I have a theory that anytime that a company has to resort to making videos
of products, rather than making products, it's in serious trouble. Can
anyone think of a company that made a visionary video and later made a
visionary product?

The examples of companies that ran into trouble after making their concept
videos are:

Apple: Knowledge Navigator
Sun: Starfire
HP: not sure of the name, but that one with that crap built into the fridge
AT&T:  "You Will" campaign

I know that there are a bunch more, but I can't find them right now.

So are there any companies that have benefited from these vision videos? All
of the above went into serious decline after the videos were made.
Don't get me wrong I think that they are wonderful (except for AT&T's), but
it seems that are an indication that the company can't actually deliver, so
they fake it.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay
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