[jQuery] Help on form plugin Malsup :)

2006-12-30 Thread Jason Yeckel
I am having an issue with the form plug in i cant access my ajax json 
response data.

dataType: json,
success: function(data){

my responce

{event:editSuccess,msg:w00t refresh}

I cant seem to access event  it just spits out the whole damn string :@

Jason Y

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Help on form plugin Malsup :)

2006-12-30 Thread Jason Yeckel
Yeah i nipped it ARG it was a template if statement that got me :(

thx for quick response :) love the plugin

Jason Y

Mike Alsup wrote:
 I am having an issue with the form plug in i cant access my ajax json
 response data.

 dataType: json,
 success: function(data){

 my responce

 {event:editSuccess,msg:w00t refresh}

 Hi Jason,

 I suspect you have a javascript error on your page somewhere and so
 submitting the form is causing a page navigation instead of an
 ajaxSubmit.  The code you posted works fine for me.  Did you
 streamline your test to include only this code?   Can you post your
 page somewhere?

 Here's the test page I used:

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.0.4.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=form.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
dataType: json,
success: function(data){
 body id=body
 form method=get action=json2.txt
 input type=submit /


 jQuery mailing list


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Having an issue accessing a node.

2006-12-29 Thread Jason Yeckel

input type=text id=blog[headline] name=blog[headline] value= /

It seems i cant access the node for [] in the name breaks the ability to 
access it unless i am doing something wrong?

Jason Y

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Having an issue accessing a node.

2006-12-29 Thread Jason Yeckel
Blast but it groups them in to an array and is so nice sometimes lol 
I just changed the names no issue thought i thought _ was not a good id 
and people had issues with it i guess that is not true?

Jason Y

Michael Geary wrote:

 input type=text id=blog[headline] name=blog[headline] 
 value= /

 It seems i cant access the node for [] in the name breaks the 
 ability to access it unless i am doing something wrong?

 [] are not valid characters in an id attribute:


 Browsers and jQuery don't necessarily enforce this, but there are no
 guarantees that anything will work when there are invalid characters in an


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jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-14 Thread Jason Yeckel
I think over all do a mootools like download / interface jquery lib 
download were the user can pick and choose components.

Just to be fair the only reason it has two was to make perl regex users 
happy :) I do use the perl regex though lol.

Jason Y

dave.methvin wrote:
 John Resig wrote:
 Right now, the jQuery compressed build is teetering around 18-19KB, I
 really want to try and cut this down. Any thoughts on particular
 features that should be extracted into a plugin?

 I know the macros don't account for _that_ much core code but they do
 complicate the documentation significantly. We have nice short names like
 .attr and .css yet those represent the most-macroed properties. Then we end
 up with (justifiable IMO) situations where valuable names like .height() are
 taken by the .css(height) macro to save five--count 'em--five characters.
 The same goes for the event macros, I think they account for more than half
 the names in the API documentation at this point and they end up creating
 situations like .unload() that are pretty hard to explain.

 I would like to see jQuery take more of a Perl path than a PHP one, using a
 small number of consistent and powerful concepts plus the ability to extend
 things with plugins. Perl has one simple consistent regexp operator; PHP has
 two completely different regexp engines, each served by a dozen or more
 differently named functions.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Replacing Accordion plugins

2006-11-13 Thread Jason Yeckel

YOU ROX thx for the activate :) w00t w00t

Jason y

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Tabs plugin 2.0

2006-11-10 Thread Jason Yeckel

How much work is it to change the css to be a vertical layout on the 
left or right side? It would be intresting if you could pass in a value 
to place the tab position around the content.

thx for the great work so far the plug in is a must have no doubt!

Jason Y

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] The jQuery Design/Coding Process

2006-11-10 Thread Jason Yeckel
pretty sure Aptana is cross-platform java :)

Jason Y

Karl Swedberg wrote:
 On Nov 9, 2006, at 11:45 PM, Chinmay Kulkarni wrote:
 On a related note, any editors that support autocomplete/suggest and 
 code-folding for jQuery? 

 If you own a Mac, you can try TextMate and download the jQuery bundle. 
 Instructions here:
 (needs to be updated a little, but most of the core functionality has 
 tab triggers for autocomplete.)

 For Windows, I've heard that Aptana has jQuery support, but I haven't 
 tried it.

 Karl Swedberg


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jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Thickbox tweak need help :)

2006-11-08 Thread Jason Yeckel
I am attempting to give the remove options so i can pass back a flag to 
refresh the parent page or load a url in the parent page that was 
constructed in the thickbox.

function TB_remove( options ) {
  options = options || {};
  if(options['refresh']) {
var sURL = unescape(window.location.pathname);
window.location.reload( false );
  if(options['url']) {
var sURL = unescape(window.location.pathname);
  return false;

i am assigning the link a click action to execute the tb remove with 


snippet of the applied to html
td class=lefta href=/blog.php?id={key} 

Jason Yeckel

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] 2 New jquery plugins: collapseRows collapseRows

2006-11-07 Thread Jason Yeckel
hey o,

The vertical collapse works but the horizontal expanding doesn't work in 

Jason Y

Enrique Meléndez wrote:
 Uhmm, strange, I have IE6/WinXpSP2 and works!!!
 Please, anyone could check this?

 Enrique Meléndez Estrada
 Servicios Informáticos
 Organización y Servicios Internos
 Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

 -Mensaje original-
 de Dragan Krstic
 Enviado el: martes, 07 de noviembre de 2006 18:53
 Para: jQuery Discussion.
 Asunto: Re: [jQuery] 2 New jquery plugins: collapseRows  collapseRows

 In IE6/WinXpSP2 rows doesn't expand

 - Original Message - 
 From: Enrique Meléndez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: discuss@jquery.com
 Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:54 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] 2 New jquery plugins: collapseRows  collapseRows

 Hi everybody,

 Here I release my first two jquery plugins in a beta version (complete doc
 is missing):


 These plugins add to a table the behaviour of collapsing/expanding columns
 and rows (animated in IE6.0+)

 Please, check the speed optimizations for IE (By the way, something I miss
 in general in jquery docs/forums/cookbook, etc.. and I think that is
 essential for programming new complicated web2.0 applications with
 javascript/jquery in different browsers).

 I must point out the bad implementation of events in IE which are SLOOOW, as
 well as the speed for changing DOM and CSS stuff (adding/removing classNames
 are painfully slow in IE) in contrast with Firefox or Opera.

 Any suggestions, improvements, fixes, optimizations, etc... are very

 Enrique Meléndez Estrada
 Servicios Informáticos
 Organización y Servicios Internos
 Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Append body

2006-10-11 Thread Jason Yeckel
// wire the 'Loading...' ajax indicator
$('div id=busyLoading.../div')
.ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
.ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

That is from the form example that emulate a google like load hope that 
helps ;)
url: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/

Jason Yeckel
3spn LLC - Programmer

sdkester wrote:
 I tried appending the body with a div using the following in a js file:

 $(body).append('div id=ajaxBusy class=ajaxBusyp ../../loading2.gif

 It is not working. Maybe I'm going about it wrong. I simply want to insert
 the above html anywhere in the body. Is my code wrong and/or am I approching
 it from the wrong angle.


 Shaun Kester

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] John's Pager Plugin?

2006-09-12 Thread Jason Yeckel
Is there any CSS that goes with this plugin? I also had the issue just 
plugin it in that the page list was in vertical form not horizontal.
As well when i go to a few pages in and sort it shows another pages data 
at the bottom totaling 20 lines and sorts only the bottom half.

I figure it might be me who knows jquery code below -

I first apply the pager because i am default sorting my data set by date 
from a db call.
sortClassAsc: 'sortUp', // class name for asc sorting action
sortClassDesc: 'sortDown', // class name for desc sorting action
headerClass: 'largeHeaders', // class name for headers (th's)
disableHeader: ['Game','Location', 'View'] // disable column can 
be a string / number or array containing string or number.

John Resig wrote:
 I've never seen that plugin and I would love to be introduced to it!

 I wrote a pager plugin to power the http://jquery.com/api/ site. It
 works with both numbers, alpha characters, and words. Additionally, it
 works on ul, ol, and table elements (with dl elements in the
 works). After I squish some more bugs, I'll document it and release
 it. For now, however, you can find it on this page:

 I made sure that this plugin works really really fast. I tested it
 against all of Christian's large table samples and it performs

 Roughly, this is how you use it:

 1) If all you want is a numbered-page pager, just do:
 $(ul).pager(); (or on any other ul/ol/table element)

 It defaults to 10 per page, you can change that, though:

 2) If you want an alphanumeric pager, it's a little bit trickier:

 With the structure:
 liAnother Test/li

 (This extracts the text contents from the text contents of each
 element and gets the first character)

 this gets the first word instead:

 With the structure:
 libTitle:/b Test/li
 libTitle:/b Another Test/li

 (This gets the Nth child element and extracts the first character from
 its contents)

 this does the same for a word:

 It simply handles more 'simple' use cases, for anything more complex,
 you can write your own parsing function like so:
 // Must return the string that you want sorted on
 return elem.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.substr(0,1);

 Let me know if you have any questions concerning how it works.


 jQuery mailing list


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] update a div within a submit

2006-09-06 Thread Jason Yeckel
Pretty sure http://jquery.com/dev/svn/plugins/form/form.js is a newer 
more general version of that script i could be wrong.

Jason Y

Jonathan Chaffer wrote:
 On Sep 6, 2006, at 13:32 , kain wrote:

 I just want to ask what's the equivalent code of updating a div with
 the results of a form action when hitting a submit button of jquery
 instead of scriptaculous and prototype.

 I think you're going to want to use the forms plugin for this.

 On this page:
 you'll want Forms Plugin (with AJAX).

 With that included, you can simply do:
 and the form will automagically populate the div with its results.

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] ajaxStart etc. (still) not working

2006-08-24 Thread Jason Yeckel
Pretty sure he told you not to use 1.0a ;) give the svn a try it 
also now has ajax error handling for bad responses.

This issue should be resolved in the latest SVN build:
http://jquery.com/src/jquery-svn.js http://jquery.com/src/jquery-svn.js

 On 8/24/06, *Florian*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I'm using the 1.0a version, and with $.load ajaxStart/stop doesn't
 work... :(


 On 7/20/06, * John Resig*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Has there been any resolution on this?  I'm having a rough
 time figuring out
  why it's not working.

 This issue should be resolved in the latest SVN build:


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom creation

2006-08-17 Thread Jason Yeckel
Hey things seem to be going along nicely just need a push over the edge :)


I have constructed a dummy array i need to figure out how to transverse 
and  access the data i know it should be simple reading around now might 
not need help.

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] JSON Arrays *tad off topic hehe*

2006-08-17 Thread Jason Yeckel
I am useing JSON.php to convert my mutli demional array in to json. I am 
just posting it in to a var for now testing the innerhtml creates i need 
some help on figuring out how to access the array once in the js block.


I have constructed a dummy array that is the same as the php ajax 
responce will put out. I did double post this to a point i moved it out 
side of the dom creation topic header! :)

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom creation

2006-08-16 Thread Jason Yeckel
I think i am getting a tad closer i am trying to find out how i can make 
multi rows with a
for loop then insert them in to the table or just put them in a var in 
the deleration of the table
it self. I have been looking at this callender.js and i am a tad confused :(

var days = [];
for (var i=0; ithis.data['days'].length; i++)
days[i] = { 'node' : th, 'class' : this.classes['day-name'], 'content' : 
this.data['days'][i] };
return [ 'tr', {}, [ $.tpl( days, this.tpl['cell'] ) ] ];

This code look sto be what i need just de coding it is a tad hard hehe. 
I am assuming that $.tpl will do what i want? It takes a json array then 
produces multi rows from it?

There is also this method

I am assuming it is the same author? and the example there shows that it 
has the ability to create rows?
var json = [
   {'name' : John, 'surname' : Smith},
   {'name' : Sarra, 'surname' : Smith}

$.tpl(json, function(){
   return [
  'tr', { 'class':MyTableRow }, [
 'td', { 'class':MyTableCol1 }, [ this.name ],
 'td', { 'class':MyTableCol2 }, [ this.surname ]]
}).appendTo($('#fill-table  tbody').get(0));

Dave Methvin wrote:
 How would i go about making a table and then inserting rows
 in the body in a for loop. I am wanting to create a stats board for 
 a post match. I figured i would create the table and then append
 to it am i right in how to go about this? How would i append to a
 tag in the table i just created?
 I wanted to add more player rows how would i do that? hehe I
 tried to do a append($table  tr) deal but it didnt work.

 The tr elements descend from either thead or tbody, so tabletr won't match
 anything. There's a workaround in the latest jQuery that will  catch the
 case of appending tr to table and put it in tbody, but it's best to say it

 Instead of applying a style to each td, use a colgroup and apply the styles
 (or classes) to the col elements. It will save you a lot of messy coding.

 jQuery mailing list


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Improvements in Ajax facilities

2006-08-16 Thread Jason Yeckel
Good looking out i take it this all works with the ajax wrapper.

Jason Y

Taku Sano (Mikage Sawatari) wrote:
 With Ajax facilities of jQuery, it is not easy to deal with errors. In
 addition, it is inconvenient to repeat reloading the same URL to
 observe changes. Please confirm my patch handles these issues.

 [patch for svn.208]

 [test page]

 - $().load() replaces the HTML regardless of whether the request has
   succeeded or failed. Therefore it is impossible to customize an error
   message to show.
 - Callback functions can't learn if the request has succeeded or not.
 - It's true that there are methods that are called on error. But even
   if it failed, DOM elements are always replaced, and callbacks are
   always called.
 - There are no ways to set timeout. In case of a server doesn't respond,
   we can't abort the request after a few seconds and display an error.

 - Callbacks for $().load(), $.get, $.post now takes the second argument
   which represents a state (success, failure, notmodified).
 - $().load() no longer replaces the HTML on error, if a callback is
   supplied. Without a callback, it replaces the HTML on error as it
   used to do.
 - $().load(), $.get, $.post now can timeout. When it timed out, the state
   becomes failure and treated as an error.
 $.ajaxTimeout(1000); // ms
 - Added 2 ajax methods:
   These methods set If-Modified-Since header to Ajax requests. They are
   useful when we periodically reload the same URL to see changes.

   They work the same way as $().load and $.get if the URL is updated.
   When it is unchanged, ().load doesn't replace the URL but does callback.
   In that case, the state will be notmodified.

   Since IE always returns the same cached content for the same URL, it is
   normally impossible to check changes. It's true that it is possible to
   force not to use cache by appending some random characters as query of
   the URL, but then we waste the traffic needlessly. $().loadIfModified()
   and $.getIfModified() solve this problem.

 Taku Sano

 jQuery mailing list


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor

2006-08-14 Thread Jason Yeckel
I have used TinyMCE and it works great to.

Dylan Verheul wrote:
 Use TinyMCE, I have no problem getting it to work. It doesn't
 interfere with jQuery.

 On 8/13/06, Remko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking for Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor JQUERY style?
 Not a fancy one but a very basic one. Anyone create such a plugin?
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the JQuery forum at Nabble.com.

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom creation

2006-08-14 Thread Jason Yeckel
Working great. How would i go about making a table and then inserting 
rows in the body in a for loop. I am wanting to create a stats board for 
a post match.
I figured i would create the table and then append to it am i right in 
how to go about this? How would i append to a tag in the table i just 


I wanted to add more player rows how would i do that? hehe i tried to do 
a append($table  tr) deal but it didnt work.

Aloyzas Rimeika wrote:
Ups. :)

 Basically I am waiting for jQuery 1.0 release...

 On 8/9/06, Jason Yeckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does not work with the latest svn but it works with 1.0a. you gave me
 the same link :) i did try a newier svn first though just to check still
 no go.

 Aloyzas Rimeika wrote:
 Maybe this one will work :)

 On 8/9/06, Jason Yeckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will this be updated for the 1.0b ? or svn anytime soon?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom creation

2006-08-09 Thread Jason Yeckel
Does not work with the latest svn but it works with 1.0a. you gave me 
the same link :) i did try a newier svn first though just to check still 
no go.

Aloyzas Rimeika wrote:
 Maybe this one will work :)

 On 8/9/06, Jason Yeckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will this be updated for the 1.0b ? or svn anytime soon?

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