Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Can we replace Floppy Disk

2012-01-21 Thread Terry Warby

On 21/01/12 16:21, Pedro wrote:

Apparently someone decided that it was a good idea to replace the Floppy

I'm sorry I didn't get a change to vote (if there was any voting)

Personally I think that regardless if people know what a Floppy is, they
recognized that symbol as the Save icon (basically a blue square with a
white rectangle).

Today I loaded LO 3.5.0 RC1 and for a moment I thought the Save button was
gone, until I realized it was replaced by another icon.

I would like to understand how or when this was decided so that next time I
can have a say (or not, if user input is not required or wanted)

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What icon set are you using? I have 3.5RC1 installed under both Xubuntu 
11.10 and Win7 and have the floppy icon for save in both (using the 
crystal and galaxy icons).

Terry W

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Can we replace Floppy Disk

2012-01-21 Thread Terry Warby

On 21/01/12 16:51, Pedro wrote:

Terry Warby wrote

What icon set are you using? I have 3.5RC1 installed under both Xubuntu
11.10 and Win7 and have the floppy icon for save in both (using the
crystal and galaxy icons).

I was using the Automatic (Tango) icon set. I guess from now on I will have
to manually switch to another icon set.

I am aware that I can switch icon sets. Actually I had already switched
before posting here.

The point is: did everybody agree that the Floppy icon was a bad idea so
that it is no longer the default for any new user?

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I didn't follow the thread that closely earlier on, but I seem to 
remember that somebody said that some of the available icon sets did not 
use the floppy icon for save. Is that correct or is my memory in error?

Terry W

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Can we replace Floppy Disk

2012-01-21 Thread Terry Warby

On 21/01/12 16:51, Pedro wrote:

Terry Warby wrote

What icon set are you using? I have 3.5RC1 installed under both Xubuntu
11.10 and Win7 and have the floppy icon for save in both (using the
crystal and galaxy icons).

I was using the Automatic (Tango) icon set. I guess from now on I will have
to manually switch to another icon set.

I am aware that I can switch icon sets. Actually I had already switched
before posting here.

The point is: did everybody agree that the Floppy icon was a bad idea so
that it is no longer the default for any new user?

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Just did a quick check and it seams that of the icon sets I have 
installed only the tango icon sets don't use the floppy icon. This was 
probably covered earlier in the thread!

Terry W

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Re: [tdf-discuss] (Re-Post) Survey|Opinion - LibreOffice Install and Update

2010-10-18 Thread Terry Warby

 On 14/10/10 05:25, Scott Furry wrote:

 Dear LibreOffice Community,

I am Re-Posting the original survey under new title. If you wish to 
have a discussion about the survey or aspects of someone's responses, 
I would kindly ask that you start a new thread (please add 
discussion or similar to the title so as to distinguish the 
discussion from the survey itself).

For those of you who have replied, thank you. I have your answers 
tucked away and you do not have to fill this out again.

For those who have not replied, with a rather timely new beta 
release, please give thought about what is important to you when it 
comes to installing/updating LibreOffice. Your responses will help TDF 
understand its users.

I intend to keep this thread going for a couple more weeks. At that 
time, I'll compile and report back the results.

Thanks to all,
Scott Furry

Original Survey Follows
As suggested, this post is intended to get the opinion of the 
community about how best to deliver LibreOffice to its users.

Given that LibreOffice is an important and viable alternative to 
paid-for office productivity software, and we all feel strongly and 
passionately about the direction of LibreOffice, input about the 
community members' expectations/needs/users is needed.

From what we have heard on this topic so far:

- Mac users have commented that they do not have an issue with the 
current installer available on the Mac platform.

- Window users indicated that an update mechanism would be great. Some 
commented that the current Windows installer leaves artifacts behind. 
The Windows Installer does not detect/remove previous installations 

- Linux users have discussed vast amounts opinions on packaging in 
Linux. Some have questioned if distributing packages is a good thing.


This survey is to gauge the views of the LibreOffice community on the 
install/update method of LibreOffice. Please voice your opinion so 
that these considerations may be taken into account when the 
LibreOffice method of install/update is studied by the developer team. 
Please *bottom-post* your opinions.

How do you expect LibreOffice to be updated?

How do you Install/Update LibreOffice?

What do you expect when Installing/Updating LibreOffice?

Other programs have separate updating programs (iTunes being an 
example), if it was technically feasible, would having a separate 
install program for LibreOffice (with updating features) be useful to 

Would having a download and update site, as well as a Unix|Linux 
package repository site, be of value to you?


Please note that I am not affiliated with DocumentFoundation. I am 
like you, a community member who wants to see LibreOffice be very 

So let's hear what you think folks?

Scott Furry

1.Updates. Linux - Personally there is no problem with the current 
OOo practice of distro packages and OOo vanilla packages in parallel. 
This would suit me for LibO. However, it would be helpful for newbies if 
updates from the distro repositories could be available between distro 
upgrades - thinking particularly of Ubuntu and derivatives.

Updates.Windows - I have no problem with the current OOo 
practice, however a decent installer and, perhaps the ability to carry 
out partial updates/upgrades would be helpful.

2. I install install/upgrade the vanilla versions for linux (ubuntu) and 
use this in parallel with the distro version (OOo). When LibO goes to 
3.3.0 final I'll probably remove the distro version.

3. Separate install/updating program - Haven't thought about this - 
could be nice but would want to know a few more details first.

4.Download  Update site in addition to a linux distro repository 
site - I regard this as a must - see my answer to 1., above.

Hope these answers add usefully to the sum total of knowledge being 

Terry W

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Explanation . . . ?

2010-10-01 Thread Terry Warby

 On 30/09/2010 22:19, Marc Paré wrote:

 Le 2010-09-30 15:32, jonathon a écrit :

On 09/29/2010 05:45 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

If they insist on keeping the trademark given to Sun Microsystems becau

se the community hadn't an entity to claim violations and abuse,

I seriously doubt that Oracle will donate the trademarks to Document

Selling them is a possibility, but the price would probably be for
whatever OOo, as an independent company, would sell for.

As such, all planning should be done on the basis that the project has
been rebranded to LibreOffice.


It wouldn't surprise me if Oracle did hand over the 
trademark name. They will no doubt have been on this mailist and seen 
how many of the localization teams have moved to the LibreOffice 
group. I don't think that this change in direction was a big surprise 
to them as it wasn't for the community. It would be 
in their interest as corporate citizens to establish good will with 
the community, and, as the LibreOffice is happening 
with or without the name, the game to them is lost. 
It's just a matter of clearing all liabilities from their end of their 
business model and joining the Document Foundation project along with 
everyone else. I don't think that there is any animosity between the 
group, we should all be thankful that Sun bought and delivered the 
code to OSS regardless of how they may or may not have run the code 
approval system. Just imagine the pre-StarOffice days, when the only 
real word processor in town was MSOffice and Wordperfect had been 
decimated by its competitor. Without Sun's generosity, we would not 
now be in a position to create a foundation based on an OSS office suite.

So, hats off and congratulations first of all to Sun Microsystems 
who gave us this wonderful piece of software,  and hopefully, hats 
off with congratulations and upmost of thanks to Oracle for helping 
us with the transition from being under the safety of a corporate 
umbrella to a document foundation based on OSS and the sharing of 
code. Oracle/Sun would then be remembered as a darling corporation who 
helped foster OSS adoption. With a little luck, Oracle could offer 
support for the Document Foundation with seed money and hardware 
facilities/support until the foundation's business model is put into 
work and able to stand on its own financially. This is what happened 
to Mozilla when it first set out on its own.

Hopefully, the LibreOffice will be only a temporary and brief episode 
and the brand will live on along with the great 
community that it has always had. Let's keep the lines of 
communication open and remain positive.



First, let me congratulate all those that have taken this initiative.

As a long time lurker and (very) occasional contributor to the OOo 
users list and a user of OOo for the past seven or eight years, I 
welcome the chance to be a (small) part of this community led project. 
Like others, I really hope that Oracle do hand over name and branding of It has a fantastic reputation and user base and being 
able to use it will help to consolidate the new Foundation when formally 
established. However, I think that we have to be realistic. Oracle are 
in business to make money. Software and hardware are just their means to 
do it. Oracle have already re-branded Star Office as Oracle OpenOffice. 
Unless they see a real commercial advantage in doing so, they will not 
pass on the name and branding. They already see FLOSS as detracting from 
their commercial interests and being in competition with them. Why else 
would they cease development of Open Solaris? I think that until the 
Document Foundation actually has the name and trademark 
in its hands, we have to operate on the basis that the name and further 
development of will only be on the basis of supporting 
Oracle's commercial offerings.

I hope this doesn't seem to gloomy a view. Its not meant to be. On the 
contrary, I am extremely optimistic for the future of LibreOffice.

Many thanks to all those involved in this initiative.

Terry W
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