Emacs AutoComplete Tutorial Video for D Language

2021-08-23 Thread Mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn
I made this video for people asking how to configure Dlang in 
Emacs environment:) :


Re: Error with associative array initializer DMD32 D Compiler v2.070.0

2016-03-03 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 March 2016 at 10:35:50 UTC, MGW wrote:

The citation from https://dlang.org/spec/hash-map.html

Static Initialization of AAs

immutable long[string] aa = [
  "foo": 5,
  "bar": 10,
  "baz": 2000

assert(aa["foo"] == 5);
assert(aa["bar"] == 10);
assert(aa["baz"] == 2000);

Judging by the text, it is static initialization, during 

You have to put that definition inside body of a function (a 
declaration). it should not be placed inside module's root level 

Re: Why we cannot use string in mixins?

2016-02-27 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn


So the author was plain wrong about using enums instead of 
strings. The misconception is due to assuming we can use `string` 
variables at compile time but we cannot (as they are run-time 

Why we cannot use string in mixins?

2016-02-27 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn
I read this criticism about D on Reddit and it claims that you 
cannot use strings in mixins. Can you please elaborate about this 
and the reason behind it?

Look at strings: they are defined as immutable(char []). 
"immutable" as in "you could put it in ROM", ... CTFE can't see 
strings correctly (can't be determined at compile time). So 
rather than fix the compiler so that strings can be used in 
mixins in the way that people expect it to work even if that 
means making them something other than immutable(char []), they 
decided to start using enums where strings actually go. 
Seriously: take the same code and replace 'string "foo"' with 
'enum "foo"' and it starts to work!


Re: dub: how to reference a compiled package

2016-02-25 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 February 2016 at 02:49:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 21:06:59 UTC, mahdi wrote:

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 16:45:46 UTC, Chris Wright

Thanks. Is there a way to use a D library without having 
access to it's source code? I tried `dmd -lib abcd.d` which 
creates a static library. But still I need to specify path to 
library's source files using -I option when compiling the code 
that uses that library.

So if we have just access to the library file, is it possible 
to use it in the code?

The compiler needs to know what symbols are available from any 
imports you use in your source. .di files exist to allow closed 
source projects to be distributed as binary. They are analagous 
to C or C++ header files. You could create them by hand like so:

// foo.d
struct S { int x, y; }
void addTwo(S s) { s.x += 2; s.y += 2; }

// foo.di
struct S { int x, y; }
void addTwo(S s);

The compiler needs to know about S and its types, and it needs 
to know the signature of addTwo. The .di file allows you to 
provide that while keeping the implementation of addTwo closed. 
When foo is imported in client code, the compiler will find 
foo.di and use that instead of foo.d.

However, the compiler must have the source for templates, as 
they are instantiated when they are used, not when the library 
is compiled. The same is true for any functions you want 
inlined. In the example above, addTwo can only be inlined when 
foo.d is used, since the compiler will not have the 
implementation with foo.di.

Great! Thanks.

I was looking for a feature like `jar` files in Java or 
`assemblies` in C# where all compiled code and metadata/symbols 
are stored together inside a single binary file.

I think same can be implemented for D language and it won't break 
any code because it is not touching the language itself, but the 

Anyway, thanks.

Re: dub: how to reference a compiled package

2016-02-25 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 16:45:46 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:

On Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:15:42 +, mahdi wrote:


Suppose I have a package `mypack` in `~/mypack`. I run `dub` 
command on this package and have the compiled `mypack` file 
(OS is Linux).

Now I am working on my project. I know how to use the 
source-code of `mypack` package in the project but what if I 
only have the compiled binary? How can I reference and use the 
modules of the compiled `mypack`?

(I looked into the DUB homepage and it's Getting Started page 
but could

not find anything).

First thing, you need D interface files. See: 

Note that D interface files still require you to include the 
full body of anything in a template, so you might have to 
modify your code somewhat for improved secrecy.

Copy the *.di files and binaries into another dub project and 
add a postBuildCommand to copy that binary to the output 

I think that will work. dub might complain that it doesn't have 
any source files, in which case you'll have to provide at least 
one D file for it to compile, but that can be empty.

Thanks. Is there a way to use a D library without having access 
to it's source code? I tried `dmd -lib abcd.d` which creates a 
static library. But still I need to specify path to library's 
source files using -I option when compiling the code that uses 
that library.

So if we have just access to the library file, is it possible to 
use it in the code?

Re: How to detect if an array if dynamic or static

2016-02-25 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 11:50:02 UTC, sigod wrote:

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 10:03:08 UTC, mahdi wrote:


So when we define the function, we MUST specify the array size 
to be able to accept a static array?
Can't we just define a function which can accept any static 
array with any size? (e.g. a function to calculate average of 
a static int array of any size)?

Static array can be accepted in place of dynamic:

void foo()
int[3] arr = [1, 2, 3];


void bar(scope int[] arr)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln(arr); // [1, 2, 3]

But be careful not to escape such variables. Demonstration: 

My question: If in your `bar` function, the code tries to add a 
new element to the dynamic array, it will be completely ok 
because array is dynamic. BUT if we pass a static array to this 
function, can this error be detected at compile time (and prevent 
a runtime error)? If so, how?

dub: how to reference a compiled package

2016-02-25 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn


Suppose I have a package `mypack` in `~/mypack`. I run `dub` 
command on this package and have the compiled `mypack` file (OS 
is Linux).

Now I am working on my project. I know how to use the source-code 
of `mypack` package in the project but what if I only have the 
compiled binary? How can I reference and use the modules of the 
compiled `mypack`?

(I looked into the DUB homepage and it's Getting Started page but 
could not find anything).

How to detect if an array if dynamic or static

2016-02-25 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn


So when we define the function, we MUST specify the array size to 
be able to accept a static array?
Can't we just define a function which can accept any static array 
with any size? (e.g. a function to calculate average of a static 
int array of any size)?

Re: How to detect if an array if dynamic or static

2016-02-24 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 24 February 2016 at 22:38:04 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Wednesday, 24 February 2016 at 21:48:14 UTC, mahdi wrote:
How can we detect is `array` is static (fixed size) or 
dynamic, inside the function body?

`array` there is always dynamic because it is not of a fixed 
size type.

Why do you want to know though?

I thought we can simply denote `int[] x` in case we have an array 
argument in D functions. So according to your answer if a 
function expects a static array, it has to specify size of array 
in parameter declaration:

void diss(int[3] array) ...  //this expects a static array of 
size 3

void diss(int[] array) ...  //this expects a dynamic array

is this correct?

How to detect if an array if dynamic or static

2016-02-24 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn

Suppose we have a function like this:

void diss(int[] array) ...

How can we detect is `array` is static (fixed size) or dynamic, 
inside the function body?

Can D "prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety"?

2016-02-22 Thread mahdi via Digitalmars-d-learn
A selling point of Rust language is that it "prevents segfaults, 
and guarantees thread safety". Is there a library in D language 
which provides same features?