Re: Build time

2021-08-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:

Any suggestion on how to try and improve the build time.

You could try some of the tools listed on the wiki for build time 

(intentional bump to aid search results, as apparently this list 
is not very well known)

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread russhy via Digitalmars-d-learn

One thing to add:

With LDC you can add this flag ``-linkonce-templates`` to get 
faster link time when using templates a lot

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread russhy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 09:12:15 UTC, JG wrote:

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 08:26:39 UTC, JG wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 20:03:22 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:


You can try profiling it with LDC 1.25 or later. Add this to 


Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately this makes the 
compile use too much memory for my system and so it gets 
killed before the end and no my-trace.tracy file is produced. 
I will try building on parts of the program with this and see 
if I can see what is going on.

Got this to work after removing part of the program, the 
slowest parts are in library code (sumtype match to be 
precise). I will look into whether my usage can be improved.

I should also mention that what I said about compile time was a 
little inaccurate, some of that time linking (which involves 

LLVM is known to be slow to compile

If you are on windows i suggest  to use DMD for iterating 
quickly, i get much faster compile time with it (probably on 
linux too, but i'm not a linux user)

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 09:12:15 UTC, JG wrote:

the slowest parts are in library code

This is really common. A lot of libraries do really weird 
things... if you want to keep quick builds it is best to use the 
language directly.

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread JG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 09:12:15 UTC, JG wrote:

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 08:26:39 UTC, JG wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 20:03:22 UTC, Dennis wrote:


Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately this makes the 
compile use too much memory for my system and so it gets 
killed before the end and no my-trace.tracy file is produced. 
I will try building on parts of the program with this and see 
if I can see what is going on.

Got this to work after removing part of the program, the 
slowest parts are in library code (sumtype match to be 
precise). I will look into whether my usage can be improved.

I should also mention that what I said about compile time was a 
little inaccurate, some of that time linking (which involves 

Thanks very much to everyone for the help. With a few minor 
changes so far I have halved the compile time.

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread JG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 July 2021 at 08:26:39 UTC, JG wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 20:03:22 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:


You can try profiling it with LDC 1.25 or later. Add this to 


Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately this makes the 
compile use too much memory for my system and so it gets killed 
before the end and no my-trace.tracy file is produced. I will 
try building on parts of the program with this and see if I can 
see what is going on.

Got this to work after removing part of the program, the slowest 
parts are in library code (sumtype match to be precise). I will 
look into whether my usage can be improved.

I should also mention that what I said about compile time was a 
little inaccurate, some of that time linking (which involves 

Re: Build time

2021-07-24 Thread JG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 20:03:22 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:


You can try profiling it with LDC 1.25 or later. Add this to 


Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately this makes the compile 
use too much memory for my system and so it gets killed before 
the end and no my-trace.tracy file is produced. I will try 
building on parts of the program with this and see if I can see 
what is going on.

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 19:09:02 UTC, JG wrote:
I am not sure how relevant it is but it is a compiler that I 
have been writing, not something serious (yet - if ever).

Compile time optimizations are a bit weird compared to runtime 
ones - things that would fast at run time may actually be very 
slow at compile time, so eyeballing the code might help me point 
out something to consider.

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 19:32:08 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
And avoid doing too much work in CTFE, which is known to be 

Well it very much depends HOW you do it. Like the ~= operation in 
ctfe is awfully slow and wastes a lot of memory depending on the 
size of the string, but if you preallocate and copy memory in 
chunks it isn't too bad at all.

And if you use format!"str"() in ctfe that alone can be a real 
speed killer.

That's why I wanna see the code, it is possible there's a fairly 
simple bottleneck to look at.

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:
Any suggestion on how to try and improve the build time. I am 
currently using dub.

You can try profiling it with LDC 1.25 or later. Add this to 

dflags "--ftime-trace" platform="ldc"
dflags "--ftime-trace-file=./my-trace.json" platform="ldc"
postBuildCommands "import-chrome ./my-trace.json 
./my-trace.tracy" platform="ldc"


You can [get import-chrome and tracy 
here]( There's binaries for 
Windows, and on Ubuntu/Debian Linux you can install as follows:

# Install required packages (there may be more, but this was the 
only one I didn't have installed yet)

sudo apt install libcapstone-dev

# Go to your code folder and clone tracy:
git clone

# Build the import-chrome tool
cd tracy/import-chrome/build/unix/
# Copy it to the /usr/local/bin folder so it can be invoked from 

sudo cp import-chrome-release /usr/local/bin/import-chrome

# Back to the root of the repo, now build the profiler
cd ../../../
cd profiler/build/unix/
sudo cp Tracy-release /usr/local/bin/tracy

Then do:
dub build --compiler=ldc2
tracy my-trace.tracy

And you can inspect what functions the compiler spends the most 
time on compiling. Sometimes there's one dumb thing taking a lot 
of time, so you can improve build times by working around that. 
E.g. I once replaced `std.conv: text` with `snprintf` to reduce 
my build time from 2.1 to 1.6 seconds.

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 06:53:06PM +, JG via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> The program I writing is around 3000 loc and recently I noticed a
> large slow down in compile time which after investigation seemed to be
> caused by my computer running out of memory. The compile was using
> more than 15GB memory.  I tried using lowmem and that did solve the
> memory problem but the compile still takes around 1 minute. Any
> suggestion on how to try and improve the build time. I am currently
> using dub.

3000 loc and 1 minute build time?  Sounds like you're using too many
nested templates / CTFE.

> Of course one could try to use fewer templates and less meta
> programming but that seems to defeat the purpose of using d.

I wouldn't say use fewer templates / less meta-programming.  But I'd say
look into how deeply nested templates are, and whether some templates
parameters may be unnecessary.  If you have recursive templates,
consider refactoring it so that it uses linear expansion instead.
Shallowly-nested templates generally don't run into performance

(Confession: I wrote the variadic version of cartesianProduct in
std.algorithm with recursive templates. It uses an exponential number of
template expansions, and so quickly brings the compiler to its knees
when you try to take 4 or more cartesian products in a row.  Eventually,
I refactored the most common case (no infinite ranges among its
arguments) to use a linear expansion with a nested loop instead.
Compile times improved by a HUGE margin.)

And avoid doing too much work in CTFE, which is known to be slow. But
not as slow as overly-deeply nested templates.

Another way is to have a separate build step for expanding the most
heavy templates, so that you only incur that heavy expansion once in a
while when you change the relevant code.  I had a Vibe.d project where
Diet templates slowed me down too much (they are super template-heavy),
so I split it into several different build targets with a separate link
step, so that when I'm not changing the Diet templates it doesn't slow
me down so much.  Dub unfortunately won't help you here (unless you use
subpackages -- but I doubt it will win much) -- I recommend using a
better build system like CMake or SCons. Dub's architecture simply does
not play well with staged compilation.

Alternatively, use a separate pre-compilation stage for generating code
(e.g., write a utility that emits D code that then gets compiled in a
subsequent step).  As much as I love D's compile-time capabilities,
there comes a time when it's simply more practical to just `writefln`
some D code snippets into a file and compile that into the main program,
instead of trying to tame the memory-guzzling beast that is the D


I am Ohm of Borg. Resistance is voltage over current.

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread JG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:57:46 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:

The program I writing is around 3000 loc

what's the code?

I am not sure how relevant it is but it is a compiler that I have 
been writing, not something serious (yet - if ever).

Re: Build time

2021-07-23 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:53:06 UTC, JG wrote:

The program I writing is around 3000 loc

what's the code?

Build time

2021-07-23 Thread JG via Digitalmars-d-learn


The program I writing is around 3000 loc and recently I noticed a 
large slow down in compile time which after investigation seemed 
to be caused by my computer running out of memory. The compile 
was using more than 15GB memory. I tried using lowmem and that 
did solve the memory problem but the compile still takes around 1 
minute. Any suggestion on how to try and improve the build time. 
I am currently using dub.

Of course one could try to use fewer templates and less meta 
programming but that seems to defeat the purpose of using d.

Re: x64 build time 3x slower?

2017-08-08 Thread Johnson Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at 00:01:05 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:

On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:56:37 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:19:57 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
Why would that be. Program take about 4 seconds to compile 
and 12 for x64. There is fundamentally no difference between 
the two versions. I do link in gtk x86 and gtk x64 depending 
on version, and that's it as far as I can tell.

x86 4
x64 12
x86 3
x64 5

The timings are pretty steady.

Split up the build time in compile time and link time and see 
how the difference is distributed between the two.
If it's distributed overwhelmingly to the link time it could 
be that you're using Microsoft's linker for x64 and OPTLINK 
for x86?

Yeah, I guess that is probably it. Forgot that two different 
linkers were used... although, Not much is being linked. Visual 
D doesn't split up the two easily, I suppose I can't separate 
them. It should probably do individual profiling between the 

Usually the build times are pretty close and I don't recall it 
being slow when I first started building, and my code hasn't 
changed much... But I did modify a few options such as debug 
diagnostics and such as those were causing visual studio to 

I guess I could perfmon it to see what exactly it is doing.

It takes about 3 seconds to write the map file(I have it 
generating cross references, not sure what it actually does but I 
thought it might help with debugging issues. I have it enabled 
for both x86 and x64. I thought I disabled

it with no differences, but maybe I missed it).

It takes another 4 seconds to create the pdb.

But it seems that about 6 seconds are done doing thing

PM	link.exe	9860	QueryStandardInformationFile	C:\D\Libraries\x64\gtkd.lib	SUCCESS	AllocationSize: 84,443,136, EndOfFile: 84,439,450, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False
PM	link.exe	9860	CreateFileMapping	C:\D\Libraries\x64\gtkd.lib	SUCCESS	SyncType: SyncTypeOther
7:13:15.7801685 PM	ServiceHub.IdentityHost.exe	4952	Thread 
Exit		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 11224, User Time: 0.000, Kernel 
Time: 0.000
7:13:17.2481064 PM	ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe	5004	Thread 
Create		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 10976
7:13:17.4141043 PM	devenv.exe	1040	Thread Create		SUCCESS	Thread 
ID: 11200
7:13:17.8990951 PM	DParserCOMServer.exe	4492	Thread 
Create		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 9176
7:13:18.7481654 PM	ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe	5004	Thread 
Exit		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 10976, User Time: 0.000, Kernel 
Time: 0.000
7:13:18.9163321 PM	devenv.exe	1040	Thread Exit		SUCCESS	Thread 
ID: 11200, User Time: 0.000, Kernel Time: 0.000
7:13:19.4011479 PM	DParserCOMServer.exe	4492	Thread 
Exit		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 9176, User Time: 0.000, Kernel Time: 
7:13:19.9681080 PM	ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe	5004	Thread 
Create		SUCCESS	Thread ID: 10416

Not sure what is happening in there but it seems like Visual D or 
Visual Studio issue rather than dmd ;/

I'll look in to it some more to see what I can find.

Re: x64 build time 3x slower?

2017-08-07 Thread Johnson Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:56:37 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:19:57 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
Why would that be. Program take about 4 seconds to compile and 
12 for x64. There is fundamentally no difference between the 
two versions. I do link in gtk x86 and gtk x64 depending on 
version, and that's it as far as I can tell.

x86 4
x64 12
x86 3
x64 5

The timings are pretty steady.

Split up the build time in compile time and link time and see 
how the difference is distributed between the two.
If it's distributed overwhelmingly to the link time it could be 
that you're using Microsoft's linker for x64 and OPTLINK for 

Yeah, I guess that is probably it. Forgot that two different 
linkers were used... although, Not much is being linked. Visual D 
doesn't split up the two easily, I suppose I can't separate them. 
It should probably do individual profiling between the two.

Usually the build times are pretty close and I don't recall it 
being slow when I first started building, and my code hasn't 
changed much... But I did modify a few options such as debug 
diagnostics and such as those were causing visual studio to 

I guess I could perfmon it to see what exactly it is doing.

Re: x64 build time 3x slower?

2017-08-07 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:19:57 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
Why would that be. Program take about 4 seconds to compile and 
12 for x64. There is fundamentally no difference between the 
two versions. I do link in gtk x86 and gtk x64 depending on 
version, and that's it as far as I can tell.

x86 4
x64 12
x86 3
x64 5

The timings are pretty steady.

Split up the build time in compile time and link time and see how 
the difference is distributed between the two.
If it's distributed overwhelmingly to the link time it could be 
that you're using Microsoft's linker for x64 and OPTLINK for x86?

x64 build time 3x slower?

2017-08-07 Thread Johnson Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
Why would that be. Program take about 4 seconds to compile and 12 
for x64. There is fundamentally no difference between the two 
versions. I do link in gtk x86 and gtk x64 depending on version, 
and that's it as far as I can tell.

x86 4
x64 12
x86 3
x64 5

The timings are pretty steady.