Which Multithreading Solution?

2018-03-04 Thread Drew Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey there!

I'm trying to figure out which of D's many multithreading options 
to use for my application. I'm making a game that runs at 60 
frames per second that can also run user-made Lua scripts. I 
would like to have the Lua scripts run in a separate thread so 
they can't delay frames if there's a lot of work to do in a 
burst, but I also need it to be able to update and read from the 
thread where everything else is.

I don't think message passing is going to cut it because the Lua 
thread is going to need to be able to request to set a value in D 
on one line, and then request that value back on the next line, 
and that value needs to be updated at that point, not at the end. 
I've been marking things as __gshared to get them working, but I 
think that just makes a copy on all threads, which seems pretty 
excessive when mostly the Lua will just be reading values, and 
occasionally calling a function in D to change some values.

I think I should try to do some kind of lock thing, but I'm not 
really sure how that works. If someone could advise me on what 
tact I should take, that would be very helpful.


Error when profiling

2015-01-31 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn
When trying to run my program with profiling enabled it dies 
before the first line of my main function runs. Everything works 
fine without profiling. I get the following stack trace:

 thread #1: tid = 0x38de4, 0x00010008d985 
vision_entry`gc_malloc + 49, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', 
stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

frame #0: 0x00010008d985 vision_entry`gc_malloc + 49
vision_entry`gc_malloc + 49:
- 0x10008d985:  movq   (%rdi), %rbx
   0x10008d988:  callq  *0x60(%rbx)
   0x10008d98c:  popq   %rbx
   0x10008d98d:  movq   %rbp, %rsp
(lldb) thread backtrace
* thread #1: tid = 0x38de4, 0x00010008d985 
vision_entry`gc_malloc + 49, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', 
stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

  * frame #0: 0x00010008d985 vision_entry`gc_malloc + 49
frame #1: 0x0001000908f5 vision_entry`_d_newclass + 117
frame #2: 0x0001000b4b28 
vision_entry`D3std9exception7bailOutFNaNfAyamxAaZv + 40
frame #3: 0x0001000b4d06 
+ 94
frame #4: 0x0001000c4df6 
+ 86
frame #5: 0x0001000c4f19 
+ 41
frame #6: 0x00012c74 
vision_entry`D3std5stdio4File15__T8writeflnTaZ8writeflnMFxAaZv + 
124 at stdio.d:1238
frame #7: 0x00010c06 vision_entry`_Dmain + 86 at 
frame #8: 0x00010009060c 
+ 40
frame #9: 0x000100090551 
+ 45
frame #10: 0x0001000905b1 
vision_entry`D2rt6dmain211_d_run_mainUiPPaPUAAaZiZ6runAllMFZv + 45
frame #11: 0x000100090551 
+ 45

frame #12: 0x0001000904cd vision_entry`_d_run_main + 433
frame #13: 0x00010d29 vision_entry`main + 65
frame #14: 0x7fff883a45c9 libdyld.dylib`start + 1

Does anyone have any ideas of what could have caused this?

Re: vibe.d error

2015-01-27 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

Bumping as it's still not possible to install lib event via dub.

On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 17:41:38 UTC, Phil wrote:

dub init name vibe.d
cd name

Results in

Fetching libevent 2.0.1+2.0.16...
Error executing command upgrade: Failed to download 
404 Not Found

I'm not sure if the error is the file not being there or dub 
looking there. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks

Re: vibe.d error

2015-01-27 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was using 0.9.21. Upgrading has fixed this issue, thanks to you 

vibe.d error

2015-01-25 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

dub init name vibe.d
cd name

Results in

Fetching libevent 2.0.1+2.0.16...
Error executing command upgrade: Failed to download 
http://code.dlang.org/packages/libevent/2.0.1%252B2.0.16.zip: 404 
Not Found

I'm not sure if the error is the file not being there or dub 
looking there. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks

Re: Colour operations using CyberShadow's graphics library

2015-01-19 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

Brilliant, thanks a lot.

That works a treat, allowing me to use c1 + c2 when c1 :: RGB and 
c2 :: ChangeChannelType!(RGB, int), say.

It's not happy with doubles atm, but presumably this is sorted in 
your push. Thanks again :-)

On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 21:11:34 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

Hi Phil,

The Color template implements opCast for types with the same 
set of fields, so you should be able to just cast a struct with 
ubyte fields to one with double fields (or use std.conv.to). 
The only restriction is that the fields must have the same 

You can use the ChangeChannelType template to create a Color 
type from an existing one but a different type for the channel 
fields, for example this assert will hold:

static assert(is(ChangeChannelType!(RGB, ushort) == RGB16));

To create a view with double-typed channels from an RGB view, 
you can use colorMap:

alias doubleTypedView = colorMap!(c = 
cast(ChangeChannelType!(typeof(c), double))c);

You can use this as with any other view transform:

auto i = onePixel(L8(1));
auto d = i.doubleTypedView();
assert(d[0, 0].l == 1.0);

By the way, as I've never tried using floating-point types, the 
code didn't quite work with them as it is, as some templates 
expected integral types in a few places. I guess you've fixed 
things on your side? Anyhow, I've now pushed a commit which 
fixes and adds tests for FP types.

Re: Colour operations using CyberShadow's graphics library

2015-01-19 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've done this by declaring a static array of the same length as 
ViewColor!V.channels, and foreach-ing over the channels in a 
colour, but this seem uglier than it need to - it would be nice 
if I could just define + and = appropriately on double[] and 
colours to do the right thing.

On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 21:10:05 UTC, Phil wrote:
Hi, I'm new to D and having a go at writing some image 
processing stuff using Vladimir's ae.graphics library.

To filter (i.e. perform correlations/convolutions) on a view 
with colour type C, I'd like to perform intermediate 
calculations using a colour with the same number of channels as 
C, but all of type double, and then to convert back to 
something of type C at the end.

e.g. for a horizontal blur I'd like to keep a running total per 
channel, packaged in an all-doubles colour type, and then write 
(total / kernel width) for each channel back into a value of 
type C.

How do I perform the necessary type magic here? Thanks

Colour operations using CyberShadow's graphics library

2015-01-18 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I'm new to D and having a go at writing some image processing 
stuff using Vladimir's ae.graphics library.

To filter (i.e. perform correlations/convolutions) on a view with 
colour type C, I'd like to perform intermediate calculations 
using a colour with the same number of channels as C, but all of 
type double, and then to convert back to something of type C at 
the end.

e.g. for a horizontal blur I'd like to keep a running total per 
channel, packaged in an all-doubles colour type, and then write 
(total / kernel width) for each channel back into a value of type 

How do I perform the necessary type magic here? Thanks

Re: RFC on SlidingSplitter Range

2014-10-03 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is prefix ++ preferred in D because of some specific reason? I 
recall it, for some containers/iterators, gives smaller/faster 
codegen in C++?

I assume the reason is the same as in C++. As users can provide 
their own implementations of pre and postfix incrementing, the 
compiler can't assume that x++ always means copy x then 
increment x and return the copy. It could have arbitrary side 
effects. Therefore for user defined types x++ can't be replaced 
with ++x by the compiler even if you're not using the return 
value. The compiler _can_ do this for primitive types, but as 
monarch_dodra says, if you get in the habit of using ++x unless 
you explicitly need x++ then you're never going to suffer and can 
sometimes get a speed win.

Re: Opening dub packages in Mono-D

2014-10-01 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

mm... is your 'project' a dub package itself? if not, convert 
it to dub and add it to dependency section in your dub package. 
then you will be able to open your fresh created project using 
mono-d with all its dependencies, a bonus you will be able to 
generate visuald project files too.

there is described what to add to include it

Ah right. That works, thanks.

Opening dub packages in Mono-D

2014-09-30 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to use Mono-D, but can't work out how to do simple 
things. I've tried looking for tutorials but this 
http://wiki.dlang.org/Mono-D is all I could find.

I want to reference Pegged from a Mono-D project. I can't add its 
package.json as a project to my solution as I'm told that this 
file in the incorrect format. How should I be doing this, and is 
there a basic tutorial for idiots available anywhere?


Debugging on OSX

2014-09-27 Thread Phil via Digitalmars-d-learn

I've seen a few old threads mentioning this, but couldn't find
anything more recent. What support is there for debugging on OSX?
I'm currently trying MonoD, but the option to run with debugger
is greyed out.