Re: (u)byte calling char overload instead of int

2018-09-01 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 17:17:37 UTC, puffi wrote:

Is it by design that when calling functions with either ubyte 
or byte variables the char overload is called instead of the 
int (or generic) one?

It seems this is by design.

"If two or more functions have the same match level, then partial 
ordering is used to try to find the best match. Partial ordering 
finds the most specialized function."

char is more specialized than int, and since the implicit 
conversion byte->char exists, it is called. Even f(1UL) will call 
f(char) rather than f(long).

Re: Is this a good idea?

2018-09-01 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 16:20:11 UTC, Dr.No wrote:

why move flush to outside the synchronized block?

flush should be thread safe. In general, yiu want as little code 
as possible to run under the lock. Not that important though.

trying out this approach I found to be ok except in some cases, 
the output look like that:


also there's that extra ♪◙ character. Thos sounds memory 
violation somewhere.
This only happens when using parallel. Any guess what's 
possibily happeing?

Hard to say without seeing code. Agree it looks like a race.

Re: Is this a good idea?

2018-08-30 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 August 2018 at 19:59:17 UTC, Dr.No wrote:
I would to process the current block in parallel but priting 
need to be theread-safe so I'm using

foreach(x; parallel(arr)) {
   auto a = f(x);
   auto res = g(a);
   synchronized {

Since f() and g() are some heavy functions, I'd like to process 
in parallel but the printing (doesn't need to respect order but 
must be thread-safe) hence I'm using synchronized. Is this 
counter-productive in any way?

I don't see any problem with that assuming f and g are 
significantly more expensive than writeln. The flush can be moved 
outside the synchronized block.

Re: Parallelizing factorial computation

2018-08-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 13:04:47 UTC, Uknown wrote:
I was quite surprised by the fact that parallel ran so much 
slower than recursive and loop implementations. Does anyone 
know why?

n = 100 is too small to see parallelism gains.

Try n = 1

Patterns to avoid GC with capturing closures?

2018-08-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

Consider this code, which is used as an example only:

auto scaleAll(int[] xs, int m) {
  return!(x => m * x);

As m is captured, the delegate for map will rightly allocate the 
closure in the GC heap.

In C++, you would write the lambda to capture m by value, but 
this is not a facility in D.

I can write scaleAll like this:

auto scaleAll(int[] xs, int m) @nogc {
  return repeat(m).zip(xs).map!(mx => mx[0] * mx[1]);

So that repeat(m) stores m, but it is quite hacky to work like 

I could write my own range that does this, but this is also not 

Are there any established patterns, libraries, or language 
features that can help avoid the GC allocation in a principled 
way here?

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 21:33:51 UTC, Kenny wrote:
The above code snippet works correctly when I use LDC compiler 
(it finds expected 'f' value and prints it to console). I'm 
wondering is it a bug in DMD?

p.s. the final code used by both compilers:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)
const float eps = 1.0f;
float f = 0.0f;
while (f + eps != f)
f += 1.0f;

writeln("eps = ", eps, ", max_f = ", f);
return 0;

Intermediate calculations may be performed at higher precision 
than the precision of the values themselves. In particular, the f 
+ eps may be performed with 80 bits of precision, even though 
both values are 32-bit. The comparison will then fail.

The reason for the difference between DMD and LDC is that DMD 
tends to use the FPU more with 80 bits of precision, whereas LDC 
and GDC will use the SSE2 instructions, which only support 32-bit 
and 64-bit precision.

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 23:06:15 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:46:56 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

1.0 is famously not representable exactly.

1.0 is representable exactly, though.

I think he meant 0.1 :-)

Re: Shared and GC

2015-01-15 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 17:05:32 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 15:31:17 UTC, Peter Alexander 
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 15:24:55 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
That would be nice, because then a precise garbage collector 
could choose between local collection scans and global 
collection scans.

I think something like this is part of the plan, but shared 
semantics are still up in the air.

That sounds like a very important aspect of a plan to get fast 
GC without completely changing the language and non-gc 

I've looked at bit at how to do a fast stop-the-thread GC. 
Estimates on what the hardware supports (bandwidth and cache 
performance) suggests that it is possible to get acceptable 
rates for not-densely-linked heaps with some tweaks to 

- shared-awareness in new-expressions to support local 

- removing class-destructors

- locating traceable pointers to the same cachelines in class 
instances (negative offsets is the easy solution)

Then you cn use a ache-optimized collector using batched 
non-caching queues with prefetching to get bitmaps that fits in 
1st level cache without wrecking the cache for other threads 
and having collection dominated by cache misses.

Yah, this was all discussed at length not that long ago, although 
I can't find the thread just now.

Re: Shared and GC

2015-01-15 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 15:24:55 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

I am trying to understand the idea behind "shared" typing fully.

If I am only allowed to share objects with another thread if it 
is typed "shared", doesn't that imply that it should be 
allocated as shared too and only be allowed to contain pointers 
to "shared"?

Yes, shared is transitive.

struct S { int* p; }
void main() {
S s1;
shared S s2 = s1;  // error, but ok if p is int.

That would be nice, because then a precise garbage collector 
could choose between local collection scans and global 
collection scans.

I think something like this is part of the plan, but shared 
semantics are still up in the air.

Re: Copy only frame pointer between objects of nested struct

2015-01-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 23:32:25 UTC, Artur Skawina via
That shows a static struct, so I'm not sure it's the same 

static structs with template alias parameters to local symbols 
count as nested structs.

Your solution would likely work, but yes, I'm looking for 
something less hacky :-)

Copy only frame pointer between objects of nested struct

2015-01-06 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn


auto foo(T)(T a) {
T b;  // Error: cannot access frame pointer of main.X[] = 1;
return b;

void main() {
struct X {
this(int) {}
int[4096] data;

Note the error is because you cannot construct the main.X object 
without a frame pointer.

You could do `T b = a` here to get a's frame pointer, but it 
would also copy all of a's data, which is expensive and 

Is there a way to only copy a's frame pointer into b?

(Note: this is just an illustrative example, real problem here:

Re: What exactly shared means?

2015-01-02 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 January 2015 at 23:51:05 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
The rule (in C(++) at least) is that all data is assumed to be 
visible and mutable from multiple other threads unless proved 
otherwise. However, given that you do not write a race, the 
compiler will provide full sequential consistency. If you do 
write a race though, all bets are off.

The memory is visible and mutable, but that's pretty much the 
only guarantee you get. Without synchronization, there's no 
guarantee a write made by thread A will ever be seen by thread B, 
and vice versa.

Analogously in D, if a thread modifies a __gshared variable, 
there's no guarantees another thread will ever see that 
modification. The variable isn't thread local, but it's almost as 
if the compiler to treat it that way.

These relaxed guarantees allow the compiler to keep variables in 
registers, and re-order memory writes. These optimizations are 
crucial to performance.

Re: Initialization of nested struct fields

2015-01-01 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 January 2015 at 00:08:02 UTC, anonymous wrote:
Apparently dmd thinks that the result of f must be a nested 
struct. I.e. it needs a context pointer. And I guess hell would 
break loose if you'd use a nested struct with a null context 
pointer. At least when the context pointer is actually used, 
unlike here.

Ah, I see. So the problem is that the nested struct doesn't 
really have a sensible default value, meaning you must initialize 
it explicitly in the constructor.

Thanks for the clarification.

Initialization of nested struct fields

2015-01-01 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn
Can someone please explain this behaviour? I find it totally 

auto f(T)(T x) {
struct S {
T y;
this(int) { }
return S(0);

void main() {

Error: constructor f376.f!(S).f.S.this field y must be 
initialized in constructor, because it is nested struct

Why must y be initialized in the constructor? It isn't const. Why 
isn't it default initialized?

Is this explained anywhere in the docs? I can't see anything in 
the nested struct section, or in any constructor section.

Re: Can the order in associative array change when keys are not midified?

2015-01-01 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 1 January 2015 at 13:13:10 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 1/1/15, Idan Arye via Digitalmars-d-learn

If I have an associative array and I only modify it's values,
without changing the keys, can I assume that the order won't

Associative arrays are not ordered at all.

See the first note here:

The order is unspecified, but an iteration must iterate in *some* 
order. The question (if I've understood it correctly), is whether 
that order of iteration changes when the keys aren't changed.

The spec doesn't say anything about this, although I would expect 
in practice that the order will not change.

I've added a bug to track this omission from the spec:

Re: readln with buffer fails

2014-10-29 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

You need to take a slice of the buffer:

char[] buf = Input[];
// line now in buf

The reason for this is because you need to know where the string 
ends. If you just passed in Input, how would you know how long 
the line read was?

Re: Reflections on isPalindrome

2014-10-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 October 2014 at 21:56:20 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

bool isPalindrome(R)(in R range) @safe pure

Aside: for templates, just let the compiler infer @safe and pure. 
You don't know whether the range operations on R are pure or not.

As for the actual algorithm, there's no need for the random 
access version, and you bidirectional version does twice as much 
as necessary:

Just do:

while (!range.empty)
  if (range.front != range.back) return false;
  if (range.empty) break;
return true;

This automatically handles narrow strings.

Further, I would like to extend isPalindrome() with a minimum 
length argument minLength that for string and wstring does

import std.uni: byDchar;
range.byDchar.array.length >= minLength.

AFAIK this will however prevent my algorithm from being 
single-pass right?

I'm not sure what you are saying here, but hopefully the above 
code obviates this anyway.

Re: Are there desktop appications being developed in D currently?

2014-08-09 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 August 2014 at 00:34:43 UTC, Puming wrote:
Yes, rust is a more infantile language compared to D, but 
people are already using them to create complicate applications 
like browser!

Rust was designed to build Servo. The people building Servo are 
the people building Rust. With all due respect to Rust, I don't 
think that counts as endorsement of the language.

Re: spawnProcess command-line arguments help

2014-08-04 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 23:48:09 UTC, Martin wrote:
When I use the spawnProcess function in std.process, the 
command line arguments that I provide to the function seem to 
get "quoted".

I can't reproduce this on OS X with 2.066rc1 (args are unquoted).

Can someone else check Windows? Sounds like a bug to me.

Re: How to test templates for equality?

2014-06-30 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

template Foo(T...) {}
template Bar(T...) {}

template isFoo(alias F)
enum isFoo = __traits(isSame, F, Foo);

pragma(msg, isFoo!Foo); // true
pragma(msg, isFoo!Bar); // false

Re: Compiler support for T(n) notation for initialization of variables

2014-06-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

Well, it doesn't work in 2.065, so must be 2.066 :-)

P.S. thanks for letting me know about this feature. I had no idea 
it was going in!

Re: Why function template 'among' is of complexity O(1) and not O(n)?

2014-02-19 Thread Peter Alexander

On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 09:46:04 UTC, Gopan wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 09:09:25 UTC, Tobias Pankrath
It's O(k) with k = vals.length, which is the number of 
arguments given to the function, which is a compile time 
constant and not dependent on any input of the final program. 
In O(n) the n always relates to the input somehow.

I agree that vals.length is known at compile time.  But while 
running the application, it iterates through every val in the 
input list until a match is found.

So, how can that be considered O(1)?


Or, is my undertanding about Big-O notation of complexity wrong?

Your understanding is probably fine. It's just one of those 
technicalities which is a bit misleading.

The algorithm is O(vals.length), there's no arguing about that, 
but since vals.length is a constant, it's also O(1) because O(1) 
= O(2) = O(1,000,000) = O(k) for any constant k.

If you want to get even more anal about it, searching an array is 
technically O(1) because an array cannot be bigger than 
size_t.max, and since size_t.max is a constant, O(size_t.max) is 
O(1). Again, completely misleading but technically correct in an 
esoteric, academic way.

Re: std.algorithm.splitter improovement?

2013-12-14 Thread Peter Alexander

On Saturday, 14 December 2013 at 16:00:06 UTC, seany wrote:
the std.algorithm.splitter returns a blank or null (eg a null 
string "") between two consecuting delimeters.

for example, splitting "hello  world" (two spaces between 
words) will return ["hello" , "", "world"]

is there an improoved version of it, which wont return such a 
blank/null when multiple delimeters are found consecutively? (i 
tried to search the tango for d2, but i was not successful, 
should there be one like this already, it must have escaped my 

Just filter out the empty ranges:

r.splitter().filter!(x => !x.empty)

Re: join of range of ranges?

2013-09-22 Thread Peter Alexander
On Sunday, 22 September 2013 at 18:13:39 UTC, Peter Alexander 

On Sunday, 22 September 2013 at 14:26:14 UTC, bearophile wrote:

   auto r2 = [1, 2]
 .map!(x => [1, 2].map!(y => '*'))

The problem is that you are trying to map a range of range of 
chars with a range of dchars.

This could also be solved by having join return an array of the 
CommonType of the elements of both ranges.

Re: join of range of ranges?

2013-09-22 Thread Peter Alexander

On Sunday, 22 September 2013 at 14:26:14 UTC, bearophile wrote:

auto r2 = [1, 2]
  .map!(x => [1, 2].map!(y => '*'))

The problem is that you are trying to map a range of range of 
chars with a range of dchars.

auto r2 = [1, 2]
  .map!(x => [1, 2].map!(y => cast(dchar)'*'))

This works.

I really wish character literals in D where always dchar.

Re: Switch and break

2012-01-19 Thread Peter Alexander

On 19/01/12 9:55 PM, RenatoL wrote:

Just curious: why in D we are not obligated to use break in every
branch of a swicth structure? That is:
switch (i)
case 1:
writeln("You wrote 1");
case 2:
writeln("You wrote 2");
case 3:
writeln("You wrote 3");
writeln("I said: 1 or 2 or 3!");

is good in D, while, for example, similar code in C# is incorrect
and if you want to play with fall through you have to make some
trick. Again this behaviour of D seems a bit buggy, to me. Are
there design reasons?

Consistency with C and C++ mainly.

Some people find it convenient, but it is unarguably a frequent source 
of bugs that we could do without.

Re: Get name of enum val at compile-time?

2012-01-15 Thread Peter Alexander

On 15/01/12 10:29 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 22:19, Timon Gehr  wrote:


Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)

I suspect a better error message would have prevented this.
DMD still has some potential of improvement in that area. =)

In that case, to!(Origin, Target) could be extended to deal with
It's been a long time since I last looked at, but maybe:

template to(T)
 T to(A...)(A args)
 static if (A.length)
 return toImpl!T(args);
 static assert(false, "Trying to use to!("~T.stringof~")
with no argument. What were you trying to do?");

The compiler should be able to give you a better error message. It 
shouldn't be the responsibility of the programmer to provide sensible 
error messages when you call a function with the wrong number of arguments.

Re: Fixed matrix rows joining

2012-01-15 Thread Peter Alexander

On 15/01/12 2:19 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I guess join() could be specialized for static arrays and then just do
a dup and a cast? Would that work ok?

There should be no need to allocate extra memory to do this.

Re: A tutorial on D templates

2012-01-13 Thread Peter Alexander

On 13/01/12 10:48 PM, DNewbie wrote:

I can't understand it. Why would someone need template programming. What 
problem does template solve?

Suppose you want to write a function to get the minimum of two integers. 
It's easy:

int min(int a, int b)
return a < b ? a : b;

Suppose then you want to use it with floats. You now need to write 
another function.

float min(float a, float b)
return a < b ? a : b;

Suppose you then want to use it with doubles, reals, complex numbers, 
strings etc. etc.  You would quickly get tired of writing these 
functions, and more importantly you would likely make mistakes at some 

Templates allow you to solve this problem by writing the function once 
with placeholders for types:

T min(T)(T a, T b)
return a < b ? a : b;

This will work for ints, floats, doubles... Anything that has a < 
operator will work.

There's much more you can do with templates, but that's the fundamental 
problem that they solve.

Re: Is this really a bug?

2012-01-06 Thread Peter Alexander

On 7/01/12 1:19 AM, Daniel wrote:

Hi, I've read on Bugzilla Issue 6398 that this is a bug:

static int value;
ref foo(){ printf("getter\n"); return value; }
ref foo(int x){ printf("setter\n"); value = x; return value; }

void main(){ foo = 1; }  // Should print "setter", but print "getter" in 2.054

But, this is pretty convenient syntax, no? That way you could implement only 
one function foo() and use it as setter and getter.

I'm a bit confused about it.


It is convenient syntax, but sometimes you want the getter to return a 
ref, but want the setter to do something different to "getter() = x". 
This bug says that there is no way to override a ref returning getter 
with a custom setter.

Re: An issue with lazy delegates

2012-01-06 Thread Peter Alexander

On 5/01/12 5:26 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

The first call doesn't do anything because the delegate is wrapped
inside of another delegate. I want this template to be versatile
enough to be used by both lazy expressions and delegate literals, but
I don't know how.

void test(T)(lazy T dg)
static if (is(T == delegate))

void main()
test( writeln("a") );
test( { writeln("b"); } );

Re: Cartesian product of ranges?

2012-01-01 Thread Peter Alexander

On 14/12/11 9:21 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 12/14/2011 09:14 PM, Justin Whear wrote:

I've looked through std.algorithm and std.range, but haven't found
to compute the Cartesian product of several ranges. I have the nagging
feeling that this can be accomplished by combining several of the range
transformations in the standard library.

What I'm after is something like this:

alias Tuple!(int, string) P;
cartesianProduct([1, 2], ["a", "b"]),
[ P(1, "a"), P(1, "b"), P(2, "a"), P(2, "b") ]

auto cartesianProduct(R,S)(R r, S s)if(isInputRange!R && isForwardRange!S){
struct CartesianProduct{
private{R r; S s, startS;}
this(R r, S s){this.r=r; this.s=s;;}
@property auto front(){return tuple(r.front, s.front);}
@property bool empty(){return r.empty;}
void popFront(){
s =;
static if(isForwardRange!R):
@property auto save(){return typeof(this)(,;}
return CartesianProduct(r,s);

The implementation of this was discussed at length a while ago.

The obvious implementation that you have above was presented, but Andrei 
was unhappy that it didn't work well with infinite ranges. Some schemes 
were investigated so that the products of two infinite ranges could 
would get better sampling, but the whole thing got stuck in analysis 
paralysis and nothing ever happened.

What you have above should be added into Phobos. If people want the 
product of infinite ranges then they can just to it manually.

Re: auto

2011-11-26 Thread Peter Alexander

On 24/11/11 10:38 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

But I bet you would waste more memory at compile-time if you had to
type a long template instance name instead of using auto. We're
talkin' bytes here!

Actually, using `auto` should be faster because the compiler doesn't 
need to do any name lookup.

auto x = foo(); // deduce type of Foo and use that

Foo x = foo(); // find out what 'Foo' refers to, but also deduce type of 
foo() and then do type checking.

Aligning data in memory / on the stack

2011-09-16 Thread Peter Alexander

Can anyone help me with this?


Is there a way to align data on the stack? In particular, I want to 
create an 16-byte aligned array of floats to load into XMM registers 
using movaps, which is significantly faster than movups.


void foo()
float[4] v = [1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f];
movaps XMM0, v; // v must be 16-byte aligned for this to work.

Re: NaCl stable ABI

2011-08-03 Thread Peter Alexander

On 2/08/11 2:24 AM, Adam Ruppe wrote:

 From what I can tell, it's Google's alternative to Flash; they want
to make crappy games on it.

Consider that the first thing they ported to it, again, just like
their javascript nonsense, was Quake. (I think Google loves
Javascript too much to let it go anyway.)

The API has a lot of graphics and audio stuff too which reinforces

The games industry has been crying out for something like NaCl for a 
long time. It is exactly what we want:

- Ability to launch games within browser without a plugin download
- Platform independent ABI
- No f*cking Javascript (performance will never match C++)
- Safe (no need for end users to worry)

JavaScript for high-quality games is a non-starter. It's too slow. You 
simply cannot do high performance numeric code in Javascript 

Writing C++ code to run outside of the browser is a pain, and 
inconvenient for the user. First, you have to write your code to handle 
all the different platforms, which is a huge burden. Once you've done 
that, you need to convince users to download and install your game. It 
would be much more convenient to just have users go a website and be 
done with it.

If D were usable in NaCl that would be a huge selling point for the 

Linker errors on OSX

2011-06-19 Thread Peter Alexander
I've been having strange linker errors recently and I have no ideas why 
they've started happening.

When compiling/linking:

  import std.stdio;
  void main() { writeln("Hello"); }

with DMD 2.053 I get linker error:

  Undefined symbols:
  "_D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv", referenced from:
  in test.o
  ld: symbol(s) not found
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

My first thought was that it isn't linking with phobos, but compiling 
with -v confirms that it is:

  gcc test.o -o test -m32 -Xlinker 
-L/Library/Compilers/dmd2/osx/bin/../lib -lphobos2 -lpthread -lm

My GCC version is 4.2.1

  $ gcc --version
  i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
  Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There 
  is NO

I've tried re-downloading DMD again, but this didn't work.

It appeared to start happening after running an update of all my 
outdated packages in MacPorts, but I can't be sure that that's the issue.

Any help tracking down the problem would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Running DMD tests

2011-06-13 Thread Peter Alexander

I'm trying to run the test suite for DMD, but I'm running into issues.

I've cloned dmd from github, and successfully built dmd, but when I run 
'make' from the dmd/test dir, I get:

  $ make
  Creating output directory: test_results
  Building d_do_test tool
  object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot
  be read
  Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch
  make: *** [test_results/d_do_test] Error 1

Do I need to set up my environment differently to run dmd in 
development? How can I get around this?

Note: I'm running OSX 10.6.7


Re: "not an lvalue"

2011-05-01 Thread Peter Alexander

On 1/05/11 2:53 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Ehm.. Well, first things first: you shouldn't use classes for
lightweight & plain data things like vectors. There are structs for
that. In general, structs are value-like objects living on the stack
while classes are reference-like objects living on the heap. Your
current code is going to allocate on GC heap new vector in every
GetColumn and I suspect also when adding two vectors.

structs don't live on the stack. They live wherever they are told to. In 
fact most structs will live in the heap as parts of class objects, or 
other heap-allocated objects such as dynamic arrays or AAs. The stack is 
for local variables and other things to do with the local scope.

While struct objects *can* go on the stack, it is false to say that 
structs live on the stack and classes live on the heap. The type of an 
object (value type or reference type) is orthogonal to its storage 
location and the two should not be conflated.

Re: "not an lvalue"

2011-05-01 Thread Peter Alexander

On 1/05/11 2:30 PM, CrypticMetaphor wrote:

Hi, I've been away from D for a while, but now I'm back and I'm stuck
with an compile time error.

I've got a Matrix33 class and a Vector3 class, but something is wrong
with the way I return my Vector3 in my matrix class:

If I do this I get an error:

Matrix33 mtest = new Matrix33();
Vector3 test1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 test2 = test + mtest.GetColumn(2);

I get the error "Error: mtest.GetColumn(x) is not an lvalue"

But the following works:

Matrix33 mtest = new Matrix33();
Vector3 test1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 temp = mtest.GetColumn(2);
Vector3 test2 = test + temp;

// GetColumn method
// ...

/// Get a matrix column, horizontal line
Vector3 GetColumn(uint index)
assert(!(index > 2), "index is too high");
return new Vector3(cell[index * 3], cell[index * 3 + 1], cell[index * 3
+ 2]);
// ...

My questions:
What changes do I have to make to make the first example compile?

My guess is that your Vector3.opBinary!"+" is taking "ref" arguments 
instead of just taking them by value. Can you show us that function?

Re: Should writef try to statically check for format specifiers?

2011-04-26 Thread Peter Alexander

On 11/04/11 9:35 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I realize runtime checks would be out of the question...

debug doRuntimeCheck();


Re: Ranges

2011-03-18 Thread Peter Alexander

On 18/03/11 5:53 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, March 18, 2011 03:32:35 spir wrote:

On 03/18/2011 10:29 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:

On 13/03/11 12:05 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

So, when you're using a range of char[] or wchar[], you're really using
a range of dchar. These ranges are bi-directional. They can't be
sliced, and they can't be indexed (since doing so would likely be
invalid). This generally works very well. It's exactly what you want in
most cases. The problem is that that means that the range that you're
iterating over is effectively of a different type than
the original char[] or wchar[].

This has to be the worst language design decision /ever/.

You can't just mess around with fundamental principles like "the first
element in an array of T has type T" for the sake of a minor
convenience. How are we supposed to do generic programming if common
sense reasoning about types doesn't hold?

This is just std::vector  from C++ all over again. Can we not learn
from mistakes of the past?

I partially agree, but. Compare with a simple ascii text: you could iterate
over it chars (=codes=bytes), words, lines... Or according to specific
schemes for your app (eg reverse order, every number in it, every word at
start of line...). A piece of is not only a stream of codes.

The problem is there is no good decision, in the case of char[] or wchar[].
We should have to choose a kind of "natural" sense of what it means to
iterate over a text, but there no such thing. What does it *mean*? What is
the natural unit of a text?
Bytes or words are code units which mean nothing. Code units (<->  dchars)
are not guaranteed to mean anything neither (as shown by past discussion:
a code unit may be the base 'a', the following one be the composite '^',
both in "â"). Code unit do not represent "characters" in the common sense.
So, it is very clear that implicitely iterating over dchars is a wrong
choice. But what else? I would rather get rid of wchar and dchar and deal
with plain stream of bytes supposed to represent utf8. Until we get a good
solution to operate at the level of "human" characters.

Iterating over dchars works in _most_ cases. Iterating over chars only works for
pure ASCII. The additional overhead for dealing with graphemes instead of code
points is almost certainly prohibitive, it _usually_ isn't necessary, and we
don't have an actualy grapheme solution yet. So, treating char[] and wchar[] as
if their elements were valid on their own is _not_ going to work. Treating them
along with dchar[] as ranges of dchar _mostly_ works. We definitely should have 
way to handle them as ranges of graphemes for those who need to, but the code
point vs grapheme issue is nowhere near as critical as the code unit vs code
point issue.

I don't really want to get into the whole unicode discussion again. It has been
discussed quite a bit on the D list already. There is no perfect solution. The
current solution _mostly_ works, and, for the most part IMHO, is the correct
solution. We _do_ need a full-on grapheme handling solution, but a lot of stuff
doesn't need that and the overhead for dealing with it would be prohibitive. The
main problem with using code points rather than graphemes is the lack of
normalization, and a _lot_ of string code can get by just fine without that.

So, we have a really good 90% solution and we still need a 100% solution, but
using the 100% all of the time would almost certainly not be acceptable due to
performance issues, and doing stuff by code unit instead of code point would be
_really_ bad. So, what we have is good and will likely stay as is. We just need
a proper grapheme solution for those who need it.

- Jonathan M Davis

P.S. Unicode is just plain ugly :(

I must be missing something, because the solution seems obvious to me:

char[], wchar[], and dchar[] should be simple arrays like int[] with no 
unicode semantics.

string, wstring, and dstring should not be aliases to arrays, but 
instead should be separate types that behave the way char[], wchar[], 
and dchar[] do currently.

Is there any problem with this approach?

Re: Ranges

2011-03-18 Thread Peter Alexander

On 13/03/11 12:05 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

So, when you're using a range of char[] or wchar[], you're really using a range
of dchar. These ranges are bi-directional. They can't be sliced, and they can't
be indexed (since doing so would likely be invalid). This generally works very
well. It's exactly what you want in most cases. The problem is that that means
that the range that you're iterating over is effectively of a different type 
the original char[] or wchar[].

This has to be the worst language design decision /ever/.

You can't just mess around with fundamental principles like "the first 
element in an array of T has type T" for the sake of a minor 
convenience. How are we supposed to do generic programming if common 
sense reasoning about types doesn't hold?

This is just std::vector from C++ all over again. Can we not learn 
from mistakes of the past?

Re: Double-dispatch

2011-02-16 Thread Peter Alexander

On 13/02/11 9:32 PM, Sean Eskapp wrote:

== Quote from bearophile ('s article

Sean Eskapp:

Is there a nicer way to do this in D, or am I stuck with the same thing?

Andrei has recently said no one needs double dispatch (in D) :-) So Andrei will

be interested in your use case.


The age-old collision handling problem is how I'm using it.

Use a 2D array of function pointers, with the indices coming from unique 
IDs on the shapes.

Re: Starting with D

2011-02-07 Thread Peter Alexander

On 6/02/11 11:35 PM, Julius wrote:

Hi there,
i'm all new to D but not new to programming in general.
I'd like to try D but i didn't find a nice tutorial yet.
I don't want to read a whole book, I just want to get the basics so I can start.
Can you help me find something like that?

Best regards, Julius

What languages do you know already? If it's one of C++, C#, or Java, you 
might just be able to jump right in, and just reference the website 
every now and then for specifics.

Setting thread priority

2011-02-05 Thread Peter Alexander
How do you set the priority of a thread, or otherwise control how much 
CPU time it gets?

It appears that std.thread had an answer for this, but it has been 
removed from Phobos by the looks of things.

On a side note, why is std.thread still in the online documentation if 
it was removed long ago? What's the point of having a tool to 
automatically generate documentation if we're going to have out of date 
docs anyway?

Re: Asynchronous concurrency with reference types

2011-02-05 Thread Peter Alexander

On 4/02/11 11:44 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Peter Alexander Wrote:

How would you do it with message passing though? As I understand, all of
the std.concurrency message passing routines are blocking, and I need
this to be asynchronous.

What do you mean by blocking?  The receive call will block until a message 
matching one of the supplied types arrives, but if you don't like this you can 
always use receiveTimeout.  send() doesn't deep copy objects, so the only 
reference types send() will currently accept are those labeled as shared or 
immutable (Unique!T will probably be added at some point, which is more 
appropriate for your situation).  So to use send() known unique reference data 
you'll have to cast to/from shared or immutable.  Nasty, but it'll work.

That's what I meant by blocking (receive).

Is using receiveTimeout with a timeout of 0 seconds the D-way of 
asynchronous message passing? (seems a bit hacky to me).

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Asynchronous concurrency with reference types

2011-02-05 Thread Peter Alexander

On 5/02/11 12:11 AM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Peter Alexander Wrote:

Things might be easier if the error messages associated with D's
concurrent features weren't especially unhelpful (for example, trying to
spawn a thread with reference type parameters just gives you a 'no match
for spawn template' error). It's nice that it stops you from doing such
things, but it would be nice if it told me why it's not going to let me
do them.

Could you provide an example?  When passing reference data, the error you should see is: 
"Aliases to mutable thread-local data not allowed."  It's a static assert 
inside send().

Now that I've investigated a bit more, it appears to be unrelated to 
reference types, and instead was an error about using a nested function:

import std.concurrency;
void main()
  void foo() {}

test.d(5): Error: template std.concurrency.spawn(T...) does not match 
any function template declaration
test.d(5): Error: template std.concurrency.spawn(T...) cannot deduce 
template function from argument types !()(void delegate())


Why does it think that the function is a delegate?

Re: Asynchronous concurrency with reference types

2011-02-04 Thread Peter Alexander

On 4/02/11 8:42 PM, spir wrote:

On 02/04/2011 07:18 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:

I would like to be able to spawn a thread, which does a lot of work,
and then
returns (in some way) the result of its computations to the main
thread. I
would really like to avoid copying its results if possible.

Logically, what I would like is something like this:

class LotsOfData { ... }

void doStuff(LotsOfData d) { ... }

shared(LotsOfData[]) data;

void main()
spawn( &doWork );
foreach (d; data)

void doWork()
LotsOfData d = new LotsOfData;
// lots of computation on d
data ~= d;

Essentially, the work that doWork does needs to be returned to the
main thread
asynchronously, and obviously in a thread-safe manner.

What's the best way to do this? The above won't work because ~= isn't
so you can't do it on shared data.

(I have few exp in the paradigm, so don't believe me.)

It seems your problem is a typical case that cannot be safe as is.
Essentially, IIUC, you want a shared set of data to be fed (more
generally: mutated) from a thread, while another thread (here, the main
one) processes bits of it. How can this be correct as is --except as you
say if mutating operations were atomic?
I think in such a case you /must/ have a communication protocal between
both tasks/threads. It is not due to language features (present ot not,
this or that way) but to the problem itself. Correct me if I'm wrong,


You may be right, I don't know (that's why I'm asking!)

I was hoping that I would be able to do something using synchronized 
classes, but I'm not fully up to speed with how they interact with 
shared and immutable, and all the semantics associated with it. I 
understand that passing immutable value types around is very easy, but 
unfortunately that's rarely practical.

Things might be easier if the error messages associated with D's 
concurrent features weren't especially unhelpful (for example, trying to 
spawn a thread with reference type parameters just gives you a 'no match 
for spawn template' error). It's nice that it stops you from doing such 
things, but it would be nice if it told me why it's not going to let me 
do them.

Re: Asynchronous concurrency with reference types

2011-02-04 Thread Peter Alexander

On 4/02/11 8:23 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

Peter Alexander Wrote:

Essentially, the work that doWork does needs to be returned to the main
thread asynchronously, and obviously in a thread-safe manner.

What's the best way to do this? The above won't work because ~= isn't
atomic, so you can't do it on shared data.

Disclaimer: I don't really do much with threading/concurrency.

You might look at using parallelfuture, the library to be added to Phobos as 
parallelism. An example similar to yours, though instead of the doWork getting 
a thread it is the doStuff function, and this example is for a call center:

Call =>  LoadsOfData
callGenerator =>  doWork
Threed.sleep =>  doStuff

You will probably also want to return an Immutable Call from callGenerator, 
that should result in a non-copy share (Though maybe it already does that).

You may also want to look at std.concurrency and make use of message passing.

Hopefully this are a good starting place.

Thanks, I'll take a look at parallelism.

How would you do it with message passing though? As I understand, all of 
the std.concurrency message passing routines are blocking, and I need 
this to be asynchronous.

Asynchronous concurrency with reference types

2011-02-04 Thread Peter Alexander
I would like to be able to spawn a thread, which does a lot of work, and 
then returns (in some way) the result of its computations to the main 
thread. I would really like to avoid copying its results if possible.

Logically, what I would like is something like this:

class LotsOfData { ... }

void doStuff(LotsOfData d) { ... }

shared(LotsOfData[]) data;

void main()
  spawn( &doWork );
foreach (d; data)

void doWork()
  LotsOfData d = new LotsOfData;
  // lots of computation on d
  data ~= d;

Essentially, the work that doWork does needs to be returned to the main 
thread asynchronously, and obviously in a thread-safe manner.

What's the best way to do this? The above won't work because ~= isn't 
atomic, so you can't do it on shared data.

Re: Development blog? D news?

2011-01-17 Thread Peter Alexander

On 17/01/11 8:16 AM, bioinfornatics wrote:

will be great if we have a planet. An example here :
A planet it is a web page who feed several blog, user can use a cms for to 
write a blog like Dotclear, wordpress ...

Problem is: it's not very active, and also, apparently people don't know 
about it :-)

Development blog? D news?

2011-01-17 Thread Peter Alexander

Take a look at the website (either digitalmars, or d-programming-language).

There is absolutely no indication on those sites that the D language is 
actually going anywhere. Other than version numbers on the downloads, 
nothing changes. Outsiders have no idea what's going on.

Here's a suggestion: Why not start a development blog, on the home page 
of, or that Walter and/or 
Andrei (maybe anyone working on D) post to regularly? Things are always 
being discussed inside the news groups, and I'm sure other people would 
like to read about your thoughts on language and library design. More 
importantly though, it would show that the language is actively under 
development, and would get people excited about D.

I know that Walter and Andrei often post articles on Infomit or DDJ, but 
what's the point of linking people away from the actual D sites? Get 
people linking here.

One potential problem with this is that both websites seem to be raw 
HTML hacked together with no CMS to be found. I would recommend just 
starting over at with a Joomla install (or 
something similar). You could easily have it all set up in under a day. 
I'm no web-guru, but I could help out if needed.

P.S. Whoever is responsible for, please use The 'Library Reference' link has been broken 
for a while now, which is unacceptable when there's a free tool out 
there that will tell you about it.

Re: Initialising arrays at compile time

2011-01-02 Thread Peter Alexander

On 2/01/11 2:16 PM, bearophile wrote:

Is this good enough?

struct Vec {
 double[2] e;

 static enum Vec zero = Vec([0.0, 0.0]);

 this(real x, real y) {
 e[0] = x;
 e[1] = y;

Well it works, so yes :-)

That's quite irritating. Why does the automatically generated one work, 
but not the hand written one. Grrr...

I also discovered that this works:

enum Vec zero = Vec([0.0, 0.0]);

this(double[2] v)
  foreach (size_t i, ref r; e)
r = v[i];

Which works in the general case of an arbitrary sized vector.

Initialising arrays at compile time

2011-01-02 Thread Peter Alexander
Ok, someone put me out of my misery, I can't figure out for the life of 
me how to do this. Basically, I have a vector class and want enums for 
the zero vectors:

struct Vec
  this(real x, real y) { e[0] = x; e[1] = y; }
  real[2] e;
  enum Vec zero = Vec(0, 0);

What can I do?

The above doesn't work because:

test.d(3): Error: Index assignment this.e[0u] = x is not yet supported 
test.d(3): Error: Index assignment this.e[1u] = y is not yet supported 

Changing the constructor to do e = [x, y] doesn't work either.

test.d(3): Error: Slice operation this.e[] = [x,y] cannot be evaluated 
at compile time

test.d(5): Error: cannot evaluate __ctmp1.this(0L,0L) at compile time
test.d(5): Error: cannot evaluate __ctmp1.this(0L,0L) at compile time

What can I do?

And once I do that, I need to do it also for:

struct Vec(int N)
  real[N] e;

Thanks in advance.

Re: Understanding isInfinite(Range)

2010-09-04 Thread Peter Alexander
== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article
> On Fri, 03 Sep 2010 11:12:29 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic
>  wrote:
> > What does char[1 + Range.empty] do? It looks rather cryptic..
> char[1+Range.empty] is a type.  If Range.empty is a compile-time constant,
> then this type is valid, otherwise it's not valid (the is expression
> results to true if the argument is a valid type).
> If it's valid, then Range.empty never changes.  If it never changes and
> it's always false, then it's infinite.
> -Steve

That's really ugly code :-(

Is there a way you could write an isStatic(expr) template? Using something like 
that would make the
code a hell of a lot more readable. At the moment, the code itself does a very 
poor job of conveying
what it's trying to accomplish.

These SFINAE-like tricks should be black-boxed as much as possible, or (at the 
very least)
commented so that people know what's going on.

Re: Is "is" the same as ptr == ptr for arrays?

2010-08-07 Thread Peter Alexander

On 7/08/10 4:33 PM, simendsjo wrote:

Is the following equalent?

int[] a;
int[] b = a;
assert(a is b);
assert(a.ptr == b.ptr);


(a is b) implies (a.ptr == b.ptr)


(a.ptr == b.ptr) does not imply (a is b)

For example:

int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
int[] b = a[0..1];

Here, a.ptr == b.ptr, but a !is b.

The ptr property returns a pointer to the first element, which is true 
in this case, but it doesn't mean that they both refer to the same range.

Re: Default constructor for structs

2010-08-07 Thread Peter Alexander

On 7/08/10 3:44 PM, bearophile wrote:

Peter Alexander:


Thanks for your detailed reply.

However, I'm not particularly satisfied with any of those :(

I have already gone with the single parameter init constructor in my 
code until I find something better, but really, I just want the matrix 
to be default initialised to zeroes without having to explicitly specify 
it in client code.

Initialising to NaNs is highly unintuitive (especially since ints 
auto-initialise to 0...) and this has already caused me unnecessary 
grief. I understand the reasoning, and I might agree with it if it 
wasn't forced on you...

Default constructor for structs

2010-08-07 Thread Peter Alexander
Since default constructors for structs are not allowed, how do I go 
about making all the elements of this Matrix struct default to zero? 
(floats default to nan by default).

struct Matrix(int M, int N)
float[M][N] elements;

Matrix(3, 3) m;
assert(m[0][0] == 0);


Re: Partial template function specialization

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Alexander
Lars T. Kyllingstad Wrote:

> Disclaimer: You didn't say whether you use D1 or D2, but I use D2, so 
> I'll give my answer in D2 code. It is highly likely it will also work in D1.

I'm using neither :)  I'm just considering learning at the moment.

> First of all, I don't know how it is in C++, but in D you rarely write 
> function declarations without definitions. So unless you have a very 
> general function body for your "general case", I'd simply drop it. If 
> you have, the general case looks like this:
> For more info, check out
> -Lars

Excellent! Thanks a lot. I was hoping that D could overcome this problem.

Ah, one (maybe) final question:

Is there an equivalent to friends in D (didn't see any in the docs)? If so, do 
they work with templates easily?

In my style of programming, I very rarely use member functions (I think they 
are an atrocity in language design), so I create global functions for almost 
everything, and when they need to access to private members, I have the class 
declare the function as a friend.

Does D support my style of programming?

Here's a concrete example of something I'd like to do (pseudocode):

class Foo { private int x; friend globalFun; }
class Bar { private int y; friend globalFun; }

void globalFun(ref Foo foo, ref Bar bar) { foo.x = bar.y; }

Is there anything like this in D? Export sounds like the right thing, but can 
that be used in the example above, assuming that Foo and Bar are in separate 

Re: Partial template function specialization

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Alexander
Simen Kjaeraas Wrote:
> T foo( T, U )( U value ) {...}
> template fooPartial( T ) {
>alias foo!( T, int ) fooPartial;
> }
> This may or may not have been what you want.

Not quite sure what's going on there, but it doesn't look like what I want.

I want a general function:

T foo(T, U)(U value)

and one specialized for when U = Vector3!(T)

Also, it's important that the original and the specialization have the same 
function name, otherwise it's not really generic at all.

> Macros are currently scheduled for D3. In the meantime, you can do just
> about anything with string mixins and CTFE.

Cool. Is there any sort of ETA on D3?

Partial template function specialization

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Alexander
Hey all,

I'm considering learning D at the moment, and one thing that has bothered me in 
C++ is the lack of partial template function specializations. For example, you 
can create something like this:

const Field norm(const V& v);

and you can specialize it:

template <>
const double norm(const double& d)
{ return d < 0.0 ? -d : d; }

but you can't partially specialize it:

const Field norm(const Vector3& v)
{ /* return sqrt( ... ) */ }

Unless I'm mistaken...

Also, while I'm here. Does D have any macro support? I know it doesn't have 
pre-processor macros, but something like Nemerle's macros would be really, 
really nice.

Thanks in advance.