[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] RFSM8000]]

2007-09-28 Thread Les Keppie

Hi Rick
Well so far with the testing we are doing on RFSM8000
it appears to work very well -
below are some transfer figures from the program
using the Non-standard mode .3 to .2.7 khz wide application
band in not all that good of condition - freq 10137 usb path distance
approx 1000 plus klm s/n changing up and down quite dramatically


Connecting to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:04 PM
Connected to 'VK7DIK'. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:11 PM
RFSM-8000, version 0.507, user license: BETA-TESTER - 28/09/2007 -
12:51:11 PM
Maximum supported connection speed - 8000 bit/sec - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:11 PM
'VK7DIK' accept FTP-requests. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:27 PM
'VK7DIK' accept MAIL-requests. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:27 PM
Request for sending file '33.jpg' to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 - 12:53:56 PM
Sending file '33.jpg', size 29 bytes, to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 -
12:54:05 PM
'VK7DIK' ready for next part of file, new part: 2 - 28/09/2007 - 1:17:25 PM
File '33.jpg' sended succesfully, all time 1566 sec, average speed 1498
bits/sec - 28/09/2007 - 1:20:11 PM


Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:54:07 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 15 (14/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:55:08 PM
All packs: 2, good info: 0, good arq: 1 / 30, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 1000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:55:10 PM
Sended 88 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/14) - 28/09/2007 - 12:56:09 PM
All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 86, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:56:11 PM
Sended 236 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 14 (13/15) - 28/09/2007 - 12:57:11 PM
All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 6 / 223, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:57:13 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 16 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:58:14 PM
All packs: 11, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 351, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:58:16 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 15 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:59:16 PM
All packs: 11, good info: 0, good arq: 10 / 362, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:59:18 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 12 (11/14) - 28/09/2007 - 1:00:19 PM
All packs: 10, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 351, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:00:21 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (15/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:01:21 PM
All packs: 6, good info: 0, good arq: 5 / 179, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:01:23 PM
Sended 177 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 17 (16/17) - 28/09/2007 - 1:02:23 PM
All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 115, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 1000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:02:25 PM
Sended 88 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/13) - 28/09/2007 - 1:03:24 PM
All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 95, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:03:26 PM
Sended 177 packets

Transeive block, mode 500 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:04:31 PM
Sended 44 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/15) - 28/09/2007 - 1:05:30 PM
All packs: 3, good info: 0, good arq: 2 / 43, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:05:32 PM
Sended 236 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 15 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 1:06:33 PM
All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 117, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:06:35 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (16/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:07:36 PM
All packs: 10, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 316, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:07:38 PM
Sended 236 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (15/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:08:37 PM
All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 6 / 229, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:08:39 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 17 (16/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:09:40 PM
All packs: 5, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 97, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:09:42 PM
Sended 177 packets

Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 14 (13/16) - 28/09/2007 - 1:10:42 PM
All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 5 / 175, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:10:44 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 11 (11/11) - 28/09/2007 - 1:11:45 PM
All packs: 13, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 330, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:11:47 PM
Sended 358 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 11 (10/12) - 28/09/2007 - 1:12:48 PM
All packs: 3, good info: 0, good arq: 2 / 60, bad packs: 0.

Transeive block, mode 500 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:12:50 PM
Sended 44 packets

Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 8 (5/11) - 28/09/2007 - 

Re: [digitalradio] OLIVIA 14074

2007-09-28 Thread G. McFarlin

Ciao Claudio,

Funziono molto spesso Olivia e qui sono i modi
che normali di funzionamento ho trovato per le frequenze

Fra 14072 e 14078 (USB), ho regolato solitamente la manopola 1407x.65
(14072.65, 14073.65, ecc), il programma di Olivia a 500/16 e la frequenza
concenta audio (ACF) o ha sfalsato a 750hz per denominare o
rispondere ad una CQ. Ciò è la maggior parte del modo del
comon ed è che cosa troverete suggerito sul Web site di HFLink. A
volte troverete un QSO che è stato commutato a 250/8 per il tasso
più veloce di parola-per-minuto ma che non è normale per la
chiamata della CQ. 

Fra 14101 e 14109, ho regolato solitamente la manopola 1410x.50
(14104.50, 14105.5, ecc), il software di Olivia a 1000/32 ed il ACF a
1000hz per la chiamata o la risposta della CQ. Una volta che un QSO
è stabilito ed il collegamento è buono, potete commutare a
1000/16 per velocità più veloce della trasmissione. 

Inoltre, parecchia gente sta sperimentando con gli accoppiamenti di
tono di 2000/128 e di 2000/256 (1500hz ACF) per il segnale molto debole
Olivia. Parecchi contatti di distanza lunga sono stati stabiliti su 20m
dopo de quando che chiusa e nessun altro segnale potrebbe
ottenere attraverso usando il Web site del riflettore di K3UK Digital 
per stabilire la frequenza e per avvisare altri alla CQ.

Arturo KD4ULB


I operate Olivia very often and here are the
normal operating modes I have found for different

Between 14072 and 14078 (USB), I usually
set the dial to 1407x.65 (14072.65, 14073.65, etc), the Olivia program to
500/16 and the Audio Center Frequency (ACF) or offset to 750hz
to call or answer a CQ . This is the most comon mode and is what you will
find suggested on the HFLink website. Sometimes you will find a QSO that
has been switched to 250/8 for the faster word-per-minute rate but that is
not normal for calling CQ.

Between 14101 and 14109, I usually
set the dial to 1410x.50 (14104.50, 14105.5, etc), the Olivia software to
1000/32 and the ACF to 1000hz for calling or answering CQ. Once a QSO
is established and the connection is good, you can switch to 1000/16 for
faster transmission speed.

Also, several people have been
experimenting with tone pairs of 2000/128 and 2000/256 (1500hz ACF) for
very weak signal Olivia. Several long distance contacts have
been made on 20m after the band closed and no other signals
could get through by using the K3UK Digital Reflector website 
to establish the frequency and alert others to the CQ.

Glenn KD4ULB

 Hi: i read a post about WB6REZ calling in 14074 usb.
The signal was 
 very clear in my screen but i didnt know the
setup in this frecuency. 
 i usually call in 14105 with 1000-32
but in 14074 with this setup i 
 cant read nothing. 


 Announce your digital presence via our Interactive
Sked Page at 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

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[digitalradio] RFSM2400 vs. PC-ALE

2007-09-28 Thread Rick
Hi Les,

I am not sure how helpful the numbers were, but it does show that you 
are able to get some packets through, which is good. Does the program 
offer any kind of relative S/N or other information when it is working? 
Or can you give us some idea of the conditions and how other modes would 
have fared under those conditions?

Also, have you considered using the 8PSK2400 waveforms in the PC-ALE 
program which uses the standard protocols which appear to be 
functionally identical?

While RFSM2400 does not have rig control for my ICOM radio, PC-ALE has 
this built in now so I am able to operate PC-ALE on 160 to 6 meters 
(with mediocre antennas on some bands). Anyone here who would like to 
try the faster speeds on the PC-ALE program by going to the voice/image 
portions of the bands and send images/fax? I realize that if you can 
actually use voice communication, the S/N is going to be over zero dB, 
but it could at least give you a feel for the capabilities (or not) of 
the mode, relative to other digital modes.


Rick, KV9U

Les Keppie wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Well so far with the testing we are doing on RFSM8000
 it appears to work very well -
 below are some transfer figures from the program
 using the Non-standard mode .3 to .2.7 khz wide application
 band in not all that good of condition - freq 10137 usb path distance
 approx 1000 plus klm s/n changing up and down quite dramatically

Re: [digitalradio] OLIVIA 14074

2007-09-28 Thread Claudio Ruben
Ok, gracias por tu respuesta. Intentaremos llamar CQ alrededor de las 1900 z
en 14073.65.

Ok, thanks for your answer. I will try to call CQ about 1900 z in 14073.65usb


El día 27/09/07, G. McFarlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Hola Claudio,

 ¡Me disculpo por la respuesta Italiana!

 Funciono Olivia muy a menudo y aquí soy los modos de funcionamiento
 normales que he encontrado para diversas frecuencias:

 Entre 14072 y 14078 (USB), fijé generalmente el dial a 1407x.65 (14072.65,
 14073.65, al etc), el programa de Olivia a 500/16 y la frecuencia de
 centro audio (ACF) o compensó a 750hz para llamar o para contestar a una
 CQ. Éste es la mayoría del modo del comon y es lo que usted encontrará
 sugerida en el Web site de HFLink. Usted encontrará a veces un QSO que se ha
 cambiado a 250/8 para la tarifa más rápida del palabra-por-minuto pero que
 no sea normal para llamar la CQ.

 Entre 14101 y 14109, fijé generalmente el dial a 1410x.50 (14104.50,
 14105.5, al etc), el software de Olivia a 1000/32 y el ACF a 1000hz para
 llamar o contestar a la CQ. Una vez que se establezca un QSO y la conexión
 es buena, usted puede cambiar a 1000/16 para una velocidad más rápida de la

 También, varios personas han estado experimentando con pares del tono de
 2000/128 y 2000/256 (1500hz ACF) para la señal muy débil Olivia. Varios
 contactos interurbanos se han hecho en los 20m después de la venda cerrada
 y ningunas otras señales podrían conseguir a través usando el Web site del
 reflector de K3UK Digital (www.obriensweb.com/drsked/drsked.php) para
 establecer la frecuencia y para alertar otras a la CQ.

 Espero esto ayudada

 Glenn KD4ULB

  Hi: i read a post about WB6REZ calling in 14074 usb. The signal was
  very clear in my screen but i didnt know the setup in this frecuency.
  i usually call in 14105 with 1000-32 but in 14074 with this setup i
  cant read nothing.
  Announce your digital presence via our Interactive Sked Page at
  Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [digitalradio] center of the waterfall question

2007-09-28 Thread Bill Aycock

Frank- I think that there is MUCH confusion in our ranks on this 
subject. For instance, I set my rig to one frequency (usually 
14,070.00) and leave it there. I tune to different signals by moving 
the marker that shows the offset from the base frequency on the waterfall.
The radio bandwidth is many times as wide as the signal width (for 
PSK31), and many signals can be accommodated in the passband. I have 
a tuneable Digital filter, and one of the most educational tricks is 
to shift the upper and lower audio limits of the filter, and watch 
the result on the waterfall
One of the sources of the confusion is the ambiguity in the meaning 
of best. I think that it is highly improbable that we can get a 
clear definition.
Good luck- Bill-W4BSG

At 10:27 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:
Hey group, this is Frank K2NCC,

Just wanted to ask what is surely a noobie question or two.

If my waterfall (using MixW) can receive a signal between 300KHz and
3000KHz on the spectrum, that's my bandwidth of the radio, right?
Seems to match what the manual says, 2700.

I've read where PSK31 is best at 1000KHz on the audio marker in a QSO.
But, one could QSO pretty far on either side of that line if you
avoid the fringes.  Right?

Oh, if it matters, the radio is TS-830S and a Signalink.

Well, the halfway point on the waterfall for me is about 1650 on the
audio marker.

I'm guessing that whatever frequency I'm on when I tune the signal to
that 1650 point, is the frequency they're transmitting on.  I asked
and have been very close, but can only hope that my rig is on the
mark.  Either way, it's not been off by more than 3Hz.  Since the rig
only has six digit display, I round it off anyway.

Is that the best place to transmit and receive?  Dead center of the
frequency seems to be the ideal place if both sides are doing the same.

73.  Frank K2NCC

Announce your digital presence via our Interactive Sked Page at

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[digitalradio] useless qrm

2007-09-28 Thread David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD
It sounds like a ghastly prescription for useless QRM.
 you mean like in contest 


Re: [digitalradio] OLIVIA 14074

2007-09-28 Thread G. McFarlin

Hola Claudio,

¡Me disculpo por la respuesta Italiana!

Funciono Olivia muy a menudo y aquí soy los modos de
funcionamiento normales que he encontrado para diversas

Entre 14072 y 14078 (USB), fijé generalmente el dial a 1407x.65
(14072.65, 14073.65, al etc), el programa de Olivia a 500/16 y la
frecuencia de centro audio (ACF) o compensó a 750hz
para llamar o para contestar a una CQ. Éste es la mayoría
del modo del comon y es lo que usted encontrará sugerida en el Web
site de HFLink. Usted encontrará a veces un QSO que se ha cambiado
a 250/8 para la tarifa más rápida del palabra-por-minuto
pero que no sea normal para llamar la CQ. 

Entre 14101 y 14109, fijé generalmente el dial a 1410x.50
(14104.50, 14105.5, al etc), el software de Olivia a 1000/32 y el ACF a
1000hz para llamar o contestar a la CQ. Una vez que se establezca un QSO y
la conexión es buena, usted puede cambiar a 1000/16 para una
velocidad más rápida de la transmisión. 

También, varios personas han estado experimentando con pares del
tono de 2000/128 y 2000/256 (1500hz ACF) para la señal muy
débil Olivia. Varios contactos interurbanos se han hecho en los 20m
después de la venda cerrada y ningunas otras
señales podrían conseguir a través usando el Web site
del reflector de K3UK Digital (www.obriensweb.com/drsked/drsked.php)
para establecer la frecuencia y para alertar otras a la CQ. 

Espero esto ayudada

Glenn KD4ULB

 Hi: i read a post
about WB6REZ calling in 14074 usb. The signal was 
 very clear in
my screen but i didnt know the setup in this frecuency. 
usually call in 14105 with 1000-32 but in 14074 with this setup i 
 cant read nothing. 

 Announce your
digital presence via our Interactive Sked Page at 

Groups Links 

 (Yahoo! ID required) 



Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] RFSM8000]]

2007-09-28 Thread Steinar Aanesland
Hi all,

It was a lot of RFSM2400 activity on 3588  kHz in Europe yesterday.

73 de Steinar LA5VNA

Les Keppie skrev:

 Hi Rick
 Well so far with the testing we are doing on RFSM8000
 it appears to work very well -
 below are some transfer figures from the program
 using the Non-standard mode .3 to .2.7 khz wide application
 band in not all that good of condition - freq 10137 usb path distance
 approx 1000 plus klm s/n changing up and down quite dramatically


 Connecting to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:04 PM
 Connected to 'VK7DIK'. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:11 PM
 RFSM-8000, version 0.507, user license: BETA-TESTER - 28/09/2007 -
 12:51:11 PM
 Maximum supported connection speed - 8000 bit/sec - 28/09/2007 -
 12:51:11 PM
 'VK7DIK' accept FTP-requests. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:27 PM
 'VK7DIK' accept MAIL-requests. - 28/09/2007 - 12:51:27 PM
 Request for sending file '33.jpg' to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 -
 12:53:56 PM
 Sending file '33.jpg', size 29 bytes, to 'VK7DIK'... - 28/09/2007 -
 12:54:05 PM
 'VK7DIK' ready for next part of file, new part: 2 - 28/09/2007 -
 1:17:25 PM
 File '33.jpg' sended succesfully, all time 1566 sec, average speed 1498
 bits/sec - 28/09/2007 - 1:20:11 PM


 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:54:07 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 15 (14/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:55:08 PM
 All packs: 2, good info: 0, good arq: 1 / 30, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 1000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:55:10 PM
 Sended 88 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/14) - 28/09/2007 - 12:56:09 PM
 All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 86, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:56:11 PM
 Sended 236 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 14 (13/15) - 28/09/2007 - 12:57:11 PM
 All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 6 / 223, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:57:13 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 16 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:58:14 PM
 All packs: 11, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 351, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:58:16 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 15 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 12:59:16 PM
 All packs: 11, good info: 0, good arq: 10 / 362, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 12:59:18 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 12 (11/14) - 28/09/2007 - 1:00:19 PM
 All packs: 10, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 351, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:00:21 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (15/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:01:21 PM
 All packs: 6, good info: 0, good arq: 5 / 179, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:01:23 PM
 Sended 177 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 17 (16/17) - 28/09/2007 - 1:02:23 PM
 All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 115, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 1000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:02:25 PM
 Sended 88 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/13) - 28/09/2007 - 1:03:24 PM
 All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 95, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:03:26 PM
 Sended 177 packets

 Transeive block, mode 500 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:04:31 PM
 Sended 44 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 12 (10/15) - 28/09/2007 - 1:05:30 PM
 All packs: 3, good info: 0, good arq: 2 / 43, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:05:32 PM
 Sended 236 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 15 (15/16) - 28/09/2007 - 1:06:33 PM
 All packs: 4, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 117, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:06:35 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (16/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:07:36 PM
 All packs: 10, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 316, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2666 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:07:38 PM
 Sended 236 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 17 (15/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:08:37 PM
 All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 6 / 229, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:08:39 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 17 (16/18) - 28/09/2007 - 1:09:40 PM
 All packs: 5, good info: 0, good arq: 3 / 97, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 2000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:09:42 PM
 Sended 177 packets

 Receive block, mode 1000 long, S/N: 14 (13/16) - 28/09/2007 - 1:10:42 PM
 All packs: 7, good info: 0, good arq: 5 / 175, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:10:44 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 2000 long, S/N: 11 (11/11) - 28/09/2007 - 1:11:45 PM
 All packs: 13, good info: 0, good arq: 9 / 330, bad packs: 0.

 Transeive block, mode 4000 long - 28/09/2007 - 1:11:47 PM
 Sended 358 packets

 Receive block, mode 500 long, S/N: 11 (10/12) - 

[digitalradio] RAIN REPORT: The NFCC and Jay Maynard, K5ZC, push for FCC D-STAR Repeater Clarification, Part One

2007-09-28 Thread Mark Thompson
RAIN REPORT: The NFCC and Jay Maynard, K5ZC, push for FCC D-STAR Repeater 
Clarification (Part One, 13 minutes). 


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[digitalradio] Re: center of the waterfall question

2007-09-28 Thread Dave Bernstein
There are two considerations:

1. the signal being decoded should fall within the receive filter(s) 
you're using. Some ops activate RTTY or CW filters during PSK QSOs; 
their choise of offset is thus limited by the positioning of these 
filters within their receiver's bandpass.

2. the second harmonic of your transmit audio tone should fall 
outside your transmitter's bandpass (to minimize QRM)

So if your transmitter's bandpass extends to 2.7 kHz, an audio offset 
of 1600 or 1700 is ideal -- assuming a signal at that offset will 
pass the filter you use during reception. 

Many digital mode applications -- including MixW -- have the 
capability to QSY your transceiver to achieve a pre-specified audio 
offset. This lets you select a signal in the waterfall with one 
action, decide you're interested, and then QSY your transceiver with 
a second action before making your call using the optimal audio 


  Dave, AA6YQ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Bill Aycock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Frank- I think that there is MUCH confusion in our ranks on this 
 subject. For instance, I set my rig to one frequency (usually 
 14,070.00) and leave it there. I tune to different signals by 
 the marker that shows the offset from the base frequency on the 
 The radio bandwidth is many times as wide as the signal width (for 
 PSK31), and many signals can be accommodated in the passband. I 
 a tuneable Digital filter, and one of the most educational tricks 
 to shift the upper and lower audio limits of the filter, and watch 
 the result on the waterfall
 One of the sources of the confusion is the ambiguity in the meaning 
 of best. I think that it is highly improbable that we can get a 
 clear definition.
 Good luck- Bill-W4BSG
 At 10:27 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:
 Hey group, this is Frank K2NCC,
 Just wanted to ask what is surely a noobie question or two.
 If my waterfall (using MixW) can receive a signal between 300KHz 
 3000KHz on the spectrum, that's my bandwidth of the radio, right?
 Seems to match what the manual says, 2700.
 I've read where PSK31 is best at 1000KHz on the audio marker in a 
 But, one could QSO pretty far on either side of that line if you
 avoid the fringes.  Right?
 Oh, if it matters, the radio is TS-830S and a Signalink.
 Well, the halfway point on the waterfall for me is about 1650 on 
 audio marker.
 I'm guessing that whatever frequency I'm on when I tune the signal 
 that 1650 point, is the frequency they're transmitting on.  I asked
 and have been very close, but can only hope that my rig is on the
 mark.  Either way, it's not been off by more than 3Hz.  Since the 
 only has six digit display, I round it off anyway.
 Is that the best place to transmit and receive?  Dead center of the
 frequency seems to be the ideal place if both sides are doing the 
 73.  Frank K2NCC
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[digitalradio] Tests in ARQ FAE

2007-09-28 Thread Patrick Lindecker
Hello to all,

I will be QRV for tests to-morrow saturday morning in 14109.5 KHz USB at 10h00 
UTC, for the ones interested. I will call CQ in ARQ FAE up to 10h30 UTC.

A 4.4.2 Multipsk test version in a ZIP test package is available in my site. It 
contains the Multipsk test version (with ARQ FAE bugs fixed).

Paste this adress in your Internet Explorer or equivalent. Download the file.
Create a tempory folder (C:\TEST, for example), unzip the file in it and start 
C:\TEST\Multipsk.exe (the auxiliary files will be created automatically). 



[digitalradio] RTTY Contest

2007-09-28 Thread Leroy Griffiths
Could someone give me some pointers on what type of data is sent during 
the WWW CQ RTTY contest? I was watching it on the waterfall, and was 
decoding fine, but some abbreviations I saw I could not comprehend. Any 

Leroy - kb3msu