[Discuss] Boston Linux Meeting Reminder Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - Jeff Schiller on Security

2014-11-18 Thread Jerry Feldman
When: November 19, 2014 7PM (6:30PM for QA)
Topic: Jeff Schiller on Security

Moderator: Jeff Schiller - Network Manager , Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT)

Location: MIT Building E51, Room 325

Please note that Wadsworth Street is under construction. You can enter
Ames St from Memorial Drive, and take a right onto Amherst St.


Jeff discusses the importance of security early in the development process


Jeff works at MIT in the Information Services and Technology Department
(IST). For more then 20 years he's managed MIT's Internet presence. He
also built a significant portion of MIT's Security Infrastructure
including its X.509 certificate deployment. MIT is probably has one of
the largest deployments (and certainly the oldest, dating back to 1996)
of X.509 client Certificates.

For further information and directions please consult the BLU Web site
Please note that there is usually plenty of free parking in the E-51
parking lot at 2 Amherst St, or directly on Amherst St.

After the meeting we will adjourn to the official after meeting meeting
location at The Cambridge Brewing Company

Jerry Feldman g...@blu.org
Boston Linux and Unix
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Re: [Discuss] Revisiting VMWare ESX backup options

2014-11-18 Thread Greg Rundlett (freephile)
On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) b...@nedharvey.com

  From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
  bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org] On Behalf Of Matthew Gillen
  Not everyone can have a bank vault to put their computers in.

 Even fewer can put their backup media into a locked vault which is inside
 their secure server closet and then transported, still locked to the bank
 vault, which is then locked during the transport into the safe box.

 Which is a silly way of stating the obvious:  Even if you have physically
 secure locations, you still have to unsecurely transport your media to
 those locations.

 And a zillion other pointless scenarios, that are pointless to get into.

I'll mention one aspect that wasn't mentioned thus far, and basically makes
this discussion moot:  Insurance underwriters are now requiring that
customers encrypt backups.  So, if you want business insurance (general
liability, I'm not even talking about a data breach policy), then you
will encrypt your backups.

Greg Rundlett
http://eQuality-Tech.com http://equality-tech.com/
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Re: [Discuss] Revisiting VMWare ESX backup options

2014-11-18 Thread Richard Pieri

On 11/18/2014 1:09 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:

So, if you want business insurance (general
liability, I'm not even talking about a data breach policy), then you
will encrypt your backups.

Assuming you need business insurance and this is a requirement for your 
policy then by all means encrypt your backups. BUT! This isn't 
encryption for the sake of encryption. It isn't an idealistic encrypt 
everything and the world will be better philosophy. It's a specific 
reason to take specific action. That is, it's a specific threat (loss of 
benefits) with a specific defense (encrypt backups per the insurer's 

Rich P.
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[Discuss] free SSL certs from the EFF

2014-11-18 Thread Tom Metro
EFF partners with some industry players to give out free SSL certs.

Launching in 2015: A Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire Web

  With a launch scheduled for summer 2015, the Let's Encrypt CA will
  automatically issue and manage free certificates for any website that
  needs them. Switching a webserver from HTTP to HTTPS with this CA will
  be as easy as issuing one command, or clicking one button.
  The Let's Encrypt CA will be operated by a new non-profit organization
  called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). EFF helped to put
  together this initiative with Mozilla and the University of Michigan,
  and it has been joined for launch by partners including Cisco, Akamai,
  and Identrust.

We sort of already have this today with StartCom (StartSSL), but they
have limitations on their free offering. No wildcard certs, and if the
host name even sounds like a site that might sell things (e-commerce),
they won't issue a cert.

But EFF isn't stopping with merely making the certs free. You still have
to jump though a few hoops with StartCom, and it sounds like EFF wants
to add more automation to the issuing process to make it faster/trivial
to add SSL to a site.

  ...it typically takes a web developer 1-3 hours to enable encryption
  for the first time. The Let's Encrypt project is aiming to fix that by
  reducing setup time to 20-30 seconds. You can help test and hack on
  the developer preview of our Let's Encrypt agent software...

The big win will be when large shared and VPS hosting providers
integrate certificate acquisition and installation into their control
panels. Will providers have motivation to do that integration if it
means giving up the sales commission they were getting from Comodo or
other SSL CAs?

  We will use a protocol we're developing called ACME between web
  servers and the CA, which includes support for new and stronger forms
  of domain validation.

All the automation does make you wonder whether it is going to be easier
to game the system. Not that we had that much confidence in the
authentication aspect of certs to begin with. (There are just too many
CAs with lax practices for validating identities.)


Tom Metro
The Perl Shop, Newton, MA, USA
Predictable On-demand Perl Consulting.
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