On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 18:14 +0200, André Schnabel wrote:
> Hi Jean,
> Am 28.09.2010 14:45, schrieb Jean Hollis Weber:
> > I was glad to see the announcement of The Document Foundation.
> And we are glad to read all the positive feedback - you are welcome :)
> >
> > As Co-Lead of OOo Documentation, working mainly with the user guides
> > produced by the OOoAuthors group, I would certainly like to see our user
> > guides made part of the LibreOffice documentation set. Therefore I have
> > some practical questions and comments.
> >
> > 1) The website states "All text and image content on
> > documentfoundation.org or libreoffice.org, unless otherwise specified,
> > is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
> > License." Does the Foundation intend for community user docs to be under
> > the same license? I ask because the user guides are currently under dual
> > GPL3/CC-BY3, not CC-BY-SA3.
> I think, we should sort this out within the next weeks. Imho it is not 
> very usefull to change all the documentation licenses, just because we 
> put a CC-BY-SA3 on the (currently limited) content of our website.
> Actually we are at the very beginning of our "public existence" and we 
> need to work on several topics. Maybe Bernhard (who worked on the OOo 
> trademark policy) and Christoph (who created the logos) can discuss this.
> >
> > 2) To make the existing guides part of the LibreOffice docs, they will
> > need some amendment. Previous notes on this list talked about code
> > strings; unfortunately, we have never put appropriate variables into the
> > user guides to enable easy changes of name. In addition, some other
> > information (reference to support,extensions, etc) will need to be
> > changed. Who will be expected to do this work? These are community docs,
> > and the OOoAuthors group is part of the community, so I suppose we
> > should do it.
> I would suppose to wait for some days before you start. We should give 
> Oracle the chance to answer our invitation. If they join us and we can 
> use the OpenOffice.org brand, there would be no need to change anything.

I very much agree about waiting to see what Oracle does before we spend
any time making changes to the name in documentation. 

Meanwhile, it should be business as usual at OOoAuthors -- there is
always much to do.


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