Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-04-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 4/2/18 2:51 PM, Per Nordlöw wrote:

On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 18:22:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
You may be interested in this proposal, which was inspired by trying 
to implement a reserve feature for AAs (requires a similar mechanism).

Ok, thanks. I'll push for it.

One thing, though, that boggles me; how does the GC know where each 
class instance start and what type it has when I the allocator 
constructs it using `emplace` in my Region? So that the GC knows which 
destructor to call where.

It probably doesn't. Yet another reason to have a feature for this 
supported by the GC instead of a wrapper allocator.

Furher, is it ok to use my allocator to allocate both pod, structs and 
classes? Or aren't allocators supposed to be used in that way?

An allocator can be used to create anything AFAIK.


Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-04-02 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 18:22:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
You may be interested in this proposal, which was inspired by 
trying to implement a reserve feature for AAs (requires a 
similar mechanism).

Ok, thanks. I'll push for it.

One thing, though, that boggles me; how does the GC know where 
each class instance start and what type it has when I the 
allocator constructs it using `emplace` in my Region? So that the 
GC knows which destructor to call where.

Furher, is it ok to use my allocator to allocate both pod, 
structs and classes? Or aren't allocators supposed to be used in 
that way?

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-04-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 3/30/18 4:31 PM, Per Nordlöw wrote:
I'm working on a graph database with tens of millions of small nodes 
containing typically around 8-64 bytes of member data. Is there a faster 
way of allocating many small class objects such as

class Node
     // abstract members

class StrNode : Node
     string value;

// more Node-types...

other than

const nodeCount = 10_000_000;
foreach (0 .. n)
     auto node = new Node(someData);
     // connect node...

You may be interested in this proposal, which was inspired by trying to 
implement a reserve feature for AAs (requires a similar mechanism).

Note that the recommendations in the replies here have the unfortunate 
drawback of tying all allocations to one block, scanned by the GC all at 
once, and will only get collected when none of them are referenced. On 
32-bit systems this also leads to a high likelihood of false pointers 
keeping the block alive.

More use cases for the feature request may help push for acceptance.


Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-04-01 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 1 April 2018 at 10:59:55 UTC, Alexandru jercaianu 

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 20:17:26 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 23:09:33 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 


You can try the following:
struct Node
char[64] arr;

 enum numNodes = 100_000_000;
 void[] buf = GCAllocator.instance.allocate(numNodes * 

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);


Is a `minAlign` of 16 recommended over 8 when allocating 
classes or arrays?

I'm glad it was helpful.
To be honest, I don't know which alignment would be better and 
it probably depends on your machine.
This here says that 16 would work just fine [1] so I would go 
with that.

[1] -

Thanks. I presume if we know what type we should allocate, in my 
case a class `C`, we should use `C.alignof` otherwise we should 
default to `platformAlignment`.

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-04-01 Thread Alexandru jercaianu via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 20:17:26 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 23:09:33 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 


You can try the following:
struct Node
char[64] arr;

 enum numNodes = 100_000_000;
 void[] buf = GCAllocator.instance.allocate(numNodes * 

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);


Is a `minAlign` of 16 recommended over 8 when allocating 
classes or arrays?

I'm glad it was helpful.
To be honest, I don't know which alignment would be better and it 
probably depends on your machine.
This here says that 16 would work just fine [1] so I would go 
with that.

[1] -

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 20:17:26 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);


Turns out that Region allocator wasn't fully qualified:

This will make it possible to allocate with it in pure code :)

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 23:09:33 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 


You can try the following:
struct Node
char[64] arr;

 enum numNodes = 100_000_000;
 void[] buf = GCAllocator.instance.allocate(numNodes * 

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);


Is a `minAlign` of 16 recommended over 8 when allocating classes 
or arrays?

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 19:38:31 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 19:31:37 UTC, Rubn wrote:
Be willing to change your code, the allocator can change at 
any point. What you implement today may not work tomorrow, 
what you fix to work for tomorrow may not end up working the 
next day (in terms of releases). That really should be 
something that is mentioned when you suggest using an 
experimential feature, there's no guarantees at all. It might 
not even get put into phobos. If your project is going to be 
used over the course of a year or more than maybe you 
shouldn't use it.

Ok, thanks for the point.

Is the dub package stdx-allocator [1] a better alternative in 
this regard?


Yep, that's why it was created. It's a snapshot of

It might be updated later, but with dub it's really easy to lock 
it to a specific version - which you can't when upgrading the 

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 19:31:37 UTC, Rubn wrote:
Be willing to change your code, the allocator can change at any 
point. What you implement today may not work tomorrow, what you 
fix to work for tomorrow may not end up working the next day 
(in terms of releases). That really should be something that is 
mentioned when you suggest using an experimential feature, 
there's no guarantees at all. It might not even get put into 
phobos. If your project is going to be used over the course of 
a year or more than maybe you shouldn't use it.

Ok, thanks for the point.

Is the dub package stdx-allocator [1] a better alternative in 
this regard?


Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Rubn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:46:43 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole 
Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

is massive.

I guess I should allocate my nodes using

auto node = theAllocator.make!StrNode("alpha");

Could someone please give a working example of a GC-backed 
`theAllocator` suitable for my allocation pattern?

Be willing to change your code, the allocator can change at any 
point. What you implement today may not work tomorrow, what you 
fix to work for tomorrow may not end up working the next day (in 
terms of releases). That really should be something that is 
mentioned when you suggest using an experimential feature, 
there's no guarantees at all. It might not even get put into 
phobos. If your project is going to be used over the course of a 
year or more than maybe you shouldn't use it.

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Rémy Mouëza via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 09:10:13 UTC, Boris-Barboris wrote:

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:31:35 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a faster way of allocating many small class objects 
such as...

maybe something like this:

import std.conv: to;
import std.stdio;

class Node {}

class StrNode : Node
string value;

void main()
writeln(;// onlineapp.StrNode
size_t il = StrNode.classinfo.m_init.length;
writeln(il); // 32
void[] backBuf = new void[il * 1000];
StrNode[] nodes = new StrNode[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
backBuf[i * il .. (i+1) * il] = 

nodes[i] = cast(StrNode) [i * il];
nodes[i].value =!string;
foreach (n; nodes[995..$])
writeln(, " ", n.value);  
// prints onlineapp.StrNode 995-999

I would have used std.conv.emplace:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv : emplace, to;

class Node {
string value;

this (long n) {
this.value =!string;

override string toString () {
return "Node (value: " ~ value ~ ")";

void main (string [] args) {

/* size_t size = Node.sizeof; */
size_t size = Node.classinfo.m_init.length;
void [] memory = new void [size * 1000];
Node [] nodes  = new Node [1000];

foreach (i, node; nodes) {
void [] buf = memory [i * size.. i * size + size];
nodes [i] = emplace!Node (buf, i);
nodes [0]  .writeln;
nodes [$-1].writeln;

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:31:35 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a faster way of allocating many small class objects 
such as...

maybe something like this:

import std.conv: to;
import std.stdio;

class Node {}

class StrNode : Node
string value;

void main()
writeln(;// onlineapp.StrNode
size_t il = StrNode.classinfo.m_init.length;
writeln(il); // 32
void[] backBuf = new void[il * 1000];
StrNode[] nodes = new StrNode[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
backBuf[i * il .. (i+1) * il] = StrNode.classinfo.m_init;
nodes[i] = cast(StrNode) [i * il];
nodes[i].value =!string;
foreach (n; nodes[995..$])
writeln(, " ", n.value);  
// prints onlineapp.StrNode 995-999

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread Alexandru Jercaianu via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 23:09:33 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:46:43 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole 
Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

is massive.

I guess I should allocate my nodes using

auto node = theAllocator.make!StrNode("alpha");

Could someone please give a working example of a GC-backed 
`theAllocator` suitable for my allocation pattern?


You can try the following:
struct Node
char[64] arr;

 enum numNodes = 100_000_000;
 void[] buf = GCAllocator.instance.allocate(numNodes * 

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);

 foreach(i; 0 .. numNodes)
 Node* n = cast(Node*)(reg.allocate(Node.sizeof).ptr);
 // do stuff with the new node

I benchmarked this versus
 foreach(i; 0 .. numNodes)
 auto n = new Node;
 // do stuff...

The first approach was about 30% faster.

Sorry, I forgot to add which imports you need:

 import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator;
 import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.region;
 import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.null_allocator;

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread Alexandru Jercaianu via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:46:43 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole 
Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

is massive.

I guess I should allocate my nodes using

auto node = theAllocator.make!StrNode("alpha");

Could someone please give a working example of a GC-backed 
`theAllocator` suitable for my allocation pattern?


You can try the following:
struct Node
char[64] arr;

 enum numNodes = 100_000_000;
 void[] buf = GCAllocator.instance.allocate(numNodes * 

 auto reg = Region!(NullAllocator, 16)(cast(ubyte[])buf);

 foreach(i; 0 .. numNodes)
 Node* n = cast(Node*)(reg.allocate(Node.sizeof).ptr);
 // do stuff with the new node

I benchmarked this versus
 foreach(i; 0 .. numNodes)
 auto n = new Node;
 // do stuff...

The first approach was about 30% faster.

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 31/03/2018 9:46 AM, Per Nordlöw wrote:

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

is massive.

I guess I should allocate my nodes using

     auto node = theAllocator.make!StrNode("alpha");

Could someone please give a working example of a GC-backed 
`theAllocator` suitable for my allocation pattern?

The default theAllocator is the GC :)

Also see[0] and "Sample Assembly"[1] which will really interest you I think.


Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

is massive.

I guess I should allocate my nodes using

auto node = theAllocator.make!StrNode("alpha");

Could someone please give a working example of a GC-backed 
`theAllocator` suitable for my allocation pattern?

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 31/03/2018 9:31 AM, Per Nordlöw wrote:
I'm working on a graph database with tens of millions of small nodes 
containing typically around 8-64 bytes of member data. Is there a faster 
way of allocating many small class objects such as

class Node
     // abstract members

class StrNode : Node
     string value;

// more Node-types...

other than

const nodeCount = 10_000_000;
foreach (0 .. n)
     auto node = new Node(someData);
     // connect node...

Use a custom allocator (that could be backed by the GC) using 
std.experimental.allocators :)

Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-30 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm working on a graph database with tens of millions of small 
nodes containing typically around 8-64 bytes of member data. Is 
there a faster way of allocating many small class objects such as

class Node
// abstract members

class StrNode : Node
string value;

// more Node-types...

other than

const nodeCount = 10_000_000;
foreach (0 .. n)
auto node = new Node(someData);
// connect node...