Re: [tdf-discuss] TDF/LO on a wrong way?

2010-12-16 Thread Wolf Halton
Perhaps this is not the place to insert myself, and if not, I will desist.
I think your question is a good one.  I think LO is a side-effect of this
desire for something seminally different.  Most people were mostly satisfied
with what OO.o could do.  The fear of being roped into a single Oracle
vision and a longing for what might be accomplished by a community driven by
community rather than subtle coercion are the drivers of the schism that
started TDF. (IMO)
A few years ago, There was a similar conversation which led to the formation
of the centralized polylingual support web site for OO.o.
I was one of the original team that drove that move.  The outcome, though
solving the issue of our site being controlled by a single individual, was
not what we had hoped.   We could not push past the work-a-day aspects of
getting the site up, similar to some responses here.
Where I went, and where you are going here, is into deeper strategy and
positioning of the organization. The deeper strategy gives the organization
legs. Without it, we have 1 software suite and we can never hope to have an
impact upon the world beyond stealing market-share from other similar

Wolf Halton

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[tdf-discuss] TDF/LO on a wrong way?

2010-12-14 Thread Johannes A. Bodwing

Sorry people,

I think we are on a wrong way.
OK, there is hard work on every side, but what is the core of all? And 
how do we realize this core around the world with a structure for a 
long, long time?

For example, look at HOME on the website. There you find:
LibreOffice - Welcome to LibreOffice and so on.
The german site is familiar.
But LO is just a manifestation of the idea of TDF. And the idea/goals of 
TDF are:
"Our mission is to facilitate the evolution of the 
Community into a new open, independent, and meritocratic organizational 
structure within the next few months."

That means:
The core is the Community, its structure and its evolution e.g.
And LO is the product that comes from this structur and that helps to 
improve the structure of this Community. Like a crystal nucleus.
Why can TDF and LO than go to public in this splitted way they do? TDF 
and LO are one thing that can't be splitted without loosing the basis.
For example: Why not on every HOME-Site in every nation (and in every 
article, spot e.g.) start with the "spirit" oft TDF/LO?:

The Document Foundation
the new Freedom of Community-based Software

The "spirit" of this Community is the fuel. This "spirit" provides the 
worldwide frame for everything TDF does. With this "spirit" LO is 
created and will be developed and so on. And for that the Community has 
to work together as a whole.

I fear we will loose our goals short after beginning.
OK, that's hard. But look at OOo and its goals and what is realized 
after ten years.
Or look at the idea of a LO-Magazin. It's a thread on the international 
marketing-list and one on the german list. How many LO-magazins are 
starting, and in the end everyone of it is like every national group 
will make it. Everyone different and perhaps without the core of all - 
the goals of TDF.
Look at the website. The german list thinks about another content and 
layout. Every "group" works and changes and works and changes. Why not 
for example the same Layout on the Home-Site? The other sites could be 
more national-like.

And so on.
So many things are done different in many goups. That costs energy and 
time and at least motivation. But there are many things that could be 
done together. Like a common Home-Site or the exchange of articles for 
LO-Magazins and so on.

Where is the common and worldwide frame for the TDF/LO-Project? And 
where is the structure and organization to find (website?)?

Or - how can we build it together?


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