Re: Recursive lambda functions?

2013-12-30 Thread lomereiter

Use Y combinator?

Re: Recursive lambda functions?

2013-12-30 Thread lomereiter
On Monday, 30 December 2013 at 21:15:43 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

I want something like

enum factrorial5 = (a = a == 0 ? 1 : a * __lambda(a-1))(5);
//Recursive pure lambda function

That isn't supported in D. And cases where this would be useful 
are too rare to add complexity to the language. Just use a 
regular function, it's not much more code.

Re: Reading file by line, weird result

2013-12-27 Thread lomereiter

The solution is to append `line.dup` instead of `line`.

I guess this note in the documentation should be marked red:
Each front will not persist after popFront is called, so the 
caller must copy its contents (e.g. by calling to!string) if 
retention is needed.

Re: joiner correct usage

2013-12-25 Thread lomereiter

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 18:41:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm : joiner;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  ).array;


 Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(array(joiner([hello, world],  ))) of type dchar[] to 
string should be used instead:

import std.conv : to;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  ).to!string;

Re: Circular Buffer

2013-12-20 Thread lomereiter
Use std.range.cycle with std.container.Array (slice the array to 
get a range).

Re: Travis-CI and D

2013-12-15 Thread lomereiter
Yep. In 'before_install' download a D compiler and add it to 
$PATH; in 'script' specify commands for running tests.

Re: Performance of ranges verses direct

2013-12-13 Thread lomereiter

On Friday, 13 December 2013 at 18:03:28 UTC, Nikolay wrote:

~/ldc2-0.12.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldmd2 -O -release -inline 

./zip_test --limit 1000
0 - 0
1 - 764

And now try -inline-threshold=1024 ;-)
Reading -help-hidden sometimes helps.

Re: How to install dmd2 in centos 5.3 x64

2013-12-03 Thread lomereiter

Did you install binaries or build the compiler from source?

Re: Is anything private by default when declared in a module?

2013-12-02 Thread lomereiter

On Monday, 2 December 2013 at 20:53:10 UTC, Namespace wrote:

But sadly named imports aren't private...

OMG now I get it why in 2.064 importing std.regex makes visible 
std.uni.isWhite all of a sudden.

Re: How to make delegate refer to itself?

2013-11-23 Thread lomereiter
Why so much fuss about delegates? I would simply define an 

// factory function for simple cases
queue.register(eventHandler((Event e) { ... }));

// here, 'this' is available
class SomeComplicatedHandler : IEventHandler { ... }

Re: What is the closest to ConcurrentHashMap and NavigableMap in Java?

2013-11-15 Thread lomereiter

On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 17:36:09 UTC, Jacek
Furmankiewicz wrote:
Could anyone point me to what would be the closest D 
equivalents (maybe in an external library if not part of 
Phobos) so we can playing around with them?

Much appreciated

In such cases the easiest route is to find some C/C++ library for
such tasks, make a C interface in the latter case, and link with
it. That would require a bit of extra work but much less than
writing your own performant implementation from scratch.
E.g. I once wrote a simple wrapper for the Kyoto Cabinet
key-value store:

Re: spurious gc allocation

2013-11-09 Thread lomereiter
Indeed, disassembly reveals an allocation (with all three 
compilers = it's the front-end which generates this crap).

I guess the compiler incorrectly treats { node.value; } as a 
delegate and copies the node to GC heap.

void foo() {
int* node = null;
enum mutable = __traits(compiles, {node.value ;});

void main() {

Re: D language manipulation of dataframe type structures

2013-09-24 Thread lomereiter
I thought about it once but quickly abandoned the idea. The 
primary reason was that D doesn't have REPL and is thus not 
suitable for interactive data exploration.

Re: Conditional Inheritance

2013-07-15 Thread lomereiter

Now I realise that D is much less intuitive than C++.

Re: Conditional Inheritance

2013-07-14 Thread lomereiter
I assume that you template ends up creating a dummy interface 
though and this isn't really acceptable.

Yes, it does. Once ':' is typed, some inheritance must occur.

Why isn't a dummy interface acceptable?

Re: Conditional Inheritance

2013-07-13 Thread lomereiter

This should work:

template conditionallyInherit(bool inherit, T) {
static if (inherit)
alias T conditionallyInherit;
interface conditionallyInherit {}

Re: Conditional Inheritance

2013-07-13 Thread lomereiter

On Sunday, 14 July 2013 at 05:04:37 UTC, JS wrote:

and while I'm at it I need to conditionally constrain types.

interface A(T) where(!isBasicType!T, (T : B));

which is suppose to require T to inherit from B if T is not 
basic type.

interface A(T) if (isBasicType!T || is(T : B))

Re: how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-05 Thread lomereiter
This doesn't work when the method is marked as @property. Any 
idea why is that so?

On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 02:19:38 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

is(typeof(A.func) == const)

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: joiner and map, strange behavior

2013-03-12 Thread lomereiter
Current implementation of joiner accesses each element two times 
- first, in a loop which skips empty ranges, plus after the loop 
assignment to a variable occurs:

On Tuesday, 12 March 2013 at 17:51:57 UTC, Stephan Schiffels 

Thanks, I had a brief look at std.algorithm.joiner but couldn't

find anything obvious, maybe I should look deeper into it.

Re: question when writing to a file

2013-03-07 Thread lomereiter

Indeed, that shouldn't be the case. I filed a bug request:

While it isn't fixed, assign file to a variable so that it 
doesn't go out of scope.

On Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 16:20:24 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:

I only replace write by put and do this:
auto output = File( f.absolutePath().expandTilde(), w 

that build without get an error but at runtime i got:
 (Bad file descriptor)

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread lomereiter

I often search libraries on Github — it allows to filter results
by language, and probably most D libraries are anyway hosted