How to create library with exported functions

2012-10-05 Thread denizzzka


I am make a yet another attempt to create an interface to 
PostgreSQL from the D:

I can not understand how do I compile it into a library and 
create .di headers file. Currently, "make debug" uses dmd -lib 
and creates libpq.di file, but its file contains only few strings 
from main()

Plz help!

Re: How to create library with exported functions

2012-10-05 Thread denizzzka

(sorry for my English)


I am make a yet another attempt to create an interface to
PostgreSQL from the D:

I can not understand how do a compile it into a library and
create .di headers file. Currently, "make debug" uses dmd -lib
and creates libpq.di file, but this file contains only few strings
from main()

As far as I understand it, in libdpq2.di should be automatically 
added functions what are available from the library. But they are 

Re: How to create library with exported functions

2012-10-05 Thread denizzzka

I tried to add:

 export { /* module code except imports*/}

but nothing has changed.

Re: How to create library with exported functions

2012-10-05 Thread denizzzka

On Friday, 5 October 2012 at 09:15:36 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

I tried to add:

 export { /* module code except imports*/}

but nothing has changed.

libdpq2.di have a comment on top:

// D import file generated from 'unittests_main.d'

why only from unittests_main.d?

Build command is:

dmd libpq.di connection.d query.d answer.d unittests_main.d 
-L-lpq -L-lcom_err -w -d -Hflibdpq2.di -oflibdpq2 -g -debug -lib

which includes 5 source files.

Re: How to create library with exported functions

2012-10-05 Thread denizzzka


problem was in -Hf compiler switch

How to create immutable struct?

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

I am have struct with constructor:

immutable struct Cell {

And I trying to create instance of this struct:

immutable (Cell)* s = new Cell( v, s);

compiler returns error:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new Cell(v,s)) of 
type Cell* to immutable(Cell)*

How to pass immutable to new?

Re: How to create immutable struct?

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

I should just create immutable constructor :-)


2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka


version(assert){ int i = 1; } else { int k = 1; }

causes error:
Error: identifier or integer expected, not assert

This is bug or feature? says what it is correct code, 
because "assert" in the list of "Predefined Version Identifiers"

How I can solve this problem by other way?

Re: version(debug)

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

huh, text should be from upper letter: Assert, Debug

Re: version(debug)

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka
Strange, when you write to the forum then you solve problem 
immediately by yourself :-)

Thx for fast answers!

Re: version(debug)

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 18:15:49 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic

On 10/6/12, denizzzka <> wrote:

This is bug or feature? says what it is correct code,
because "assert" in the list of "Predefined Version 

I think that must be a typo on the website. Use version(debug) 

No, debug also don't works. Debug and Assert works fine

Re: version(debug)

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka
On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 19:16:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Saturday, October 06, 2012 20:42:01 Alex Rønne Petersen 
version (assert) is a very recent addition to the compiler and 
is not in


Which would probably explain why it's not working for him, 
since presumably,
he's not building the compiler himself, but then it really 
shouldn't be up on

the website yet.

- Jonathan M Davis

I am on dmd 2.060

debug {} else {} was not obvious for me - I thought that debug is 
a kind of qualifer.

Re: connect to an SQL Server database

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 12:35:05 UTC, Minas wrote:
Is there a library that I can use to connect to an SQL Server 
database? (I need to use it on both linux and windows).

I am write one for PostgreSQL right now:

Re: connect to an SQL Server database

2012-10-06 Thread denizzzka

On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 22:08:48 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 12:35:05 UTC, Minas wrote:
Is there a library that I can use to connect to an SQL Server 
database? (I need to use it on both linux and windows).

I am write one for PostgreSQL right now:

Ops, it turns SQL Server is a *Microsoft* SQL Server

Re: version(debug)

2012-10-07 Thread denizzzka

On Sunday, 7 October 2012 at 01:20:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Saturday, October 06, 2012 23:49:23 denizzzka wrote:

I am on dmd 2.060

debug {} else {} was not obvious for me - I thought that debug 

a kind of qualifer.

I wouldn't expect you to try either version(debug) or debug {} 
without seeing
them in the docs or in TDPL. I suppose that I can see why you 
would try

version(debug), but it's not listed in the docs.

There isn't really a debug version of anything in D. What debug 
{} does is
it's compiled in when -debug is compiled in, and that can be 
used in
conjunction with -release if you want to. So talking about 
debug vs release in
D is likely to get very confusing. Rather -debug enables debug 
blocks which
are intended for inserting debug code, _not_ code which is 
meant for non-

release builds.

It looks like version(assert) (which I guess is only in the 
github version
right now) will effectively correspond to not having -release, 
but if there's
ever a compiler flag which specifically enables or disables 
assertions instead
of -release (which does more than just disable assertions - 
e.g. it disables
bounds checking in non-@safe code), then it won't actually be 
guaranteed to
not be there if -release isn't there. It's close enough though 
I guess,
particularly when the type of stuff that you specifically do in 
non-release code
is typically the kind of stuff that you want done with 
assertions are enabled
and probably wouldn't want enable if assertions were turned 
off, even if that

were to somehow happen without -release.

I've got a situation that debug information should be placed into 
the class via the constructor. Therefore, when used -debug 
constructor has another arguments list, and its need debug {} 
else {} for ctor calling.

In any case, -debug and debug{} should be explained in the docs 
It's certainly not the sort of thing that I would expect you to 



Best way to store postgresql's "numeric" type in D?

2012-10-10 Thread denizzzka
It is up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 
digits after the decimal point.

Re: Is there a thread safe single linked list?

2012-10-12 Thread denizzzka

or dynamic array with this methods

Re: Is there a thread safe single linked list?

2012-10-12 Thread denizzzka

Thanks for answer!

After investigation came to the conclusion that here is needed 
not synchronized-based solution. I am need compare-and-swap 
single linked list because it will be used in callback proc from 
C, and it cannot be throwable, but synchronized contains 
throwable _d_monitorenter and_d_monitorexit.

I would be grateful if someone share singly linked list based on 

Re: Is there a thread safe single linked list?

2012-10-12 Thread denizzzka
I would be grateful if someone share singly linked list based 
on cas()

Ok, this is a good opportunity to learn how to write such by 
oneself :-)

Re: Is there a thread safe single linked list?

2012-10-13 Thread denizzzka

On Friday, 12 October 2012 at 23:30:39 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:

I would be grateful if someone share singly linked list based 
on cas()

There's a sample Stack and SList implementation in the 
concurrency chapter:

Of course, I read this article.

I think that SList is not the same thing as FIFO list - get the 
first entry in the queue and get queue entry by numerical order 
are two different things in multithreaded environment, right?

I think its necessary to implement "primitives" like a CASN from 
article "A Pratial Multi-Word Compare-and-Swap Operation" (by 
Timothy L. Harris, Keir Fraser and Ian A. Pratt.) This titanic 
challenge as I see it, but sooner or later it will have to do.

Then we will be able to create various thread safe structures.

Re: Is there a thread safe single linked list?

2012-10-13 Thread denizzzka
Not that the "titanic" but the authors, probably, have used Java 
and another type of cas result returns.

how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka

void main()
struct S { int payload; }

S* s = new shared (S); // Why this is a illegal?

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new shared(S)) of 
type shared(S)* to S*

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:27:03 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:15:57 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

   S* s = new shared (S); // Why this is a illegal?
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new shared(S)) of 
type shared(S)* to S*

Because shared(S) and S are different types. Either declare s 
as shared too or use a cast.

Why it was made in the language? This can be a safe automatic 
conversion I think.

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka


synchronization + nothrow

2012-10-19 Thread denizzzka
How I can synchronize changing of array in the functions with 
nothrow? Handmade spinlock or something better?

How to start new command with arguments, pass data to its stdin read its output?

2012-10-23 Thread denizzzka

Something like execv() but with stdin/stdout?

Re: How to start new command with arguments, pass data to its stdin read its output?

2012-10-23 Thread denizzzka

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 at 11:34:35 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

Something like execv() but with stdin/stdout?

Something like popen(), not execv().

Re: How to start new command with arguments, pass data to its stdin read its output?

2012-10-23 Thread denizzzka

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 at 12:19:08 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 at 11:34:35 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

Something like execv() but with stdin/stdout?

If you're on linux i have a little file that might help:

int exec(
   string program,
   string[] args = null,
   string input = null,
   string* output = null,
   string* error = null,
   string[] environment = null);

Thanks! It is suitable for my case.

I think something like this should be in the standard library.

UTF-8 strings and endianness

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka


How to convert D's string to big endian?
How to convert to D's string from big endian?

Re: UTF-8 strings and endianness

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 15:22:39 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

UTF-8 isn't affected by endianness.

Ok, thanks!

Re: UTF-8 strings and endianness

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 15:46:43 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:

Al 29/10/12 16:17, En/na denizzzka ha escrit:


How to convert D's string to big endian?
How to convert to D's string from big endian?

UTF-8 is always big emdian.


(I thought that the problem in this place but the problem was 

Re: UTF-8 strings and endianness

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 15:46:43 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:

Al 29/10/12 16:17, En/na denizzzka ha escrit:


How to convert D's string to big endian?
How to convert to D's string from big endian?

UTF-8 is always big emdian.

oops, what?

Q: Is the UTF-8 encoding scheme the same irrespective of whether 
the underlying processor is little endian or big endian?

A: Yes. Since UTF-8 is interpreted as a sequence of bytes, there 
is no endian problem as there is for encoding forms that use 
16-bit or 32-bit code units. Where a BOM is used with UTF-8, it 
is only used as an ecoding signature to distinguish UTF-8 from 
other encodings — it has nothing to do with byte order.

How to place char* of stringZ to ubyte[]?

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka
immutable ubyte[] valueBin = cast(immutable(ubyte[])) 
toStringz(s); // s is string type

Error: e2ir: cannot cast toStringz(s) of type immutable(char)* to 
type immutable(ubyte[])

Re: How to place char* of stringZ to ubyte[]?

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 17:51:56 UTC, bearophile wrote:


immutable ubyte[] valueBin = cast(immutable(ubyte[])) 
toStringz(s); // s is string type

Error: e2ir: cannot cast toStringz(s) of type immutable(char)* 
to type immutable(ubyte[])

One way to do it:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
string s = "hello";
auto valueBin = cast(immutable ubyte[])s.dup;

But what are you trying to do?

I am trying to send to remote host utf8 text with zero byte at 
end (required by protocol)

But sending function accepts only ubyte[]

Re: How to place char* of stringZ to ubyte[]?

2012-10-29 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 18:50:58 UTC, bearophile wrote:


I am trying to send to remote host utf8 text with zero byte at 
end (required by protocol)

What if your UTF8 string coming from D already contains several 

Incredible situation because it is text-based protocol

toStringz(s) returns a pointer, so you can't cast a pointer 
(that doesn't know the length the buffer it points to) to an 
array. You have to tell it the length in some way. One way is 
to slice the pointer, another solution is to append a '\0' and 
then cast it to an immutable array. Two solutions:

import std.stdio, std.string;
void main() {
   string s = "hello";
   auto valueBin1 = cast(immutable ubyte[])(s ~ '\0');
   auto valueBin2 = cast(immutable ubyte[])(s.toStringz()[0 .. 
s.length + 1]);


I am concerned about the extra allocations of temp arrays. here 
is it, or not? compiler optimizes it?

In my case it does not matter but for the future I would like to 
know how it can be implemented without overhead.

If you have to do this more than two or three times it's better 
to write a little function to do it, to avoid bugs.

Even better is to define with strong typing the type of such 
nil-terminated array of bytes, to avoid other mistakes. This 
used to be possible in D with typedef. Now one a little clumsy 
way to do it is to use a struct with "alias this". This is just 
a sketch:

Yes, already implemented similar.

struct BytesBuf {
this(string s) { = cast(typeof(data))(s ~ '\0');
byte[] data = [0];

Why not "byte[] data;" ?

alias this = data; // new syntax

What difference between this syntax and "alias Something this"?

void main() {
   import std.stdio;
   string s = "hello";
   auto valueBin3 = BytesBuf(s);

Re: Vibe: I found the problem, but don't know how to fix it

2012-11-01 Thread denizzzka

On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 18:25:22 UTC, Lubos Pintes wrote:

Some time ago I reported on D.Anounce, that Vibe apps are not 
working on my system, they failed with an exception. So I 
diagnosed a bit and found the following:

There is a folder on my system
which contains some DLLs needed for successful run. But the 
app.exe generated by rdmd is, in one concrete case in the folder

After I manually moved the app.exe from the previous folder 
with crazy name to the source folder, everything worked.


You can report this problem to Vibe community forum (without 

How to add n items to TypeTuple?

2012-11-01 Thread denizzzka

For example, adding 3 strings to type tuple t:

foreach( i; 0..2 )
 alias TypeTuple!( t, string ) t; // this is wrong code

and result should be:

TypeTuple!( string, string, string );

Re: How to add n items to TypeTuple?

2012-11-01 Thread denizzzka

Great! Thanks!

Re: What is PostgreSQL driver is most stable?

2017-03-19 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 March 2017 at 08:54:59 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 

I'm curious: ddb does not support yet arbitrary precision 
numbers [1], does dpq support them?

Does Dlang supports them?

dub dustmite: Initial test fails

2016-02-23 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have a code with segfault. I decided to try to take advantage 
with dub dustmite:

$ dub dustmite ~/ssd/pgator_dustmite0 --program-status=139 -- 
--config=my_pgator.conf --debug=true
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency vibe-d-postgresql. Please use numbered 
versions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use 
a branch instead.

Copy package 'pgator' to destination folder...
Copy package 'vibe-d-postgresql' to destination folder...
Copy package 'dpq2' to destination folder...
Copy package 'derelict-pq' to destination folder...
Copy package 'derelict-util' to destination folder...
Copy package 'vibe-d' to destination folder...
Copy package 'libasync' to destination folder...
Copy package 'memutils' to destination folder...
Copy package 'libev' to destination folder...
Copy package 'libevent' to destination folder...
Copy package 'openssl' to destination folder...
Executing dustmite...
None => No
object.Exception@DustMite/dustmite.d(243): Initial test fails

but if I try to run already compiled binary it is successfully 
core dumps:

$ ./pgator --config=my_pgator.conf --debug=true; echo $?
2016-02-23T18:07:00.748:package.d:_sharedStaticCtor6:9 DerelictPQ 
...DerelictPQ loading finished
2016-02-23T18:07:00.750:package.d:connectionFactory:50 creating 
new connection
2016-02-23T18:07:00.750:package.d:connectionFactory:54 new 
connection is started
2016-02-23T18:07:00.750:package.d:doQuery:66 get connection from 
a pool

2016-02-23T18:07:00.753:package.d:doQuery:90 doesQuery() call
2016-02-23T18:07:00.753:package.d:__lambda5:140 consumeInput()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.753:package.d:__lambda5:145 getResult()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.753:package.d:__lambda5:145 getResult()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:88 found method row: 
"echo"	"SELECT $1::text as echoed"	["value_for_echo"]	false	
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:137 Method echo loaded. 
Content: Method("echo", "SELECT $1::text as echoed", 
["value_for_echo"], false)
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:88 found method row: 
"echo2"	"SELECT $1::text"	["value_for_echo"]	NULL	
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:132 Value of column 
one_row_flag is NULL, skipping reading of method echo2
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:88 found method row: 
"wrong_sql_statement"	"wrong SQL statement"	[]	false	
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:137 Method wrong_sql_statement 
loaded. Content: Method("wrong_sql_statement", "wrong SQL 
statement", [], false)
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:main:141 Number of methods in the 
table "pgator_rpc": 3, failed to load: 1
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:app.d:__foreachbody18:148 try to prepare 
method wrong_sql_statement
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:package.d:doQuery:66 get connection from 
a pool

2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:package.d:doQuery:90 doesQuery() call
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:package.d:__lambda5:140 consumeInput()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:package.d:__lambda5:145 getResult()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.754:package.d:__lambda5:145 getResult()
2016-02-23T18:07:00.755:app.d:__foreachbody18:160 ОШИБКА:  ошибка 
синтаксиса (примерное положение: "wrong")

LINE 1: wrong SQL statement
, skipping preparing of method wrong_sql_statement
2016-02-23T18:07:00.755:app.d:__foreachbody18:162 catched
2016-02-23T18:07:00.755:app.d:__foreachbody18:165 next
Ошибка сегментирования (core dumped)

How how to understand why dub dustmite doesn't work for me?

Re: Can't Compile Global Semaphores?

2016-03-21 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 20:12:10 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

Yes, but then core.sync.semaphore doesn't support being shared, 

I don't really understand how is managing to avoid this

Since that time is something cleared up? Faced with the same 

.opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-16 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn


DMD and LDC2 complain about disabled opAssign, but I am not used 
@disable and depend package "gfm" also isn't uses @disable.

Steps to reproduce:

git clone
cd r-tree
git checkout 803eed22
dub test

Fetching gfm 6.0.0 (getting selected version)...
Placing gfm 6.0.0 to /home/denizzz/.dub/packages/...
Generating test runner configuration '__test__library__' for 
'library' (sourceLibrary).

Performing "unittest" build using dmd for x86_64.
gfm:math 6.0.0: building configuration "library"...
r-tree ~master: building configuration "__test__library__"...
source/package.d(109,31): Error: function 
rtree.RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte).RAMNode.opAssign is not 
callable because it is annotated with @disable
source/package.d(110,26): Error: function 
rtree.RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte).RAMNode.opAssign is not 
callable because it is annotated with @disable
source/package.d(330,25): Error: template instance 
rtree.RTree!(RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte), true) error 

dmd failed with exit code 1.

If I am try to add opAssign to struct RAMNode manually it is 
compiles. (But there is enough postblit constructor.)

Re: .opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-16 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 11:48:56 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

source/package.d(109,31): Error: function 
rtree.RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte).RAMNode.opAssign is not 
callable because it is annotated with @disable
source/package.d(110,26): Error: function 
rtree.RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte).RAMNode.opAssign is not 
callable because it is annotated with @disable
source/package.d(330,25): Error: template instance 
rtree.RTree!(RAMNode!(Box!(int, 2), ubyte), true) error 

Perhaps I should explain that struct RAMNode placed in repository 
above. (And it isn't contains any @disable)

Re: .opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-16 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 15:15:18 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

Try removing the const from this line:

debug private const bool isLeafNode = false;

I suspect that D is disabling whole-structure assignment since 
allowing it would mean that the constant `isLeafNode` could be 

Tried - is no avail.

Re: .opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-16 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn

Tried to build small test app - is not reproduced.

Re: .opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-17 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 17 April 2016 at 06:42:39 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

Tried to build small test app - is not reproduced.

Also tried to reduce source:

In this source line 199 causes this error

But if I am checkout to master and remove const from
debug private const bool isLeafNode = false;

It isn't fixes compiling.

Second branch:
I am removed const from file and add import insted of traits 
template function:

If place this import to top of the file @disabled error is gone! 

Re: .opAssign disabled without @disable

2016-04-17 Thread denizzzka via Digitalmars-d-learn
As Alex Parrill says, on problem was in const member. But this is 
one of the problems, and after fix here still was an error.

But alphaglosined found another problem! For some unknown reason 
here it is need to specify an empty postblit constructor.

Full patch:

So, my problem is solved. But nevertheless maybe here is a 
problem in the compiler too.