A friend of mine is designing a site and wants to show a Flash header on 
the first load of a page within a site during a visitor's session but 
then show an image on successive page loads in that session.

Here's how I did it w/jQuery and the Flash and Cookie plugins:

First page load in the session should show Flash.  Reload the page and 
it should show an image.  Clear your session cookies or close your 
browser and then reload/go back to the page and you'll see the Flash 
again.  This degrades gracefully by displaying only an image if JS is 

That's a demo page and the link at the bottom is to a blog post w/a bit 
more detail.  Hopefully someone finds this useful.  I'm a noob at jQuery 
so any suggestions for improvement are always appreciated.

Chris Scott
Adaptive Hosting Solutions, Inc.          | Blogzerk - blog hosting
http://www.adaptivehostingsolutions.com/  | http://www.blogzerk.com/

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