Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-16 Thread Tommi
Hmm.. actually, it seems there have been plenty of reports of 
this issue already. Didn't see it the first time:

Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-14 Thread Tommi

On Friday, 13 July 2012 at 18:09:59 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
 I would think the best solution is to create a mutable local 
version, and then assign the immutable global one when you are 

Thanks for the workaround. But I'm actually more interested in 
whether or not this is a compiler bug or not, so that I could 
file a bug report. The following code makes me more certain that 
this in fact is a bug. Because in some sense there shouldn't be 
much difference between int and a fixed size int array of size 1:

module main;

import std.stdio;

immutable(int[1]) staticArray;

shared static this()
value = 123;  // OK
staticArray[0] = 123; // Error: staticArray[0] isn't mutable

int main(string args[])
return 0;

Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-13 Thread Tommi
The following code doesn't compile. It seems like a compiler bug 
to me, but I can't find a bug report about it. Is it a bug?

private immutable(int[]) constants;

shared static this()
constants.length = 10;
constants[0] = 123; // Error: constants[0] isn't mutable

Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-13 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, July 13, 2012 12:15:33 Tommi wrote:
 The following code doesn't compile. It seems like a compiler bug
 to me, but I can't find a bug report about it. Is it a bug?
 private immutable(int[]) constants;
 shared static this()
  constants.length = 10;
  constants[0] = 123; // Error: constants[0] isn't mutable

It's not a bug. You have to initialize the entire array at once, since it's 
immutable. By setting the length, you initialized the array such that it had 
10 elements in it all of which were the init value of the element type (which 
would be 0, since it's int). If you don't want to use an array litera like

constants = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

then create a mutable array which you then either idup and assign it to 
constants, or you cast it to immutable (or use std.exception.assumeUnique, 
which casts to immutable but is used to document the fact it is the only 
reference to that data and therefore safe to cast to immutable) and then 
assign it to constants.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-13 Thread Minas Mina
I guess it's because you have an array of constants (immutables). 
The array is not immutable though. I could be wrong, I'm not an 
expert or D syntax :)

Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-13 Thread Era Scarecrow
 When you use the length property it allocates space and assigns 
it to the immutable array. the array now contains data (10 0's). 
You've said you won't change any data in it's declaration but the 
array itself can be changed (appending or a different array).

 I would think the best solution is to create a mutable local 
version, and then assign the immutable global one when you are 
done. If the array is particularly short (Like your example), 
then appending will work fine for your values (unless you mutate 
the array as part of it's calculation, then a local copy is 

Re: Immutable array initialization in shared static this

2012-07-13 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 07/13/2012 11:09 AM, Era Scarecrow wrote:

 I would think the best solution is to create a mutable local version,
 and then assign the immutable global one when you are done.

And there wouldn't be a copy with std.exception.assumeUnique:

import std.exception;

private immutable(int[]) constants;

shared static this()
int[] local;
local.length = 10;
local[0] = 123;
constants = assumeUnique(local);

void main()
assert(constants[0] == 123);


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