Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mega Drop-Down Navigation menus

2009-10-14 Thread laurie kalmanson
another nice use of these mega nav dropdowns is including callouts,
promos, featured items as part of the space

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What music for interaction designers

2009-03-02 Thread laurie kalmanson
techno trance trip hop 80's jpop

and the louder the better

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dead polar bears (was: UX Challenge organizers must be insane)

2009-03-02 Thread laurie kalmanson
i vote for worshipping the polar bear as our common ancestor

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Information Architect Runs for Office

2008-07-19 Thread laurie kalmanson
someone who can read and write (the boxes and arrows are a plus) running for 
office in kansas has my support. i gave.

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[IxDA Discuss] idea 2008 conference, oct 7-8 chicago / come! sponsor! learn, be

2008-06-26 Thread laurie kalmanson

IDEA 2008 registration is open! Attend by registering or attend by getting your 
corp to be a sponsor and we will repay the favor by sponsoring you
The IA Institute is happy to announce the third annual IDEA Conference, IAI’s 
conference on designing complex information spaces of all kinds. IAI Members 
and groups receive excellent discounts. Join us in discussing and uncovering 
innovative and inspirational new ideas!
What: The IA Institute's third annual IDEA Conference
When: October 7-8, 2008
Where: Chicago, IL, at the historic Harold Washington Library Center
Why: Expansive. Energetic. Inspirational.
How: Register at
Preconference presented by Maya Design October 6, 2008
Throughout their days, people are engaging with complex information to manage 
their lives. Designers now realize that information isn't simply this stuff you 
find -- the appropriate presentation of information helps people make sense of 
the world around them.
The IDEA Conference addresses issues of design for an always-on, 
always-connected world. Where "cyberspace" is a meaningless term because the 
online and offline worlds cannot be made distinct. Where physical spaces are so 
complex that detailed wayfinding is necessary to navigate them. Where work 
processes have become so involved, and so digitized, that we need new processes 
to manage those processes.
Bringing together people who are addressing these challenges head on, the IDEA 
features speakers from a variety of backgrounds to discuss designing complex 
information spaces in the physical and virtual worlds.
Conference Website:
Speakers & Program:
Early Bird prices are available until Aug 17
IAI Student Member $250 
IAI Member $350 
Pricing for Groups of 5-8 members
IAI Student Members $200 
IAI Members $300/ea 
Non-Members $400/ea 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice NY Times article on interface design changes (David Malouf)

2008-03-10 Thread laurie kalmanson
dave --
  wow; talking about interfaces right out in public and everything
  it will be interesting to see how the touch paradigm plays out -- i was at an 
adaptive path ux conference in feb, and the workshop sessions produced a lot of 
wii and iphone one-offs; those are clearly the current early adopt paradigms; 
will they work their way out to the masses -- self checkout at the supermarket 
gets an upgrade,  paypass for the gas station can be in your phone, etc -- or 
stay at the boutiquey end of things ... and what will be the next new thing 
after that
  things change as you use them; ask any kid who's been told to wash an icicle 
before eating it
  -- lk

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[IxDA Discuss] re -- Universal Principles of Interaction Design; contribution for the next edition

2007-12-28 Thread laurie kalmanson
re: Universal Principles of Interaction Design
  thank you for the wonderful discussion of this classic book -- it brought 
back so many memories of happy late nite discussions around the studio, waiting 
for the rendering boxen to finish
  seriously, really brilliant
  my .02 for the next edition -- feel free to distribute with attribution, in 
all media, including those not yet invented:
  -- users, users, users, users
  > does your shiny, matte, interactive, plugin, wood, metal, new ***thing*** 
allow users to do things they want to do?
  > will your users tell other users good things about this new ***thing*** , 
and if so are there ways for more to join? or if they have bad things to say, 
are there ways for you to learn from that?
  > what does your new new ***thing***  offer users the doing of, and how will 
they be done
  > are they useful, beautiful, mood-appropriate to the task and, in my 5 yo's 
case, pink?
  > do you get out of the user's way to let them do what they are doing
  > can the user do more things with this tool than you ever intended (ie the 
use of ipods as data storage/retrieval boxes as a plot feature in spook country)
  that said, i have donated to olpc to get the devices in the hands of children 
far away because i do believe that they are an extradordinaty way of saying 
that children and their education are important, but have passed on acquiring 
one for mine: as much as i wanted to see one and touch one and use one and have 
my kid experience it,   i do believe that the network effects of olpc are one 
of the most powerful aspects of the tool, and i decided to spend the money on a 
donation that i would have spent on having one to play with in my non olpc 
networked area

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*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today:

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