OPTLINK checkpoint(256)

2015-07-20 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

I was still using 2.066.1.
When I try to build using 2.067.0 or 2.067.1 I get:

--- errorlevel 1

with an Unexpected OPTLINK Termination popup which lists a 
bunch of registers.

I'm not sure how to proceed..

Static function template

2015-05-07 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it not possible to have a static function template with the 
same name as the non-static version?

struct S
int i;

auto foo(T)(int j) {

static auto foo(T)(int j) {
S s;
return s;

void main()
auto s = S.foo!bool(1);

Error: need 'this' for 'foo' of type '(int j)'

Re: Static function template

2015-05-07 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 10:43:28 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 10:39:09 UTC, Daniel Kozák wrote:

On Thu, 07 May 2015 10:33:44 +
Vadim Lopatin via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com wrote:

struct S
int i;

auto foo2(T)(int j) {

static S foo(T)(int j) {
S s;
return s;

void main()
auto s = S.foo!bool(1);

As I said, it is not bug. It is OK. There is no way how you can
distinguish between static and non static methods or even 
field in some



import std.stdio;

struct S
string foo = Please select me?;
string foo() { return (No, select me?); };
	static string foo() { return (I am better than the otters 
:D?); };


void main()
auto s = S();

Well it's clear to me now why it shouldn't work.

However, the error msg is not clear on the problem. Imo it should 
give a conflict error like in your previous example. That would 
make it clear what's happened/allowed.

The current error seemed like it matched the wrong template, 
prompting me to look for a buggy function template implementation.

Template mixin enum stringof

2014-12-10 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

Consider the following:

enum Foo { BAR, }

mixin template S(string s_)
enum s = s_;

void main()
	mixin S!(Foo.BAR.stringof); // Error: identifier 'stringof' of 
'Foo.BAR.stringof' is not defined

enum e = Foo.BAR.stringof;
mixin S!(e); // works fine

Why doesn't the first work? And is there an alternative to the 
second version?

Re: Template mixin enum stringof

2014-12-10 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:08:34 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:52:11 +
Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


Consider the following:

enum Foo { BAR, }

mixin template S(string s_)
enum s = s_;

void main()
	mixin S!(Foo.BAR.stringof); // Error: identifier 'stringof' 
of 'Foo.BAR.stringof' is not defined

enum e = Foo.BAR.stringof;
mixin S!(e); // works fine

Why doesn't the first work? And is there an alternative to the 
second version?

  mixin S!((Foo.BAR).stringof);

sorry, don't remember the parsing rule for this.

Wow, I didn't even consider that.. Thanks!

Re: Template mixin enum stringof

2014-12-10 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:57:07 UTC, Daniel Kozák via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

V Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:35:44 +
Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:08:34 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:52:11 +
 Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


 Consider the following:

 enum Foo { BAR, }
 mixin template S(string s_)

enum s = s_;
 void main()

mixin S!(Foo.BAR.stringof); // Error: identifier
 'stringof' of 'Foo.BAR.stringof' is not defined
 	enum e = Foo.BAR.stringof;

mixin S!(e); // works fine
 Why doesn't the first work? And is there an alternative to 
 the second version?

   mixin S!((Foo.BAR).stringof);

 sorry, don't remember the parsing rule for this.

Wow, I didn't even consider that.. Thanks!

Note: Using .stringof for code generation is not recommended, 
as the
internal representation of a type or expression can change 

different compiler versions.


Ah, thanks for the warning!

Re: Template mixin enum stringof

2014-12-10 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:57:16 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:35:44 +
Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:08:34 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:52:11 +
 Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


 Consider the following:

 enum Foo { BAR, }
 mixin template S(string s_)

enum s = s_;
 void main()

 	mixin S!(Foo.BAR.stringof); // Error: identifier 
 'stringof' of 'Foo.BAR.stringof' is not defined
 	enum e = Foo.BAR.stringof;

mixin S!(e); // works fine
 Why doesn't the first work? And is there an alternative to 
 the second version?

   mixin S!((Foo.BAR).stringof);

 sorry, don't remember the parsing rule for this.

Wow, I didn't even consider that.. Thanks!

also, you can use this:

  import std.conv : to;
  mixin S!(to!string(Foo.BAR));

people tend to forget that many `to!` variants are usable in 

Seems like I'd want to move the converting-to-string 
functionality to within the template mixin then, something like:

mixin template S(T, T t) if (is(T == enum))
//import std.traits;
	//enum s = fullyQualifiedName!(t); // unfortunately this results 
in t

import std.conv: to;
enum s = to!string(t); // this works

mixin S!(Foo, Foo.BAR);

But passing an enum as parameter seems to be somewhat annoying. 
If I leave off the first Foo, then it complains about no-matching 
template for int parameter.

!(Foo, Foo.BAR) seems kinda redundant..

Re: Template mixin enum stringof

2014-12-10 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 14:25:30 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:58:20 +
Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:57:16 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:35:44 +
 Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 


 On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 12:08:34 UTC, ketmar via 
 Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

  On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:52:11 +
  Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn 

  Consider the following:

  enum Foo { BAR, }
  mixin template S(string s_)

enum s = s_;
  void main()

  	mixin S!(Foo.BAR.stringof); // Error: identifier 
  'stringof' of 'Foo.BAR.stringof' is not defined
  	enum e = Foo.BAR.stringof;

mixin S!(e); // works fine
  Why doesn't the first work? And is there an alternative 
  to the second version?

mixin S!((Foo.BAR).stringof);
  sorry, don't remember the parsing rule for this.
 Wow, I didn't even consider that.. Thanks!

 also, you can use this:

   import std.conv : to;
   mixin S!(to!string(Foo.BAR));

 people tend to forget that many `to!` variants are usable in 

Seems like I'd want to move the converting-to-string 
functionality to within the template mixin then, something 

mixin template S(T, T t) if (is(T == enum))
//import std.traits;
	//enum s = fullyQualifiedName!(t); // unfortunately this 
results in t

import std.conv: to;
enum s = to!string(t); // this works

mixin S!(Foo, Foo.BAR);

But passing an enum as parameter seems to be somewhat 
annoying. If I leave off the first Foo, then it complains 
about no-matching template for int parameter.

!(Foo, Foo.BAR) seems kinda redundant..

something like this?

  mixin template S(alias fld) if (is(typeof(fld) == enum))
import std.conv : to;
enum s = to!string(fld); // BAR
// or this:
//import std.traits : fullyQualifiedName;
//enum s = to!string(fullyQualifiedName!(fld)); // 


  enum Foo { BAR, }

  void main()
mixin S!(Foo.BAR);

Perfect, thanks.

Re: alias overloaded function template

2014-11-12 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
The problem is not the alias. The error message is about using 
the same identifier for two different things:

C:\...\temp_0186F968.d(13,1): Error: declaration foo(T)(T t, 
int i) is already defined.
I'm not sure what is giving you that particular error. Without 
the alias it compiles and runs fine for me.

When I wrap them individually in the template statement, it gives:
src\app.d(24): Error: template app.foo cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(int), candidates are:


When I wrap them together, I can indeed alias it, thanks!

What you seem to forget is that the declarations:
void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(T)(T t, int i) {}
are actually a two **Eponymous template** with the same name:
template foo(T){
void foo(T t) {}
template foo(T){
void foo(T t, int i) {}

Yes I had forgotten, assuming I ever knew :)

How to use map?

2014-11-11 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to do something simple like creating an array of 
struct S from a float array via map:

void main()
float[] vals = [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1];

import std.algorithm: map;
auto arr = vals.map!`S(a)`.array;

struct S(T)
T t;

But I get:
Error: undefined identifier S
Error: template instance std.functional.unaryFun!(S(a), 
a).unaryFun!float error instantiating
  instantiated from here: MapResult!(unaryFun, float[])

src\app.d(28):instantiated from here: map!(float[])

If I instead do ie. map!`cast(int)a` it works fine.
What am I missing?

Re: How to use map?

2014-11-11 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

The code you were trying to write:

struct Foo(T) {
T t;

void main() {
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array;

float[] vals = [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1];
auto arr = vals.map!(Foo!float).array;

Sorry, my example had an unneeded template. Simply this (and also 
your code)

struct S
float f;
still results in an undefined identifier.

Re: How to use map?

2014-11-11 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oh, no it doesn't. My bad.

It was all about !(Foo) vs !(`Foo(a)`). Is there somewhere I can 
read more about this?

Re: How to use map?

2014-11-11 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 15:53:37 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Don't know whether it's documented, but it's a consequence of 
using string mixins.

unaryFun (which is used internally by map) is implemented this 

auto unaryFun(ElementType)(auto ref ElementType __a)
mixin(alias  ~ parmName ~  = __a ;);
return mixin(fun);

where `fun` is `Foo(a)`. Of course, `Foo` is not visible in 
std.functional. When you pass in a symbol, the lookup work 
because it takes place at the point of instantiation.

That makes sense, thanks.

alias overloaded function template

2014-11-11 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

D is fine with alias this overloaded function:
void foo(int t) {}
void foo(int t, int i) {}

alias bar = foo;

But isn't as happy aliasing these function templates:
void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(T)(T t, int i) {}

alias bar = foo!int;

Is there some way/other syntax to make an alias like this work? 
Or specify in the alias which function template to use (ie. alias 
bar = foo!int(int)).

Bug when overload function in multiple modules?

2014-08-27 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

I get:
src\app.d(19): Error: None of the overloads of 'foo' are callable 
using argument types (C3), candidates are:

src\app.d(28):main.foo(C1 c)
src\app.d(38):main.foo(C2 c)

It does work when I explicitly import c3.foo.

--- file app.d
module app;

import std.stdio;

import c3;
//import c3:foo; //uncomment this and it works

void main()
C1 c1 = new C1();

C2 c2 = new C2();

C3 c3 = new C3();

class C1
int i;

void foo(C1 c)
c.i = 1;

class C2
int i;

void foo(C2 c)
c.i = 2;

--- file c3.d
module c3;

class C3
int i;

void foo(C3 c)
c.i = 3;

SList: How do I use linearRemove?

2014-06-26 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

module main;

void main()
struct Tree { int apples; }

import std.container;
SList!Tree list;

Tree tree = Tree(5);
//list.linearRemove(tree); // -- Error. What is the correct way?

Re: SList: How do I use linearRemove?

2014-06-26 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn
linearRemove is linear, so I think it accepts a range. Perhaps 
the once range is enough.

I cannot find once in the docs. Did you mean std.range.only?

Error: function std.container.SList!(Tree).SList.linearRemove 
(Range r) is not callable using argument types (OnlyResult!(Tree, 

Re: SList: How do I use linearRemove?

2014-06-26 Thread Lemonfiend via Digitalmars-d-learn

auto s = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto r = s[];
popFrontN(r, 3);
auto r1 = s.linearRemove(r);
assert(s == SList!int(1, 2, 3));

This works:
auto s = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto r = s[];
popFrontN(r, 1);
auto r1 = s.linearRemove(r);

This doesn't (why?):
auto s = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto r = s[];
auto r1 = s.linearRemove(r);

This doesn't (why?):
auto s = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto s2 = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto r = s2[];
popFrontN(r, 1);
auto r1 = s.linearRemove(r);

I am at a loss..