Jose gave all Amateurs a gift in my view. My copy was free es latest beta 
version was free. My payment was improvement
suggestions es reports of bugs to Jose. Man what a deal!  Jose is not the enemy 
es never was, but better described as a hero
in my book. Giving the hobby a bit of needed hope, shot-in-the-arm for our 
struggling brotherly existence. Personally, I am
envious of José's hard earned telecommunications engineering knowledge, 
programming skills the end results of his effort.
Bravo Jose, well done.

[their isn't much room on the bands anyway.] sadly true. My employees, the FCC, 
are not going to grant Amateurs additional
spectrum without some serious prodding by Amateurs es ARRL es powers that be. 
Amateurs' take a FCC back seat, we are not
wealthy corrupt uncaring greedy corporate giants dolling out political favors 
in the form of greenbacks. My FCC eagerly
sleeps with the Amateurs enemy. I believe the FCC see Amateurs as something 
similar as annoying gum on the bottom of their
wingtip shoes on a hot summer day.

The FCC could care less whether Amateurs continue to hang around or suddenly 
disappear tomorrow. The instant we disappear, I
predict the FCC displaying glowing devilish dollar sign eyes feverishly 
scrambling , immediately begin to sell off our hard
earned, well deserved, hard earned miniscule es now quite spectrum sliver.  The 
FCC views Amateurs as a road block to multi
millions (if not multi billions) to their coffer.

Amateurs can rightfully claim they paid dues in full a long time back,  the 
proverbial check was in the mail a century ago,
many of Amateurs have more than paid their dues to get to your current Amateur 
status, could rightfully demand some change
($) back. If it's not to much to expect, perhaps some additional usable, 
practical spectrum.

1 and/or 2 things need to happen in our favor, (safe to say, longtime overdue) 
my voice the ARRL (a dues paying member es I
donate to the ARRL spectrum fund) needs to locate their cajones es actively, 
aggressively acquire rightfully owed privileges,
(many frequencies collecting dust as world communications move towards reliable 
satellite communications) those lonely
neglected spectrum spots not being actively utilized es wasted. Aggressively 
hounding the International Telecommunication
Union and/or International Amateur Radio Union if required.

Frankly, the allocated channelized 60 meters is a slap in the face, amounts to 
nothing more then table scraps or leftovers. I
believe Norway/Bangladesh are not rock bound es times have changed. The second 
option for favorable, revolution, nothing else
will force changes  to our genuine legitimate Amateur desires. I guess there is 
a third consideration, we sit on our
proverbial asses &*%$ing away whining our lives away, hopeful for a vy unlikely 
GOD like miracle while holding out both hands
to see which fills first.

Peace, long-life, es gud DX! ©

P.S. Free advice, Grow up...

-----Original Message-----
From: Toby Burnett [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Statement on Withdrawal of Support for ROS (K3UK 
Sked Pages)

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