Re: Trouble linking to static library with Visual D

2014-08-02 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn
When you get to the link stage, you'll probably run into 
undefined symbols: you'll have to add a dependency in the 
Project Dependencies dialog to add the static library to the 
linker command line of the executable.

Thank you for that tip! After a fair bit of frustration (and your 
help) I've finally got it working!

Trouble linking to static library with Visual D

2014-08-01 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello D'ers,

I've been really impressed with Visual D and I've decided to 
undertake my first D project using Visual D in Visual Studio 
2012. However, I've had trouble trying to figure out how to link 
a static library.

I've outlined my situation in this Stack Overflow question.

I would very much appreciate any insight into what I can do to 
correct the described behavior.


Trouble initializing a templated class

2014-07-05 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm going through Adam Wilson's talk 'C# to D' and I've gotten 
hung up by one of his examples regarding generic programming in 
D. Specifically, I'm trying to implement the code example found 

I created a templateExp.d file that looks like this:

public class BaseClass {}
public class OtherClass : BaseClass {}

class SomeClass(T : BaseClass)
public T[] values;
public void add(T input) { values ~= input; }

void main()
auto sc = new SomeClass();
OtherClass oc1 = new OtherClass();
OtherClass oc2 = new OtherClass();


import std.stdio;
writefln(value count, sc.values.length);

When I run the dmd compiler, I get this error:

dmd templateExp.d
	teamplteExp.d(12): Error: class teamplteExp.SomeClass(T : 
BaseClass) is used as a type

How can I initialize this class correctly?

Re: Trouble initializing a templated class

2014-07-05 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn

When I run the dmd compiler, I get this error:

dmd templateExp.d
	teamplteExp.d(12): Error: class teamplteExp.SomeClass(T : 
BaseClass) is used as a type

This is actually:
	templateExp.d(12): Error: class templateExp.SomeClass(T : 
BaseClass) is used as a type

Re: Trouble initializing a templated class

2014-07-05 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn

try SomeClass (T): BaseClass

Not sure which line you want me to change. I don't want SomeClass 
to inherit from BaseClass. Rather, I want T to be restricted to 
classes that inherit from BaseClass.

When I change `class SomeClass(T : BaseClass)` to `class 
SomeClass(T) : BaseClass` I still get the class 
templateExp.SomeClass(T) is used as a type error.

Re: Trouble initializing a templated class

2014-07-05 Thread quakkels via Digitalmars-d-learn
ah, sorry, I misunderstood. It looks like you need to change 
the lin

auto sc = new SomeClass ();


auto sc = new SomeClass!BaseClass ();

The compiler complains because SomeClass is a template when you 
call SomeClass() without !() template parameters. It only 
becomes a type once instantiated with parameters.

Thanks. That did it.

Here's my working program.

public class BaseClass {}
public class OtherClass : BaseClass {}

class SomeClass(T : BaseClass)
public T[] values;
public void add(T input) { values ~= input; }

void main()
auto sc = new SomeClass!BaseClass();
OtherClass oc1 = new OtherClass();
OtherClass oc2 = new OtherClass();


import std.stdio;
writefln(value count: %d, sc.values.length);