Re: discrimination of constructors with same number of parameters

2010-12-30 Thread sybrandy

On 12/30/2010 08:46 AM, Lutger Blijdestijn wrote:

sybrandy wrote:

Why not have something like this:

this (int[] data, string text, bool isMessage = false) {...}

Then, if you just pass in two parameters you treat it as a filename and
if you pass in a "true" for the third parameter, it's a message.  It's
not quite what you're looking for, but it's simple and pretty clean.


If you opt for this solution, an enum is slightly more verbose but much

enum IsMessage

this (int[] data, string text, IsMessage isMessage = IsMessage.No) {...}

auto s = new S(data, text, IsMessage.Yes);


auto s = new S(data, text, true);

I will agree that is clearer.  I just had to do stuff like this for 
different reasons and it worked very nicely.

I would still prefer a factory method or a struct wrapper though.

True, I just don't know how without it being complex.  I think this may 
be the case where improvements to the type system would be useful.  For 
me, this situation doesn't come up very often, so I'm not all that 
concerned, but I do see where this can be useful.  I'm just not a fan of 
having to write a lot of code to do something that the language can turn 
into something simple.

However, another possible solution that just occurred to me is something 
like this (please forgive any typos, I haven't done inheritance in D yet):

enum TextType { Filename, Message }

class Text
string text;
TextType type;

bool isMessage() { return TextType.Message == this.type; }

class Filename : Text
this(int[] data, string txt)
this.type = TextType.Filename;
this.text = txt;
// Do something with data...

class Message : Text
this(int[] data, string txt)
this.type = TextType.Message;
this.text = txt;
// Do something with data...

Then, you can do something like this:

Text foo = new Filename(data, filename);
Text bar = new Message(data, message);

Not sure if it's any better than using an enum, but it still has the 
clarity that you're looking for.


Re: discrimination of constructors with same number of parameters

2010-12-30 Thread sybrandy

Why not have something like this:

this (int[] data, string text, bool isMessage = false) {...}

Then, if you just pass in two parameters you treat it as a filename and 
if you pass in a "true" for the third parameter, it's a message.  It's 
not quite what you're looking for, but it's simple and pretty clean.


Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread sybrandy
I've done something like this before using associative arrays.  I would 
rely on the fact that the keys have to be unique to produce my unique 
array.  So, in this case, any value you want to store you would save 
like this:

array[value] = 1;

Regardless of whether or not the value already exists, this will work 
and ensure uniqueness of the keys.  To determine if a value is already 
part of the array, you can check for the key like this:

if (value in array)

You can later get the values like this:

values = array.keys;

Not sure if this will do everything you want, but it seems to be cleaner 
than having to ensure an array is unique after every insertion.


Re: Memory allocation faile on string concat

2010-11-10 Thread sybrandy

On 11/10/2010 11:33 AM, Xie wrote:

Can't run a simple program. What's wrong, GC?

import std.stdio;

void f0()
wstring a[];

foreach(i; 0 .. 100_000_000)
a ~= " "w;

void main()
auto r = benchmark!(f0)(1);
writeln(r, "ms");

DMD 2.047

In addition to what everybody else is suggesting you look at, you may 
want to look into using an appender (defined in std.array).  Not sure if 
it will help with the memory usage, but it's supposed to be faster for 
appending data to an array.


Exception with MmFile

2010-10-30 Thread sybrandy


I'm currently getting a message stating that an exception has been 
thrown when finalizing an instance of std.mmfile.MmFile.  What would 
cause this?  I've used MmFile in other cases without any problems. 
However, in this case I'm using it as a member within a class.  I see 
nothing in the std.mmfile documentation that suggests that I need to do 
anything special.

Any thoughts?


RosettaCode: Echo Server

2010-09-03 Thread sybrandy


I decided to exercise my skills in D a bit and wrote an implementation 
for an echo server using D.  I figure before I post it to the site, I'd 
post it here for comments as I'd like to get the best possible version 
on the site vs. something that's half-assed.  Considering I'm very new 
to socket programming, I'm guessing this may not be the best possible 

Attached are two files: a client and a server.  Let me know what you think.

import std.socket;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

void main()
Socket sock = new TcpSocket(new InternetAddress("localhost", 12321));

string[4] messages = ["Hello world.", "Hello\nworld.", "\tHello world.",
"Goodby cruel world..."];

ubyte buff[1];
int bytesRead;

foreach (msg; messages)
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length; i++)
bytesRead = sock.receive(buff);
string temp = cast(string)buff;
writeln(temp, "\n");

import std.socket;
import std.array;

void main()
Socket listener = new TcpSocket;
listener.bind(new InternetAddress(12321));

Socket currSock;
uint bytesRead;
ubyte buff[1];

currSock = listener.accept();
while ((bytesRead = currSock.receive(buff)) > 0)

Re: typedef alternative

2010-08-14 Thread sybrandy
I can't recall if you can do this with structs, but if you use classes, 
you should be able to define a "Date Part" class that has all of the 
methods and data you want.  Then, you just derive three sub-classes.

For example (and I hope the syntax is right):

class DatePart
   this(int f)
  _foo = f;

   int asNumber() { return _foo; }

   immutable int _foo;

class Year: DatePart {}

class Month: DatePart {}

class Day: DatePart {}


On 08/14/2010 08:47 PM, Yao G. wrote:


Is there an alternative to typedef? I need to define three structs that
have exactly the same methods and properties, yet represent different

struct Foo
this( int f ) {
_foo = f;

int asNumber() {
return _foo;

private immutable int _foo;

// This should be typedef, but as it's going to be deprecated...
alias Foo Year;
alias Foo Month;
alias Foo Day;

void bar( Year y, Month m, Day d ) {
// ...

// This should compile, obviously.
bar( Year(2010), Month(8), Day(14) );

// But this shouldn't
bar( Day(1), Year(1), Month(1) );

So, what options do I have? I know that typedef is scheduled to
deprecation, so I would like to know if there's something else.

Re: Grokking concurrency, message passing and Co

2010-07-12 Thread sybrandy

I'd expect databases to have quite odd performance characteristics
compared to a more normal application though; You'd expect them to be IO
bound most of the time, so having more threads than cores sounds like a
reasonable thing to do.

If you aren't waiting on the disc, then more threads aren't going to
help, they'll just be contending for cpu time as BCS said.

Still that's one of the drawbacks with multi threading, there's really
not many absolute statements you can make or things you can assume.

You'll have to profile you application and fiddle with it to find out
how to get the best performance out of it.

Yeah, that was my assumption.  It just sounded like there was more to it.



Re: Grokking concurrency, message passing and Co

2010-07-11 Thread sybrandy

The rule of thumb is don't bother spawning more threads than you
have cpus. You're just wasting resources mostly.

You REALLY don't want more threads trying to run than you have cores.
Threads in a wait state, are less of an issue, but they still use up

Personally I'd never use more threads than cores as a program design,
but I'm a performance whore. ;)

Could you explain why you believe this a bit more?  I'm curious because 
I've worked with databases and the rule of thumb there was you should 
configure them to use twice as many threads as number of cores/CPUs. 
The reasoning, I believe, is that if one thread on the CPU is stalled, 
another thread can execute in it's place.  And yes, I believe this was 
before hyperthreading.

Though I wasn't informed of the specifics as to why, I'm guessing it's 
mainly because with a database, there's a good chance you have to 
perform some sort of disk I/O.  Therefore instead of having the CPU wait 
while the I/O is occurring, another thread can start executing while the 
original is waiting.


Re: Issue with Curry

2010-06-24 Thread sybrandy

On 06/24/2010 06:54 PM, sybrandy wrote:


I tried using the curry function last night and I ran into a compilation
issue. Here's a simple example that demonstrates the issue:

import std.functional;
import std.stdio;

void strwrite(string input)

alias curry!(strwrite, "foo") writefoo;

void main()

And the error message:

/apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(303): Error:
tuple index 1 exceeds 1
/apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(9): Error:
template instance std.functional.curry!(strwrite,"foo") error instantiating

The examples I found in the documentation used ints, IIRC, however I
don't recall seeing anything that would prevent me from using a string
in this case. Am I doing something wrong or did I find an issue?


Forgot to mention: this is occurring with the newest version of D2. (2.0.47)

Issue with Curry

2010-06-24 Thread sybrandy


I tried using the curry function last night and I ran into a compilation 
issue.  Here's a simple example that demonstrates the issue:

import std.functional;
import std.stdio;

void strwrite(string input)

alias curry!(strwrite, "foo") writefoo;

void main()

And the error message:

/apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(303): Error: 
tuple index 1 exceeds 1
/apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(9): Error: 
template instance std.functional.curry!(strwrite,"foo") error instantiating

The examples I found in the documentation used ints, IIRC, however I 
don't recall seeing anything that would prevent me from using a string 
in this case.  Am I doing something wrong or did I find an issue?


Appending to Shared Arrays

2010-03-03 Thread sybrandy


I have a shared array that I'm trying to append data to, but the 
compiler keeps telling me that I can't convert to a shared(Fiber) from a 
regular or const Fiber.

What is the correct way to do this?


Re: raii

2010-02-28 Thread sybrandy

I have two questions for you:

1) Are class destructors not good enough?  If so, why?

2) Have you looked into static destructors?  I created a logging library 
and that worked perfect for me to ensure that if I killed the program 
via Ctrl-C, it would flush the output buffer and close the file handle.

Personally, I really like the use of "scope" vs. RAII.  Keeping the code 
to clean up a file handle or the like right by where it's declared seems 
very sensible to me.


Re: Simple Socket Server Code

2010-02-24 Thread sybrandy

On 02/24/2010 09:00 AM, daoryn wrote:

Check the "samples" dir inside the dmd instalation folder.
Theres a sample there named "listener.d" that shows how to use D sockets.
If you're using DMD2, the listener.d file is broken. You'll have to convert it 
into D2 yourself.

I actually did look at that and it is more than I was looking for.  I 
just wanted something akin to "Listen -> Accept -> Process -> Respond -> 

Regardless, it turns out that my understanding was better than I 
thought.  I just had a stupid little bug that I didn't notice was an 
actual compilation error at first.  Guess that's what I get when I try 
to write code when tired...

Anyway, thanks!

Simple Socket Server Code

2010-02-23 Thread sybrandy


Does anyone know where I can get a simple example of writing a server in 
D?  Just a stupid little echo server would be fine.  I'm trying to write 
one myself, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be accepting any 
connections.  I figure it's something stupidly simple, but I'm just not 
seeing it.

Perhaps a related question is: is there anything weird about creating a 
server on windows?  I'm currently using D on a windows laptop, so 
perhaps this is a platform issue?  I find it unlikely, but you never know.



Re: Creating a logging library and have questions

2010-02-06 Thread sybrandy

I second Rainer. A logging system should commit (at least) error messages 
immediately, particularly if the application has multiple threads. Otherwise it 
is going to make debugging a crashing system a nightmare.  When I do it I just 
stick 'synchronized' in front of the statement that does the write.

Yes, I fully understand that and in the current single-threaded version 
I have, that's exactly what happens: all error and fatal messages cause 
the buffer to flush.

What I'm looking for is the best way to handle having a daemon writer. 
My biggest concern here is multi-threaded applications.  Granted, it 
would be nice to not have the writing in the same thread as the rest of 
the code to try to keep file I/O from affecting performance, but that's 

Here's what I know: a variable of type OutputStream cannot be shared.  I 
did not try using __gshared, but regardless while this would work and I 
could easily synchronize the writes, I can see a lot of contention if 
multiple threads trying to write a lot of data to a log file. (E.g. 
trace statements that capture variable states to enhance debugging) 
Granted, this shouldn't be the case in production code, but if I can 
find a better way to do this, I'd love to.  This is why I thought that 
the new threading model with message passing would be good, but I again 
have concerns if there are a lot of messages trying to be written.  I 
know in Erlang you can fill up the message buffer if you're not careful.


Re: Creating a logging library and have questions

2010-02-03 Thread sybrandy

On 02/03/2010 12:03 AM, Rainer Deyke wrote:

sybrandy wrote:

1) I use the current core.thread library and put all my messages in a
buffer that the thread checks periodically, pulls off a new message, and
then writes it to a file.  There will be some work to make sure nothing
collides with each other, but I think I can manage it.

Wouldn't this allow logging messages to be lost before a hard crash?  To
me, that would greatly reduce the utility of the logging system.

If done improperly, yes, it would.  My hope is that if I did go with 
this method, I would try to find a way to ensure no data was lost. 
Oddly enough, I'm currently having that problem with the single-threaded 
version for some reason.  The test program will stop and some of the 
logging statements never make it to the file.

3) Something else.  I really don't have much experience with threading,
so I'm being very careful and really want to understand it.  This
library looks to be a good way to learn, however if it's not the best
way to do things, then what would be?

Global mutex associated with the logging system.  Lock, output, unlock.
  There are scalability issues with that approach, but I don't see why it
wouldn't work in this situation.  (Plus, if you have a message queue,
you probably need to protect that queue with a mutex anyway.)

Understood.  My goal is that if I do put the writing in another thread, 
I do my best to ensure it will scale.  I have a tendency to put a lot of 
logging statements in code when I'm trying to debug something, so I 
don't want to slow things down too much nor do I want to lose anything. 
 In short: I want the log writing to be as out of the way as possible.


Creating a logging library and have questions

2010-02-02 Thread sybrandy


Since I'm continuing to write software in D (no, nothing special...just 
pet projects) I felt that I needed to create a library to handle logging 
to a file.  I have a good start and it seems to work pretty well.  I 
even have a couple ideas left to implement to make it better, however 
I'm having trouble with one.  One thing that I did implement, which I 
think is pretty cool, is a set up the class to start a thread as a 
daemon to run in the background and check for updates to the config 
file, much like log4j.  This way the user can change the log level at 

One thing I'm thinking that I want to do is have the writing to the 
logfile handled by a separate class.  This way I'm hoping to ensure that 
there's not a lot of unnecessary synchronizing going on and the amount 
of work writing to the logfile won't slow down the rest of the program. 
 My question is, what is the best approach?

1) I use the current core.thread library and put all my messages in a 
buffer that the thread checks periodically, pulls off a new message, and 
then writes it to a file.  There will be some work to make sure nothing 
collides with each other, but I think I can manage it.

2) I wait for the new threading library with message passing to come out 
and just rely on the message passing to handle everything.  It's a much 
cleaner approach based on my experience with Erlang, but there are two 
issues and the major one is I have no idea when it'll be ready. 
Granted, I don't need this capability now, but I'm interested in getting 
it to work.

3) Something else.  I really don't have much experience with threading, 
so I'm being very careful and really want to understand it.  This 
library looks to be a good way to learn, however if it's not the best 
way to do things, then what would be?

Thanks in advance for any input.


Re: D memory consumption/runtime speed problem

2010-01-14 Thread sybrandy

Using a small buffer as suggested by Daniel Keep and Steven 
Schveighoffer significantly improved performance.  Now down to about 5 
seconds.  I ended up using the static array buffer since the 
encodeNumber function will be in its own file in my resulting program, 
so I can keep it private.  Doing something similar to the output buffer 
had a similar effect and it's now processing everything in less than 2 

I didn't realize that all those little arrays were created.  Perhaps 
this is something that should be detailed in the arrays documentation 
or, perhaps even better, an optimization guide?  I honestly thought the 
GC would help keep memory in check as I didn't want to assume a 
worst-case scenario, which with my RLE implementation is 2 * input 
buffer size, but I guess I have to.

Well, perhaps my original code will be of use if Walter and the gang 
decide to try to revamp the GC and want some "bad" code to test it with.

Thanks all!

Btw: below is the updated code

import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.mmfile;
import std.array;

string filename = "enwik8_small";

private immutable uint ONE_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 6) - 1;
private immutable uint TWO_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 14) - 1;
private immutable uint THREE_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 22) - 1;
private immutable uint FOUR_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 30) - 1;
private immutable uint ONE_BYTE_MASK = (0 << 6);
private immutable uint TWO_BYTE_MASK = (1 << 6);
private immutable uint THREE_BYTE_MASK = (2 << 6);
private immutable uint FOUR_BYTE_MASK = (3 << 6);
private static ubyte[4] encodeBuff;

ubyte[] encodeNumber(in uint count)
if (count <= ONE_BYTE_VAL)
encodeBuff[0] = cast(ubyte)(ONE_BYTE_MASK | count);
return encodeBuff[0..1];
else if (count <= TWO_BYTE_VAL)
encodeBuff[0] = cast(ubyte)(TWO_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 8));
encodeBuff[1] = cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff);
return encodeBuff[0..2];
else if (count <= THREE_BYTE_VAL)
encodeBuff[0] = cast(ubyte)(THREE_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 16));
encodeBuff[1] = cast(ubyte)((count >>> 8) & 0x00ff);
encodeBuff[2] = cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff);
return encodeBuff[0..3];
else if (count <= FOUR_BYTE_VAL)
encodeBuff[0] = cast(ubyte)(FOUR_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 24));
encodeBuff[1] = cast(ubyte)((count >>> 16) & 0x00ff);
encodeBuff[2] = cast(ubyte)((count >>> 8) & 0x00ff);
encodeBuff[3] = cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff);
return encodeBuff[0..4];
throw new Exception("Invalid count provided!");

void encode(in ubyte[] buff, ref ubyte[] output)
ubyte currByte = buff[0];
uint count = 0;
uint outIdx = 0;
ubyte[] temp;
foreach (byteVal; buff)
if (byteVal != currByte && count > 0)
temp = encodeNumber(count);
foreach (t; temp)
output[outIdx++] = t;
output[outIdx++] = currByte;
currByte = byteVal;
count = 0;
temp = encodeNumber(count);
foreach (t; temp)
output[outIdx++] = t;
output[outIdx++] = currByte;

void benchCode()
MmFile buff = new MmFile(filename);
ubyte[] encodedBytes;
encodedBytes.length = cast(size_t)buff.length * 2;
encode(cast(ubyte[])buff[], encodedBytes);

void main(string[] args)
filename = args[1];
writeln("Benchmark time: ", benchmark!(benchCode)(to!(uint)(args[2])));

D memory consumption/runtime speed problem

2010-01-13 Thread sybrandy


I've been writing a bit of compression code and I noticed some strange 
behavior that's driving me a bit batty.  I don't know if it's a bug with 
D or something I did.  All I know is I can't figure it out.

Below is the simplified version of the code as a single file.  It takes 
two parameters.  The first is a file to "compress" and the second is the 
number of times to run the benchmark.  E.g. bugtest foo.txt 2

Now, if I set the second parameter to 1, it runs decently fast.  26 
seconds on my work laptop for a half-sized enwiki8 from the Hutter 
challenge.  If I set it to 2, then it takes about 142 seconds.  In both 
cases a lot of memory is used and I'm not really sure why.  Also, after 
it prints out the results, it takes several seconds for the program to exit.

Am I doing something wrong?  I've tried every trick that I could find by 
reading the documentation.  Btw: The last time I tried this was with the 
latest version of D released at the beginning of the month.


import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.mmfile;
import std.array;

string filename = "enwik8_small";

private immutable uint ONE_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 6) - 1;
private immutable uint TWO_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 14) - 1;
private immutable uint THREE_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 22) - 1;
private immutable uint FOUR_BYTE_VAL = (1 << 30) - 1;
private immutable uint ONE_BYTE_MASK = (0 << 6);
private immutable uint TWO_BYTE_MASK = (1 << 6);
private immutable uint THREE_BYTE_MASK = (2 << 6);
private immutable uint FOUR_BYTE_MASK = (3 << 6);

ubyte[] encodeNumber(in uint count)
if (count <= ONE_BYTE_VAL)
return [cast(ubyte)(ONE_BYTE_MASK | count)];
else if (count <= TWO_BYTE_VAL)
return [cast(ubyte)(TWO_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 8))]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff)];
else if (count <= THREE_BYTE_VAL)
return [cast(ubyte)(THREE_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 16))]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)((count >>> 8) & 0x00ff)]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff)];
else if (count <= FOUR_BYTE_VAL)
return [cast(ubyte)(FOUR_BYTE_MASK | (count >>> 24))]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)((count >>> 16) & 0x00ff)]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)((count >>> 8) & 0x00ff)]
   ~ [cast(ubyte)(count & 0x00ff)];
throw new Exception("Invalid count provided!");

void encode(in ubyte[] buff, out ubyte[] output)
ubyte currByte = buff[0];
uint count = 0;
auto appOutput = appender(&output);
foreach (byteVal; buff)
if (byteVal != currByte && count > 0)
currByte = byteVal;
count = 0;

void benchCode()
MmFile buff = new MmFile(filename);
ubyte[] encodedBytes;
encode(cast(ubyte[])buff[], encodedBytes);

void main(string[] args)
filename = args[1];
writeln("Benchmark time: ", benchmark!(benchCode)(to!(uint)(args[2])));

Re: D2 Singleton / Thread Local Storage issue

2009-08-30 Thread sybrandy
Thanks for the info.  I was hoping that there would be a different 
solution, but I guess I should have expected that I may have to wait for 
the feature to stabilize.


D2 Singleton / Thread Local Storage issue

2009-08-29 Thread sybrandy


I've been learning D for some time now and I recently was trying to do 
some work with threads, but I'm having a problem getting it to work. 
I'm trying to create a singleton that can be accessed between threads, 
however I get an access violation when I try to run the following code. 
 If I make the variable "instance" shared, I get a compilation error. 
Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.


import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

class Simple
string buff;


static Simple instance;

void setMsg(string msg)
buff ~= msg;

string getMsg()
string temp = buff.idup;
buff.length = 0;
return temp;

this() {}

static this() { instance = new Simple; }

class ThrTest : Thread


void run()
auto var = Simple.instance;
writeln("message: " ~ var.getMsg());

void main()
Thread t = new ThrTest();
writeln("Finished testing Simple.d");