is(...) with alias this

2013-01-05 Thread Zhenya

I just read the David's post$bg7$

This code worked with dmd 2.060:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

struct OhWhy(S) {
   S[] arr;
   alias arr this;

void main() {
static assert(isArray!(OhWhy!(float)));


But fails with dmd 2.061:
ss.d(10): Error: static assert  (isArray!(OhWhy!(float))) is false

(same happens with alias this to static arrays and 

Is this intended or a regression? If latter, I'll submit a 

When I read this I understood that I don't know what should return
is(OhWhy!float unused == T[],T)

Of course OhWhy!float implicit convertable into float[].But on 
the other hand

is with == (not :) should check the type without conversions.
What do you think?

DMD 2.060 HEAD evaluate is(OhWhy!float unused == T[],T) -> true

Re: is(...) with alias this

2013-01-05 Thread Philippe Sigaud
I think the alias this transformation is done 'before' any usual
conversion. I guess it's a real replacement inside the code (I'm not sure
how to explain my feeling).

But in any case, since OhWhy!(float) type is ... OhWhy!(float), I agree
this should fail.

Re: is(...) with alias this

2013-01-05 Thread monarch_dodra
On Saturday, 5 January 2013 at 22:09:45 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 

I think the alias this transformation is done 'before' any usual
conversion. I guess it's a real replacement inside the code 
(I'm not sure

how to explain my feeling).

But in any case, since OhWhy!(float) type is ... OhWhy!(float), 
I agree

this should fail.

Agreed. This warrants a ticket in bugzilla.

Re: is(...) with alias this

2013-01-06 Thread Zhenya

On Saturday, 5 January 2013 at 22:17:08 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
On Saturday, 5 January 2013 at 22:09:45 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 
I think the alias this transformation is done 'before' any 
conversion. I guess it's a real replacement inside the code 
(I'm not sure

how to explain my feeling).

But in any case, since OhWhy!(float) type is ... 
OhWhy!(float), I agree

this should fail.

Agreed. This warrants a ticket in bugzilla.