Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice Conference 2013 Proposals

2013-01-30 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
 involved to clearly know the available
options, of which LibreOffice is a critical component. As a
cross-platform application, it's a critical entry point for FLOSS
migrations, and as opposed to Internet Explorer, the office suite is not
integrated to the OS (at least not in pricing - we know evaluation
version of MSO come in consumer systems).

 It is challenging for our community I think to have the opportunity to
 jump over the ocean for the LibreOffice conference venue.
 From how history has grown, nearly all previous conferences were held
 in Europe (for easiness I also count the conferences that were held
 before the making free of the OpenOffice project). It's certainly an
 opportunity to build a bridge. But I've no idea *if Montreal makes it
 easier and cheaper* for people from e.g. the US to join. Maybe someone
 can tell about that?

I am not sure how to answer this. Paris-Montreal direct flights are
common, so my initial suggestion would be to go to Paris if you're
coming from Europe. You will avoid US customs and security which often
delay boarding planes, resulting in missed flights - specially if it's
your first time flying and you're not used to it. If you can avoir a
connection via any US city - DO IT.

Regarding accomodation/hotels, having traveled a few times to Europe, I
can safely confirm it's as cheap as you can find there, and of course as
cheap as you are willing to accomodate. If you want the youth hostel
experience, or the luxury hotels, we have both, all *within walking
distance* or very easy access through public transportation. Other than
the traditional venues, if you take some time and introduce yourself to
the local FLOSS community, I can almost guarantee you will find a place
to stay among someone probably more interesting than the local hotel
folks :) (no offense intended).

Please let me know if this answers this question.

 In the Montreal proposal I see that the proposed time is from Friday
 evening until say Monday evening (October 11-14), because of the
 availability of the location during those days.
 We are used to a conference of three full day's tracks, and one (half)
 day in advance for more community-related meetings. And then often
 some extra time for social/tourist related events.
 Would there be an opportunity to host for the community meetings too?
 It does not mean that the same location should be available an extra
 day I think, but some good place, in the same area for convenience
 would of course be nice.
Of course, there are plenty of local hacker spaces, university venues
and local companies willing to lend space for this. Ideally
unconferences or -camp style events coul dbe held at the same venue, but
anyone is welcome to propose smaller events or piggy-back into the

Regarding social/tourist events, keep in mind Ottawa and Quebec city and
only 2-3 hours away by car/train, New York/Boston 6-8 hours drive/bus.
It's common for people coming here to conferences to book return flights
from other cities where they spend a few days off after such events.
This can also be very easily arranged over the Internet or by phone.

We hope to get local presenters, of course, in addition to international
guests - exposing local projects that never make much noise for fear of
backlash is very important. Getting people that have worked on local
project to network with other LibreOffice worldwide community members is
essential to change the current dynamics of fear and status-quo.

Quebec is also an ideal playground for FLOSS projects that have an
essential component: they are multi-language friendly. With such
multi-cultural heritage, I expect attendants to the conference to come
from many backgrounds, and also from other francophone countries so
language community meetings could be held too. I expect lots of interest
in localization as we have a very diverse demographics here:

 Thanks in advance for trying to help me making up my mind!
 I do not promise - by the way - that no new questions will pop up
 after reading the replies ;-)

Keep them coming :) I know the vote has started, but I hope this helps
many to make up their mind for Montreal!


Fabian Rodriguez, TDF member
Vice-Président FACIL / Toll free: 1-855-445-4273
FACIL, pour l'appropriation collective de l'informatique libre
Montréal: +1-514-664-1260 / Québec: +1-418-907-9563

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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice Conference 2013 Proposals

2012-12-21 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

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Le 12-12-21 07:48 AM, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

 thank you very much, and welcome to the lists! :-)

 One quick note: I have modified your proposal in one aspect - I
removed the phone numbers. I wasn't sure whether you are comfortable
having those in public. The rest of the proposal is, of course, unmodified.


It was initially for any board member wanting to contact us. I didn't
realize initially this would become a public document.

Many thanks for that!



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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice Conference 2013 Proposals

2012-12-20 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

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As one of the co-writers of the Montreal proposal, I welcome any
questions :)

My personal contact information is also always current at


Fabian Rodriguez

Le 12-12-17 08:03 AM, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
 Following our public call for locations, [1] The Document Foundation has 
 received the following two
proposals for hosting the LibreOffice Conference 2013, in alphabetical

 * Milan, Italy
 Read the original proposal in PDF format here. [2]

 * Montreal, Canada
 Read the original proposal in PDF format here. [3]

 The Document Foundation would like to thank all proponents for their
support, which is truly appreciated! Soon, we will start a public vote
to determine the location of the 2013 Conference. In the meantime, we
invite the community to discuss with the proponents on our discuss
mailing list [4] any questions they have.

 Thanks again, and looking forward to seeing you in 2013!





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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice for the enterprise

2012-10-16 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

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Le 12-10-16 05:02 AM, Florian Monfort a écrit :

 Enterprises are looking for a office productivity infrastructure that
 they can deploy in the cloud, and that could act the same as Google
 Doc/Drive does, but by doing it with full control over the documents.
There is at least one FLOSS project already offering that, although not
in a collaborative-editing way, it's TikiWiki:


Fabian Rodriguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Libre Office Zotero Integration [Proposition of a New Partner?]

2012-08-16 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 08/16/2012 06:29 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
 Its not essential to have the zotero server as part of it although that
 is a nice feature. [...]

IMO such features are essential, and an important part of why you'd use
Zotero. I wish their server component evolves into a federated,
open-data, FLOSS solution, though. That's something where the TDF can
have influence on the Zotero project. Of course this isn't to say this
should block such discussion, but keeping in line with LibreOffice
context (FLOSS), such goals are possible to influence and reach.

Such features/server dependency are the default, so it's always on for
users doing research - they are always part of a group, and share
references among them. In that sense it's essential. Users won't notice
how this ties them to Zotero's infrastructure until their reference
database grows, which confronts them to buying storage. The current
Zotero implementation is pre-configured to use their server which
includes document storage and social features implemented in a web
front-end. The document-storage part can be configured to use other
servers, not so for the other features.

Let's not minimize this. Here are a few reasons why the server+social
component side should be free, open source:
- Anyone could setup their own (important in large deployments/ gov't /
schools / etc where bandwidth usage and owning your data matters)
- Zotero's own servers wouldn't need to scale up to such deployments or
even work fully w/o Internet access
- Zotero's pricing for storage may not fit every deployment's audience
- Implementing local storage/sync on a server is not trivial for
end-users. Not using sync at all is not a clear alternative.
- Zotero's clients may at some time stop offering third-party storage
options altogether
- Zotero's servers are a single point of failure which won't help
adoption when they fail
- Zotero could add local installation / support to their offering, or
even certify service providers. Competition among such providers would
indirectly help LibO adoption.

If anyone is going to Zotero with a proposal for collaboration with
TDF/LibO, I wish they ask/mention the above.

If I can be of any assistance in such discussions, I'll gladly make time.


Fabian Rodriguez


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Libre Office Zotero Integration [Proposition of a New Partner?]

2012-08-16 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 08/16/2012 06:46 AM, lj wrote:
 A few months ago I revealed the problems in the referencing system in LO.
 Zotero would have to be compatible with proprietary software it's as simple
 as that to get my vote. That would be the only reason why I would vote for
 zotero as a default referencing system for LO. it still has compatibility
 issues with proprietary software. One main reason is that educational
 institutions still use proprietary software. There are many reasons for
 this which i don't need to explain. 

By that logic we wouldn't use LibreOffice either. I agree with you that
any such project needs to aim for a zero effort migration path from
other systems to LibreOffice, much like it is for Zotero. That situation
can only improve as adoption grows, which will need your support and
vote. We can't cite current limitations as a reason to not go for it,
though. When the gains and (monetary, among  others) impacts to switch
are enough, financing the effort to reach such zero effort for
end-users becomes possible, particularly in large deployments.

 I will
 publish onto a wiki and send a link tomorrow about it. And maybe make
 suggestions about zotero?

That would be most useful. I would add the suggestions I made in a
previous post so they aren't lost in conversation :)


Fabian Rodriguez


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Libre Office Zotero Integration [Proposition of a New Partner?]

2012-08-14 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 08/14/2012 05:09 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
 Hi Guys

 I have a proposition for you all and am not sure if you would class it
 as a feature request or a partnership suggestion.

 My idea is as follows: The Document Foundation partners up with Roy
 Rosenzwieg Center for History and New Media and work together on making
 The Zotero project an integral part of the LibreOffice frame work.
For that to happen an important part of Zotero (the server,
specificalloy the part that provides social features) would have to be
removed from its functionality or made free, open source software.

Otherwise this would be a closed-source deal, business-only deal,
against LibreOffice core values, IMHO.

I mentioned Zotero before without much enthusiasm here, that's another
important element for this to succeed: core LIbreOffice users/devs using
Zotero aren't many (or any, that I know of).

 I have the feeling that I might be treading on thin ground here but I
 will outline my reasons as to why this could work below

   * Libreoffice is perfect for use within university's / schools as it
  can be easily distributed thanks to the GNU license the same goes
  for Zotero
You are referring to the client component. The server is not free, open
source. You can setup a server to store Zotero files, but it's not a
trivial process and it lacks any and all ZOtero social features/web
front-end. It's even advised against (for corruption risks) by Zotero.

   * The use of Zotero could replace the inbuilt Bibliography 
  referencing tool as the current one is quite bewildering to use for
  many people
Agreed! I believe I've suggested to remove it completely from LibO in
the past, such is its current state.

   * Zotero has a nice GUI and can work in with Firefox via an extension
  which is also open source so at the same time we are not just
  supporting one open-source initiative but three!
Firefox distribution is also bound to commercial restrictions,
specifically regarding its trademark and binaries origin. I wouldn't use
this argument, unfortunately it comes with strings attached.

   * Zotero is open to suggestions and it appears to other projects as

Looking at how setting up a third-party server is handled/ not
encouraged, I feel the opposite. I'd love to be wrong, I haven't
asked/pursued this so it would be a good idea to see this happen.

   * Increased awareness of The Document Foundation program via Zotero
  related media attention (Vice Versa for LO and Zotero)
   * it would bring a fresh feel to the whole project and could even
  mean a new approach and reinvigorate the project
The above may be best discussed/addressed quickly on the marketing
mailing list (this will surely catch Marc Paré's attention, an
extraordinary contributor there).

 Let me Know what you think and feel free to shoot me down if you so

I am personally interested in this, so I can be of any help,
specifically validating the free/non-free components and impact of
keeping a close eye on such details, I'll gladly make myself available.

Right now I am welcoming the 4th child in my family, a healthy boy born
2 days ago so I may not be as resposive but personal email always gets
my attention :)


Fabian Rodriguez


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Referencing systems and bibliographies in LO

2012-07-15 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
 still not clear about this topic.
I suppose that's possible, give OneNote's format:

I'd argue with the limited/basic implementation in LibreOffice, you'd
have better chances to convince Zotero devs to approach this. Even then,
you would not be the first:

Microsoft Word already understands Zotero quite well, BTW - via the
clipboard. Are you allowed to use a thirs party tool like Zotero at all?
 LO needs a new default  referencing system because I believe it is not
 clear enough or fast enough to store references for users using libreoffice
 writer. There are some confusing steps involved including using the
 bibliographic database where functions do not make sense.

My opinion on this as I wrote above is it should be completely removed.

 LO should consider options I believe to make referencing separate from
 libreoffice base and making  2 referencing systems. One that integrates a
 utility with storing references using endnotes and footnotes with a simpler
 and faster design that can be used for advanced users in base to store
 multiple references for a main project, with a design that is based on the
 storage of references only. This can be from books images videos and
 websites.  and a simpler system for users that want to generate a reference
 that is created with the usage of forms and detailed texts that can be
 linked to end notes and footnotes without the reference being stored in
 libreoffice base.

I encourage you to make a formal proposal, but *please* use Zotero for a
few weeks first/meanwhile.

Most of your ideas seem to be already implemented there and I fear the
LibO project could use your help in many more productive ways!


Fabian Rodriguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Referencing systems and bibliographies in LO

2012-07-13 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

On 07/12/2012 08:03 PM, lj wrote:
 If this is is in the wrong place please notify immediately of where I can
 post this in the right spot! [...]

 I have a few questions to ask about bibliographic referencing in
 Libreoffice: (some of these questions and statements are obvious and easy
 to answer others may not be relevant.
 Please reply with reasons and answers for disscussion about the referencing
 system [...]:
This statement summarizes it best IMO:
 [The] bibliography referencing in Libreoffice, is
 vastly minimal but then is complex to use the referencing system and to
 follow the direct steps!
In my dealings with a few customers I've helped with LibreOffice, they
have moved to Zotero, a free, open source system to easily gather, share
and use bibliography references. I am not expert with Zotero, but have
explored it to determine how it works and what is needed. One important
problem is you can't reproduce the current sharing/social/public web
part of the service at, but everything else is free, open
source software.

 3. compatability does not work between Microsoft Office and Libreoffice
 with the usage of both referencing systems from either word or libreoffice,
 features are excluded or do not work. (I can ellaborate on these if needed
 to be posted)
What I've observed is that once users decide to go for LibreOffice, they
will want to convert to other free,open source software (like Zotero).
Using both operating systems/applications on either interchangeably
becomes impractical very quickly. Keep in mind it's rather difficult to
influence important changes/bug fixes in non-free, non-open source
software, so it's  a waste of time going that route (in my opinion!). I
am very biaised about this, though, I encourage you to ask more
questions and make your own opinion.

 4. Recent versions of Microsoft Office since 2007 have tried to create
 uncomplex versions of referencing and bibliographic citations. These
 systems work, but are still limited.
OneNote seems very popular. Keep in mind Microsoft is a business and
will do everything it can to make it easy/pleasant/profitable to stay
with Microsoft Office. Such a system won't exist in LibreOffice in the
short or even long term specially when specialized 3rd party
alternatives like Zotero exist and speciall when core functionality in
LibreOffice is not feature-complete/bug-free yet. Someone / some
organization would need to be very motivated and have good resources to
attempt this.

 5. LO should create a new referencing system.
See above.

 Questions about referencing in LO: Not in any order.

I lack the time to answer more, hopefully someone else can jump in and
help here.


Fabian Rodriguez

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[tdf-discuss] Going to LibrePlanet? See you there :)

2012-03-21 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

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I'll be at LibrePlanet this coming weekend with a few fellow free
software advocates from Quebec province (Canada):

LibrePlanet is the annual conference organized by the Free Software

If anyone from the TDF is going or presenting we may lend a hand for
presentations or else. If there's a presentation or lightning talk I can
give for the TDF or otherwiser, please also let me know. Sorry if this
is such short notice, I only got confirmation and funding last Friday.

Please let me know by email, I am also on IRC (#libreoffice) - MagicFab_


Fabian Rodriguez
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Best way to suggest new features ?

2012-03-02 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 12-02-29 07:18 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
 Le 2012-02-29 11:36, Fabian Rodriguez a écrit :
 On 12-02-29 02:46 AM, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
 Le mardi 28 février 2012 à 16:32 -0500, Marc Paré a écrit :
 Hi Olivier

 Le 2012-02-28 14:49, Olivier Hallot a écrit :


 Heh :) :


 The question here though is, will the devs actually visit these pages

It would be really nice if they did. Several kernel devs hang out on
Ubuntu's QA site, resulting in very detailed, accurate replies - and
the corresponding karma reward.

The current seperation wall (in part implemented by the mailing lists)
between regular users and devs should not be driven to a bug tracker.

 Perhaps, this discussion should really be taken up on the dev list
 with devs only and you (the devs) tell us the way that you would
 prefer to have suggestions funnelled back to you. We could then refine
 the process after we know as to which format the devs would like to
 receive the feature requests.

 IMO, I prefer the method we now have of someone proposing a
 feature/enhancement on the discussion list where we can all have a
 discussion about it and then someone adding it to the bugzilla once it
 has been refined. I don't see much value with people proposing
 features and the masses ranking it up or down with little discussion.
 But this is only my opinion.

The discussion doesn't have to go away, quite the opposite. In fact in
some questions I've already suggested to bring some topics to the UX
mailing list. Here's an example:

 Ultimately, whether a feature is accepted or not usually rests on
 whether a dev will actually adopt it. Our system of meritocracy pretty
 well drives the end process.

 This is also a recurring topic on this list, marketing and website
 lists. It would be nice if the process could be defined and wikified.

You're mixing up two things here. A dev can adopt a feature (or even
implement a feature he wants) directly, but it rests on the community to
accept it, not the other way around.

Normally a feature would go through such due process, in some cases it
may be rejected even if several devs line up to implement it.


Fabián Rodríguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Best way to suggest new features ?

2012-02-29 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 12-02-29 02:46 AM, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
 Le mardi 28 février 2012 à 16:32 -0500, Marc Paré a écrit :
 Hi Olivier

 Le 2012-02-28 14:49, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
 Good question indeed, I use to receive demand directly in this mail address.

 May be we should turn this page to get more visibility:

 - --
 Olivier Hallot
 Is this page really used by the devs? I have never seen this page. Would 
 it not make more sense to put a feature request as a bug for the devs 
 and this way there would be a followup on the bugzilla?[1]

NO! I know for a fact devs would hate seeing a million feature requests
in the bug reports, and bugzilla is really English-only. This would
further exclude contribution in other languages.

We could have a staging zone for such requests, and have people vote on
such. Sound familiar ? Read on...

 +1. Another way that may still happen on the wiki is to draft a full
 specification. Basically if we write something like you should
 improve the background look behind the page on Writer, it does not
 mean anything. You need to explain that this component inside Writer
 ought to be changed in this or that way and provide an actual and
 practical suggestion. Otherwise devs will think they don't have enough
 guidance or details to code the said feature. But I concur with Marc,
 Bugzilla is your friend :-) Best, Charles.

We could just as well just agree on a tag Feature Request and also
Possible Bug so we can easily identify such content in AskBot.

AskBot already has voting and karma, so every month or every once in a
while the feature requests or bugs that have the most votes would then
get discussion/implementation/blueprint time.

Just a thought.


Fabián Rodríguez

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[tdf-discuss] Best way to suggest new features ?

2012-02-28 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

I am answering some questions in AskBot and in several occasions some
comments may translate into useful new features.

Where should I suggest someone take such feature requests / suggestions
? UX seems like one place but bug reports may also be faster for some
smaller additions. If there is an existing process for this or any
suggestions on how to best deal with such contributions I'd love to get
fresh information.



Fabián Rodríguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] MS Outlook?

2012-02-23 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 12-02-15 04:28 AM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 On 15/02/2012 08:58, Shawn Sumin wrote:
 Will LibreOffice ever have a similar program like MS Outlook?

 i.e. Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Mail

 I think you'll find this has been done to death many times before.
 The answer will be no - for (in my view) the reason that the User
 can then choose what PIM suits them, unlike Office users who if they
 want true integration HAVE to use the included MS Outlook.
 There are at least two open source equivalents - Thunderbird with the
 Lightning Calendar extension, and Evolution. Both have pros and cons,
 as indeed does MS Outlook.

Right, I also saw Sunbird mentioned elsewehre on this thread.

Please take note that the Sunbird project has been discontinued in favor
of the Lightning extension. From their website:

This is the last public Sunbird release by the Calendar Project.
*We recommend upgrading to Thunderbird
and Lightning


Fabián Rodríguez

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[tdf-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-website] official forums

2011-11-11 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 11/11/2011 03:28 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 The next steps to me are:
 1. Determine which software to use. Some proposals and compilations
 have come in, namely:
 c. (Alex will provide a VM to test that

Why is this preferred to Shapado, and why isn't Shapado considered at all ?

Fabian Rodriguez

Fabián Rodríguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] user forums ?

2011-10-31 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 10/31/2011 07:26 AM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
 Marc-André Laverdière wrote:
 I think that most people on the mailing list know about stack exchange, and
 how rockin' it is. I think it would bee a) cool and b) a boon to our mutual
 users to just migrate our forums to stack exchange.

 Seems someone else already had that idea:

Hi Marc-André, all,

A while ago I proposed using Shapado, which I set up some time after the
LibreOffice project started:

To me it's a forums-on-steroids tool. It has the advantage of using
free, open-source software and most importantly, supporting multiple
languages within the same engine. No need to vote to use it, in fact you
can create any other subject QA using Shapado in a matter of minutes.

I saw OpenID mentioned in this discussion, it is supported in Shapado
(in addition to Google, Facebook and Twitter for maximum exposure).

There have been major changes in the last few months to its backend. I
haven't been able to promote it or enhance it as I would have liked as
I've been away from the project for a few months now, but if anyone
visited it at the time and goes back now, the changes are obvious. It's
also quite high in search results when looking for LibreOffice help.
If I remember well, I had also connected its RSS feeds to corresponding
hashtags in and Twitter.

Because anyone can run their own instance of Shapado on their servers,
this could be eventually integrated as an official resource.

Anyways, just another option to consider.


Fabián Rodríguez

Fabián Rodríguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] user forums ?

2011-10-31 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
On 10/31/2011 03:49 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 What I took from this thread is, that there are two options: One, and the other one the LibreOffice forum.

 Anyone already got in touch with those folks? IIRC, there had been
 discussions, with some groups, and that didn't work out - but I must
 confess I don't know which ones.

 Honestly, my preference would be to have our own forum and see if it
 works. If not, we tried it, and we don't lose that much.

What I see is a desire to proclaim ownership over such resources - when
in fact what would be desirable would be to integrate existing active,
useful resources to the current TDF governance structure and encourage
new initiatives.

My only contact at the time was with the LibreOffice forum admin, here
is the message I sent back in January introducing him as a contact to
maintain (this email went unanswered) - it should still be possible to
contact him directly via the site contact forms:

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [tdf-discuss] [Forum]How will the forum be organized?
Date:   Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:03:48 -0500
From:   Fabián Rodríguez
Organization:   Unorganized. Really. But if you must know -


I just registered to and I am fairly certain
it uses Drupal. I took the liberty to contact its creator and he's
already indicated he's willing to collaborate:

I would be glad to see as the official forum. I
personally am not a developer, and I don't have any official role in
LibreOffice. For years I have been a heavy user of OpenOffice, spending
many hours on it every day. And now I'm sure that the way forward is
LibreOffice. I'm not an expert yet, just a heavy user. ;-)

I created the site immediately after LibreOffice was announced, because
I saw that they had no web forums, and I personally don't like mailing
lists. And I know that there are several unofficial forums as well for
OpenOffice (like, so I'm sure that this site could also
occupy that role if the Document Foundation doesn't approve it officially.

It appears likely that LibreOffice will continue to diverge more and
more from the code base of OpenOffice, and it would be confusing to see
bugs and support requests for two different products in the same forum.
So for that reason I would personally recommend that the Document
Foundation not continue to use the same
forum for LibreOffice.

- Sam

I supposed someone from TDF / steering committee could maintain this
contact more formally than me, I hope I am not overstepping anyone when
doing this.



Fabián Rodríguez

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Reporting Ubuntu bugs in LO - PPA or Official LO - Clarification needed

2011-02-07 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
Hash: SHA1

On 11-02-04 11:05 AM, emarkay wrote:
 Reporting Ubuntu bugs ... via:
 As this is a multiplatform program, I can understand that the main user of
 it (Ubuntu) is to have a separate bug system. Thus, the first question is:
 What if a Ubuntu-reported bug also affects Windows version, for example, or
 vice versa; what's the link to ensure both (or all relevant OS platform
 issues) are addressed?

If an Ubuntu-specific bug is also present in other platforms, it should
be reported upstream (at's bugzilla). Reporting
Ubuntu-only bugs upstream also helps expose them to other platforms in
order to determine if they are present or not. I also view it as a trail
where others may end up finding your report and confirming / rejecting
it. Some of this is from personal experience, some from online docs and
readings. The current maintainers may have more / better details about
this. I wrote a short note to Björn so he looks at it and comment back.

 Second, and most important, LO is standard issue now in Ubuntu Natty,
 which is still in Beta at this time. There is no Official Ubuntu LO support
 for the current release (Maverick), nor the prior LTS (Long Term Support)
 release, Lucid, nor prior active Ubuntu releases. There is, however a PPA
 that is supported by the Document Foundation; thus while not blessed by
 the Ubuntu authorities, is tested there by some official LO developers,
 and is as good as we'll get for Lucid and Maverick users who want to
 migrate to LO.

The PPA is as official as it gets and currently Canonical has staff
maintaining it (at least 2):

As I understand it this PPA is a staging area which has the same
packages you find in Ubuntu 11.04 (so, in development) and it's also
built for Maverick and Lucid. It's convenient to use and lets you easily
remove LibO if you decide to do so.

The chances of this getting into the main repository for Maverick are
most probably none - it's only there for convenience and no official
support (in terms of commercial support by Canonical) may be offered for

For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS I believe it's the same situation, but LTS releases
sometimes get some exceptions. Firefox is a notable one where current
releases of FF were rolled back into older stable Ubuntu versions. I
lack the time to gather references but it should be easy to trace back
such exceptions.

I am not sure the PPA was put together initially by TDF but regardless,
you now have Canonical staff looking into it, and Debian has LibO
packages in the experimental repository, which to me means everything is
in place to have an official release on time for Ubuntu 11.04. If you're
planning any migration from OOo to LibO, your best path (IMO) would be
to focus on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and perhaps have trials using the PPA in
10.04 LTS before that. You'll think it's a long shot until you sit and
try it :) It does take some time to make such changes.

Of course in any *production environment* migration considerations, the
only authority to speak on what is supported commercially or not on
Ubuntu by them is Canonical - just call and ask, as you would for any
other product you want to use before doing so. And no, this doesn't stop
anyone else from offering such support and go ahead with migration
before 11.04 is out anyways. But why do that when the release is 2
months away (other than wanting to stay at 10.04 LTS for its life

 So, the final question is, do Lucid and Maverick Ubuntu users submit bug
 reports to the Ubuntu Launchpad, even though there is no development or
 support for those 'Ubuntus', or to the Bugzilla location?

Yes, they should file bugs there. I consider it even better if they take
the time to file bugs upstream too but not everyone knows how to do so
and it may end up being considered noise - plus Ubuntu users normally
are fast on the problem = bug path. Forums and QA such as Shapado may
help alleviate that.

I hope I also cleared up the there is no development. So far Debian
packages and the PPA as I have observed them are keeping up tightly to
the current releases so there should be no need to install .debs directly.

 Bernhard commented on this elsewhere, and said as he sees it, The Ubuntu
 paragraph on the wiki page describes how to handle Ubuntu *specific* bugs. 
 This makes sense, but again doesn't differentiate between the official and
 the PPA.  

There fact there is a paragraph there is highlighting that difference.
If you installed manually .debs, you shouldn't. If you report an Ubuntu
bug and you installed .deb manually, you'll probably be asked to install
using the PPA to remain consistent.

However it is noted that Filing a bug report at
 as described above is also useful as such upstream reports can then be
 checked (and possibly tested and fixed) for other LibreOffice versions. He

Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [libreo ffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffic e-design] Urgent call for sampl e files for producing screenshots

2011-01-08 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
I'd be happy to provide Trisquel / Ubuntu screenshots which would also mean the 
docs can be freely licensed. I can provide a few samples, how many screenshots 
would be needed total? 

sophie wrote:

Hi David, Drew,
On 08/01/2011 16:45, David Nelson wrote:
 Hi Drew, :-)

 Or, if you feel able to help out by taking screenshots yourself,

 a) a big thanks for the helping hand! ;-)

 b) take them under MS Windows using a DARK SLATE GRAY theme (window
frame, etc)
 (I fail to believe that Bill is going to sue us because we took
 screenshots of our own product under MS Windows...)
Sorry to insist but I don't want to take the risk :
This is what is written on the site :*
Requirements for Allowed Uses*

For permission to be granted for any uses allowed by these guidelines, 
you must comply with the following four requirements:


  If your use includes references to a Microsoft product, you must
  use the full name of the product. When referencing any Microsoft
  trademarks, follow the General Microsoft Trademark Guidelines


  You must include the following statement: Used with permission
  from Microsoft.


  Your use may not be obscene or pornographic, and you may not be
  disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to Microsoft, any of its
  products, or any other person or entity.


  You may link to Microsoft content by using either a plain text
  link with words such as This way to or by
  participating in an applicable Link Logo program. No other images
  may be used as a link to a Microsoft site.

Screen Shots

You may not use screen shots of Microsoft product boot-up screens, 
opening screens, splash screens, or screens from beta release
or other products that have not been commercially released. You may use

other screen shots in advertising, in documentation (including 
educational brochures), in tutorial books, in videotapes, or on Web 
sites, provided that, in addition to the requirements above, you:


  Do not alter the screen shot except to resize it.


  Do not use portions of screen shots.


  Do not include screen shots in your product user interface.


  Do not use screen shots that contain third-party content.


  Do not use screen shots that contain an image of an identifiable

So it is clear that you're not allowed to take screenshots showing LibO

on a Windows system. And I don't find very sexy to add on each Used 
with permission from Microsoft

As said you can adapt the LibO theme and your Linux them to look more 
Windows like and everything will be ok. This is what we have done for 
years for OOo and guess what, we have sell several copy of it ;-)

Kind regards

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