Re: Using C library libsndfile with D

2015-06-25 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn
D has the pragma(lib) feature where you can tell the compiler 
to link with a specific library as well. For example:

  pragma(lib, curl);

I want to try that as soon as I get home from work.

You probably need to make a .lib file from the dll too. The 
implib program does that.

If you don't have it, if you wanna email me the 
libsoundfile.dll program, I'll run it and make the .lib for you.

Your advice and your time is very important for me. I will try to 
run implib. I think it is important to get use to this tool for 
future anyways.

Thanks alot

Re: Filling a char array with letters and element type of char[]

2015-03-04 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

@Tobias @Ali @Jonathan @Steven

Thanks alot for your answers.
I will try to learn as much as I can from them.


Getting the socket information from HTTP and DNS sessions

2015-03-04 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have been ask to write a test tool which initiates 
DNS-HTTP-HTTPS-TCP sessions. And ofcourse I wrote this with D.

For HTTP I used like m_HTTP = 

For DNS I simply used getAddressInfo(m_domainName);

Than tool makes some simple checks  which are npt subjects of 
this thread and the tool works well,

But now I need to make an improvement. I need to get sourceIP(ip 
which program runs), sourcePort( eg: 53212 not 80), destIP, 
destPort(most probably 80) from the session which I initiated.

I need functions like std.socket.localAddress, 
std.socket.remoteAddress for HTTP-DNS but couldn't managed to 
find them.

Is there any way that I can get socket info in HTTP and DNS 
sessions which I initiated?

Kadir Erdem

Filling a char array with letters and element type of char[]

2015-03-03 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have an char[];

char[] strArr =;

I stripped the domain out of url like:

auto domain = findSplitAfter(strArr, http://;)[1].until('/');

Than because I am new to the language I became curious if I 
change domain(which I believe a input iterator); the values of 
strArr will also change or not. I tried to to modify domain like :

fill(domain, 'a');

Which gives error :
cannot deduce function from argument types !()(Until!(a == b, 
char[], char), char)

But if the array is a array of ints it compiles. I believe it 
fails because in compile messages I see

std.algorithm.fill(Range, Value)(Range range, Value filler) if 
(isInputRange!Range  is(typeof(range.front = filler)))


writeln( is(typeof(url.front = 'a')) );  --- false
writeln( is(typeof(intArr.front = 0)) ); --- true(that is why 

I have three questions?

If I change the iterator which I get from algorithm, the owner 
data will change or not?

How to use std.algorithm.fill with char types?

What is the type of char array holds why it does not matches char?

Kadir Erdem

Starting a HTTPS session with D

2015-02-12 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn


We have a network traffic logger module at office.
We need to a tool which creates simple traffic with different 
protocols and test our product's output to see if we parse the 
headers correctly or not.

And of course I proposed writing this tool with D!!!

When it comes to create a HTTP session it is very easy

auto content = get(;

But I couldn't find any examples about https. Do I have to use a 
C library like libcurl for it. Or is there a native way do solve 
my problem.


Re: Starting a HTTPS session with D

2015-02-12 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

get(;, http);

It works as I wanted, thanks a lot .


Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

I can use filter algorithm with my types easily.

struct A
string value;
int count;

void main(  string[] args )
A[] aArr;
aArr  ~= A(HTTP, 3);
aArr  ~= A(HTTPS, 2);
aArr  ~= A(UNKNOWN_TCP, 4);
aArr.filter!( a = a.count == 2);

But I couldn't compile when I want to use reduce algorithm. I 
simply want to get the sum of count variables inside of A[]. 	

auto sum = aArr.reduce!((a,b) = a.count + b.count);

The line above gives

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (__lambda3(result, 
front(_param_1))) of type int to A
Error: template instance app.main.reduce!((a, b) = a.count + 
b.count).reduce!(A, A[]) error instantiating

source\app.d(363):instantiated from here: reduce!(A[])

How can I achieve summing count variables inside A[]?

Best Regards
Kadir Erdem Demir

Ps: The problem caused by my lack of D basics I admit, the reason 
I can't look up references more  before ask question I am in a 
bit tight schedule. Sorry for my dummy questions.

Re: Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

auto sum =!`a.count`.reduce!((a,b) = a + b);

Rikki Thanks a lot. It works.

Function map!a.count(aArr) surprises me a little.
Because when I read std.algorithm reference: `Implements the 
homonym function (also known as transform)`.

Which reminds me C++ transform and it will never used for 
returning a element of the struct.  I expect transform to modify 
the elements of the range but in D it seem to me it also used 
traversing the elements.

How can I imagine what map does in my mind, because it doesn't 
matches with the transform concept in my mind?

Kadir Erdem

Record separator is being lost after string cast

2015-02-04 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am opening a .gz file and reading it chunk by chunk for 
uncompressing it.

The data in the uncompressed file is like : aRSbRScRSd, There are 
record separators(ASCII code 30) between each record(records in 
my dummy example a,b,c).

File file = File(mylog.gz, r);
auto uc = new UnCompress();
foreach (ubyte[] curChunk; file.byChunk(4096*1024))
auto uncompressed = cast(string)uc.uncompress(curChunk);
auto stringRange = uncompressed.splitLines();
foreach (string line; stringRange)
* Do something with line

The result of the code above is: abcd unfortunately record 
separators(ASCII 30) are missing.

I realized by examining the data record separators are missing 
after I cast ubyte[] to string.

Now I have two questions :

Urgent one (my boss already a little disturbed I started the task 
with D I need to solve this): What should I change in the code to 
keep record separator?

Second one : How can I write the code above without for loops? I 
want to read gz file line by line.

A more general and understandable code for first question :

ubyte[] temp = [ 65, 30, 66, 30, 67];
string tempStr = cast(string) temp;
writeln (tempStr);

Result is : ABC which is not desired.

Kadir Erdem

Re: Record separator is being lost after string cast

2015-02-04 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

don't beleive what you see! ;-)

I am sorry make a busy community more busy with false alarms.
When I write to file I saw Record Separator really exists.

I hope my second question is a valid one.
How can I write the code below better? How can I reduce the 
number of foreach? statements.

File file = File(mylog.gz, r);
auto uc = new UnCompress();
foreach (ubyte[] curChunk; file.byChunk(4096*1024))
auto uncompressed = cast(string)uc.uncompress(curChunk);
auto stringRange = uncompressed.splitLines();
foreach (string line; stringRange)

Thanks a lot for replies
Kadir Erdem

Re: Record separator is being lost after string cast

2015-02-04 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks a lot,

I will follow your advise and implement this part same as your 

Kadir Erdem