ARLB015 FCC Responds to ARRL Petition Against Experimental License
using 40 Meter Band

QST de W1AW  
ARRL Bulletin 15  ARLB015
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 24, 2008
To all radio amateurs 

ARLB015 FCC Responds to ARRL Petition Against Experimental License
using 40 Meter Band

On Monday, October 20, the ARRL filed a "Petition for Modification
or Cancellation of Experimental Authorization" (Petition) with the
FCC with respect to WE2XRH. According to the FCC, this experimental
license -- issued to Digital Aurora Radio Technologies (DART) --
proposes to "test digital transmissions in 4.50-5.10 MHz, 7.10-7.60
MHz and 9.25-9.95 MHz for a terrestrial digital radio service to the
citizens of Alaska." The League's protest was prompted by the
certainty that high-power operation in the frequency range 7.10 to
7.30 MHz would cause unacceptable and harmful interference to the
Amateur Radio Service in this part of the 40-meter band, which is an
exclusive amateur allocation in ITU Region 2 (North and South

On October 24, the FCC responded by issuing an amended license that
redefined one of the station's frequency ranges to eliminate
conflict with the Amateur Radio Service. The amended license narrows
the range to 7.30 to 7.60 MHz and gives as the reason for the
change, "operation in the band 7.1-7.3 MHz will cause harmful
interference to Amateur Radio Service licensees."

"We are delighted that the FCC acted so promptly to correct this
error and are pleased that the matter has been resolved," said ARRL
CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ.

WE2XRH will be using a 20 kHz bandwidth digital emission at a
transmitter output power of 100 kW and an ERP of 660 kW within a
radius of 1500 kilometers of Delta Junction, Alaska. According to
the amended license, the transmissions will take place in the
frequency ranges 4.4 to 5.1 MHz, 7.3 to 7.6 MHz and 9.25 to 9.95


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