Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-22 Thread anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 July 2022 at 05:17:49 UTC, anonymouse wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 09:18:29 UTC, anonymouse wrote:

As for task 3, while I understand the concept of transposing a 
matrix, I'm not sure how to even begin.

By not knowing how to begin, I mean that I don't know how to 
generalize the algorithm so that it applies to an array of 
arbitrary dimension/shape.

If figure if I could do something like this, it would work:

static string s;
s ~= FlatElementType!T.stringof;
static foreach (i; a)
s ~= "[" ~ to!string(i) ~ "]";
mixin(s) var;

Here, I'm receiving the shape of the array (```a```), composing a 
string of the actual type, then mixing it in to declare a 
variable of that type. Of course the compiler barfs at the idea 
as coded, but is there a way to accomplish this? Note that if you 
comment out the foreach loop, the variable gets created.


Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-21 Thread anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 09:18:29 UTC, anonymouse wrote:

As for task 3, while I understand the concept of transposing a 
matrix, I'm not sure how to even begin.

By not knowing how to begin, I mean that I don't know how to 
generalize the algorithm so that it applies to an array of 
arbitrary dimension/shape. If I already know the dimensions, I 
can hardcode that information and get it to work just fine. In 
the example below, since I know that ```a``` has a shape of [3, 
5, 7], I use that information to transpose the array:

import std.traits;
auto transpose(A)(A a) if (isArray!A)
auto tmp = new FlatElementType!A[3][5][7];  // [1]

foreach(n0, i; a)
foreach(n1, j; i)
foreach(n2, k; j)
tmp[n2][n1][n0] = k;

return tmp;

void main()
auto a = [


Output reformatted for visual presentation:
[111, 211, 311],
[121, 221, 321],
[131, 231, 331],
[141, 241, 341],
[151, 251, 351]
[112, 212, 312],
[122, 222, 322],
[132, 232, 332],
[142, 242, 342],
[152, 252, 352]
[113, 213, 313],
[123, 223, 323],
[133, 233, 333],
[143, 243, 343],
[153, 253, 353]
[114, 214, 314],
[124, 224, 324],
[134, 234, 334],
[144, 244, 344],
[154, 254, 354]
[115, 215, 315],
[125, 225, 325],
[135, 235, 335],
[145, 245, 345],
[155, 255, 355]
[116, 216, 316],
[126, 226, 326],
[136, 236, 336],
[136, 236, 336],
[156, 256, 356]
[117, 217, 317],
[127, 227, 327],
[137, 237, 337],
[147, 247, 347],
[137, 237, 337]

As the example demonstrates, by knowing beforehand that it is a 
3D array of shape [3, 5, 7] , I can hardcode that information 
into the temp array and use the correct amount of nested loops to 
unwind and reassigned the values. I would like to accomplish this 
without knowing the shape before hand.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


[1] Contributed by 

Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-21 Thread anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 16:15:33 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 09:18:29 UTC, anonymouse wrote:
Given an array of arbitrary dimensions, I would like to 
accomplish three things:
1) verify that it is rectangular (e.g. all elements 
have the same length, all sub-elements have the same length, 

2) flatten and return the flattened copy
3) transpose and return the transposed copy

Yesterday, I published an example of a lesson we developed with 
Ali.  It's same `transpose()` when I add extra `swap()` for 
you.  I hope it works for you.

Hello Salih, thanks for responding. I'm not seeing the transpose 
function here. What I meant by transpose is, given the following:

auto array = [
   [111, 112, 113, 114],
   [121, 122, 123, 124],
   [131, 132, 133, 134],
   [141, 142, 143, 144]

after applying transpose(), you'd get back the following in 

[111, 121, 131, 141],
[112, 122, 132, 142],
[113, 123, 133, 143],
[114, 124, 134, 144]

This should scale to arrays of all dimensions, so the row vector 
(1D array):

[100, 200, 300, 4000]

would transpose to:


In general, the transpose of any array yields an array with its 
shape reversed. For example, the following array of shape [2, 4, 

auto array = [[
   [111, 112, 113, 114, 115],
   [121, 122, 123, 124, 125],
   [131, 132, 133, 134, 135],
   [141, 142, 143, 144, 145]
], [
   [211, 212, 213, 214, 125],
   [221, 222, 223, 224, 225],
   [231, 232, 233, 234, 235],
   [241, 242, 243, 244, 245]

would become this array of shape [5, 4, 2] after transpose, with 
its columns becoming its rows and its rows becoming its columns:

[[[111, 211],
  [121, 221],
  [131, 231],
  [141, 241]],
 [[112, 212],
  [122, 222],
  [132, 232],
  [142, 242]],
 [[113, 213],
  [123, 223],
  [133, 233],
  [143, 243]],
 [[114, 214],
  [124, 224],
  [134, 234],
  [144, 244]],
 [[115, 215],
  [125, 225],
  [135, 235],
  [145, 245]]]


Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-21 Thread anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 20:47:28 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

(Aside: You don't need that many backticks to mark code 

Thought I was following the instructions but it looks like I got 
a bit carried away. lol.

You've got a bug there. This should pass, but fails with your 

assert(!isRectangular([[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]));

Once `result` becomes false, you cannot let it switch to true 

Yeah, I noticed that. I actually fixed it at one point but since 
I was having problems scaling whole thing beyond 2D, I thought I 
got it wrong.

As for generalizing the function, instead of comparing the 
lengths of the elements, you want to compare their "shapes". 
The shape of a `Foo[] a1;` is `[a1.length]`. The shape of a 
rectangular `Foo[][] a2;` is `[a2.length, a2[0].length]`. And 
so on.


Thank you so much. That was super helpful.

I'm sure the function can be improved further, but I'm not 
going to get into that.

For task 3, I can visit each element of the array, but I have 
no idea how to compose the flattened (1D) version:

You've got the right idea there with `flatten` calling itself 
on each element. You only need to apply that idea when getting 
the element type, too (and actually append the result of the 
recursive call to `result`):

import std.range.primitives: ElementType;
template FlatElementType(A) if (isArray!A)
alias E = ElementType!A;
static if (isArray!E)
alias FlatElementType = FlatElementType!E;
alias FlatElementType = E;

This is pure gold. Thank you.

result ~= flatten(i);

Wow. That simple. I actually printed out the contents of result 
and saw the entire thing got was flattened during the recursion, 
but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why the final output 
always be empty.

As for task 3, while I understand the concept of transposing a 
matrix, I'm not sure how to even begin.

I'm gonna leave that one for someone else.

Thanks again. I really appreciate the assistance.


Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-20 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 20.07.22 11:18, anonymouse wrote:

     auto isRectangular(A)(A a) if (isArray!A)
     bool result;
     size_t length = a[0].length;

     foreach (e; a) {
     result = e.length == length;
     return result;

This only works if a is a 2D array, how do I extend this to 
support arrays with larger dimensions (3D, 4D, 5D, etc.)?

(Aside: You don't need that many backticks to mark code fragments.)

You've got a bug there. This should pass, but fails with your version:

assert(!isRectangular([[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]));

Once `result` becomes false, you cannot let it switch to true again.

As for generalizing the function, instead of comparing the lengths of 
the elements, you want to compare their "shapes". The shape of a `Foo[] 
a1;` is `[a1.length]`. The shape of a rectangular `Foo[][] a2;` is 
`[a2.length, a2[0].length]`. And so on.

Start by extending `isRectangular` to also (optionally) return the shape 
of the array:

bool isRectangular(A)(A a) if (isArray!A)
size_t[] dummy;
return isRectangular(a, dummy);
bool isRectangular(A)(A a, out size_t[] shape) if (isArray!A)
size_t first_length = a[0].length;
foreach (e; a)
if (e.length != first_length) return false;
shape = [a.length, first_length];
return true;
size_t[] shape;
assert(isRectangular([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], shape));
assert(shape == [3, 2]);
assert(!isRectangular([[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]));

Extend it to one-dimensional arrays:

bool isRectangular(A)(A a, out size_t[] shape) if (isArray!A)
shape = [a.length];
alias E = typeof(a[0]);
static if (isArray!E)
size_t first_length = a[0].length;
shape ~= first_length;
foreach (e; a)
if (e.length != first_length) return false;
return true;
unittest /* one dimension */
size_t[] shape;
assert(isRectangular([1, 2, 3], shape));
assert(shape == [3]);

Finally, use the magic of recursion to conquer higher dimensions:

bool isRectangular(A)(A a, out size_t[] shape) if (isArray!A)
shape = [a.length];
alias E = typeof(a[0]);
static if (isArray!E)
size_t[] first_shape;
if (!isRectangular(a[0], first_shape)) return false;
shape ~= first_shape;
foreach (e; a)
size_t[] e_shape;
if (!isRectangular(e, e_shape)) return false;
if (e_shape != first_shape) return false;
return true;
unittest /* higher dimensions */
size_t[] shape;
[[ 1,  2,  3,  4], [ 5,  6,  7,  8], [ 9, 10, 11, 12]],
[[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]]
], shape));
assert(shape == [2, 3, 4]);

I'm sure the function can be improved further, but I'm not going to get 
into that.

For task 3, I can visit each element of the array, but I have no idea 
how to compose the flattened (1D) version:

     import std.range.primitives: ElementType;
     auto flatten(A)(A a) if (isArray!A)
     //ElementType!(A)[] result; //[1]
     foreach (i; a) {
     static if (isArray!(typeof(i)))
     else {
     // result ~= i; //[2]
     //return result; // [3]

You've got the right idea there with `flatten` calling itself on each 
element. You only need to apply that idea when getting the element type, 
too (and actually append the result of the recursive call to `result`):

import std.range.primitives: ElementType;
template FlatElementType(A) if (isArray!A)
alias E = ElementType!A;
static if (isArray!E)
alias FlatElementType = FlatElementType!E;
alias FlatElementType = E;
static assert(is(FlatElementType!(int[]) == int));
static assert(is(FlatElementType!(int[][]) == int));
static assert(is(FlatElementType!(int[][][]) == int));
auto flatten(A)(A a) if (isArray!A)
FlatElementType!A[] result;
foreach (i; a)
static if (isArray!(typeof(i)))
result ~= flatten(i);
result ~= i;
return result;

Re: Working with arrays (flatten, transpose, verfify rectangular)

2022-07-20 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 09:18:29 UTC, anonymouse wrote:
Given an array of arbitrary dimensions, I would like to 
accomplish three things:
1) verify that it is rectangular (e.g. all elements 
have the same length, all sub-elements have the same length, 

2) flatten and return the flattened copy
3) transpose and return the transposed copy

Yesterday, I published an example of a lesson we developed with 
Ali.  It's same `transpose()` when I add extra `swap()` for you.  
I hope it works for you.

import std.stdio;

struct Arrayish(T) {
  T[] element;
  size_t row, column;

  this(size_t row, size_t column) {
this.element = new T[row * column];
this.row = row;
this.column = column;

  ref T opIndex(size_t row, size_t column) {
size_t first = row * this.column;
size_t index = first + column;

return element[index];

  auto opCast(R : T[][])() {
T[][] d;
foreach(i; 0..row)
  d ~= slice(i);
return d;

  auto slice(size_t i) {
size_t n = i * column;
return element[n..n + column];

  @property {
auto length() {
  return row * column;

auto dup() {
  T[][] d;
  foreach(i; 0..row)
d ~= slice(i).dup;
  return d;
void swap() {
  auto tmp = row;
  row = column;
  column = tmp;

enum { row = 2, col = 4 }

void main() {
  auto arrayish = Arrayish!int(row, col);

  foreach(r; 0..row) {
    foreach(c; 0..col) {
      const value = r * 1000 + c;
      arrayish[r, c] = value;
  const array = cast(int[][])arrayish;
  arrayish[1, 0] = 100;
  typeid(array).writeln(": ", array.length);

  arrayish.length.writeln(" total items");
  auto arrayCopy = arrayish.dup;
  arrayish[1, 0] = 1000;
  typeid(arrayCopy).writeln(": ", array.length);
