Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread jerro
... where k represents the index count 1, 2, 3, ...  However, 
it's not evident to me how you could get reduce() to know this 
counting value.

You would use zip and sequence to add indices to x, like this:

reduce!reducer(initial, zip(x, sequence!n))

Where calculating Q[k] is concerned, you need to know both the 
index value _and_ the value of the corresponding M[k].  Again, 
it's not evident to me how you'd indicate to reduce() what is 

I guess reduce would need to operate on tuples of M and Q, so you 
would have something like:

alias Tuple!(float, float) MQ;

MQ reducer(MQ mq, Tuple!(float, int) xi)
return MQ(
// compute new values or M and Q here

And you would then call reduce like this:

reduce!reducer(MQ(x.front, 0), zip(x, sequence!n))

You could also use Tuple of M, Q and k instead of using zip and 
sequence. You would then pass MQk(x.front, 0, 0) as first 
argument to reduce (I'm assuming zero based indexing here) and 
simply compute the k component of the return value in reducer as 
mqk[2] + 1.

Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread jerro

reduce!reducer(MQ(x.front, 0), zip(x, sequence!n))

A small correction : you would need to use x.drop(1) instead of 
x, because the first element of x is only used to compute the 
initial value of 1. If you wanted k to have the same meaning as 
the one in your formula, you would need to use sequence!n + 2 
instead of sequence!n.

Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread FG

On 2013-02-13 14:44, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

The docs for std.algorithm give an illustration of its use to calculate mean and
standard deviation in a single pass: [...]
However, this formula for standard deviation is one that is well known for being
subject to potentially fatal rounding error.

Typical thing with examples - they try to be terse and show off a mechanism like 
reduce, without going into too much details and hence are unusable IRL.

You can use reduce and put the division and subtraction into the reduce itself 
to prevent overflows. You also won't end up with jaw-dropping tuples, sorry. :)

float[] a = [10_000.0f, 10_001.0f, 10_002.0f];
auto n = a.length;
auto avg = reduce!((a, b) = a + b / n)(0.0f, a);
auto var = reduce!((a, b) = a + pow(b - avg, 2) / n)(0.0f, a);
auto sd = sqrt(var);
writeln(avg, \t, sd);

Output: 10001   0.816497

Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread bearophile


reduce!reducer(MQ(x.front, 0), zip(x, sequence!n))

A small correction : you would need to use x.drop(1) instead of 
x, because the first element of x is only used to compute the 
initial value of 1. If you wanted k to have the same meaning as 
the one in your formula, you would need to use sequence!n + 2 
instead of sequence!n.

See enumerate():

I think with enumerate it becomes:
MQ(x.front, 0).enumerate(1).reduce!reducer()


Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 02/13/2013 03:48 PM, FG wrote:

You can use reduce and put the division and subtraction into the reduce itself
to prevent overflows. You also won't end up with jaw-dropping tuples, sorry. :)

 float[] a = [10_000.0f, 10_001.0f, 10_002.0f];
 auto n = a.length;
 auto avg = reduce!((a, b) = a + b / n)(0.0f, a);
 auto var = reduce!((a, b) = a + pow(b - avg, 2) / n)(0.0f, a);
 auto sd = sqrt(var);
 writeln(avg, \t, sd);

Output: 10001   0.816497

Nice :-)

The thing that's desirable about the example given in the docs is that it's a 
one-pass approach to getting standard deviation (or rather, mean and standard 
deviation together).  Two reduce commands as you suggest is fine for small data, 
but if you have something really large you'd rather compute it in one pass.  You 
might also have input that is not [easily] repeatable, so you _have_ to do it 
online -- imagine that your input range is e.g. a file byLine (you'd prefer to 
avoid parsing that twice), or input from a tape (OK, OK, old fashioned) or 
perhaps data from an external source.

Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 02/13/2013 03:48 PM, FG wrote:

Typical thing with examples - they try to be terse and show off a mechanism like
reduce, without going into too much details and hence are unusable IRL.

My favourite -- in the tutorial for a really serious piece of scientific code 
written in C:

 int n = rand() % 10;

Re: Calculating mean and standard deviation with std.algorithm.reduce

2013-02-13 Thread jerro

See enumerate():

I like this enumerate() thing. Is there any particular reason why
it isn't in phobos, or is it just that no one has added it yet?

I think with enumerate it becomes:
MQ(x.front, 0).enumerate(1).reduce!reducer()

I think the argument to enumerate here should be 2 (and the x
range is missing, of course).

Another way to do this is:

MQk(x.front, 0, 2).reduce!reducer(x.drop(1))

Or using a lambda instead of reducer():

auto mqk = tuple(x.front,!double, 2).reduce!
 ((mqk, x) = tuple(
 mqk[0] + (x - mqk[0]) / mqk[2],
 mqk[1] + (mqk[2] - 1) * ((x - mqk[0]) ^^ 2) / mqk[2],
 mqk[2] + 1))