The @@@BUG@@@ the size of China - std.conv.d - Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s, uint radix)

2015-12-07 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn
So whilst attempt to convert from a hex string (without the 0x) 
to int I bumped into the @@@BUG@@@ the size of China

Is there a bugzilla issue number tracking this?

Searching for conv and parse  in the issue tracker didn't turn it 

Is this a phobos bug or a compiler bug?

I followed the example in the unit test to get a workaround 
but I don't understand why the workaround works!

Re: The @@@BUG@@@ the size of China - std.conv.d - Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s, uint radix)

2015-12-08 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 00:40:29 UTC, tsbockman wrote:

Someone still needs to review the PR, though.

Thanks! Looks like it's been merged already.

It was a double problem... I failed to read the bit about 
advancing the ref and then the old big @@@BUG@@@ comment in the 
unit test made me think it was a bug.

Thanks! Great response, I appreciate it!

Autodecode in the wild and An Awful Hack to std.regex

2016-07-27 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn
Don't you just hate it when you google a problem and find a post 
from yourself asking the same question?

In 2013 I ran into the UTF8 invalid char autodecode UTFException, 
and the answer then was "use std.encoding.sanitize" and my 
opinion looking at the implementation, was then, as is now... Eww!

Since then, I'm glad to see Walter Bright agrees that autodecode 
is problematic.$hr0$

After wading through 46 pages of that, and Jack Stouffers handy 
blog entry and the longish discussion thread on it...

Maybe I missed something.

What am I supposed to do here in 2016?

I was happily churning through 25 gigabytes of data with

foreach( line; File( file).byLine()) {
   auto c = line.matchFirst( myRegex);

When I hit an invalid codepoint...Again.

What is an efficient (elegant) solution?

An inelegant solution was to hack into the point that throws the 
exception and "Do It Right" (for various values of Right)

diff -u /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d{~,}
--- /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d~	2015-12-03 
14:41:31.0 +1300
+++ /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d	2016-07-28 
11:04:55.525480585 +1200

@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
 pos = _index;
 if(_index == _origin.length)
 return false;
-res = std.utf.decode(_origin, _index);
+res = std.utf.decode!(UseReplacementDchar.yes)(_origin, 

 return true;
 @property bool atEnd(){

That "Works For Me".

But it vaguely feels to me that that template parameter needs to 
be trickled all the way up the regex engine.

Re: Autodecode in the wild and An Awful Hack to std.regex

2016-07-28 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 15:48:58 UTC, Seb wrote:
We call them DIP (D Improvement Proposals) and I think it's a 
lot more productive way to discuss improvements than in the 

Eh. I hoped that somewhere in that explosion of discussion on the 
topic the problem had been solved and I had just missed it and 
merely had to use that.

Also this idea is a bit immature for a DIP... I haven't look at 
the regex code beyond the the stack trace it died on.


* Would this even be a Good Idea for a dip or is it better solve 
by another existing means?
* I only inspected and changed one occurrence of decode (the one 
that broke) is there any other route in the regex engine that 
could throw a UTFException?
* Would adding an additional template parameter with default 
break existing code? Or would I have to provide a shim?

Momentary Eh?! for a Dynamic Language Programmmer. Tuples vs Arrays. Just rambling.

2014-06-23 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn
I guess between perl and Ruby and Scheme etc. I got used to 
creating hybrid containers

Want a pair of [string, fileList]? Just make an Array with two 
items, one a string, one and array of strings. Done.

D barfed... leaving me momentarily stunned... then Oh Yes, type 
safety, Tuple's are the answer where Tuples where Tuples...

Eventually found and more 
specifically the somewhat unexpectedly named and off I went...

I do have a personal design guideline of when you adding too much 
behaviour to a heterocontainer, refactor into a class.

But I guess I have never realised how often I do casually create 
heterogenous containers

Just rambling and musing.

Re: Momentary Eh?! for a Dynamic Language Programmmer. Tuples vs Arrays. Just rambling.

2014-06-23 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 21:26:19 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:

More likely what you want are variants:

Hmm. Interesting.

Yes, Variant and VariantArray are much closer to the dynamic 
language semantics...

But the interesting thing is Tuple is much closer to "What I 
Mean" when I create these things.

I probably should used Rubies
but apart from naming the elements it gives me nothing beyond 
more keystrokes to enter.

Tuple is very similar, but also grants type safety.

Re: Momentary Eh?! for a Dynamic Language Programmmer. Tuples vs Arrays. Just rambling.

2014-06-23 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 21:49:29 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Union types are very common (I use them every day), and IMHO 
it's very nice to have them included in the language (either 
built-in or as a library solution). As a library solution I 
would do something like this:

Union!(int, string)[] elements;

Hmm. egrepping through /usr/include/dmd fails to find 
'\bUnion\b', are you sure you don't mean Algebraic?

Re: very short pipeShell program

2014-06-23 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ali, of course, is right. The only thing I'd add is for a 
Windowsy programmer (unless you have cygwin installed) you 
probably want something like "cmd.exe" instead of bash.

Another rambling musing by a Dynamic Programmer - map!

2014-06-23 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn
So in Ruby and R and Scheme and... I have happily used map / 
collect for years and years.

Lovely thing.

So I did the dumb obvious of

   string[] stringList = map!...;

And D barfed, wrong type, some evil voldemort thing again.


   auto stringList = map!;

and we're good..

and happily use it as
   foreach( s; stringList)

Suddenly the words in the map! documentation made sense to me... 
unlike Ruby, map doesn't allocate and populate an array. It just 
returns a lazy range.

No array is allocated (unless I ask for one), it just does the 
lambda when I want it in the foreach!

Cool! Very very cunning. Very light on resources.

I itch to get D working in the OpenEmbedded environment...

Re: Benchmark games, Rust, big ints and Pi

2014-10-19 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 10 February 2014 at 22:19:19 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Your paste has expired / no longer there but the subject has 
come up again...

I thought to take a poke at it from this point of view.

Ruby "wins" the game for shortest code... I wondered whether D 
could score high both on the terse/readable and speed categories.

Do you still have your implementation hanging around?

Prefer Signed or Unsigned in D?

2015-09-01 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

C/C++ discussion here

D rules here...

Re: Prefer Signed or Unsigned in D?

2015-09-02 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 11:03:00 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Tuesday, 1 September 2015 at 23:06:50 UTC, John Carter wrote:

C/C++ discussion here

D rules here...

Everything Bjarne said still applies equally to D code, since 
integer promotion is identical with C from what I understand.

Hmm. What Robert Elder says also applies still. And in my world 
his argument about undefined behavior carries weight.

Bugs that emerge from different optimizations / different 
versions of the compiler / on different CPU's are nightmares in 
my domain.

Here is a bug that existed in the JDK for 9 years (and probably 
in many other places)

So given the advice on mixing unsigned and signed, and the 
complexity of Dominikus's code to get signed and unsigned code to 
compare sanely

Maybe if his code becomes standard in D...

Yup, mixing signed and unsigned is A Bad Thing, and you best go 
with whatever your base libraries give you.

The whole problem
...makes me feel vaguely ill and long for a Numerical Tower.

I really must get around to benchmarking BigInt

Re: Prefer Signed or Unsigned in D?

2015-09-02 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 21:43:17 UTC, ponce wrote:

Additionally, I was said weeks ago on this NG that and signed 
overflow in D is not actually Undefined Behaviour.

Interesting.. The reference is fairly terse on exactly what 
happens, is it more formally specified anywhere? In which case 
Elder's objection melts away for D and becomes explicitly "prefer 
signed for D, but don't mix".

For integral operands, the *, /, and % correspond to multiply, 
divide, and modulus operations. For multiply, overflows are 
ignored and simply chopped to fit into the integral type.