[digitalradio] Re: MFSK31 QSO's wanted

2008-07-26 Thread jhaynesatalumni
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Howard Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I worked Tony K2MO last night on 20 meters using MFSK31 and MMVARI.
This mode seems very robust. It worked through deep fading and some
horrible noise very well.   Also, it is quite a bit faster than

I worked him too, using MFSK31 under the alpha test version of fldigi.
But copy was pretty rough and we soon gave up.

Re: [digitalradio] MFSK31 QSO's wanted

2008-07-26 Thread Howard Brown
I worked Tony K2MO last night on 20 meters using MFSK31 and MMVARI. This mode 
seems very robust. It worked through deep fading and some horrible noise very 
well.   Also, it is quite a bit faster than

MFSK16.  It also seems to be very narrow bandwidth.

Has anyone established how fast it works for tasks like sending messages?  This 
could be a good tool for digital nets, etc.  If anyone has ideas about testing 
speed please post and lets try it out.

Howard K5HB

- Original Message 
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 7:10:05 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] MFSK31 QSO's wanted


I'll be QRV on 20 meter MFSK31 this evening starting around 0330z. I'll be 
monitoring Andy's sked page http://www.obriensw eb.com/sked/ index.html and 

Makato Mori's (JE3HTT) Mmvari program works well with MFSK31.

MMVARI Downloads - http://mmhamsoft. amateur-radio. ca/MMvari/

Tony, K2MO 

[digitalradio] Multi-Mode Software

2008-07-26 Thread Tony

Just a reminder about the multi-mode software that's available out there. I 
recently learned about MMVari by Makato Mori and was surprised to learn that it 
was released some time ago. Guess these things can slip under the radar. 

The MMVari MFSK31 mode has PLENTY of speed for those quick on the keyboard. It 
is less sensitive and robust than MFSK16, but throughput seems good under 
'average' conditions. 

MMVari -- http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/MMvari/
DM780 -- http://www.ham-radio-deluxe.com/
MixW -- http://www.mixw.net/
MultiPSK -- http://f6cte.free.fr/index_anglais.htm
gMFSK (Linux) -- http://gmfsk.connect.fi/ 
Fldigi -- http://www.w1hkj.com/


Tony K2MO

[digitalradio] K3UK's Quick Guide to WSPR Revised

2008-07-26 Thread Andrew O'Brien
I am not sure if it is really needed nowadays, but I just updated my
quick guide to WSPR by K1JT.  This reflects the latest significant
advancements that Joe has programmed.

K3UK's Quick Guide to WSPR  Revised July 26 2008.

There are now two options for using WSPR.  WSPR.exe is the manned
beacon only software .  The latest beta release of WSJT now includes a
version of WSPR that allows for two-way "QSOs". WSJT also includes
modes FSK440, JT6M, JT65 variants, JT4 variants,  JT2, and may also
add JT6a soon,

This quick guide has been updated to reflect the WSPR changes.  The
quick guide to the QSO mode appears towards the end of this guide.

General Information:

Download software from


Get detailed help from

http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm (a little dated )

*** WSPR : Very LOW Power Attended Beacon Mode ***

1. First , remember it is NOT a QSO mode. It is "manned experimental
propagation transmitter". Stations transmit the audio tones at varying
times (as determined by the software) for TWO minutes. It is a "slow"
mode, so does well in very weak conditions. MANNED is important it is
not intended for unattended operations.  Get the software from

2. Make sure your PC clock is sync'd with an Internet time server. If
your clock is off by more than 5 seconds or so, other stations my have
trouble decoding you.

3. Keep you power low, most are one watt or less, some 5 watts. More
than 5 watts can cause too strong a signal and the software sometimes
has difficulty decoding very strong signals.

4. In the SETUP/Options area of the software. Enter your callsign,
grid square , PTT port, and power in dBMm (example 30 dBM = one watt).
Go to http://www.radioing.com/eengineer/rfcalc.html for some dB to
watt conversion help. (tnx K2MO).

5. That is all you need to do for set-up , if you have more than one
soundcard in your PC, you may need to additionally change the device
settings if you want to use the NON-default soundcard.

6. Tune to a known WSPR/MEPT frequency. 30M is the most popular with
10.138,6 the standard listening frequency.

7. In the main WSPR window, enter 10.1386 in the RX box and then
choose a TX frequency

8. The TX frequency is the frequency the soundcard will generate the
tones. Your RIG should NOT be in split mode. Just keep your VFO on
10.1386 USB. Your TX audio tones should be around 1500 Hz above the RX
frequency. The software has a default 30M TX frequency, I suggest you
change it so that everyone is NOT transmitting on the same frequency.
I use 10.140119 In the following example, you will see what other
frequencies people are using ..

080409 0120 4 -16  0.7 10.140163 VE7TIL CN89 30
080409 0120 5 -14 -0.6 10.140198 WA7ADK DN31 18

VE7TIL was received by my rig on 10.149163
WA7ADK was received by my rig on 10.140198

Other slow mode weak signal operators use near by frequencies, WSPR
users are asked to make sure that you do not set you transmit settings
BELOW 10.140100 since the "visual" MEPT folks use that area.

9. In the main WSPR window you can choose to select the "RX" button
just to receive ONLY or you can select 20%, 25%, or 33% T/R option.
The T/R option is a ratio of how often your rig transmits in one hour.
I usually choose 20%/. The software then listens most of the time but
20% of the hour it will transmit. Sometimes , when you boot up the
software it may wait several minutes before it decides to transmit. If
you want to force a transmit, choose the TX option. Make sure you turn
this option OFF eventually because your rig will transmit for 2
minutes , pause for a few seconds , and then transmit for another two
minutes and repeat UNTIL you turn it off! Please note that the
software , when it is going to transmit, waits until the top of an
even minute. It does NOT transmit every even minute if you choose T/R
20, 25, 33%, but when it does transmit it will wait until the top of
an even minute.

10. When you run the software at first, you will see an inactive
waterfall. The current version has a waterfall that updates ONLY every
two minutes. After your software have run for a few minutes you may
see WSPR signals as narrow lines that are HORIZONTAL on the waterfall.
The waterfall does not display the signal "live" but a later version
may add this capability

11. After the software has run for a few minutes you may receive
decoded signals, they will be displayed as... 080409 0200 2 -14 1.0
10.140128 KL7QR DM33 30 The above line is date, time decoded, sync,
signal to noise ration in dB, DT, received frequency, callsign, grid
square, noise level. Please note that this mode is very NARROW, about
6HZ wide. You can find a lot of signals in the 200 Hz wide frequency
range that the software monitors.

Re: [digitalradio] TARA 2008 "Grid Dip PSK/RTTY Shindig" Contest

2008-07-26 Thread ny2u
That's correct! Just HF & 6 Meters is all you get :-) de NY2U  Bill
In a message dated 7/26/2008 3:49:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Tony -  this contest is HF + 6M, and not  UHF.


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Re: [digitalradio] TARA 2008 "Grid Dip PSK/RTTY Shindig" Contest

2008-07-26 Thread Patrick Weatherford
Tony - this contest is HF + 6M, and not UHF.


Tony Heatwole wrote:
> The Troy Amateur Radio Association (TARA) is pleased to announce the 
> 6th annual running of its "Grid Dip PSK/RTTY Shindig" contest on 2 
> August 2008. Please see 
> http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_rules.html 
>  for contest 
> details. This is a unique UHF contest combining Grid Square 
> multipliers and PSK/RTTY.
> 73, Tony Heatwole, N3FX