

    I finally remembered what I did – kind of a déjà vu amnesia thing – I
remember that I have forgotten this before.


   On the Windows volume control “Properties” for the “Playback” mixer
control, there is an “input monitor” selection that is often not turned on
with new installations of Windows.  Unless you turn this on, you will not
have an “Input Monitor” choice on the Master Volume control.  And in my
case, when I turned Input Monitor on, it was muted by default.  Once I
unchecked the mute button on Input Monitor, I had radio sounds coming from
my speakers.


    As I mentioned, mine was working fine but I could not remember what I
had done and I did not remember this as an input monitor thing.   I am
trying to help a buddy get his digital HF radio computer going and I was
pulling my hair out with this the other day and now . . . I can finally fix
it for my friend. But I do appreciate the mind jogging thoughts from all of
you. I just had to think it through one more time.



Rick – KH2DF


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