Hopefully people took time to read this announcement, it represents a major 

Of course, now I am interested in some "mode-independent" application for when 
not passing mail. The PSK500, PSK500R, PSK250, MFSK32, THOR22, MFSK16 and THOR8 
shifting looks like a good method

Andy K3UK

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rein Couperus <r...@...> wrote:
> Beta tests are under way for PSKmail 1.0
> ==========================
> This new release takes PSKmail to its next logical step.
> The  PSKmail 1.0 digital communication system  is largely mode-independent. 
> Both uplink- and downlink modes are separately adapted to fit he channel 
> conditions in such a way that efficient use of the channel is guaranteed.
> In the PSKmail client/server system, the server controls timing and Rx/Tx 
> modes. To enable this, fldigi has been extended by VK2ETA to report avarage 
> Signal to Noise ratio values and Mode changes during a session.
> The PSKmail protocol was extended to carry SNR values and mode indexes. Using 
> this information the server can control the modes so that on both sides of 
> the communications link the number of ARQ repeats is kept within certain 
> limits. 
> The system uses PSK500, PSK500R, PSK250, MFSK32, THOR22, MFSK16 and THOR8, 
> and a mode is shifted up and down the table when appropriate. 
> Intelligent RSID control
> ==================
> The PSKmail server also controls the RSID function on client and server. When 
> idle, the server usesRxID. As soon as a session is established, the server 
> closes RxID and uses TxID to make sure theclient is listening in the right 
> mode. This is only necessary when a mode change is involved, so normally no 
> time is lost on unnecessary RSID frames... 
> Limiting repeats to loose less time...
> ================================
> As soon as more than one ARQ repeat is necessary the server degrades the mode 
> by one step, to make sure the client gets the next one correct. 
> The server constantly monitors the channel quality both ways, and also uses 
> ARQ success to decide on mode upgrades.
> Using this system allows fast and flexible response to QRM like ALE sounding 
> or Pactor connect requests trying to take over the channel while a session is 
> in progress. The system just waits until the ordeal is over and carries on 
> with the session...
>  Using new Fldigi-3.20
> =================
> PSKmail 1.0 only works with Fldigi-3.20, which has the new support features 
> for PSKmail built in.
> A client upgrade to jPSKmail (beta) is also necessary, and the server 
> version with the new goodies built in is pskmail_server-1.0 (at the moment 
> alpha2). 
> The new client beta is available for experimenting and beta testing on 
> http://hermes.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pskmail ,
> SM0RWO has provided installers for windoze, Linux and Mac. 
> The server test software runs on PI4TUE, SM0RWO and IS0GRB-3 on 10147.0 kHz 
> (center frequency).
> The new server image can be found on 
> http://hermes.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pskmail/alpha
> Fldigi-3.20 can be found on http://www.w1hkj.com/beta 
> New parameter for fldigi
> ===================
> To use PSKmail 1.0 a new parameter has to be set in 
> fldigi->Configure->Misc->Pskmail:
> Set 'Report ARQ frames average S/N'.
> Set both the initial server and client modes to the PSK500R default to start 
> with.
>  If a connect is not possible you could try MFSK32 or MFSK16 to call the 
> server. 
> Once the session is established, both modes will change to fit channel 
> conditions... 
> After beta testing, the client will get version jPSKmail 0.5, commemorating 
> the first PSKmail email exchange between KH6TY and PA0R, from a parking lot 
> near le Havre, France, now 5 years ago!! 
> I hope you have as much fun testing this as I had... 
> 73, Rein PA0R
> -- 
> http://pa0r.blogspirit.com

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