
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Andy obrien <> wrote:
> Many years ago , when I was an NTS NCS, we would abandon use of
> repeaters once per month and run a simplex night.  Operators would use
> net time to call up a net from their QTH and work whomever answers.  I
> am proposing we do the same , each 15th of the month at 8PM local
> time.  Suggested frequency is 145.00 FM.   Suggested procedure=
> Listen first... if there is someone calling "CQ Digital Simplex Night"
> , answer them.  If you hear no one, call " CQ Digital Simplex Night" a
> few times .  If someone answers, simply have a chat.  You decide the
> content of your "net", send a file or canned message if you are so
> inclined, no requirements  You also decide which digital mode to use.
> Log the call signs and QTH of each station you hear.  This will enable
> you to develop your own database of stations that are in simplex range
> of your QTH.    If you live close enough to an area that is in a
> different time zone and 8PM comes around more than once, feel free to
> check-in a second time.
> Upload your heard list to this email group.
> Andy K3UK

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