[OSGeo-Discuss] How to convert lat/lon to x/y (in pixels) for a given GeoTiff file

2008-10-19 Thread Bogdan Florin Paul
Hello all,

I'm a Geo newbie working on a weather project using a lot of epsg:900913 
country maps in GTiff format.

These country maps will be converted to jpg and will be used as static 
background images for doing javascript-powered weather maps.

I am trying to find a way to translate the lists of geodetic lat/lon points 
(ICAO stations for each country) to x/y coordinates for the relevant country 

Could you suggest a software tool for that purpose?

The original maps were WGS84 Equirectangular and it was very easy to get x/y 
pixel coordinates from lat/lon, but the maps were too elongated, so I 
translated them with gdalwarp to epsg:900913, and this is were I get lost.

Any suggestion would be higly appreciated...

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Cameron Shorter
I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a 
GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops and 
labs at FOSS4G 2009.

If we can achieve this, it will have many benefits:
* Labs will be easier to configure and setup
* We would avoid M$ licence costs as the image is based on linux
* After FOSS4G we would have a proven LiveDVD which can be used for 
workshops and labs at smaller OSGeo events around the world

The cost to us as a community is that we will need to invest in getting 
all our software packaged up into the LiveDVD (which of course will have 
many spin off benefits) as per:


So my questions to communities are:

Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your project 
into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?

For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the LiveDVD, 
which would mean using an Open licence like Creative Commons?

Marco Lechner wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Tyler,

sorry, I can't help you according to Intel-MACs. We only used the
Notebooks provided by our university computing center. So we only had to
deal with three different hardware-types.

Our first idea was to use Live-DVDs and create one broad LiveDVD for all
workshops or an individual LiveDVD-Image for each workshop. This wasn't
practical, because it would have been necessary to burn a big bunchof
DVDs. The other problem we had to deal with was, that one type of
notebooks we used were IBM tablet-PCs - without any DVD-drive.
So it came out that the best solution might be to configure a big Server
to work as an tftp-boot machine and boot all the Workshop-Images via PXE.
It was very impressive how good it worked. We used a custom PXE-boot
prompt where the participants were asked to choose there Workshop and
the chosen individual Workshop-image booted via Net.
One very good side effect was that it was possible to provide the
individual workshop-images days before the conference to the workshop
leaders as iso-Image. So they had the possibility to check if the Image
works exactly as expected. Updating and building a new image took about
half an hour.
Of course you need a good network as requirement. Our Server just had
1GBit-Port available. The Notebooks were connected via 100MBit. It was
o.k. to boot 20 Notebooks parallel - this was enough for our maximum of
two parallel workshops. The boot of all systems took about 5 min (not
the best you can get but o.k.). After the boot the network traffic
wasn't a problem.
Another side-effect was that we were able to have a Internet-Cafe also
using PXE-boot. The visitors could use the "normal" prepared
@-Cafe-Image or boot one of the Workshop-Images to have a closer look
after they participated at a workshop, ...
For future conferences I'd recommend the following equipment:

- - 1 workshop-server, able to spit 10 GBit
- - each workshop room connected with 1GBit (up to ~5 parallel workshops
- - each notebook connected with 100MBit (up to 20 notebooks/workshop

Very nice scenario - I'd like to see this working.


P.S. of course the best side effect was, that we didn't have to install
anything on the notebooks. We wanted to have a M$-free conference. And
our university computing centre told us not to modify the
Windows-Installations on the notebooks :-P
By the way also the session-notebooks were only equipped with
OS-Software (Ubuntu/OpenOffice/...) and the speakers could handle that.
The FOSSGIS 2008 was definitely free as Freibier in Freiburg ;-)
Especially if you keep that participating the conference is for free
(you have to register - about 500 did) only the workshops cost about
80EUR each.

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) schrieb:

On 9-Oct-08, at 12:04 AM, Marco Lechner wrote:

At the german language conference "FOSSGIS" in April we used
live-images to provide all the workshop-notebooks using PXE-boot with
individual liveimages booting at the beginning of a workshop.

Slightly off-topic, but I'm curious if (and how) you provided PXE-boot
for Intel-based Macs, since they don't PXE.  Do you know if anyone did
it?  I've heard of people using Slax or systemrescuedisk to help get the
net boot process running, but I haven't tried it yet.


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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Dave Patton

On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a 
GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops

and labs at FOSS4G 2009.

So my questions to communities are:

Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?

For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative

I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?

We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
conference, but it required MS Windows?

Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
been delivered without having MS Windows?

If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
(i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)

It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
causes confusion.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] ESRI Spain conference incident

2008-10-19 Thread Miguel Montesinos

> De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] en nombre de Dave Patton
> Enviado el: sáb 18/10/2008 18:22
> Para: OSGeo Discussions
> Asunto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] ESRI Spain conference incident

> On 2008/10/17 12:15 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
>> Hi All, I resend this mail to OSGeo discuss because I think is a
>> serious incident that cannot be obviated and shows how things are
>> getting at least in Spanish market.
>> As Alvaro says, why they have this behavior with his colleagues? Maybe
>> they fear FOSS companies?
>> Anyway, all of you are invited to the gvSIG conf, even to discuss,
>> it's free in both senses ;)
>ESRI was a sponsor at FOSS4G 2007, and had a Lab.
>Who knows, maybe they will be involved somehow in
>FOSS4G 2009(for sure they won't be excluded just
>because they are viewed as competition for FOSS).

"Viewed as competition for FOSS" -> Well, they say (I asked about it at ESRI's 
booth during both FOSS4G 2007 & 2008) that they have made some contributions to 
open-source, as the openness of shapefile format or offering WMS servers. :-D

>Perhaps they can have a booth in the exhibition
>(and maybe gvSIG wants to have a booth right next
>to the ESRI booth ;-)

For sure FOSS4G ESRI's attendees are much more polite (and clever) than their 
Spanish collegues.

Maybe it would be wiser to make a request for a booth in the world annual 
ESRI's conference (I don't know nor want to, the exact name). Would they admit 
a FOSS4G booth (it doesn't matter which project could be) as we make at FOSS4G? 
It would be funny to see an OSGeo booth showing the integration capabilities of 
OSGeo projects against ESRI closed products, or even a comparison.

>Dave Patton
>CIS Canadian Information Systems
>Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.
Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs atFOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Miguel Montesinos
For some workshops, training courses and so on, in gvSIG, we use a Knoppix 
Live-DVD that runs on any PC, regardless its operative system.
Miguel Montesinos
gvSIG Team

De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] en nombre de Dave Patton
Enviado el: dom 19/10/2008 23:02
Para: OSGeo Discussions
Asunto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs 
atFOSS4G 2009?

On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a
> GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops
> and labs at FOSS4G 2009.

> So my questions to communities are:
> Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
> project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?
> For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
> LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative
> Commons?

I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?

We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
conference, but it required MS Windows?

Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
been delivered without having MS Windows?

If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
(i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)

It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
causes confusion.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.
Discuss mailing list

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs atFOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Cameron Shorter
I see that Knoppix is debian based, like the FOSS4G 2008 LiveDVD which 
started from a xubuntu distribution.

As I understand it, there are 2 ways to build a debian based LiveDVD:
1. Bundle all packages up as .deb files, then you can apt-get the 
packages into whatever linux based distribution you wish, including 

2. Manually install packages onto your linux computer, then take a 
snapshot of your image, as a LiveDVD.

Ideally, the .deb packaging can be rolled into each project's build 
process thus simplifying distribution and LiveDVD build processes, which 
should ease GeoFOSS installation in numerous distributions and LiveDVDs, 
and hence increase GeoFOSS uptake. This does require an initial up front 
investment from each project in setting up a .deb build process. I think 
that the investment is worth it based upon the marketing and outreach 
projects will receive. Is .deb packaging something that projects are 
interested in?

Miguel Montesinos wrote:

For some workshops, training courses and so on, in gvSIG, we use a Knoppix Live-DVD that runs on any PC, regardless its operative system.
Miguel Montesinos

gvSIG Team

De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] en nombre de Dave Patton
Enviado el: dom 19/10/2008 23:02
Para: OSGeo Discussions
Asunto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs 
atFOSS4G 2009?

On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a
GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops
and labs at FOSS4G 2009.


So my questions to communities are:

Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?

For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative

I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?

We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
conference, but it required MS Windows?

Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
been delivered without having MS Windows?

If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
(i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)

It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
causes confusion.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.
Discuss mailing list


Discuss mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] How to convert lat/lon to x/y (in pixels) for a given GeoTiff file

2008-10-19 Thread Alex Mandel
Bogdan Florin Paul wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm a Geo newbie working on a weather project using a lot of epsg:900913 
> country maps in GTiff format.
> These country maps will be converted to jpg and will be used as static 
> background images for doing javascript-powered weather maps.
> I am trying to find a way to translate the lists of geodetic lat/lon points 
> (ICAO stations for each country) to x/y coordinates for the relevant country 
> map.
> Could you suggest a software tool for that purpose?
> The original maps were WGS84 Equirectangular and it was very easy to get x/y 
> pixel coordinates from lat/lon, but the maps were too elongated, so I 
> translated them with gdalwarp to epsg:900913, and this is were I get lost.
> Any suggestion would be higly appreciated...

If you used Openlayers js library for the map display you could limit
the map to the each image and wouldn't need to convert any of the data
as openlayers understands projected data.

Otherwise for a given background image you would need export the points
in that frame either as an image, or with a fake projection putting the
corner of the background image as 0,0 (lower left I think).


Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Daniel P. Ames
Hi folks.  As you all know, there is a growing interest in open source for 
Windows. Especially with Microsoft's release of its developer tools in free 
"express" editions and the availability of such tools as SharpDevelop and Mono. 

MapWindow is .NET based and the bulk of our developers and users are strictly 
MS based.  I don't think this makes them any less human, it just says that 
their threshold for open source is set such that a $90 Windows operating system 
is considered acceptable but a $1 GIS is not.  

We had a great turnout at the MapWindow lab and worshop in South Africa and got 
lots of "hey it's great to see .NET open source GIS here" comments.  So, call 
us mudbloods, but it's an approach that we see has a huge added value for lots 
of folks.  Bottom line, if having Windows on some lab computers doesn't add a 
huge expense, then we'd hope that Windows based labs and/or workshops would be 

Indeed, consider the opportunities for demonstrating QGIS and GRASS and others 
on Windows to help convert Linux avoiders over to OSGeo.

- Dan

-Original Message-
From: Dave Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:02 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions 
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at 
FOSS4G 2009?

On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a 
> GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops
> and labs at FOSS4G 2009.

> So my questions to communities are:
> Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
> project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?
> For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
> LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative
> Commons?

I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?

We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
conference, but it required MS Windows?

Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
been delivered without having MS Windows?

If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
(i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)

It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
causes confusion.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.
Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread P Kishor
On 10/19/08, Daniel P. Ames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks.  As you all know, there is a growing interest in open source for 
> Windows. Especially with Microsoft's release of its developer tools in free 
> "express" editions and the availability of such tools as SharpDevelop and 
> Mono.
>  MapWindow is .NET based and the bulk of our developers and users are 
> strictly MS based.  I don't think this makes them any less human, it just 
> says that their threshold for open source is set such that a $90 Windows 
> operating system is considered acceptable but a $1 GIS is not.
>  We had a great turnout at the MapWindow lab and worshop in South Africa and 
> got lots of "hey it's great to see .NET open source GIS here" comments.  So, 
> call us mudbloods, but it's an approach that we see has a huge added value 
> for lots of folks.  Bottom line, if having Windows on some lab computers 
> doesn't add a huge expense, then we'd hope that Windows based labs and/or 
> workshops would be encouraged.
>  Indeed, consider the opportunities for demonstrating QGIS and GRASS and 
> others on Windows to help convert Linux avoiders over to OSGeo.

I have no skin in this game, but I would second the above sentiment.
While "not free as in beer" should not be as much of a problem as "not
free as in speech," ignoring Windows is perilous and foolish. Because
of its lack of architecture diversity and its monolithic nature,
actually Windows can be a pretty good open source development platform
because one can actually get past dicking around with installing the
damn software and get to developing with it.

>  - Dan
>  -Original Message-
>  From: Dave Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:02 PM
>  To: OSGeo Discussions 
>  Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at 
> FOSS4G 2009?
>  On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>  > I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a
>  > GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops
>  > and labs at FOSS4G 2009.
>  > So my questions to communities are:
>  >
>  > Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
>  > project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?
>  >
>  > For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
>  > LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative
>  > Commons?
>  I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
>  foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
>  an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?
>  We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
>  What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
>  'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
>  Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
>  conference, but it required MS Windows?
>  Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
>  been delivered without having MS Windows?
>  If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
>  FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
>  how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
>  MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
>  (i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
>  use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)
>  P.S.
>  It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
>  referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
>  people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
>  causes confusion.
>  --
>  Dave Patton
>  CIS Canadian Information Systems
>  Victoria, B.C.
>  Degree Confluence Project:
>  Canadian Coordinator
>  Technical Coordinator
>  http://www.confluence.org/
>  OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
>  Workshop Committee Chair
>  Conference Committee member
>  http://www.foss4g2007.org/
>  Personal website:
>  Maps, GPS, etc.
>  http://members.shaw.ca/davepatton/
>  ___

Puneet Kishor
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)

On 19-Oct-08, at 5:30 PM, P Kishor wrote:

I have no skin in this game, but I would second the above sentiment.
While "not free as in beer" should not be as much of a problem as "not
free as in speech," ignoring Windows is perilous and foolish. Because
of its lack of architecture diversity and its monolithic nature,
actually Windows can be a pretty good open source development platform
because one can actually get past dicking around with installing the
damn software and get to developing with it.

This thread is discussin "LiveDVD", right, which is not readily  
possible with Windows unless running some sort of VM.  But of course,  
the solution is to have installers and packaged demos ready to go.   
That's the goal of projects like OSGeo4W:


Hopefully those with more Windows experience can help on that front.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Alex Mandel
Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> On 19-Oct-08, at 5:30 PM, P Kishor wrote:
>> I have no skin in this game, but I would second the above sentiment.
>> While "not free as in beer" should not be as much of a problem as "not
>> free as in speech," ignoring Windows is perilous and foolish. Because
>> of its lack of architecture diversity and its monolithic nature,
>> actually Windows can be a pretty good open source development platform
>> because one can actually get past dicking around with installing the
>> damn software and get to developing with it.
> This thread is discussin "LiveDVD", right, which is not readily possible
> with Windows unless running some sort of VM.  But of course, the
> solution is to have installers and packaged demos ready to go.  That's
> the goal of projects like OSGeo4W:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/
> Hopefully those with more Windows experience can help on that front.

An additional option which would be closer to a LiveDVD option would be
PortableGIS via a usb.http://www.archaeogeek.com/blog/portable-gis/

And yes I agree that we should distribute OSGeo4W and MS4W on top of
live options as giveaways at booths etc.

As for the statement earlier made "...with installing the
damn software and get to developing with it." I think it would be more
appropriate to change developing to using.
It is much slower from my experience trying to develop on a windows
system, and if you're talking Open Source, you really should be(wish
list) talking cross platform or open platform. I'll also toss in that
the free versions of Visual Studio leave out certain things that make it
impossible to compile certain apps or to compile them without Visual Studio.

Don't get me wrong, I think Open Source is open source in all it forms
and I appreciate it all it's forms. But even if you only use windows or
linux or mac acknowledging the others and working across is a good thing.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Oops, I see the question is more about whether to include Windows in  
the workshops or not.  Either way, hopefully there will also be lots  
of Windows machines showing demos at booths and other forums.

Don't get me wrong, I think Open Source is open source in all it forms
and I appreciate it all it's forms. But even if you only use  
windows or
linux or mac acknowledging the others and working across is a good  

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Cameron Shorter

Thanks Daniel,
It is good to know that there are projects which depend upon Windows.

For MapWindws, (and any other windows based workshops), what should we 
install on our lab computers? Can we cover everything using OSGeo4W? Or 
should we use something different?

Maybe we should set up the lab computers to dual boot  with Windows + 
OSGeo4W / LiveDVD.

Daniel P. Ames wrote:
Hi folks.  As you all know, there is a growing interest in open source for Windows. Especially with Microsoft's release of its developer tools in free "express" editions and the availability of such tools as SharpDevelop and Mono.  

MapWindow is .NET based and the bulk of our developers and users are strictly MS based.  I don't think this makes them any less human, it just says that their threshold for open source is set such that a $90 Windows operating system is considered acceptable but a $1 GIS is not.  

We had a great turnout at the MapWindow lab and worshop in South Africa and got lots of 
"hey it's great to see .NET open source GIS here" comments.  So, call us 
mudbloods, but it's an approach that we see has a huge added value for lots of folks.  
Bottom line, if having Windows on some lab computers doesn't add a huge expense, then 
we'd hope that Windows based labs and/or workshops would be encouraged.

Indeed, consider the opportunities for demonstrating QGIS and GRASS and others 
on Windows to help convert Linux avoiders over to OSGeo.

- Dan

-Original Message-
From: Dave Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:02 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions 
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at 
FOSS4G 2009?

On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a 
GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops

and labs at FOSS4G 2009.


So my questions to communities are:

Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?

For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative

I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?

We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
conference, but it required MS Windows?

Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
been delivered without having MS Windows?

If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
(i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)

It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
causes confusion.


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and labs at FOSS4G 2009?

2008-10-19 Thread Chris Puttick

- "Daniel P. Ames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks.  As you all know, there is a growing interest in open source
> for Windows. Especially with Microsoft's release of its developer
> tools in free "express" editions and the availability of such tools as
> SharpDevelop and Mono.  
> MapWindow is .NET based and the bulk of our developers and users are
> strictly MS based.  I don't think this makes them any less human, it
> just says that their threshold for open source is set such that a $90
> Windows operating system is considered acceptable but a $1 GIS is
> not.  

But to split hairs, if MapWindow is .NET based it is not entirely open source 
as it is dependent on a closed source platform. Now if it also works on Mono 
(as in developed with that in mind), that's no longer true. Does it? I would 
also suggest that developing an open source project inside an environment 
controlled by one of the companies most damaged if the open source development 
model becomes the norm is inviting failure.

OTOH I would be a supporter of having Windows available on the LiveDVD in 
VirtualBox, partly for reasons you suggest below and partly so "Linux avoiders" 
can realise you can also gain from avoiding that $90 tax on your PC. The use of 
Windows in VirtualBox should be legitimate if the host machines have licences. 
Legitimate as in defendable at least; not sure how pragmatic Australian courts 
are on software licencing and some of the more ridiculous terms companies 
include in them...

NB would require two versions of the DVD as it could not be distributed 
including the Windows VM. And come to think of it, given Window's special size 
requirements as an OS, it would probably require a Bluray disc instead of a DVD 


> We had a great turnout at the MapWindow lab and worshop in South
> Africa and got lots of "hey it's great to see .NET open source GIS
> here" comments.  So, call us mudbloods, but it's an approach that we
> see has a huge added value for lots of folks.  Bottom line, if having
> Windows on some lab computers doesn't add a huge expense, then we'd
> hope that Windows based labs and/or workshops would be encouraged.
> Indeed, consider the opportunities for demonstrating QGIS and GRASS
> and others on Windows to help convert Linux avoiders over to OSGeo.
> - Dan
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:02 PM
> To: OSGeo Discussions 
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can we use a LiveDVD for workshops and
> labs at FOSS4G 2009?vel
> On 2008/10/19 1:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> > I'm wondering whether it will be achievable and desirable to use a 
> > GeoFOSS LiveDVD as the only installed operating system at workshops
> > and labs at FOSS4G 2009.
> > So my questions to communities are:
> > 
> > Do you and your project think you would commit to packaging your
> > project into a debian based LiveDVD before FOSS4G in October 2009?
> > 
> > For presenters, would you want to add tutorial material to the
> > LiveDVD, which would mean using an Open licence like Creative
> > Commons?
> I would start by asking a different question - does anyone
> foresee any issue with not having MS Windows available as
> an option for Workshops/Labs for FOSS4G 2009?
> We might not want to restrict the discussion to "OSGeo projects".
> What if a Sponsor, or Exhibitor, or 'some software company', or
> 'some non-OSGeo project' submitted a proposal to deliver a
> Workshop/Lab, and it merited consideration for inclusion in the
> conference, but it required MS Windows?
> Were there Workshops/Labs at FOSS4G 2008 that could not have
> been delivered without having MS Windows?
> If we assume that there was 'some need' for MS Windows for
> FOSS4G 2009, but that it wasn't needed for "all the PCs",
> how would people react to Workshops/Labs that required
> MS Windows also requiring a higher registration fee?
> (i.e. higher by the incremental cost of the license to
> use MS Windows on the PC for the Workshop/Lab)
> P.S.
> It helps if everyone uses the term "Instructors" when
> referring to Workshops/Labs, because "Presenter" makes
> people think of "Presentations", and sometimes that
> causes confusion.
> -- 
> Dave Patton
> CIS Canadian Information Systems
> Victoria, B.C.
> Degree Confluence Project:
> Canadian Coordinator
> Technical Coordinator
> http://www.confluence.org/
> OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
> Workshop Committee Chair
> Conference Committee member
> http://www.foss4g2007.org/
> Personal website:
> Maps, GPS, etc.
> http://members.shaw.ca/davepatton/
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

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