foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread ixid via Digitalmars-d-learn
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought I'd 
suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function from 
std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more elegant 
and reduces indentation significantly for multiple nested loops. 
Braces make nested loops very messy and any significant quantity 
of code in the loop body benefits from not being in a messy 

import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio;

void main() {
// Standard
foreach(i; 0..10)
foreach(j; 0..10)
foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

// Better
foreach(k, j, i; cartesianProduct(10.iota, 10.iota, 10.iota))
writeln(i, j, k);

// Sugar
foreach(k, j, i; 0..10, 0..10, 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

//Following brace rules
// Standard
foreach(i; 0..10)
foreach(j; 0..10)
foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

// Sugar
foreach(k, j, i; 0..10, 0..10, 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from not 
being in a messy nesting.


What would you do with associative arrays?

void main() {
auto aa = [1:1, 2:2];
foreach (a, b ; aa, 1..10)
foo(a, b);

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread TheHamster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from not 
being in a messy nesting.

import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio;

void main() {
// Standard
foreach(i; 0..10)
foreach(j; 0..10)
foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

// Better
foreach(k, j, i; cartesianProduct(10.iota, 10.iota, 10.iota))
writeln(i, j, k);

// Sugar
foreach(k, j, i; 0..10, 0..10, 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

//Following brace rules
// Standard
foreach(i; 0..10)
foreach(j; 0..10)
foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

// Sugar
foreach(k, j, i; 0..10, 0..10, 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

You can create a multi-loop quite easily in template form for 
avoid the nesting.

Essentially use an array for the the index instead of individual 
variables, e.g.,

mutliloop([0..10, 0..10, 0..10], (i)=>
   writeln(i[0], i[1], i[2]);

I'm not sure how efficient it is but essentially achieves what 
you are asking without too much overhead. Obviously having good 
language support is always nice...

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread ixid via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 16:02:42 UTC, cym13 wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from 
not being in a messy nesting.


What would you do with associative arrays?

void main() {
auto aa = [1:1, 2:2];
foreach (a, b ; aa, 1..10)
foo(a, b);

Prevent both iterator count and associative value variables for 
foreach loops with nested loops. This behaviour of associative 
arrays is already an odd case as it clashes with the iterator 
behaviour for other arrays.

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from not 
being in a messy nesting.


What's wrong with just putting all the foreach statements on a 
single line?

foreach(i; 0..10) foreach(j; 0..10) foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 16:51:01 UTC, ixid wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 16:02:42 UTC, cym13 wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from 
not being in a messy nesting.


What would you do with associative arrays?

void main() {
auto aa = [1:1, 2:2];
foreach (a, b ; aa, 1..10)
foo(a, b);

Prevent both iterator count and associative value variables for 
foreach loops with nested loops. This behaviour of associative 
arrays is already an odd case as it clashes with the iterator 
behaviour for other arrays.

It is not iterator count, it is key and value.  And actually, it 
is pretty consistent.

import std.stdio;
void main () {
foreach (index, value; [2, 4, 8])
writefln ("a[%s] = %s", index, value);
foreach (index, value; ['x': 2, 'y': 4, 'z': 8])
writefln ("b[%s] = %s", index, value);

The output is:

a[0] = 2
a[1] = 4
a[2] = 8
b[z] = 8
b[x] = 2
b[y] = 4

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread Brandon Ragland via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 17:44:00 UTC, Xinok wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from 
not being in a messy nesting.


What's wrong with just putting all the foreach statements on a 
single line?

foreach(i; 0..10) foreach(j; 0..10) foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);


And it's more obvious what you're trying to do.