UX Australia 2010: Call for proposals

We are very pleased to announce the call for proposals for UX Australia
The conference program for UX Australia 2010 will be based on your
submissions, to ensure that the conference reflects current user experience
practice and also reflects the types of presentations you would like to see.

We are calling for proposals for main conference presentations and for
pre-conference workshops.

Key dates
The key dates are:
* 21 Mar 2009: Proposals close (this is not a flexible date - we will close
on midnight AEST this date)
* 22 Mar 2009: Reviewing starts
* mid Apr 2009: Speakers notified
* 1 May 2009: Conference registration opens (with full program available)

Guiding principles
The key principles for UX Australia presentations are that they are grounded
in experience, focus on practice and engage the audience. For example, your
presentation may be a case study for a particular project, a discussion of
design principles or a description of techniques you’ve used in different

Your presentation shouldn’t be an idea about how something should happen, or
about something for which you have little experience. Presentations should
not be overly academic (research findings are acceptable as long as they
are, again, grounded in practice).

Most importantly, presentations should describe interesting problems and how
you solved them.

There will be no sales pitches for products; or presentations that primarily
describe a service offering of a company. Sponsors do not get an automatic
right to present.

Review proposals
UX Australia 2010 is a community-reviewed conference, and we need people to
help with reviewing.

Reviewers should have experience in some aspect of user experience design
and an interest in helping us create a great program for the conference.

We'll ask you to read up to 6 presentation proposals, rate according to
criteria and provide constructive comment. We expect the time required will
be up to 3 hours, and will be done between 22 March & 2 April.

If you have time in that period, and are interested, please register via the
UX Australia conference management system
[http://www.conference-service.com/uxaust10/registration.cgi?] (select the
box that asks about reviewing). We'll contact you in mid March to get ready.

Where do I start?
Keen? Start here:
* Guiding principles:
* Call for proposals:
* Register as a

Steve Baty
UX Australia

Steve 'Doc' Baty | Principal | Meld Studios | P: +61 417 061 292 | E:
st...@meldstudios.com.au | Twitter: docbaty | Skype: steve_baty | LinkedIn:
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