Re: std.container.rbtree has no search method?! e.g. `contains`, `canFind`

2024-07-13 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 July 2024 at 17:41:42 UTC, mw wrote:


on doc:

I cannot find any search method?! e.g. `contains`, `canFind`.

Is this a over look? Or there are such functions else where?

The functions are called `equalRange` (which gives you a range of 
all the elements that compare equal to the parameter), 
`lowerBound` (all elements less than the parameter), and 
`upperBound` (all elements greater than the parameter).

This was not my choice, my original dcollections implementation 
used a `find` function. It was a condition for having the type 
added to phobos.


Re: Wrapper around a recursive data type

2024-07-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 July 2024 at 08:56:51 UTC, drug007 wrote:
How can I "break" this recursion or some other work around to 
fix it?

A few ideas:

1. If it's immediately recursive (that is, contains a pointer to 
itself), just use the type itself somehow. You may not be able to 
do this with recursive templates.
2. If the data itself is static, and not actually containing 
different things, defer the construction of the Meta members 
until needed. In other words, make them structs with a member 
which accesses the meta when requested.
3. In a project I have which constructs a parallel type on 
existing types, I use `opDispatch` to defer instantiation of the 
members until later. This may or may not work for you depending 
on the use case (you can't introspect `opDispatch`).


Re: Wrapper around a recursive data type

2024-07-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 July 2024 at 13:29:05 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Monday, 8 July 2024 at 08:56:51 UTC, drug007 wrote:
I need to generate some meta info of my data types. I do it 
this [...]
How can I "break" this recursion or some other work around to 
fix it?

Use `Node*[]` for the children type. That way the compiler 
knows the size of the (previously) problematic member. In other 
words, instead of the need to know `Node` size, the compiler 
will not look further, it's a pointer.

This isn't the issue exactly. `Node[]` is a pointer as well.

The issue is that the template recursively depends on itself.

You would run into the same issue if the template recursed on the 
type of the pointed-at value.


Re: Wrapper around a recursive data type

2024-07-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 9 July 2024 at 03:04:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Can you post the error and the exact code that fails? I tried 
building this (with the children uncommented out) and it works 

Ignore this, I didn't really read the whole message.


Re: Wrapper around a recursive data type

2024-07-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 July 2024 at 08:56:51 UTC, drug007 wrote:
I need to generate some meta info of my data types. I do it 

import std.range, std.format, std.stdio, std.traits;

struct NestedType
string s;
double d;

struct Node
string value;
int i;
NestedType nt;
Node[] children; // It makes Node to be a recursive data 


Can you post the error and the exact code that fails? I tried 
building this (with the children uncommented out) and it works 


Re: Vibe.d v0.9.0, v0.10.0: ` dub init hello -t vibe.d` fails to build on MacOS

2024-07-07 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 14:15:02 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 11:33:47 UTC, Sergey wrote:

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 10:55:21 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), macOS Big Sur 
version 11.7.10


How should I solve this? It mentions undefined symbols from 
openssl, but I have it installed. Vibe.d should link it 
automatically, right?

You can try to add to dependencies "vibe-stream:tls": "~>1.1.0"

 "subConfigurations": {
"vibe-stream:tls": "notls"

It worked, thank you! But what does it do; disables TLS? Thread 
Local Storage?

openssl version should be automatically determined by running a 
pre-build step.

If this doesn't work for you, please file a bug here:


Re: Why does this mixin fail to compile?

2024-07-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at 11:57:58 UTC, Lance Bachmeier wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at 03:52:41 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

And yes, it is faster to do this than appending. But you have 
to do a *lot* of it to make a huge difference.

What about creating an array of strings and then using join? 
One obvious problem with this solution is the requirement to 
specify the size of `buffer`.

It's important to remember that what happens at CTFE is not the 
same as what happens at runtime. CTFE is a tree-walking 
interpreter, and does weird things like allocate storage when you 
change a value. And there is no optimization.

So the best thing to do is try it and see what happens. You can't 
use your knowledge of how code compiles to judge CTFE performance.

My general feel is that the more code you give to the CTFE 
interpreter, the worse it gets. Like, try doing `format` in CTFE 
vs. simple appending it will be vastly different.


Re: Why does this mixin fail to compile?

2024-07-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 07:23:42 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I said it 2 times already, i don't want string concatenation, 
i'll benchmark later, but not right now, right now i'm looking 
for a functioning code without string concatenation

Your buffer solution works, but you need to put it inside a 
*function*, not at declaration scope. What you wrote declares 
*runtime* variables, which wouldn't be usable at compile time (if 
you got it past the parser, which is where it was failing).

So for instance:

mixin template implement()
mixin(() {
// ctfe new array is basically the same as static array
char[] buffer = new char[4096];
int pos = 0;

void append(string str)
buffer[pos .. pos + str.length] = str[];
pos += str.length;

append("void* ctx;");
return buffer[0 .. pos];

And yes, it is faster to do this than appending. But you have to 
do a *lot* of it to make a huge difference.


Re: Default struct constructors if a struct member is a union

2024-07-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the 
struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

BTW, this is not true. A constructor does not change the struct 
layout or anything about it from the C side. You can safely add 
the struct constructor (or any other struct member functions) and 
the struct itself should be C compatible.


Re: Default struct constructors if a struct member is a union

2024-07-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

union U {
int i32;
long i64;
float f32;
double f64;

struct S {
TypeEnum type;
U data;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, S(20));  //Ugly, but works
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, S(20L)); //Error: cannot 
implicitly convert expression

//ditto for the rest of the members

My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line 
without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't 
really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding 
to an external library via C API.

Have you tried named parameter construction?

S foo2 = S(TypeEnum.Float32, U(f32: 20.0));


Re: aligned struct field weirdness

2024-06-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 June 2024 at 09:10:28 UTC, realhet wrote:
I tried to narrow the problem, but I wasn't able, but I guess 
I've found another solution: There is a part in my framework 
which works with LDC2 1.28, but that's 'illegal' with later 

Oh yeah. That is many versions ago! Released in 2021.

That's why I'm stuck in the past, but now it adds more 
motivation to catch up with the latest version.

Another motivation -- even if you found this was a bug and it is 
still in the latest compiler, the fix will go into the *latest 
compiler*, not the one that works with your code!

That part declares an enum, whose members have UDA's pointing 
to the enum's members.
With 2 step parsing it is valid, but later compiler versions 
don't like this.
It's a quite big state machine graph, I have to refactor this 
to eliminate this self-referencing to catch up with the latest 

Hm... a possibility is to change the UDAs to strings, and then 
post-process the strings into the actual members using 
`__traits(getMember, State, name)`

So e.g.:

enum State {
   @"state2" state1,
   @"state1" state2


Re: aligned struct field weirdness

2024-06-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 17 June 2024 at 19:45:18 UTC, realhet wrote:


I'm having a weird case of access violation.

Often times, you are focused on something that isn't the problem, 
but *triggers* the problem. Not saying it's not a compiler error, 
it could be. But chances are pretty low.

If you cannot get this to happen unless you use your custom 
writeln thing, I'd focus on trying to figure out if that custom 
writeln is doing something incorrect.

All the code you posted here looks fine to me. It compiles and 
runs fine on (even with the `version(none)` changed 
to `version(all)`, or using `scoped!B`).


Re: How to assign and compare arrays to SumType?

2024-06-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 22:54:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Let's see how it works if you want to both check that the value 
is a `double[]` and that it matches your value:

SumType!(double[], int) s = [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7];

This should be `s.match!(...`, I just was copy-pasting.


Re: How to assign and compare arrays to SumType?

2024-06-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 16:41:46 UTC, confuzzled wrote:
Comparison between a Variant and an array is straightforward. 
How does one accomplish the same between a SumType and an array?

import std.variant;
import std.sumtype;
import std.stdio;

struct S
SumType!(double[]) data;  // {1}

void main()
Variant v = [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7];
assert(v == [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]);

S s; = [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]; // {2}
assert( == [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]);

Resulting Error:

var.d(17): Error: template \`opEquals\` is not callable using 
argument types `!()(double[])`

Candidate is: `opEquals(this This, Rhs)(auto ref Rhs rhs)`
 with `This = SumType!(double[]),
  Rhs = double[]`
 must satisfy the following constraint:
`   !is(CommonType!(This, Rhs) == void)`

Also, assuming that {1} read "SumType!(double)[] data;", what 
would be the proper way to accomplish the assignment at {2} and 
the subsequent comparison.

`SumType` requires you unwrap to the correct type in order to use 

The function that unwraps a `SumType` is called `match`. The 
`match` function accepts a sumtype and a list of processors. Each 
processor is tried in order, based on the actual stored type, and 
the first one that compiles will be used.

Your `SumType` has only one type, but just to illustrate how it 
would work:

assert(!((double[] darr) => darr == [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 
4.7, 5.7]));


What this is doing is, if the actual type is a `double[]`, then 
call the first function, and return it's value (a boolean).

Because there are no other types, this will work. If you have 
more than one type, your list of lambdas must be exhaustive. That 
is, at least one of the functions must match for each type. And 
also, functions that won't ever be used are rejected.

Let's see how it works if you want to both check that the value 
is a `double[]` and that it matches your value:

SumType!(double[], int) s = [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7];
(double[] darr) => darr == [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]),
_ => false // any other type
s = 5; // switch to int
(double[] darr) => darr == [1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]),
_ => false // any other type

`SumTypes` take some getting used to. It can get pretty verbose 
to use `match`.


Re: How to use D without the GC ?

2024-06-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 13:00:50 UTC, Vinod K Chandran wrote:

Hi all,
I am planning to write some D code without GC. But I have no 
prior experience with it. I have experience using manual memory 
management languages. But D has so far been used with GC. So I 
want to know what pitfalls it has and what things I should 
watch out for. Also, I want to know what high level features I 
will be missing.

Thanks in advance.

I could answer the question directly, but it seems others have 
already done so.

I would instead ask the reason for wanting to write D code 
without the GC. In many cases, you can write code without 
*regularly* using the GC (i.e. preallocate, or reuse buffers), 
but still use the GC in the sense that it is there as your 

A great example is exceptions. Something that has the code `throw 
new Exception(...)` is going to need the GC in order to build 
that exception. But if your code is written such that this never 
(normally) happens, then you aren't using the GC for that code.

So I would call this kind of style writing code that avoids 
creating garbage. To me, this is the most productive way to 
minimize GC usage, while still allowing one to use D as it was 


Re: How to generate a random number from system clock as seed

2024-06-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 8 June 2024 at 13:19:30 UTC, Eric P626 wrote:
I managed to create a random number generator using the 
following code:

auto rng = Random(42);

Now I want to seed the generator using system time. I looked at 
Date & time functions/classes and systime functions/classes. 
The problem is that they all require a time zone. But I don't 
need a time zone since there is no time zone. I just want the 
number of seconds elapsed since jan 1st 1970. In other words, 
the internal system clock value.

I'm not sure if anyone said it explicitly, but `uniform(0, 10)` 
uses the default RNG 
which is already properly seeded with an unpredictable seed:

Global random number generator used by various functions in 
this module whenever no generator is specified. It is allocated 
per-thread and initialized to an unpredictable value for each 

So unless you are explicitly doing something like saving the seed 
for future playback, I'd leave it off.


Re: Trying to call some C code using Extern(C) but got unexpected linker error

2024-06-07 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 8 June 2024 at 02:22:00 UTC, Xiaochao Yan wrote:
Hi, I am new to D and is experimenting with game development 
using D and C.

I had some problem when trying to recreate the

Windows 11
gcc.exe (i686-posix-dwarf-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 

Error Message:
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: 

referenced by test.obj:(_Dmain)


// .c file

void printMessage() {
printf("Hello from C!\n");

// .d file
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import test;

void main() {

writeln("Hello, World!");
extern (C) void printMessage();
Thanks in advance!

Put `printMessage` outside the main function. Inside the main 
function, it has C linkage, but not C name mangling.


Re: bool passed by ref, safe or not ?

2024-06-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at 16:58:50 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
question in the header, code in the body, execute on a X86 or 
X86_64 CPU

module test;

void setIt(ref bool b) @safe
b = false;

void main(string[] args)
ushort a = 0b;
bool* b = cast(bool*)
assert(a == 0b); // what actually happens
assert(a == 0b1110); // what would be safe

I understand that the notion of `bool` doesn't exist on X86, 
hence what will be used is rather an instruction that write on 
the lower 8 bits, but with a 7 bits corruption.

Do I corrupt memory here or not ?

I don't think so. You passed an address to a bool, which uses 8 
bits of space, even though the compiler treats it as a 1-bit 

In order for your code to do what you expect, all bool writes 
would have to be read/modify/write operations. I don't think 
anyone would prefer this.

Is that a safety violation ?

No, you are not writing to memory you don't have access to. An 
address is pointing at a byte level, not a bit level.


Re: Get milliseconds from time and construct time based on milliseconds

2024-05-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 18:41:02 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 18:29:17 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:

On Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 17:37:42 UTC, bauss wrote:
I have two questions that I can't seem to find a solution to 
after looking at std.datetime.

First question is how do I get the current time but in 

Second is how do I construct a time ex. systime or datetime 
based on milliseconds?


Unixtime might be what you want:

import std;

import std.datetime;
import std.stdio;

void main() {
// Get the current time in the UTC time zone
    auto currentTime = Clock.currTime();

// Convert the time to the Unix epoch 
    Duration unixTime = currentTime - 
SysTime(DateTime(1970, 1, 1), UTC());

You can do `SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(0))` to get a SysTime that 
is at the unix epoch.

Also figured out the second question based on your result.

Simply doing:

SysTime(DateTime(1970, 1, 1), UTC()) + dur!"msecs"(milliseconds)

Seems to work.

Note there is an `msecs` function:

SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(0)) + milliseconds.msecs;


Re: Hide console on Windows with app running SDL2

2024-05-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 12:35:42 UTC, bauss wrote:
Running into a couple of problems trying to hide the console 
that opens when running an app that uses sdl2.

First of all I am trying to compile with this using dub:

"lflags": ["/SUBSYSTEM:windows"]

However that gives me the following error:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol WinMain

And then if I add a WinMain like below:

extern (Windows) int WinMain() { return 0; }

Then of course it doesn't work, but what is the obvious way to 
solve this?

I basically just want to hide the console, but nothing seems to 
work straight out of the box.

I think this is still relevant:


Re: __gshared is "somewhat" transitive, isn't it ?

2024-05-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 17:04:09 UTC, user1234 wrote:


struct S
int member;

__gshared S s;

It's clear that `s.member` is `__gshared` too, right ?
What does happen for

struct S
int member;
static int globalMember;

__gshared S s;

Is then `S.globalMember` a TLS variable ? (I'd expect that)

`__gshared` is a storage class. It means, store this thing in the 
global memory segment. `static` storage class means store this 
thing in TLS.

Storage classes are *not* transitive, and they are not type 
constructors. They optionally might apply a type constructor to 
the type (such as the `const` storage class), but not always.

So in this case `typeof(s)` is `S`, not `__gshared S`. `s.member` 
is in the global segment since structs members are placed within 
the struct memory location (in this case, the global memory 

`globalMember` is placed in TLS because it's storage class is 
`static`, and `static` means, do not store with the instance 
(which for `s` would mean the global memory segment), but rather 
in TLS.


Re: D doesn't have weak references. So how can I make a associative array of objects without preventing their destruction?

2024-05-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 May 2024 at 11:05:28 UTC, Dukc wrote:

This also gets inferred as `pure` - meaning that if you use it 
twice for the same `WeakRef`, the compiler may reuse the result 
of the first dereference for the second call, without checking 
whether the referred value has changed!

This would be weak pure since the reference is mutable. This 
cannot be memoized.


Re: "in" operator gives a pointer result from a test against an Associative Array?

2024-05-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 May 2024 at 01:00:09 UTC, Andy Valencia wrote:

On Friday, 10 May 2024 at 00:40:01 UTC, Meta wrote:
Yes. The reason for this is that it avoids having to 
essentially do the same check twice. If `in` returned a bool 
instead of a pointer, after checking for whether the element 
exists (which requires searching for the element in the 
associative array), you'd then have to actually *get* it from 
the array, which would require searching again. Returning a 
pointer to the element if it exists (or `null` if it doesn't) 
cuts this down to 1 operation.

Looking at Programming in D section 28.5, I'm guessing that 
pointer versus null is treated as the appropriate boolean value 
when consumed by an "if" test.  So that example is getting a 
pointer to a string, or null, but the example looks exactly as 
the same as if it had directly gotten a bool.

Yes, we say that a type has "truthiness" if it can be used in a 
condition (`while`, `if`, `assert`, etc).

For a pointer, `null` is considered "false", whereas any other 
value is considered "true". So you can use statements like 
`if(key in aa)` to test for membership. A very nice idiom is to 
check if a key is in an associative array, and if so, use the 
value that it maps to:

if(auto v = key in aa) {
   // use *v as the value here

You can change your code to `return (e in this.members) !is null;`


Re: TIL: statically initializing an Associative Array

2024-05-06 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 7 May 2024 at 00:10:27 UTC, Andy Valencia wrote:
I had a set of default error messages to go with error code 
numbers, and did something along the lines of:

string[uint] error_text = [
400: "A message",
401: "A different message"

and got "expression  is not a constant"

I eventually found this discussion:

I understand that it's problematic, but a message which makes 
it clearer that compile-time initialization of global AA's are 
not supported?  Because it cost me about a half hour trying to 
figure out what I was doing wrong.

This error message was changed in 2.101.x (unsure which point 

onlineapp.d(1): Error: static initializations of associative 
arrays is not allowed.
onlineapp.d(1):associative arrays must be initialized at 


(My workaround was to initialize the data structure once during 
app startup.)

This was fixed [in 

 please upgrade your compiler.


Re: How can I put the current value of a variable into a delegate?

2024-05-06 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 May 2024 at 06:29:49 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
Delegates can be a pain, as they often have results different 
from what one would intuitively expect. This can easily result 
in bugs.

Here's a line that caused a bug that took me awhile to find:
foreach(card; unitCards) card.submitted = delegate() => 


Each `UnitInfoCard` object (which `card` is a member of) 
contains a `Unit` object called `unit`. The intention of this 
line was that each object in `unitCards` would call 
`selectUnit` with it's own `unit` every time it calls 
`submitted`. Instead, every card calls `submitted` with the 
*last* value of `card`.

Yes, this is because the foreach loop reuses the same memory slot 
for `card`.

Even though this is allocated as a closure, it still only 
allocates the frame stack of the *enclosing function*, and does 
not allocate a new slot for each loop iteration.

You can force this by using a lambda which allocates the closure:

foreach(card; unitCards)
card.submitted = (c2) { return () => selectUnit(c2.unit); 


This is a lambda which accepts `card` as a parameter, and returns 
an appropriate delegate. It is important to use a parameter, 
because if you just use card inside there, it's still using the 
single stack frame of the calling function!

I renamed the inner parameter `c2` to avoid confusion, but you 
could name it `card` also. Essentially, the stack frame of the 
inner function is now allocated a closure, and it has it's own 
reference to `card` as a parameter.

This is a very old issue: since "moved" to

I would love to see a solution, but the workaround at least 


Re: Show dialog box for uncaught exception (Windows, lld-link)

2024-05-05 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 5 May 2024 at 14:55:20 UTC, SimonN wrote:
My application is a graphical game. I close stdout and stderr 
by passing `-subsystem:windows` to `lld-link` to suppress the 
extra console window. For a few fatal errors (missing required 
resources, can't open display, ...), I throw exceptions, log 
them to logfile, then re-throw them to crash. I can tell 
Windows users to look in the logfile, but it would be more 
fitting on Windows to show an error dialog box in addition to 
the logging.

int realMain(string[] args)
   // all your normal code goes here

int main(string[] args)
version(Windows) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e;
} else {
// presumably, non-windows systems shouldn't show a 
graphical Exception

// trace?


Re: Phobos function to remove all occurances from dynamic array?

2024-05-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 01:09:33 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
This is presumably such a common task that I'm surprised it 
isn't easy to find the answer by searching;

Is there a standard library function that removes all elements 
from a dynamic array that matches an input argument?

In `std.array` there's the `replace` function which is supposed 
to replace all occurrences that match an input with another. It 
seems to work as described on strings, but I get compiler 
errors when using it on other array types. I've tried using it 
to replace occurrences of a certain object in an array with 
`[]` in order to remove all occurrences, but it's not allowed.

Is there a Phobos function that does what I want? It would be 
crazy if there isn't.


arr = arr.remove!(v => shouldBeRemoved(v));

Why the reassignment? Because `remove` removes elements *in 
place*, and does not change the range extents. It returns the 
portion of the range that contains the unremoved elements.

So to give an example:

auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
auto result = arr.remove!(i => i % 2 == 1); // remove odd elements
assert(result == [2, 4]);

// first 2 are the slice that is stored in result
// the last three are leftovers.
assert(arr == [2, 4, 3, 4, 5]);


Re: Adapting foreign iterators to D ranges

2024-04-22 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 April 2024 at 11:36:43 UTC, Chloé wrote:

The first implementation has the advantage is being simpler and 
empty being const, but has the downside that next is called 
even if the range ends up not being used. Is either approach 
used consistently across the D ecosystem?

I always go for the simplest approach. So that means, pre-fill in 
the constructor.

Yes, the downside is, if you don't use it, then the iterator has 
moved, but the range hasn't. But returning to the iterator after 
using the range is always a dicey proposition anyway.

The huge benefit is that all the functions become simple and 

But there is no "right" approach. And using composition, you may 
be able to achieve all approaches with wrappers. Phobos does 
various things depending on what people thought was good at the 
time. It sometimes causes some very unexpected behavior.

I recommend always using the same approach for the same library, 
that way your users know what to expect!


Re: Statically compiled binary with C interop crashes.

2024-04-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 11:05:07 UTC, yabobay wrote:
On Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 15:24:07 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 

On Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 11:03:22 UTC, yabobay wrote:
I'm using [dray]( in my 
project with dub, here's the relevant parts of the dub.json:


İt seems your issue is related to the raylib itself, neither 
the binding you use nor the d programming language. İnstalling 
x11 development package may resolve the issue.

I have the equivalent package installed both on the build 
machine and the machine i tried to run the code on. Also, no i 
shouldn't. It's supposed to be a statically linked binary

libglfw, which is embedded statically in raylib, is trying to 
dynamically open libx11.

So what it appears to be is, glfw tries to open a specified 
libx11, and fails, and then the program errors and exits.

The library selected is determined by a compiler directive (see 
above that line), you may have to rebuild raylib with the right 
directive based on what libx11 you have on the system.

Note, these are not *dynamically linked* libraries, but 
*dynamically loaded* libraries. That is, the system linker ldd is 
not pre-loading the library, raylib is finding the library and 
loading it at runtime.


Re: "Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC" on a CTFE function

2024-04-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 April 2024 at 22:36:18 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
On Friday, 12 April 2024 at 15:24:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

void InitWindow(int width, int height, ref string title) {
InitWindow(width, height, cast(const(char)*)title);

This is invalid, a string may not be zero-terminated. You 
can't just cast.

Well, it did work when I tried it (using a string variable, not 
a literal of course). It displayed as it is supposed to.

A cast "working" isn't enough. It could work in certain cases, 
with certain environmental conditions, etc., but fail horribly 
with memory corruption in other cases. It could even happen on 
different runs of the program. It could happen that it works 
99.999% of the time. The risk is not worth it.

But from the information I can find on the web it looks like 
strings are sometimes but not `always` zero-terminated. Not a 
great look for the language. Are there any rules to determine 
when it is and when it isn't (for string variables)?

string literals are zero-terminated. All other strings are not. 
If you have a string generated at compile time, the chances are 
good it has zero termination. However, the implicit conversion to 
`char *` is the clue that it is zero terminated. If that doesn't 
happen automatically, it's not guaranteed to be zero terminated.

A string generated at runtime only has zero termination if you 
add a 0. You should not cast to a pointer assuming the zero is 
going to be there.

Casting is a blunt instrument, which does not validate what you 
are doing is sound. A cast says "compiler, I know what I'm doing 
here, let me do this even though it's outside the language rules".

So there are a few things to consider:

1. Is the string *transiently used*. That is, does the 
function just quickly use the string and never refers to it 
again? Given that this is raylib, the source is pretty 
readable, so you should be able to figure this out.

I suppose. But if it turns out that the string is used 
continuously (as I assume to be the case with `InitWindow` and 
`SetWindowTitle`) and it doesn't make a copy of it, I imagine 
it would be difficult to design the function overload, as it 
would need to store a copy of the string somewhere. In that 
case, the only clean solution would be to have a global array 
of strings to store everything that's been passed to such 
functions, but that doesn't feel like a very satisfying 
solution. I may take a look inside some Raylib functions if I 
get back to this task.

You can pin memory in the GC to ensure it's not collected by 
using `core.memory.GC.addRoot`, which is effectively "storing in 
a global array".

2. If 1 is false, will it be saved in memory that is scannable 
by the GC? This is one of the most pernicious issues with 
using C libraries from D. In this case, you will need to 
either allocate the memory with C `malloc` or pin the GC 

You mean that the GC can destroy objects that still have 
references from the C code?

Yes. If the GC is unaware of the memory that is being used by the 
C code, it can't scan that code for pointers. It may collect 
these strings early.

For transiently used strings, I would point you at the 
[`tempCString`](, which allocates a temporary C string using malloc or a stack buffer, and then frees it when done with it.

Thank you. In a previous thread, someone told me that having to 
do many deallocations slows down the program, and the GC is 
more efficient because it deallocates many objects 
simultaneously. Is this something worth considering here, or is 
the overhead going to be tiny even when it's called a few times 
per frame?

In an *application*, I would recommend not worrying about the 
allocation performance until it becomes an issue. I'm writing a 
simple game, and never have worried about GC performance. When 
you do need to worry, you can employ strategies like 
preallocating all things that need allocation (still with the GC).

In a *general library*, you do have to worry about the 
requirements of your users. If you can allocate locally (on the 
stack), this is the most efficient option. This is what 
`tempCString` does (with a fallback to `malloc` when the string 
gets to be large).

The obvious problem in all this is to avoid accepting string 
literals (which are magic and automatically convert to const 
char *). This is currently impossible with function 
overloading, and so you need a separate function name, or put 
them in a different module.

Aren't there any compile-time conditions for this?

Unfortunately no. `string` does not implicitly convert to `char 
*` unless it is a string literal, and string literals bind to 
`string` before `char *`. So you can't rely on the overload 


Re: "Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC" on a CTFE function

2024-04-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 April 2024 at 00:04:48 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:

Here's what I wanted to do.

In the library I'm working on, there are various declarations 
for functions defined in an external C library following the 
line `extern (C) @nogc nothrow:`. Here are some examples of 
such declarations which have a `const(char)*` parameter:

void InitWindow(int width, int height, const(char)* title);
void SetWindowTitle(const(char)* title);
Shader LoadShader(const(char)* vsFileName, const(char)* 


I wanted to generate definitions of overloads of these 
functions using strings as parameters instead of 
`const(char)*`. For the `InitWindow` function shown above, the 
overload should be defined like this:

void InitWindow(int width, int height, ref string title) {
InitWindow(width, height, cast(const(char)*)title);

This is invalid, a string may not be zero-terminated. You can't 
just cast.

or alternatively, like the following:
void InitWindow(int width, int height, string title) {
InitWindow(width, height, title.toStringz);

This will allocate from the GC.

So there are a few things to consider:

1. Is the string *transiently used*. That is, does the function 
just quickly use the string and never refers to it again? Given 
that this is raylib, the source is pretty readable, so you should 
be able to figure this out.
2. If 1 is false, will it be saved in memory that is scannable by 
the GC? This is one of the most pernicious issues with using C 
libraries from D. In this case, you will need to either allocate 
the memory with C `malloc` or pin the GC memory.

For transiently used strings, I would point you at the function 
[`tempCString`](, which allocates a temporary C string using malloc or a stack buffer, and then frees it when done with it.

The obvious problem in all this is to avoid accepting string 
literals (which are magic and automatically convert to const char 
*). This is currently impossible with function overloading, and 
so you need a separate function name, or put them in a different 


Re: How can I tell D that function args are @nogc etc.

2024-04-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 April 2024 at 03:57:40 UTC, John Dougan wrote:

What is the procedure for bug reporting? I'm looking at the 
issues tracker and have no clue how to drive the search to see 
if this is already there.

While entering the bug title, it does a fuzzy search for existing 
open and closed issues.


Re: How can I tell D that function args are @nogc etc.

2024-04-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 03:17:36 UTC, John Dougan wrote:

Interesting. Thank you to both of you.

On Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 17:38:21 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 11:34:06 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
Place your attributes on the right hand side of the function, 
not the left side.

Use the left side for attributes/type qualifiers that go on 
the return type.

Just a word of warning, this explanation suggests putting 
qualifiers on the left side would affect the return type, this 
is not the case.

So in my example, what did I actually tell the compiler with 
the placement of the attributes? And how was it different 
between the function type alias declaration, and the actual 
function declaration?

More specifically, what are the semantic differences below?
alias FnPrefixT = @nogc nothrow @safe bool function(int);
// Versus
alias FnSuffixT = bool function(int) @nogc nothrow @safe;

So D can provide a nice mechanism to show what is happening -- 
`pragma(msg, ...)`

If I do that with the two types above I see something *very* 

pragma(msg, FnPrefixT);
pragma(msg, FnSuffixT);

bool function(int) nothrow @nogc
bool function(int) nothrow @nogc @safe

That surprises me. `nothrow` and `@nogc` go onto the type, but 
not `@safe` if put before the declaration? I have no idea why. 
All I can think of is that it is a bug.

@nogc nothrow @safe bool fnPrefix(int) { stuff }
// Versus
bool fnSuffix(int) @nogc nothrow @safe  { stuff }

pragma(msg, typeof(fnPrefix));
pragma(msg, typeof(fnSuffix));

nothrow @nogc @safe bool(int)
nothrow @nogc @safe bool(int)

(as expected)


Re: mmap file performance

2024-04-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 00:24:44 UTC, Andy Valencia wrote:
I wrote a "count newlines" based on mapped files.  It used 
about twice the CPU of the version which just read 1 meg at a 
time.  I thought something was amiss (needless slice 
indirection or something), so I wrote the code in C.  It had 
the same CPU usage as the D version.  So...mapped files, not so 
much.  Not D's fault.  And writing it in C made me realize how 
much easier it is to code in D!

For a repeatable comparison, you should provide the code which 
does 1MB reads.

I have found that mmapped files are faster than reading buffered 
files, but maybe only for large files?


Re: "Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC" on a CTFE function

2024-04-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 9 April 2024 at 23:50:36 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

On 10/04/2024 11:21 AM, Liam McGillivray wrote:
On Sunday, 7 April 2024 at 08:59:55 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
Unfortunately runtime and CTFE are the same target in the 

So that function is being used for both, and hence uses GC 

Are you sure that string appending was really the problem that 
caused the "TypeInfo" build error? I forgot about this, but I 
had already had a working CTFE function with string appending 
before adding the new one that lead to this error. The symbols 
that it generates could be used in the program compiled with 

No, for a string it shouldn't trigger the need for TypeInfo. 
But that wouldn't have worked regardless.

Array appending calls a runtime function which accepts `TypeInfo` 
(In this case, `TypeInfoGeneric!char`). So this does indeed 
involve `TypeInfo`. But also, even if `TypeInfo` weren't 
involved, it also needs the GC which is unavailable with betterC. 
It's just that the `TypeInfo` error happens first.

The move to use templates instead of `TypeInfo` is slowly 


Re: How can I tell D that function args are @nogc etc.

2024-04-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 11:34:06 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
Place your attributes on the right hand side of the function, 
not the left side.

Use the left side for attributes/type qualifiers that go on the 
return type.

Just a word of warning, this explanation suggests putting 
qualifiers on the left side would affect the return type, this is 
not the case.

Attributes apply to the *declaration*. In some cases this 
effectively applies to the return type, in some cases it applies 
to the function, in some cases it applies to the context pointer.

In order to apply type constructors to the return type, you need 
to use parentheses:

const int  foo(); // const applies to the context pointer of 
`foo`, not `int`

const(int) bar(); // const applies to `int` return type
ref int baz(); // ref applies to `baz`, which in turn means "ref 
returning function"


Where this becomes tricky is return types that are function 
pointers/delegates. Then using the right side of the 
function/delegate *type* is the only way.

@safe void function() foo(); // `foo` is safe, the function 
pointer it returns is not
void function() @safe bar(); // `bar` is not safe, the function 
pointer returned is

void function() @safe baz() @safe; // both are safe


Re: Boneheaded question regarding compilation...

2024-04-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 April 2024 at 21:23:50 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Huge fan of Mike Shah's YouTube videos regarding D and his 
latest for D conference:

So I installed github desktop app and cloned his Talks repo. 
There is a build command commented out at the top of the main.d 
file which I've been trying to compile, via the command line:

C:\Users\kheas\Documents\Talks\2024\dconf_online\hello_triangle>dmd -g -J. main.d 
./glad/gl/*.d -L-L/usr/local/lib -L-lglfw3 -of=prog && ./prog
Error: cannot find input file `.\glad\gl\*.d`
import path[0] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin64\..\..\src\phobos
import path[1] = 

I'm using a Windows 11 machine so I thought that maybe the 
syntax was for Linux environment. But replacing all the '/' 
with '\\' did not work.

Those are indeed Linux parameters and not windows compatible. 
This can’t be fixed by switching slash styles.

You need the appropriate libs and the appropriate linker switches.


Re: Limits of implicit conversion of class arrays

2024-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 March 2024 at 07:16:35 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Saturday, 23 March 2024 at 11:04:04 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

The first and second is unsound (infamously allowed in Java).

In the general case, yes. But, do you see any errors with the 

class Base {}
class Derived : Base {}

@safe pure nothrow unittest {
Base b;
Derived d;
b = d; // pass

Base[] bs;
Derived[] ds;
bs ~= ds; // pass
bs = ds; // fail [1], should pass
bs = cast(Base[])ds; // fail [2], should pass

Yes, it's unsafe, as you can replace an element of `ds` with 
something that has no relation to `Derived`.

Once you cast the slice you can populate it with Derived2 
objects that are not Derived, hence breaking type safety of 
the ds slice.

Again, in the general case, yes.

So what is different in this code example compared to the 
general case? Hint: this has overlaps with a missing compiler 
optimization in dmd (and many other statically typed languages) 
enabled by a specific kind of data flow analysis. Which one?

If there is a way to end up with a `Derived` reference to point 
at something that is not a `Derived` *without a cast* in system 
code, or *even with a cast* in safe code, then it is an error. It 
doesn't matter if you aren't actually doing it.

If you know you are not making that mistake, change it to system, 
and cast to inform the compiler that you "know what you are 


Re: Unittests pass, and then an invalid memory operation happens after?

2024-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at 21:43:48 UTC, Liam McGillivray 
In my current [game 
project](, [something 
strange]( has 
happened as of a recent commit. When running `dub test`, all 
the unittests appear to pass, but then after the last unittest 
has concluded an "Invalid memory operation" happens. Removing a 
few lines replaces this error with a segfault, but either way, 
these errors shouldn't be happening. Weirdly, the commit where 
these errors first appear did nothing but replace a single 
class-member function with a seemingly identical function 
through a mixin template.

The errors seem to be related to object deletion. The traceback 
output for the first error, and where GDB points to for the 
second error, is the destructor for my `Unit` class.

You see, every `Unit` object is associated with a particular 
`Map` object and `Faction` object, which it hold references to. 
Those objects in turn each have an array of `Unit` objects that 
they are associated with. In the `Unit` destructor, I have it 
call the `removeUnit` function in both the associated `Map` and 
`Faction` objects. The errors are happening in either the 
`Unit` destructor itself, or the `removeUnit` function that it 
calls. Until the commit that introduced these errors, the 
`removeUnit` function was written directly in the `Map` class 
in it's module, but this commit replaced it with the mixin 
template `UnitArrayManagement`, which `Faction` also uses.

`Unit` destructor:
~this() {
this.alive = false;
if ( !is null);
if (this.faction !is null) 
if (this.currentTile !is null) 
this.currentTile.occupant = null;


The GC does not guarantee destructor order. So this code is not 
valid -- e.g. you can't count on `map` to be a valid object at 
this point.

In my estimation, the code is not correct in principle anyway -- 
if the `map` has a pointer to the `unit`, then neither will be 
collected without both being garbage, and so there is no need to 
do these calls (they are all going away presently).

The *only* thing you should be doing in a destructor is freeing 
non-GC resources.

I read that the garbage collector *sometimes* but not *always* 
calls destructors on deletion, which sounds crazy to me.

The GC is not guaranteed to delete memory or run destructors. In 
the current implementation, it will destroy everything at the end 
of the program that was allocated using the GC, but the language 
does not guarantee this.

The second error, which can be achieved by removing the 
instances of `writeln` in `removeUnit` (making it seemingly 
identical now to the version of this function previously 
defined in the `Map` class) is also strange. It seems to be a 
case of the `Unit` object calling a `Map` object that no longer 
exists. However, that's also strange, as the `Map` object is 
supposed to delete all it's associated units on destruction.

As mentioned, GCs do not work this way -- you do not need to 
worry about cascading removal of anything.

You should assume in the destructor that all references in the 
type that were pointing at GC blocks are now invalid (i.e. 
dangling pointers).

So why are these things even happening *after* the unittests 
have been run? What else do I need to know about object 
destruction? What may be happening?

The GC is cleaning up all allocated memory, in *no particular 


Re: Reworking the control flow for my tactical role-playing game

2024-03-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 17 March 2024 at 00:14:55 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
As many of you know, I have been trying to write a tactical 
role-playing game (a mix of turn-based stategy & RPG) in D. 
This is the furthest I have ever gotten in making an 
interactive program from the main function up. Right now, it is 
not yet playable as a game, but you can interact with it and 
get a rough idea of what I'm going for. Feel free to download 
and run it to see what I have so far.

I got it to run on my mac, I had to do a few updates to the 
dub.sdl file, but it did work, though I couldn't figure out how 
to make attacks work.

## The Current Structure:
The code for Open Emblem (name subject to change) is split 
between a source library, which handles the internal game 
logic, and a graphical front-end program which uses that 
library, but makes it usable.

This is kind of cool, I like the idea!

### The Library:

All sounds good

### The Raylib Front-end:
After looking at many libraries and taking a shot at 
[ae]( & 
[godot-D]( but not really 
figuring it out, I was recommended 
[raylib-d](, a binding 
for [raylib]( by @Steven Schveighoffer. 
Raylib is a rather simple graphical library written in C. I 
ended up sticking with it because the website has so many 
easy-to-follow examples that make it easy as my first graphical 
library. They're written in, but I adapted them to D rather 
easily. Of course, being written in C has limitations as it 
isn't object-oriented.

This is front-end is in the 
[`oe-raylib/`]( directory.

For this front-end, I've made the classes `VisibleTile` and 
`VisibleUnit`, which inherit `Tile` & `Unit`, but add sprite 
data and other graphics-related functionality.

I then have the `Mission` class which inherits the `MapTemp` 
class. This class dominates the program flow in it's current 
state. It handles loading data from JSON files, switching 
between different game phases and does most of the function 
calls related to rendering and input.

The way I have it currently, there's a `startPreparation` 
function and `playerTurn` function, each of which run a 
once-per-frame loop that renders all the necessary objects and 
takes user input. They each have a rather messy set of 
if-statements for the UI system. Any UI elements that may 
pop-up are declared before the loop begins, with if-statements 
to determine whether they should be visible this frame.

For UI elements, I currently have `version` flags for either 
`customgui` (which I started writing before discovering raygui) 
and `customgui`, which you can select between using `dub 
--config=`. Having both makes the code messier, but I haven't 
yet decided on which I prefer. They are both currently achieve 
equivalent functionality.

Everything here is single-threaded. Despite that, I still get 
thousands of frames-per-second when disabling the cap on 

Note that disabling the cap on framerate just avoids the 
sleep-per-frame that raylib does. I always recommend setting a 
cap of something like 60 unless you are going to use vsync.

To get a glimpse of a flaw with the current approach (which may 
be simpler to fix with an overhaul), try asking one of the 
units to move during your turn, but then try moving the other 
unit while the first one hasn't reached their destination. The 
first unit will stop.

So when doing video game development with a main loop that needs 
to refresh the screen every frame, you need to componentize 
long-running operations into frame-size bits.

So for instance, an animation that needs to move an object from A 
to B, should be captured into a temporary item (class object, 
struct, member of the sprite, etc), where you tell it every time 
you are drawing a frame (or even better yet, each game tick), and 
let it make the changes necessary for one tick of time.

For instance, build an object that takes start position, end 
position, time to animate, and maybe a path function (like 
linear, ease-in/ease-out, etc), and then each frame calculates 
where the position should be based on the current time vs. the 
start time. Encapsulating all this into an object makes things 
easy to deal with. Then you just need to call it every frame/tick.

## Should I rework things?

So now I am thinking of reworking the rendering system, but 
also changing some of my approach to how the Open Emblem 
library works.

I've been thinking of adopting an event-driven approach, using 
signals and slots, for both the library and the front-end (and 
between the two). I'm curious if more experienced programmers 
think this is the right approach.

I'm not sure if you want to do event driven here. It's a 
possibility. But I find a game-tick system, where each tick, you 
update each object 

Re: Disable wrilten buf in docker

2024-03-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 06:36:09 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:

Hi, my application use writeln in docker don't display.

Python add -u disable it.

Use setvbuf to switch to line buffering. Then you don’t have to 
manually flush everything


Re: New update fix

2024-03-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 March 2024 at 09:18:58 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Saturday, 2 March 2024 at 08:41:40 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:


What exactly did this patch with the new update fix?

Nothing, it looks like what happened is that the issue was 
wrongly referenced by a PR 

Not wrongly referenced. The pr changed the spec to be clearer 
about the behavior. The behavior did not change.

The bug was closed as “fixed” incorrectly. I switched it to 

The change log generator must have picked it up because of that.


Re: Error when using `import`.

2024-02-26 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 26 February 2024 at 23:27:49 UTC, Liam McGillivray 
I don't know whether I should continue this topic or start a 
new one now that the problem mentioned in the title is fixed. I 
have now uploaded some of the code to [a GitHub 

To make this game usable, I will need a library for graphics 
and input. I don't have any experience with making GUI programs 
aside from a little bit with Qt and C++.

If you are going for game development, I would recommend raylib-d 
(, which is my wrapper 
around the very good raylib library.

For doing GUI, raygui is supported, but I also can say I've seen 
some good things from fluid:


Re: Error when using `import`.

2024-02-26 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 26 February 2024 at 22:40:49 UTC, Liam McGillivray 

On Sunday, 25 February 2024 at 03:23:03 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
You can't give a class the same name as the file it's in. If 
you do, then when you try to use it from another file, the 
compiler will get confused and think you're referring to the 
file instead of the class (that's what "import is used as a 
type" means).

Thank you. In PHP, I was told to put every class definition in 
a file of the same name (whether I like it or not).

However, I actually now have it working *without* having done 
that. Both the file name and the class name are capitalized, 
and it's working. However, maybe that's because they each start 
with a `module` line that makes the module name lowercase. I 
will keep this in mind, and maybe rename the files.

So D is weird about this. I always recommend you use a *package* 
(i.e. module instead of just a module (i.e. module bar).

When you omit the module declaration, the compiler assumes the 
module name is the same as the file name *without the path taken 
into account*.

What happens is if you have `Map` as a module, and then `Map` as 
the class name, using the name `Map` is going to be confusing 
(did you mean the module or the class?)

However, if you have everything under a package, for example 
`foo`, i.e. a file `foo/Map.d` which contains the `Map` class, 
then when referring to `Map`, it can't be referring to the 
module, since you would have to refer to `foo.Map` for that. This 
means the class name `Map` by itself is unambiguous.

A whole host of problems occurs with name lookup when you don't 
use packages.


Re: The difference between the dates in years

2024-02-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 February 2024 at 15:53:09 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 
Is it possible to calculate the difference between dates in 
years using regular means? Something like that

writeln(Date(1999, 3, 1).diffMonths(Date(1999, 1, 1)));

At the same time, keep in mind that the month and day matter, 
because the difference between the year, taking into account 
the month that has not come, will be less.

My abilities are not yet enough to figure it out more elegantly.

OK, so I thought this was already taking into account the day of 
the month.

This is what I came up with:

int diffMonthNew(Date d1, Date d2)
auto diff = d1.diffMonths(d2);
if(diff > 0)
return diff + ( < ? -1 : 0);
else if(diff < 0)
return diff + ( > ? 1 : 0);
return 0;

Then if you want the years, it would be `diffMonthNew(d1, d2) / 


Re: The difference between the dates in years

2024-02-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 February 2024 at 23:48:56 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

If I understand correctly, he cares about how far into the 
month the dates
are, whereas diffMonths ignores the smaller units, meaning that 
you get the

same result no matter when in the month the dates are. So,
2000-05-10 - 1990-05-09 would give 10, whereas 2000-05-10 - 

would give 9. diffMonths / 12 would give 10 in both cases.

I thought `diffMonths` was actually already taking this into 

Looking at the impl, it's pretty simple.

Would it make sense to have an overload that takes into account 
the day as well as the month/year? This kind of stuff is 
sometimes tricky to get right.


Re: The difference between the dates in years

2024-02-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 February 2024 at 15:53:09 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 
Is it possible to calculate the difference between dates in 
years using regular means? Something like that

writeln(Date(1999, 3, 1).diffMonths(Date(1999, 1, 1)));

At the same time, keep in mind that the month and day matter, 
because the difference between the year, taking into account 
the month that has not come, will be less.

My abilities are not yet enough to figure it out more elegantly.

Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but why not that result 
/ 12?


Re: How to get the client's MAC address in Vibe

2024-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 22:16:54 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 
Is there a way to identify a client by MAC address when using 
the Vibe library?
The `NetworkAddress` 
does not provide such features. Or did I miss something?

Mac is a hardware address. By the time the packets get to your 
server, that info is long gone. Even if you could get it, it 
likely is the MAC address of your router, not the peer.


Re: Scripting with Variant from std.variant: parameter passing

2024-02-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 08:22:42 UTC, Carl Sturtivant wrote:
It seems I cannot pass e.g. an int argument to a Variant 
function parameter. What's the simplest way to work around this 

You'd have to implement the function that accepts the parameters 
and wraps in a Variant.

This is the best I can come up with, which should be 
copy/pasteable to other shims:

void foo(Variant x, Variant y) { ... }

import std.meta : allSatisfy;

enum isVariant(T) = is(T == Variant);

// this is going to suck at CTFE but...
string argsAsVariants(size_t count)
   import std.format;
   import std.range;
   import std.alglorithm;
   import std.array;
   return iota(count).map!(i => format("Variant(args[%s])", 


// shim
auto foo(Args...)(Args args) if (!allSatisfy!(isVariant, Args))
mixin("return foo(", argsAsVariants(args.length), ");");


Re: import locality with function parameters

2024-02-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 February 2024 at 00:29:51 UTC, Carl Sturtivant wrote:


I seem to recall that there is surprising template to import a 
module and get a type from it inside the declaration of the 
type of a parameter to a function, so that the module need not 
be imported outside of the function definition. I think there 
was a blog article some years ago about this where there was 
some indication that this or something with equivalent effect 
would be incorporated into D in some way.

How do I define a function with a parameter that is a type in 
an outside module while keeping module import local to that 

Are you thinking of this?


Re: Effective String to Date conversion?

2024-01-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 10:56:04 UTC, atzensepp wrote:

Dear D-gurus,

being new to D I am trying my first steps and the language is 
quite intuitive and appealing.
When reading a file and creating a hash for the reocrds I want 
to get only the most recent ones. For this I need to convert 
Date/Time-Strings to comparable DateTime-Objects.
The code below works but looks a bit clumsy. Is there a more 
efficient (shorter) way to accomplish this?

That's how I would do it also.

I would note there also is a library I've used which works pretty 


Re: Safety is not what you think

2024-01-30 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 January 2024 at 15:38:26 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
This definitely isn't allowed in C or C++. I wonder what the 
rationale is for having this behavior in D?

It isn't allowed in C, but allowed in C++

As for rationale... I don't know why it wouldn't be allowed? You 
clearly need an lvalue to use prefix ++, and the result is the 
value after adding one, so why can't it be bound to a reference? 
I don't see where the problem would arise.


Re: Accessing array elements with a pointer-to-array

2024-01-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 January 2024 at 11:38:39 UTC, Stephen Tashiro wrote:

On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 20:36:49 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 20:11:05 UTC, Stephen Tashiro 

void main()
   ulong [3][2] static_array = [ [0,1,2],[3,4,5] ];
   static_array[2][1] = 6;

The static array has length 2, so index 2 is out of bounds, 
must be 0 or 1.

I understand that the index 2 is out of bounds in an array of 2 
things.  I'm confused about the notation for multidimensional 
arrays.  I thought that the notation uint[m][n] is read from 
right to left, so it denotes n arrays of m things in each 
array.  So I expected that static_array[k][j] would denotes the 
kth element of the jth array.

I find the following rule very straightforward to explaining it.

If you have an array, it's of type `T[]`. The `T` represents the 
type of each element. When you access element with index `n` of 
this array, it's `arr[n]`, which gives you the `n+1`th `T` 
element in the array.

So how do you match this to a static array `ulong[3][2]`? Well, 
the `T` in this case is `ulong[3]`, and the array part is `[2]`. 
So this is an array of 2 `ulong[3]`.

Therefore, when you index such an array, `static_array[2]` will 
get the 3rd element of this 2-element array, and fail.


Re: Providing implicit conversion of

2024-01-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 January 2024 at 16:05:40 UTC, Gavin Gray wrote:

The following code:

  ulong charlie = 11;
  long johnstone = std.algorithm.comparison.max(0, -charlie);
  writeln(format!"johnstone %s"(johnstone));

Results in (without any warning(s)):
johnstone -11

However you choose to look at it, this means -11 > 0 
(regardless of all arguments concerning implicit conversions, 
1's and 2's complements, being efficient, etc).

The language should not allow unary unsigned anything.

This is unlikely to get fixed, just due to the nature of D's 
philosophy when it comes to C compatibility.

It would also break a lot of existing code.


Re: Delegates and values captured inside loops

2024-01-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 January 2024 at 14:52:45 UTC, Renato wrote:

On Saturday, 20 January 2024 at 16:53:12 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

This is the workaround according to:

Go used to have the same issue [but they fixed 
it]( so this is no longer a 
problem in Go.

Perhaps D could do something about it for the same reasons the 
Go blog post presented.

Actually, D is much worse. It appears in that post that local 
variables in the loop were scoped on the loop iteration, but just 
not the iteration variables themselves. This means, the machinery 
to properly capture the loop variables was trivial, just change 
the scope where those variables are allocated.

In D, there is no loop scope. So the compiler would have to 
establish a new mechanism to recognize which variables to stick 
into a closure. It's not impossible, but it is not the same scope 
as what Go had to do.


Re: vector crash

2024-01-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 03:07:13 UTC, zjh wrote:

import dparse.ast;
import dparse.lexer;
import dparse.parser : parseModule;
import dparse.rollback_allocator : RollbackAllocator;
import core.stdcpp.vector;
import core.stdcpp.string;

I have no experience with using cpp from D, and I'm not sure 
exactly what you are trying to do (your code is not complete), 
but using `string` in this context does not mean C++ std::string, 
it's a D string (`immutable(char)[]`).

Are you sure this is what you are wanting to do?


Re: `static` function ... cannot access variable in frame of ...

2024-01-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 22:23:27 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 18:43:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:

The two calls are not equivalent.

so what is passed as alias need to be static too.

Thanks all. I thought a static member function just isn't able 
to access the instance of the struct, but as I understand now 
it is static all the way.

What I am looking for is a way to have different structs that 
have a member function that has the same name in all of them, 
that is callable without a this pointer, and able to take an 
alias argument. That is probably asking too much.

As a workaround, you can alias the outer function in the struct:

struct S
alias foo = S_foo;

This might be less than ideal, but at least it works.


Re: Socket handle leak and active handle warning with Vibe-D

2024-01-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 18:40:00 UTC, bomat wrote:

Sorry, I probably should have mentioned I was on Windows.
For testing it under Linux I commented out the call to 
`connectMongoDB`, since I don't have it installed there - and 
the warning went away.
Interesting, I did not suspect that as the source of the 
problem at all. :P

I'm now looking into how to clean up MongoDB connections 
properly, but don't see anything besides `cleanupConnections()` 
(which I'm already calling without any effect).
Maybe I need to initialize it differently... I'll experiment a 

You may have to do the same thing I did with redis:

Good luck! I would also say, I don't know why Windows doesn't do 
the same trace info debug thing, except that probably whomever 
added it didn't care about windows.


Re: Socket handle leak and active handle warning with Vibe-D

2024-01-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 17:24:40 UTC, bomat wrote:
On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 20:36:44 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
There should be a version you can enable that tells you where 
that socket handle was allocated. That might give you a 
further clue as to why it's not closed when the system shuts 

I think the program tells you which version to enable when 
this happens, but if not, let me know and I'll find it.

Thanks for the response, Steve.
Hmmm, not sure if I'm missing something, but this is all the 
output I get from the program:

[main() INF] Listening for requests on http://[::1]:8080/
[main() INF] Listening for requests on

[() INF] Received signal 2. Shutting down.
[main() INF] Stopped to listen for HTTP requests on ::1:8080
) INF] Stopped to listen for HTTP requests on
Warning: 1 socket handles leaked at driver shutdown.
Warning: 1 socket handles leaked at driver shutdown.
Unless there's some switch to make it more verbose?

Which driver are you using? In the posix driver, it should 
mention (and use) the debug flag `EventCoreLeakTrace`.

I didn't realize this wasn't across the board...


Re: Socket handle leak and active handle warning with Vibe-D

2024-01-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2024 at 20:49:54 UTC, bomat wrote:

I am still getting this in 2024 and vibe.d 0.9.7:
Warning: 1 socket handles leaked at driver shutdown.

I was wondering if maybe someone has new info on this...

There should be a version you can enable that tells you where 
that socket handle was allocated. That might give you a further 
clue as to why it's not closed when the system shuts down.

I think the program tells you which version to enable when this 
happens, but if not, let me know and I'll find it.


Re: Non-blocking keyboard input

2024-01-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 13:41:26 UTC, Joe wrote:

This does not actually work on my computer. It still blocks.

Adam is no longer using mainstream D, and apparently not posting 
on this forum.

I suggest you try to contact him via the arsd github page:


Re: Synchronisation help

2024-01-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 January 2024 at 15:48:16 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
What is the common solution here? Do I add a module-level 
`Object thing` and move everything accessing the AA into 
`synchronized(.thing)` statements? Or maybe add a `shared 
static` something to `Foo` and synchronise with 

Yeah, and the thing should be a `Mutex` object. A `Mutex` object 
uses it's underlying mutex primitive as its monitor. This also 
gives options for usage with methods as well as `synchronized` 

Just make sure you mark it `__gshared` or `shared` so all threads 
see it.


Re: jsoniopipe - exaples?

2023-12-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 December 2023 at 08:09:58 UTC, Zz wrote:


Here are some samples from the std.json documentation.
Any idea on how to do something similar using jsoniopipe?

Directly copied from

import std.conv : to;

// parse a file or string of json into a usable structure
string s = `{ "language": "D", "rating": 3.5, "code": "42" }`;
JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
// j and j["language"] return JSONValue,
// j["language"].str returns a string
writeln(j["language"].str); // "D"
writeln(j["rating"].floating); // 3.5

// check a type
long x;
if (const(JSONValue)* code = "code" in j)
if (code.type() == JSONType.integer)
x = code.integer;
x = to!int(code.str);

// create a json struct
JSONValue jj = [ "language": "D" ];
// rating doesnt exist yet, so use .object to assign
jj.object["rating"] = JSONValue(3.5);
// create an array to assign to list
jj.object["list"] = JSONValue( ["a", "b", "c"] );
// list already exists, so .object optional
jj["list"].array ~= JSONValue("D");

string jjStr = 

writeln(jj.toString); // jjStr

jsoniopipe is not focused on the `JSONValue` 

You can see it's pretty basic and just serves as a "catch any 
type" thing.

It could easily be replaced with `std.json.JSONValue`, though I 
like the fact that it's templated on the string type.

The main focus of jsoniopipe is parsing and serialization -- I 
prefer to use real concrete structs/classes rather than variant 
types. In fact, the huge benefit from the library is that there 
is no intermediate type.

But yeah, I could ingest all the functionality from std.json 
there. Or maybe even just use `JSONValue` from std.json. Could 
you make an issue?


Re: How to get serve-d to find dub dependencies

2023-12-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 16:28:28 UTC, Renato wrote:

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 16:13:01 UTC, Renato wrote:

I am trying to use dependencies, so I need dub.

On emacs, the imports from dub libraries cannot be found, even 
though dub can build it fine.

How can I get emacs/serve-d to "see" the libraries added by 

I found that dub has a command for letting the compiler know 
about the load paths:

dub describe --data=import-paths

This shows the correct paths for the project, so perhaps I can 
pass this to serve-d somehow?

I've managed to kind of hack it by adding the paths to my 

((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
 (tab-width . 4)))
 (d-mode . ((compile-command . "dmd -L-ld_classic -run")
(eglot-workspace-configuration . (:importPath 


Far from ideal but this makes it half work... it actually shows 
the definitions in the library now and I can even navigate to 
the source, but still for some reason the import is shown as an 

Expected 'consolecolors.d' or 'consolecolors/package.d' in one 
of the following import paths:


I believe that's because this is coming from d-mode, not 
serve-d (as serve-d actually "sees" it now)?!

Anyway, would love to know how to get serve-d to automatically 
detect dub libs.

dub recently changed how it stores packages. serve-d uses dub as 
a library to figure this out, so if the dub version serve-d is 
linked against does not match the version of dub you use to 
install/build, then it won't find the library includes.

Check your version of dub against the version of dub serve-d is 
building against.

Does the VS Code do that? If it does, this should work also on 

VS Code has a similar problem if you have a mismatch. The 
solution is to use the beta/nightly release channel of serve-d if 
you have a recent compiler.

I will note there are some packages that serve-d just can't 
figure out for imports, because the configuration is done via 


Re: Operator "+=" overloading for class?

2023-12-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 December 2023 at 14:38:14 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:

your code just return result value,
but it should not return but save result to "this"
see example at

I get an error, but don't understand why.
auto opOpAssign(string op)(Value rhs)
this = this + rhs;
return this;

// Error: `this` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified

Assigning an object is like copying a pointer. You may think you 
can try overloading the assignment, but it is 

However for class types, identity assignment is not allowed. All 
class types have reference semantics, so identity assignment by 
default rebinds the left-hand-side to the argument at the right, 
and this is not overridable.


But you aren't trying to do this.

Instead you are trying to reassign the `this` reference, which is 
a local (and also forbidden). Think about it a second, your `this 
+ rhs` is going to allocate a *new* object. Then if the 
assignment to the local `this` parameter succeeded, what happens 
outside the member function? The true reference that is calling 
this will not be updated!

The only way to do this I can see is to reimplement for op=, or 
maybe perform the operation and swap the guts out.


Re: Manually relesing memory

2023-12-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 December 2023 at 10:12:11 UTC, Vlad Stanimir wrote:
I am new to the language and am curios about manual memory 
management options.

From what i can tell dlang offers the option for both manul and 
automatic management of memory resources.

You might find all the answers in this blog series


Re: now I need -allinst when dmd compiles the unittest

2023-12-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 22:00:52 UTC, kdevel wrote:
If I not use -allinst the linker complains when using the 
current msgpack-d v1.0.5, e.g.

[...]msgpack-d/src/msgpack/package.d:203: undefined reference 
to `pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope ref const(int))'

[...]msgpack-d/src/msgpack/packer.d:1326: undefined reference 
to `pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(const(int))._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope const(int))'

[...]/msgpack-d/src/msgpack/unpacker.d:1505: undefined 
reference to `pure nothrow @nogc @safe immutable(char)[] 
core.internal.dassert._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail!(int)._d_assert_fail(scope const(immutable(char)[]), scope ref const(int), scope ref const(int))'

Are you using -checkaction=context? I have discovered that this 
happens if you build with -checkaction=context, but druntime has 
not been built with it, or you are using betterC.

What happens is that an assert failure will trigger a call to a 
druntime function, and the compiler thinks that function is 
already instantiated in druntime, so it skips emitting the 
function, and expects druntime to be linked.

I'm unsure whether druntime has the appropriate checkaction 
functions built by default, but definitely if you use betterC it 
won't be linked.

For reference:

You even reported one of these...


Re: Advent of Code 2023

2023-12-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 18:56:32 UTC, Johannes Miesenhardt 
On Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 14:51:37 UTC, Siarhei Siamashka 


Thanks, this is super helpful. I have one other question, in 
the solution you posted and also the one I posted in the 
discord today. I was required to use byLineCopy. I first used 
byLine but I for some reason that I can't really explain only 
got the last line from that. I switched to byLineCopy because I 
saw it in other peoples solution and that magically fixed all 
problems I had. What exactly happened here?

byLine reuses the buffer. So it is only valid while you haven’t 
fetched the next line.

byLineCopy makes a copy of the line to give you so it will always 
remain valid.

In these simple small type problems I find it easier to just 
fetch the whole file into a string and work with that. The 
performance of parsing the input is negligible.


Re: msghdr and cmsghdr mismatch for alpine musl

2023-11-26 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 November 2023 at 05:04:57 UTC, d007 wrote:

`import core.sys.posix.sys.socket : msghdr, cmsghdr, iovec;`

`msg_iovlen`, `msg_controllen`, `cmsg_len` is ulong for x86-64 
in druntime.

in alpine musl, they are int,  socklen_t(uint), socklen_t(uint).

Is this mismatch can cause problems is I use related api ?

Yes. Mismatch of types is a really bad error for c interaction.


Re: Dirty DMD

2023-11-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 November 2023 at 18:52:07 UTC, JN wrote:
Latest DMD for Windows downloaded from here: reports version as dirty:

DMD64 D Compiler v2.105.3-dirty
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation, All 
Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright

what does it mean by dirty?

Something in the build process changes a file and therefore the 
thing that checks the version marks it as dirty. It’s perfectly 
fine, this is the official release.

It’s a bit embarrassing to be honest. The windows binaries have 
been reporting dirty for years and nobody cares to fix it.


Re: D: How to check if a function is chained? a().b().c();

2023-11-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 November 2023 at 07:47:19 UTC, BoQsc wrote:

Let's say we have a chain of functions.

I would like to have a behaviour in `a()` that would check if 
there is `b()` or `c()` chained to it.

If `a();`is not chained: do a `writeln("You forgot to chain 
this function!");`

 A function that executes a program

For me syntactically it is important. One real world 
application would be:

Executes and pipes output to another program.

`program();` - Only executes the program.

Consider adding @mustuse on the return type.


Re: Struct copy constructor with inout

2023-11-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 13:58:17 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

It's easier to see if you compare the actual and expected 
argument lists side-by-side

Expected: (ref const(S1) s) const
Actual:   (const(S1)  )
 Mismatched 'this' argument

This would be a much better output. Is this something you made up 
or did you get it from one of the compilers? LDC2, which is what 
I tested with, reported in the format that I mentioned.

It might be something to add to the compiler that mismatches in 
`this` qualifiers should be reported separately, especially since 
the mutable form has no explicit qualifier. But I guess this is 
only an issue for constructors, because normal const functions 
can be called with mutable objects.

That being said, I still consider this a bug, if the inout 
version works, the const version should work as well. I don't see 
the difference.

So an interesting thing, if I change the `int i` to `int *i` in 
`S2`, instead of compiling I get the error:

Error: `inout` constructor `testinoutctor.S2.this` creates const 
object, not mutable


Which gives a much nicer error message!


Re: Struct copy constructor with inout

2023-11-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:50:34 UTC, dhs wrote:

I am using following code:

struct S1
this(ref const S1 s) const { writeln("copy"); }
int i;

struct S2
this(ref inout S2 s) inout { writeln("copy"); }
int i;

void test()
const(S1) s1;
S1 ss1 = s1; // error, ss1 not qualified as const

const(S2) s2;
S2 ss2 = s2; // fine, why?

Isn't "inout" supposed to copy the const-ness of its parameter 
to the constructor's attribute? In other words: why doesn't 
ss2=s2 fail here?

`ss2 = s2` does not fail because the type is implicitly 
convertible to non-const (a const int can be converted to a 
mutable int). Change `i` to `int *` and it will fail.

IMO, the first should succeed as well. And I will note that the 
error looks different from what you say:

Error: copy constructor `testinoutctor.S1.this(ref const(S1) s) 
const` is not callable using argument types `(const(S1))`


I'm not sure what this means. There shouldn't be a copy being 
made here, as the thing is already const. I don't understand this 
error, and it looks like a bug to me.


Re: Dlang installer with VSCode broken

2023-11-05 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 22:28:29 UTC, Daniel Donnelly, Jr. 

This is on my friend's machine, who I am teaching D.   What can 
be done?

Can you describe what you did? Also, might be helpful to file an 
issue on the code-d github repository itself:


Re: Convert String to Date and Add ±N Hours

2023-11-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 November 2023 at 18:11:53 UTC, Vahid wrote:


I have a date string with the format of "2023-11-04 23:10:20". 
I want to convert this string to Date object and also, add ±N 
hours to it. For example:

`"2023-11-04 23:10:20" + "+2:00" = "2023-11-05 01:10:20"`
`"2023-11-04 23:10:20" + "-2:30" = "2023-11-05 20:40:20"`

How can I do this?

Parse the date. There is a nice package on that is 
for date parsing:


Re: why remove octal literal support?

2023-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 November 2023 at 15:07:41 UTC, d007 wrote:
dlang is know for compile speed,  but in reality d project 
compile slow because so much ctfe and tempalte.

Why bring more ctfe call by remmove octal literal ?

octal literals are extremely error prone, because people 
sometimes use leading zeroes for alignment, not realizing that it 
means the number is completely different.

Actual correct octal literal use is vanishingly small. Banning 
C-style octal literals just makes it so the compiler flags 
unintended errors like this.


Re: What are the best available D (not C) File input/output options?

2023-11-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 November 2023 at 15:46:23 UTC, confuzzled wrote:

I tried but write() only outputs ubyte[] while I'm 
trying to output text so I abandoned idea early.

Just specifically to answer this, this is so you understand this 
is what is going into the file -- bytes.

You should use a buffering library like iopipe to write properly 
here (it handles the encoding of text for you).

And I really don't have a good formatting library, you can rely 
on formattedWrite maybe. A lot of things need to be better for 
this solution to be smooth, it's one of the things I have to work 


Re: is the array literal in a loop stack or heap allocated?

2023-10-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/10/23 10:54 PM, mw wrote:


I want to confirm: in the following loop, is the array literal `a` vs. 
`b` stack or heap allocated? and how many times?

ask the compiler:

void main() @nogc {

int[2] a;
int[] b;

int i;
while(++i <=100) {

  a = [i, i+1];  // array literal
  //b = [i, i+1]; // yes, this allocates, had to comment it out




Re: T[] opIndex() Error: .. signal 11

2023-10-05 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/5/23 1:49 AM, ag0aep6g wrote:

For some further reading, there's an open issue about the unexpected 

Thank you I had forgotten about that issue!


Re: T[] opIndex() Error: .. signal 11

2023-10-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/3/23 11:12 AM, Joel wrote:
The following program crashes, but doesn’t if I change (see title) T[] 
to auto. The program doesn’t even use that method/function. What’s the 

It's a stack overflow.

when doing foreach on your type, the compiler *always* uses a slice 
first if it compiles and is a valid range.

So `foreach(x; ints)` really translates to `foreach(x; ints[])`.

Normally not a problem. But your `opIndex()` is calling `this.array`. 
What does `this.array` do? a foreach on your type. Which calls 
`opIndex`, which calls `array`, which calls `opIndex`, etc.

When you make it auto, well, then inside the `array` function, it won't 
use the `opIndex` (because clearly, the type hasn't been determined). 
And so it goes with the range functions without first doing a slice.

But then outside the type, now that `opIndex` type has been inferred, it 
can now use `foreach(x; ints[])`, and that goes back to the regular 

A minimized case is here:

struct S
int front() => 1;
void popFront() {}
bool empty() => true;

auto opIndex() {
foreach(x; this) {}
return int[].init;

void main()
S s;
foreach(x; s) {}

If you run this on, and click the "AST" button, you will 
get this for the type and the main function:

import object;
struct S
int front()
return 1;
void popFront()
bool empty()
return true;
auto @system int[] opIndex()
S __r2 = this;
for (; !__r2.empty(); __r2.popFront())
int x = __r2.front();
return null;
void main()
S s = 0;
scope int[] __r3 = s.opIndex()[];
ulong __key4 = 0LU;
for (; __key4 < __r3.length; __key4 += 1LU)
int x = __r3[__key4];
return 0;

Note the difference in how the foreach code is lowered. Inside 
`opIndex`, it's lowered to the range functions. Outside, it uses the 
slice operator to switch to iterating a `scope int[]`.

If you now switch the `auto` to `int[]`, it's a segfault, because now 
the `opIndex` has a concrete return type, and it *can* use the 
`opIndex`, inside `opIndex`.

I really think the implicit slice should be revisited. It shouldn't 
happen in this case.


Re: The difference between T[] opIndex() and T[] opSlice()

2023-10-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/3/23 12:09 PM, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 13:07:00 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Now, you can define a further `opIndexAssign(T val, size_t idx)`. 
However, now you lose capabilities like `a[0]++`, which I don't think 
has a possibility of implementing using an `opIndex` operator, and it 
would be pretty ugly if you had to.

Works for me, with both `++` and `+=`:

AST output confirms that these are lowered to use `opIndex`.

Looking at the spec, it seems like `opIndex` would only be pre-empted 
here if you overloaded `opIndexUnary` (for `++`) and/or 
`opIndexOpAssign` (for `+=`).

OK, so it's not as bad as I thought, but surely the compiler should 
recognize that `opIndexAssign(val, idx)` doesn't work, but `opIndex(idx) 
= val` does?


Re: The difference between T[] opIndex() and T[] opSlice()

2023-10-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 20:42:14 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 20:34:11 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
In an old version (for example, v2.0.83), the code you 
implemented in the places where Slice is written above works 
as desired.  In the most current versions, the parameterized 
opIndexAssign(T value) gives the error:

onlineapp.d(51): Error: function 
`onlineapp.Matrix!double.Matrix.opIndexAssign(double value)` 
is not callable using argument types `(double, ulong)`

onlineapp.d(51):expected 1 argument(s), not 2


I don't know what's wrong in your example but this works for me:

struct S
void opIndexAssign(int value)
import std.stdio;
writeln("assigned ", value);

void main()
S s;
s[] = 7;

So in the example linked by Salih, the `opIndex` returns a ref, 
which is a valid mechanism to properly do `a[0] = val;`. However, 
since `opIndexAssign` exists, the compiler expects that to be 
used instead.

Essentially, by naming the slice assign the same operator as 
index assign, you have eliminated the possibility for ref 
assignment via indexing.

Now, you can define a further `opIndexAssign(T val, size_t idx)`. 
However, now you lose capabilities like `a[0]++`, which I don't 
think has a possibility of implementing using an `opIndex` 
operator, and it would be pretty ugly if you had to.

This seems like a design flaw in the `opIndex` overloading 
changes. I would stick with `opSliceAssign` if faced with this 
problem (glad it still works!)

It could also be considered a bug but I don't know the overload 


Re: The difference between T[] opIndex() and T[] opSlice()

2023-10-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/1/23 1:41 PM, Salih Dincer wrote:


What is the difference between T[] opIndex() and T[] opSlice(), which 
haven't parameters?

None. It used to be that opSlice was the only way, and the mechanisms 
opSlice uses are still valid.


Re: Straight Forward Arrays

2023-10-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/1/23 1:13 PM, dhs wrote:

It may not be a problem in practice. My concern was performance, because 
each time we add an element to the array, the garbage collector has to 
map the slice to the allocation it belongs to.

FWIW, there is a cache that makes this decently fast, so it doesn't have 
to go all the way into the GC to get all the information for every append.

But it *most definitely* not going to be as fast as reading a local 
"capacity" variable.


Re: Straight Forward Arrays

2023-10-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/1/23 10:34 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The complexity is from the way d does operator overloading and indexing.

It should be pretty straightforward. I’ll see if I can post a simple 

I didn't tackle any attribute or memory safety issues, or many operator 
overloads, but this is going to be reasonably close. It should make a 
copy of the data when copied.

Note this still uses the GC for storage, and when expanding, uses the GC 
to fetch the capacity (this could be done in one call, but meh).

Some niceties of builtin arrays may not work, but this is somewhat of 
the cost you pay for trying to make a custom type.

struct VTArray(T)
private T[] _storage;
private size_t _length;

const size_t length() => _length;

void length(size_t newLen) {
if(newLen <= _storage.length)
_length = newLen;
_storage.length = newLen;
_storage.length = _storage.capacity;

inout this(ref inout(VTArray) other)

inout this(inout(T)[] buf)
auto x = buf.dup;
x.length = x.capacity;
_length = buf.length;
_storage = cast(inout)x;

ref inout(T) opIndex(size_t idx) inout {
assert(idx < length);
return _storage[idx];

void opOpAssign(string s : "~", V)(auto ref V other) {
static if(is(V == T[]))
immutable avail = _storage.length - length;
if(avail < other.length)
_storage[length .. $] = other[0 .. avail];
_storage ~= other[avail .. $];
_storage.length = _storage.capacity; // expand to capacity;
_storage[length .. length + other.length] = other;
_length += other.length;
else static if(is(V == T))
if(length == _storage.length)
_storage.length += 1;
_storage.length = _storage.capacity;
_storage[_length++] = other;
else static if(is(V == VTArray))
this ~= other[];

void opAssign(T[] arr)
_storage = arr.dup;
_storage.length = _storage.capacity;
_length = arr.length;

void opAssign(VTArray vtarr)
this = vtarr._storage[0 .. vtarr.length];

inout(T)[] opIndex() inout => _storage[0 .. _length];

void toString(Out)(auto ref Out output)
import std.format;
formattedWrite(output, "%s", this[]);

void main()
auto arr = VTArray!int.init;
arr ~= 1;
arr ~= [2,3,4,5];
import std.stdio;
auto arr2 = arr;
arr2[0] = 5;
arr2 ~= arr;

This should give you a reasonable head-start.


Re: Straight Forward Arrays

2023-10-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 October 2023 at 13:24:27 UTC, dhs wrote:
On Sunday, 1 October 2023 at 13:05:12 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On Sunday, 1 October 2023 at 09:01:53 UTC, dhs wrote:


Std::vector uses value semantics. D does not have anything 
like that. It could be done someone just has to do it.

Yes, and therein lies the problem: writing a dynamic array is 
not a very difficult task for an old developer like me. I 
looked at the D runtime and at the Phobos implementation for 
reference. The code is so extremely difficult to understand and 
uses so many advanced D features, that I doubt that I am up to 
the task. For me, the point of switching to D was to use a 
language that is simpler to read and maintain.

The complexity is from the way d does operator overloading and 

It should be pretty straightforward. I’ll see if I can post a 
simple wrapper.


Re: Straight Forward Arrays

2023-10-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 October 2023 at 09:01:53 UTC, dhs wrote:


Is there a straight forward Array type in D similar to C++'s 
vector class? Something along the lines of the tuple: (pointer 
to elements, length, capacity).


Std::vector uses value semantics. D does not have anything like 
that. It could be done someone just has to do it.


Re: Vibe.d download function, how to get callback when done or error?

2023-09-25 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/23/23 8:07 AM, wrote:

I'm using download(url, filename) to download files in vibe.d.

The issue is that I do not know when the download is finished or errors. 
There is a callback for the streaming side but not for the file download.

You might misunderstand how vibe is doing async. Basically, that fiber 
is put to sleep until the download is finished, and then you get the 
result. You write your code as if it were synchronous.

If you call this outside of an async context, vibe will start up an 
event loop and run it until your download is done.


Re: range shortened method not enabled, compile with compiler switch `-preview=shortenedMethods`

2023-09-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 September 2023 at 10:00:31 UTC, Joe wrote:

For absolutely no reason I started getting this error.

Last night I compiled the project and it worked just fine. This 
morning I made a single insignificant change and tried to 
compile and got that error. Only possible thing is that for 
some reason some change in updating the compiler may have no 
propagated correctly till after the reboot.


This sounds like a compiler issue. Are you on the latest 
compiler? Which compiler? Is there a set of code you can post or 
upload which causes the problem?


Re: "readln" after "readf"

2023-09-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 09:14:14 UTC, pascal111 wrote:
I've a problem when I'm using "readln" after "readf" that I 
couldn't see my program rest and the lines of the execution ran 

module main;

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] args)

char[] yy;
int x,y,z;

writef("Enter a number: ");
readf(" %d",);

writef("Enter a number: ");
readf(" %d",);

writefln("Hi! %d",z);

writef("Enter a number: ");
yy = strip(yy);

writef("Enter a number: ");
yy = strip(yy);

writefln("Hi! %d",z);

return 0;

Your readfs are not consuming the newline at the end. Add `\n` to 
the end of the format text.


Re: How to use core.vararg to print D variadic arguments and their types without using ! (template instantiation)?

2023-09-16 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/15/23 4:14 PM, Basile B. wrote:

On Thursday, 14 September 2023 at 15:19:29 UTC, BoQsc wrote:

The common way to use **va_arg** is `va_arg!(int)(_argptr);`
What would be the alternative way or syntax that behave exactly the 
same way, even if more verbose?

`va_arg!(int)(_argptr);` is taken from an example in:

here's how

import core.vararg;

void main()
     foo(.5, 5);

void foo(...)
     int i = void;
     va_arg(_argptr, typeid(i), );
     assert(i == 5);
     double d = void;
     va_arg(_argptr, typeid(d), );
     assert(d == .5);

Note that this doesn't work in gdc.

The templated version is actually more akin to what C does.


Re: Setting struct as default parameter of a function using struct literal?

2023-09-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 September 2023 at 19:59:37 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I would love to be able to use C style designated 
initialization everywhere too..

Recent version of D added named arguments so you can do 
something like:

void someFunction(Options option = Options(silenceErrors: 


I don't like the useless repeating "option option option", but 
that's D for you

void someFunction(bool silenceErrors = false, bool otherOption = 

someFunction(otherOption: false); // works

I know options structs have benefits besides allowing parameter 
specification, but with the latest allowance of named parameters, 
it's worth exploring whether you still want to use an options 
struct or not.


Re: malloc error when trying to assign the returned pointer to a struct field

2023-09-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 September 2023 at 09:21:32 UTC, rempas wrote:

Now, if only one could expect how and why "libc" knows that and 
doesn't just care to give me the memory I asked it for? Or it 
could be than D does something additional without telling us? 
Which can explain when this memory is only present when I 
assign the value to the "this._ptr` field!

You are focusing on the wrong problem.

You asked for size bytes, and malloc gave you size bytes. It 
doesn't "know" anything special.

Then you proceeded at some point to write *past* the size bytes. 
What did you overwrite? Probably some internal malloc 
implementation structure. Then it later noticed "hey, this 
structure doesn't make sense, I'm going to report it to the 
user!" That's why you see the message.

Memory problems are very difficult to find, and typically an 
error is triggered far away from the source, in seemingly 
unrelated code. This is why whenever I see an error that smells 
like memory corruption, I stop all other work and find it. Memory 
errors can come and go based on random chance or how the compiler 
lays out functions. So having it "just go away" isn't enough. 
Very very infrequently, this happens because of a codegen issue, 
but most of the time it's pilot error.


Re: malloc error when trying to assign the returned pointer to a struct field

2023-09-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 07:59:37 UTC, rempas wrote:

I do have the following struct:


That's some minimal code that I do have just to showcase it.

This is not ideal. Why? Because 99% of the time, a poster has 
come here with a problem they don't know how to solve, and have 
focused in on where they *think* the problem is. However, the 
problem isn't there. But us reading the description can only see 
what the poster sees, and either don't see a problem ("I'm just 
as confused as you are!") or know there is more to the story.

Not only that, but frequently not-complete code is... not 
complete. And people tend to focus on problems they can see (e.g. 
where is that `_len` defined?), frustrating the poster with 
"trivial" problems that are solved "in the real code".

Inevitably, there is a subsequent post with the real code, and 
that contains the problem.

The best thing to post is a minimally reproducing example. The 
next best thing is a link to a complex reproducing example. Which 
you have done later (I will take a look). I just wanted to point 
this out because it's a frequent problem on these forums.

So, some times, this work will works, some others, it will give 
me the following error:

`Fatal glibc error: malloc.c:2594 (sysmalloc): assertion 
failed: (old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || 
((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) 
&& ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)`

This is an internal message from glibc. It seems the malloc 
structure is corrupted.

Is there any possible that there is a compiler bug? I do use 
ldc2 and `betterC`!

There is always a chance...

Now, critiquing your original code, I see red flags here:

  u64 _cap = 0;   // Total amount of elements (not bytes) we 
can store


and then later:

  this(i64 size) {
this._len = 0;
this._cap = size;

ok, so `size` must mean the number of elements, not the number of 

static if (is(T == char)) { size += 1; } // Additional 
space for the null terminator

this._ptr = cast(T*)malloc(size);

Here, you have allocated `size` bytes for the array. Is this what 
is intended? Your comments suggest otherwise! If `T.sizeof` is 2 
or more, then you still only allocate e.g. 20 bytes for a `_cap` 
of 20. but an array of 20 T's would require 40 bytes.


Re: AA vs __gshared

2023-08-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/12/23 5:55 AM, IchorDev wrote:

On Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 15:20:28 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

That shouldn't matter.

Well, it does here. The AA is mutated during the loop, so perhaps this 
is an optimisation quirk where it works with `for` but segfaults in 
`foreach`? I've pretty thoroughly abused the `for` version and I haven't 
gotten it to segfault yet.

oh yeah. That is not allowed. Any mutation of the AA during iteration 
can invalidate existing foreach or ranges over the AA.

Basically, a rehash can cause the buckets to jumble up, and in that 
case, the "current index" can be changed to point at a null bucket.

More here:

In fact, that statement is way too broad. Invalidation of iteration 
should be based on the type's requirements.

We really should put a note in the AA spec page.

I also highly recommend using `emplace` to handle all the sticky 
issues with lifetime/construction.

Have not run into the aforementioned sticky issues yet, but I can't even 
find `emplace`'s docs anywhere now.

I recall it being incompatible with 
classes that have @nogc/nothrow constructors though, which made it 
pretty useless to me, and it wouldn't work with BetterC, which was a 
requirement for the allocation wrapper I was writing at the time.

It probably won't work with betterC, but that's probably just because of 
linker errors.

Any attribute requirements would be inferred based on the attributes of 
your constructor, because emplace is a template.


Re: sort with char’s

2023-08-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 August 2023 at 06:47:50 UTC, Joel wrote:

writeln(name[].each!(n => n.write)); // get 
"christensenyes" //, " <> ", name[].sort!"a>b".each!(n => 

This writes each character individually, and then at the end 
writes the result of `each` with a newline.

In this case, `each` 
[docs]( say:

Yes.each if the entire range was iterated, No.each in case of 
early stopping.

`Yes.each` is going to print as "yes".


Re: Why is GC.collect not @safe?

2023-08-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/2/23 7:40 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
Presumably an allocation like `new T` (for a type with a @safe 
constructor) can be made anywhere a call to `GC.collect` can be made, 
which may trigger a collection. So why isn't `GC.collect` marked @safe?

It should be. Maybe historical reasons?

One possible (but wrong) reason is that destructors can be unsafe. But 
you are correct in that allocation can cause a collection.


Re: HTTP Post Body Parameters

2023-08-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/1/23 7:57 PM, Vahid wrote:


I want to submit a request to server with "x-www-form-urlencoded" 
header. This is the simplified version of my code:

     auto http = HTTP(";);

     http.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "SID:TOKEN");

     auto params = "Param1=one=two";
     http.setPostData(params, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

     http.onReceive = (ubyte[] response)
     return cast(string) response;

onReceive is a push from the library to you. Returning the response 
doesn't actually do anything. You need to store it somewhere.


ubyte[] msg;
http.onReceive = (ubyte[] response) {
msg ~= response;
return response.length; // tell the receiver how much data was read

http.perform(); // fills in msg
return msg;
from the docs about onReceive (which by the way, should 
return a ulong, I'm not sure how your cast to string even compiles):

The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the 
incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the 
callback returns.


Re: Anyone help me with a stack dump?

2023-07-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/31/23 9:09 AM, Cecil Ward wrote:
The unitttests that I have just put in crash spectacularly with an 
access violation. I built the code with LDC for Aarch64 / OSX and I 
fired up lldb. I now have to learn lldb quick. (BTW Where can I get an 
x86 / linux build of lldb or similar ?)

This is the stack dump, and I could do with some help decoding parts of it

unittest_L1541 -> unittest on line 1541.

Probably something in there doing appending?

I myself have a hard time with lldb. I understand gdb a lot better.


Re: AA vs __gshared

2023-07-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/28/23 11:15 AM, IchorDev wrote:

On Friday, 28 July 2023 at 11:15:31 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
All `__gshared` does is give you storage that is accessible from all 

"All __gshared does is give you [a live bomb, ready to go off at any 


It seems like it's not __gshared at all, but misusing malloc with GC 

On Friday, 28 July 2023 at 14:10:16 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Your error is using allocating the object with malloc. Since gc 
doesn't see your AA, the AA is freed and you get UAF.

Friend, I think you nailed it. After adding this I haven't been able to 
reproduce the segfault again:

this(long n){
     cache = new typeof(cache);
     import core.memory;
 // ...
It did always happen at random, so perhaps I haven't spent enough time 
testing it yet, but I've gone far longer without it segfaulting than 
ever before.

This is the wrong approach, it's the allocating call that should add the 
root (actually a range).

For instance, the mutex is not added, that might be collected. Or if you 
add more GC-pointing things into the class, that could be a problem.

What I'd do is:

T alloc(T, A...)(auto ref A args){
enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
void* mem = core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(classSize);
assert(mem !is null, "Out of memory");
core.memory.GC.addRange(mem[0 .. classSize]);
scope(failure) {
   core.memory.GC.removeRange(mem[0 .. classSize]);;
T inst = cast(T)mem;
return inst;

And of course, a `dealloc` that removes the range should also be added.


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