Re: [digitalradio] Multiple Digital Modes: Time to get rid of most ?

2008-04-21 Thread Laurent Laborde
I'm a begginer, licenced this year.

I do not think that we have too many mode.
And the massive usage of psk31 is not a beginer problem.
It's the opposite.
We have too many old ham that just want a contact and a QSL.
And they use the most commonly used mode, psk31.

I have absolutly no interest in contact and QSL.
Well, no interest, but i need a contact to test the mode, talk about
it, improve the transmission if needed. And not just sharing

The only times i was able to really test, experiment, on air was
with exotic mode.
Anytime i tried to chat (technical) in psk31 i got the usual k thx
bye macro.
But never had this problem using Feld Hell.

The problem is between chair and keyboard, nothing else.


2008/4/21, Simon Brown (Laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Interesting because I've been asked by quite a few people to add Hell to
  DM780 - which I have done, so expect some Hell activity this year.

  In general I agree that we possibly have far too many modes, for the
  beginner it's no easy to know what's what. At least PSK / RTTY is a good
  starting point. And real SSTV - that's very active although not a true
  digital mode.

  Simon HB9DRV

  From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Maybe it is because I am getting irritated because of the pinched
   nerve in my neck, I'm thinking maybe I have just had enough of the
   plethora of digital modes.  Yes, it is K3UK saying that...the bloke
   that is always trying varying modes.


Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Multiple Digital Modes: Time to get rid of most ?

2008-04-20 Thread Laurent Laborde
Hello, i have exactly the same problem.

PSK31 is a good mode, but i'm tired of PSK31 only QSO.
I try to use exoctic mode only.

All flavors of Hellschreiber,
Throb, Ale, Olivia, ALE, Stanag, Packet, ...

It can take MANY hours to get a single reply in MFSK16 while there is
a lot of psk31 around.

Frustrating and boring ...
It's all about sharing stupid paper QSL or contesting ...


2008/4/20, Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Maybe it is because I am getting irritated because of the pinched
  nerve in my neck, I'm thinking maybe I have just had enough of the
  plethora of digital modes.  Yes, it is K3UK saying that...the bloke
  that is always trying varying modes.

  I tried calling CQ numerous times in the TARA Skirming using various
  exotic modes, but ZERO respondents.  No one answered Olivia CQ's, no
  one answered DominoEX CQ's, no Hell, and even no MFSK16 !

  The only three modes that produced a response were PSK31, PSK63 and RTTY.

  Several months ago, I saw Dave AA6YQ make some comment about Winwabler
  not adding additional modes because (paraphrasing) RTTY and PSK31/63
  are effective and the others too under utilized to warrant inclusion.
  While I have really enjoyed many experimental modes and had  lots of
  fun testing, I think if I added up the time I have spent endlessly
  trawling the digital bands without results, I could have built a few
  more antennae, or added a few thousand more QSO via other modes.
  Heck, my CW could be even more practiced.

  So, for the next few months I am going to detox,  and consolidate
  around the following modes.

  PSK31/63 (125/250 on VHF/UHF)
  MEPT-WSPR (passive operations)
  Narrow SSTV/Digital SSTV
  HF JT65A
  ALE 400

  Time to put MFSK16,Hell, standard ALE, Olivia , Contestia, RTTYM,
  DominoEX , etc, in to the virtual junk-box.  They can join their
  counsins from the non-virtual world...Betamax ,8 track tapes, and
  cassettes.  All good applications, but no one uses 'em anymore.

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/12, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Yes i know this is a usage hangover from the 'wars' between ops of AM
  and SSB but by now should be buried and the terms used correctly.AM
  Voice or SSB Voicejust as the new technology is being called Digital

And SSB voice is AM :)

Ah ! Next time i'll use A3E, J3E, A1A, ... intead of keeping it simple
and writing AM, SSB, CW, ...

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] 10MHz Ham Digi Band Research Survey Chart 10140-10150kHz

2008-04-12 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/12, expeditionradio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 New 10MHz Ham Digi Band Research Survey Chart
  10140kHz to 10150kHz Digital/Auto Sub-Band
  Click here:

The RTTY DXing chart is a perfect demonstation of why i don't really
want any promotion for this band :p

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/11, Sholto Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   If anything it will be a very interesting scientific study
  of which digimodes work at these levels and which don't.

Scientific study ?

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/11, Sholto Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  it may make
  people think about using modes other than PSK31

Now that's a wonderfull idea ;)
psk31 is a good mode, too bad it's (badly) overused :(

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/12, Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  What would you suggest David to
  promote the 30 Meter band?  I'm all ears and you can list all your
  ideas here or email me direct if you wish.

The 30m band don't need any promotion :)

I like and use 30m because :
- There is no contest
- There is no SSB
- There is no CW pile-up with tons of OMG CQ  D FFS 59 KTHXBYE
running on overstressed KiloWatt-class amp (who said CW had no
bandwidth ? :p )
- lot of QRPer, fuzzy mode, Visual MEPT, ...
- in 1 word : peacefull band :)

The 30m band have many unofficial (a real gentlman agreement)
sub-sub-sub-band. And bringing people that are not used to the lovely
30m band is a bad idea.

I love the idea to promote QRP, QRPp, unusual digital mode.
And the 30m band is perfect for that.
The 30m is perfect for that, exactly because there is no event, no
contest, no pile-up, no DX chasing, ... Well, because it's quiet and
there is a lot of free bandwidth for experimentation.

I don't know about other country, but the french law explain in the
radioamateur definition that you can transmit ONLY for learning
purpose and technical experimentation.
Event, Contest, ... shouldn't happen. It is, of course, totally
ignored by most operator. But i'd like to keep the 30m for learning
purpose and experimentation... as it's supposed to be on every band.
That's why i'm personally against this non-contest/event/weekend.

And about the bring it on.
It look like a random signature from his mail client.


Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] WSPR - Freq

2008-04-01 Thread Laurent Laborde
The frequency for digital MEPT on 30m is : 10.140,100 to 10.140.200
The frequency for visual MEPT on 30m is : 10.140,000 ot 10.140.100

digital mept = WSPR
visual mept = QRSS, C/MT Hell, S/MT Hell, Castle, and other fuzzy mode.

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 30 meter Observations

2008-01-12 Thread Laurent Laborde
I planned to build a dipole antenna for 30m.
Mostly for C/MT HELL, SlowHell and other Hell mode.
I'd like to try the jason mode too, and some other extremely slow mode.
Seen some 10Hz large slow C/MT Hell screenshot.
Any guess about the used software for that ?

Even found a 0.5Hz (!!!) MT Hell.


On Jan 11, 2008 3:02 AM, Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John VE5MU,
  I agree with your observations...the band is great and under used. I
  can tell you it doesn't die at night, it is open most all night but
  just not used, thus the auto spotters to provide documentation along
  with the Propnet stations that are documenting 30m also.

  de kb9umt Don EN50dp 30MDG#0001

  --- In, Curt Givens[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   John and others I just opened MixW and tuned up on 10.140 don't see
   on the waterfall but will try to watch and listen for a bit. XYL
  just got in
   from work and dinner will need preparing soon. See you on the
   73's Curt
   Curt Givens KC8STE, AAR5VR Army MARS
   Earthdog and Special Programs Director
   Dayton, OH
   Registering lawful Americans who possess a gun to stop armed
  criminals, is
   like registering virgins to stop prostitution.
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of John Bradley
   Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:24 PM
   Subject: [digitalradio] 30 meter Observations
   Over the past several weeks I have been operating digital modes on
  30m and
   have come to the conclusion that
   This is a highly under-rated band.
   Currently there are 3 automatic spotting stations running on 30M
  PSK on
   10140.0. They are N9Puz, KF4IN, and VK2XGT. The spotting page is
  very rapid,
   with spots appearing as fast as you do. VK2XGT is hearing very
  little North
   American stations, with only the occasional K6 showing up. The VK
  station is
   posting lots of European stations, however and I can only hope that
   summer propagation on 30M is as good as what they are hearing.
   From my QTH, which is DO70QK , N9PUZ is 1668km (1000 miles) away
  and KF4IN
   is 3197km (1900 miles) away. Both stations are almost on the same
   from me (approx 130deg)
   Most days, N9PUZ is able to hear me from about 1300Z to 0400/0500Z,
   posts my call automatically . even when the band appears to be
   dead in the evenings, the N9 station usually posts my call after
  the first
   try. KF4IN will post calls from me at different times during the
  day mainly
   from 1600z to 2200z. I have not shown up on the VK station.
   It would be interesting to see a little more activity on 30M in the
   to see what the propagation really does.
   The 30M spotting page can be found at http://www.projects

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Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde