I was recreating some code from C++ to D:
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.string;
import std.math;

struct WavHeader {
    char[4] riff;
    int flength;
    char[4] wave;
    char[4] fmt;
    int chunk_size;
    short format_tag;
    short num_chans;
    int sample_rate;
    int bytes_per_second;
    short bytes_per_sample;
    short bits_per_sample;
    char[4] data;
    int dlength;

void main() {
    WavHeader wahv;

    wahv.riff[] = "RIFF".dup;
    wahv.wave[] = "WAVE".dup;
    wahv.fmt[] = "fmt ".dup;
    wahv.data[] = "data".dup;

    wahv.chunk_size = 16;
    wahv.format_tag = 1;
    wahv.num_chans = 1;
    wahv.sample_rate = 8000;
    wahv.bits_per_sample = 16;
wahv.bytes_per_sample = cast(short)((wahv.bits_per_sample / 8) * wahv.num_chans); wahv.bytes_per_second = wahv.sample_rate * wahv.bytes_per_sample;

    const int duration_seconds = 10;
    const int buffer_size = wahv.sample_rate * duration_seconds;
    wahv.dlength = buffer_size * wahv.bytes_per_sample;
    wahv.flength = wahv.dlength + 44;

    short[] buffer = new short[buffer_size];

    foreach (i; 0 .. buffer_size) {
buffer[i] = cast(short)(cos((2.0 * PI * 256.0 * i) / wahv.sample_rate) * 1000);

  // Corrected file handling
  auto file = File("test.wav", "r");

  // Writing the audio data as raw bytes


But since I am somewhat new to these topics and even more so to Dlang, I don't understand very well. The problem occurs in the creation of the .wav, regarding rawWrite, I'm not really sure what to do in that specific part. Maybe I'm ignorant, but I'm not very good at these topics, plus it's for experimentation.
  • Problems using r... tososdk via Digitalmars-d-learn

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