Re: [IxDA Discuss] registration download flow

2008-06-28 Thread Alla Zollers
I think this article from A List Apart addresses your question:

Their main thesis (which echoes everyone's responses) is that you
really need to allow people to conduct the primary action - in your
case download the toolbar - try it out, understand its value, and
then register.

If your company requires that you get some information before the
download then try to minimize it by just asking for the name and
email and once the person has downloaded the product and used it for
a bit, shoot them an email to ask for more info.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] registration download flow

2008-06-27 Thread Massimo Fiorentino
I agree with AJKock. In my experience, as long as you provide
something useful and valuable to your user, you always will gain more
goodwill if you present the registration options to the user at the
end of the process. The user then won't feel forced to give away
information and is more inclined to be happy to do so if you give
them the service they require first.

It of course also depends on what you are providing. But a simple
(free) download should definitely not require registration. A grave
example: Some web sites demands that you give away your personal
details before allowing you to see a demonstration video of their
product. This is of course hilarious for obvious reasons: First, you
hide promotion of your own product behind a wall and second people
just have too little time on their hands to fill out a formula - no
matter how small it might be - just to be able to watch what
basically is a commercial for your product. Think about the following
scenario: You walk into a clothing store and want to buy a pair of
jeans. You find the perfect pair and want to buy them. You walk up to
the counter and suddenly the guy behind it gives you a sheet of paper
where you have to fill out registration details. Your perfectly
normal reaction would then be bafflement and frustration.

This only creates a bad experience. And remember that UXD is at the
very core of Brand loyalty, since a good experience creates
endorsements. So any good experience counts. I say, give people what
they want, *then* ask them to give something back to you. This is my
philosophy anyway.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] registration download flow

2008-06-26 Thread AJKock
I don't have any research to back up my claims, but there is nothing I
dislike more than finding a large form to complete after I clicked on
a link which was suppose to give me the link to download a product /

There are pros and cons for both options.

Register first
1. User disappointed for not getting what was promised, by expecting
the user to give away personal details first.
2. If required, only ask the minimal information
3. User might complete form if they feel they not giving to much away
and they can still ignore your marketing emails after downloading the
product / file.
4. You might end up with a lot of uninterested registered users

Register Second
1. User might feel oblidged to give details after you have them
something in good faith.
2. User might be willing to complete a slightly longer form.
3. If users see the value of giving their contact details, they will
more than likely complete a form afterwards (while downloading).
4. You might end up with more interested registered users.

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[IxDA Discuss] registration download flow

2008-06-26 Thread Tori Breitling
I'm working on a product (toolbar) for a client that requires a download.
Has anyone done any research or have anecdotal evidence regarding
registration and download order? Are folks more likely to download if they
register (one short form) first, or more likely to register if they download

- Tori

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