HF Digital Voice Programs Once Again Available for Download

>From the ARRL
Citing codec (coding/decoding) licensing issues, three free Windows programs
for sound card-based HF digital voice were yanked from their download site
for a short time recently, surprising hams who are interested in HF digital
voice operation; several online groups that supported the software were also
closed for a short time.
WinDRM, DRMDV and FDMDV, all written by Cesco Lanza, HB9TLK, used a codec
that was developed for the US Department of Defense and NATO. Rights to
various forms of the codec are held by several companies; they have never
been released for free distribution and use by hams. According to Gary
Pearce, KN4AQ, the companies have "winked" at ham radio use for several
years, but a recent complaint caused the programs to be pulled from the
download site. "Lanza did a quick rewrite to use an open-source codec, and
now WinDRM and FDMDV are back," Pearce said. "DRMDV, an intermediate program
between the other two, has been abandoned. WinDRM could always use the
open-source Speex codec, but FDMDV users will need to download the new
FDMDV and WinDRM can both be downloaded from Jason Buchanan's, N1SU, Web

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

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