[digitalradio] VHF Contesting

2010-07-10 Thread GregCT
Hello and Good morning to all,
Just looking for a little advise and guidance here. Next weekend is the CQ 
WW VHF Contest, I'm looking forward to setting out and playing in the contest 
and I'm thinking of attempting some digital contacts along with the usual SSB 
to up the score a bit. I've been having alot of fun with PSK31 mostly on HF 
with a spattering of other modes mixed in but PSK being the most prevelant. I 
think I would most likely see some PSK activity on 6m, but don't really know 
what to expect or look for as far as modes on the 2m side of things. Would 
someone operate PSK on that band or one of the other modes? I'm running HRD 
with DM780. 
 My personal best score in the contest was in 2006 when I earned 1st place 
Rover for the New England Division with 8142 points. Due to work and family 
commitments, I was not able to enter again until last year, which also earned 
me 1st place New England again. I'm hoping that by adding the weak signal 
digital modes to the mix that I may "Defend" my title in this year's contest 
but also beat my personal best score and possible make it into the mix of the 
competition at the National level. My hopes are high, but i'm not sure if the 
effort of lugging the laptop along and keeping it powered up will be worth the 
Any thoughts, ideas, comments that can you can send my way are appreciated, 
both 'for' and 'against'... and Thank you in advance for all that have any 
input/help advice to contribute



[digitalradio] Re: VHF Contesting

2010-07-11 Thread GregCT
   Thanks to all for your comments, suggestions. Yes, even you Dan... but you 
need to step back a bit and consider all of the aspects of our hobby. And why 
would I want to settle for repeater hopping with an HT when I have a perfectly 
good FT897 that runs 20w on SSB from the backpack portable? Hiking up to the 
tops of mountains in 3 states and activating 6 different grid squares is my 
goal for next weekend.
Taking the contest logs, analyzing them and reporting the results not only 
to the contest managers, but the local ARES groups has always helped us prepare 
and set-up relay stations and portable repeaters when needed. Its nice to know 
that spot you think would cover good for an emergency is actually a noise 
ridden location that makes it inoperative or is shadowed into the area you need 
to cover for that emergency before it happens, I like to think it helps plan 
the appropriate response ahead of time. 
Do I get frustrated with the contesters on 20m at times? I have to admit 
that sometimes I do, but at the same time, I also realize that whether I submit 
a log for the particular contest or not, they bring out people from all over 
the world and you hear places that you would never ordinarily hear because hams 
all over the world set aside some time for that contest to operate, just as I 
try to set aside this weekend in July to operate this contest. Whether I submit 
a log to the contest manager or not, its in my log. I try to work in a bit of a 
rag chew here and there in every contest i listen to, sometimes even the 
hard-core contesters enjoy a break in the action to relax and talk about their 
progress, but they all get a card, all get a confirmation on LoTW and a note 
thanking them for the contest contact and welcoming them to strike up a 
conversation anytime they hear me. 
The spirit of competition is in us all, I'm of the opinion that its 
genetically embedded in all of us. If we can combine that natural tendency with 
a hobby we all enjoy, so much the better for us and our well-being. 

Again, thank you all for your comments, and I'm glad my question got something 
else going in the threads to inspire some thought..


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "GregCT"  wrote:
> Hello and Good morning to all,
> Just looking for a little advise and guidance here. Next weekend is the 
> CQ WW VHF Contest, .

[digitalradio] Re: Good USB sound card ?

2010-08-12 Thread GregCT

This is the one I use, the CreativeMedia X-Fi. Its a little bit larger that 
today's standard 'thumb' drives, but does double as one. Works well with the 
rigblaster as well as other 'standard' sound duties for the PC and laptop, 
(voice chat, music etc).  


I noticed that most of the replies seem to be aimed at all in one digital 
interfaces that include soundcards, this one is a stand alone sound card.

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "graham787"  wrote:
> Looks like theRDX-150-EF  has been  dropped
> any ideas on a 'good'  usb card for  data  use ??
> Tnx - G.