd : "") ~ "\n";

"title: "~ title ~ "\n" ~
"baseurl: "  ~ baseurl ~ "\n" ~
"url: "  ~ url ~ "\n" ~
"email: "~ email ~ "\n" ~
"author: "   ~ author ~ "\n" ~
"parser: "   ~ parser ~ "\n" ~
"target: "   ~ target ~ "\n" ~
"url_format: "   ~ urlFormat ~ "\n" ~
"ignore: "   ~ to!string(ignore)[1 .. $ - 1] ~ "\n" ~
"extensions: "   ~ to!string(extensions)[1 .. $ - 1] ~ 
"\n" ~


and this function:

void show_config()
writef("%s", parse_config(
exists("config.sdl") ? "config.sdl" : 


Whenever I compile with ldc2 I get no errors, while with dmd I 

source/configuration.d(105,27): Error: immutable method 
configuration.Configuration.toString is not callable using a 
mutable object

What is the problem?

behaviour of spawnProcess

2017-11-24 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have this snipper of code:

auto pid = spawnProcess([exe, j], po.readEnd, pi.writeEnd, 

where exe is the executable name and j is argv[1].

I have noticed that whenever j contains a string with a space in 
it, spawnprocess splits the string into another argument.

In this way, even if I can use an array to index the arguments, 
the behaviour is very different from execvp or

Is this desired? Or is it a bug?

Static if on release build

2017-10-19 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn
I can't find any documentation regarding conditional compilation 
in release and debug mode.

I have read the page regarding the topicon but adding 
the snippet below makes no difference when compiling with dub -b 

version(full) {
 //do something
} else {
//do something else

How can I produce a release version with different parameters 
from debug using dub and static if's?

Re: Containers and arrays with custom memory allocators

2017-10-19 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at 14:14:19 UTC, Ivan wrote:


I am a C/C++ programmer interested in using D as a replacement 
for C/C++.

I do care a lot about performance and memory management, so
I want to use my own (or from std.experimental) memory

Are there any good tutorials or examples about how to use
custom memory allocators for arrays and existing containers?

Or should I just go ahead and write my own containers that are 



I am still working on it, but given your case it may be useful.

Re: Is there an opposite of .toString()?

2017-10-13 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 00:18:35 UTC, myst wrote:
I'm sorry if this has been answered already, it seems like a 
very basic question.

There is .toString() method convention for printing, but I can 
not find anything alike for reading. Is there something like 
operator>>() in C++? What's an ideomatic way of reading an 

Can you make an example of "reading from object"? Or better some 
snippet of a c++ code that does what you mean

Re: Add a precompiled c++ obj file to dub

2017-10-07 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 23:54:50 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 19:56:52 UTC, Fra Mecca wrote:

Hi all,
I am writing a backend that is partly Vibe.d and partly 
clucene in c++.
I have some object files written in c++ and compiled with g++ 
that are not considered by dub during the linking phase and 
throws `function undefined error ` every time.

Is there a way to tell dub to let dmd handle that .o files?

Yes, add this to your JSON:

  "sourceFiles-linux-x86_64" : [

I tried the sourceFiles approach, it failed and I could reproduce 
that in some days.

At the end I added them as linking options (lflags) but it is 
kinda odd that it works given that everything is supplied to dmd 
as -Lobj.o

Add a precompiled c++ obj file to dub

2017-10-07 Thread Fra Mecca via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,
I am writing a backend that is partly Vibe.d and partly clucene 
in c++.
I have some object files written in c++ and compiled with g++ 
that are not considered by dub during the linking phase and 
throws `function undefined error ` every time.

Is there a way to tell dub to let dmd handle that .o files?

Odd stacktrace: Access Violation in object.TypeInfo_Interface.getHash

2015-09-07 Thread Fra via Digitalmars-d-learn
I encountered a runtime error in my code and all I can get (even 
in debug mode) is the following stacktrace:

object.Error@(0): Access Violation

0x0051C308 in const(nothrow @trusted uint function(const(void*))) 

0x0058D2C0 in D6engine5world5world5World6__vtblZ
Error executing command run: Program exited with code 1

No other information is provided.
Anyone ever experienced anything similar? That __vtblZ part of 
the symbol name scares me a bit, TBH.
The codebase is big, so will take me some time to reduce it to a 
simple example, even if I were to use dustmite, but I was hoping 
that someone faced this error message before and could give me a 
pointer on what to look for.

Classes and @disable this()

2015-02-08 Thread fra via Digitalmars-d-learn
I just realized that you cannot define a disabled default 
constructor for classes: writing code like this will give a 
linker error

class Something

Re: Classes and @disable this()

2015-02-08 Thread fra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 February 2015 at 16:22:36 UTC, fra wrote:
Missclick... Anywya:
class Something
   @disable this();
   this(int i) {}

produces an undefined reference error.

I guess it has to do with classes implicitly inheriting from 
Object, and Object defining a this(), and @disable telling the 
compiler not to produce code for the given function.

However making it a compiler error would be far, far better then 
getting the linker error. In my case, the mangled name was 100% 
unintelligible (the usual _ctor was nowhere to be found, 
probably due to the class name being so long that it was getting 
shortened in some way)

Re: Fast array copy. SIMD manual or automatic?

2015-02-08 Thread fra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 06:30:32 UTC, tcak wrote:
I have two char arrays at the size of 16KB. I will copy a part 
of data between them again and again.

arrayA[0 .. dataLen] = arrayB[0 .. dataLen];

Does the compiler generate code that uses SIMD operations 
(128-bits memory copy) automatically, or do I need to do 
anything special for this?

Does SIMD even matter anything when it comes to copying? I was 
sure it was just about moving data into SIMD registers for later 
operation on that.

Re: Tracing down core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError

2014-07-28 Thread fra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 22:13:56 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 13:31:08 UTC, Martin Drasar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 28.7.2014 14:09, Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
More broadly speaking, it is thrown whenever certain memory 
are attempted while the GC is running, 6 in all, as you can 
see here:

I believe I stuck in printfs till I found out which one was 
run before
the error was thrown, and then traced that back with more 
printfs to
where it was getting called.  I didn't have a debugger 
available, you

may be able to trace faster with one.


thanks for the tip. I have a debugger at hand and I am would 
prefer to
use it. However, I don't really know where and how to start. I 
like to break at core/exception.d when 
onInvalidMemoryOperationError is
called, but I am not sure how to build druntime with debug 
There does not seem to be some flag in the makefile like for 

Is there some document describing how to do this?

It's not in the makefile; I simply added the -g or -gc flag 
where it compiled and then the debug symbols showed up in the 
 You may also want to experiment with the -debug flag, which 
will turn on various kinds of log output depending on which 
module and flag you use it with.

I can tell you it is the logger, for sure. I have had similar 
problems in the past because I was trying to print a string in a 
destructor, and even just using the string concatenation is 
enough for an allocation to happen and for the exception to ruin 
everything. As a bonus, the exception is thrown from another 
thread :P
In fact, now that we have @nogc I really think we could use *at 
least a warning* if the compiler determines that allocation might 
happen inside a destructor...
(btw: a debug strategy might be: fire up dmd beta 2.066, add 
@nogc at all destructors and see where the compiler complains)

std.string inPattern() and UTF symbols

2013-12-09 Thread Fra
various (UTF) symbols seems to be ignored by inPattern, see for a quick example (munch() uses 
inPattern() internally)

Is it me doing something in an improper way, or is the 
documentation lacking more specific limitation of the function? 
All I can read is In the future, the pattern syntax may be 
improved to be more like regular expression character classes. 
This doesn't sound like non-ascii symbols are not supported

Re: std.string inPattern() and UTF symbols

2013-12-09 Thread Fra

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 16:10:34 UTC, qznc wrote:

That is probably not the root of Fras problem, though.

You are right, that was not the root, even if the mistake is 
extremely simple: foreach(c, s) is used to seek the string.
I just realized that foreach can mess things up when used on 
strings. I can't scroll the feeling this is a pitfall of the 

the code
foreach (immutable dchar c; s)
writeln(token: , c);

produces deeply different results than
foreach (c; s)
writeln(token: , c);

I understand why foreach would produce such a result, but I guess 
newcomers will get burnt by this.

I will open a bug report for the munch function in the mean time.

Re: std.string inPattern() and UTF symbols

2013-12-09 Thread Fra

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 16:10:34 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 15:58:53 UTC, qznc wrote:
I also smell a unicode bug, due to the combination of foreach 
and length.

Bug reported. :)

That is probably not the root of Fras problem, though.

Your ticket:
The following assert fails, but should not.

assert(!inPattern('a', äöüa-z));

Actually, 'a' IS in the given pattern, so the inPattern should 
return true, then you negate it and therefore it fails. Long 
story short, it should fail, and it does. So your bug report is 
actually incorrect.

is there anything like a DUB manual?

2013-12-07 Thread Fra

I finally decided to try out DUB.
The simple examples work great, but I could not find any user 
guide/list of possible options to be put in the package.json file.

Just as an example, how do you pass specific compiler flags like 

Re: is there anything like a DUB manual?

2013-12-07 Thread Fra
On Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 20:13:52 UTC, Nicolas Sicard 

Did you have a look at ?

how the hell did I managed to miss that? :D

Re: Is this reasonable?

2013-12-06 Thread Fra
On Friday, 6 December 2013 at 02:11:20 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Regardless, we're pretty much stuck at this point. Changing it 
would silently

break lots of code.

I still wonder what was the reasoning behind C's warning about 
comparison between signed and unsigned integers instead of giving 
an error.

And as much as I do understand the no warnings policy, I really 
think that if you keep features from C, you should also keep C 
(BTW: I was quite sure dmd warned the user, maybe it was GDC or 
LDC instead?)

Re: Is this reasonable?

2013-12-06 Thread Fra
On Friday, 6 December 2013 at 11:56:35 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
There's no such thing as standard warnins in C. What gets 
warned about depends

entirely on the compiler and what it's settings are.

You are 100% right, I was speaking out of my mind.

Anyway, I still don't understand the rationale behind allowing 
those comparisons in C in the first place, but I guess I will 
never know :P