[OSGeo-Discuss] Where are all the FOSS OGC Client implementations?

2008-12-27 Thread Tim Sutton
Hi Folks

Has anyone made a table showing which FOSS projects provide client
implementations for the various OGC standards?

I have a client who is trying to build an interoperable system based on
OGC standards. The OGC site lists the a heap of standards  (see below
from http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards).

Assuming I want to test the system with FOSS clients, has anyone created
a list of FOSS OGC clients that they can point me to? We won't be using
all the standards listed below, but having a complete list for reference
would be very worthwhile.

I'm also interested to know if there are any gotchas - e.g. software XYZ
will only work against specific implementations of standard ABC

Catalogue Service
Coordinate Transformation
Filter Encoding
Geographic Objects
Geography Markup Language
Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML)
GML in JPEG 2000
Grid Coverage Service
Location Services (OpenLS)
Observations and Measurements
Sensor Model Language
Sensor Observation Service
Sensor Planning Service
Simple Features
Simple Features CORBA
Simple Features OLE/COM
Simple Features SQL
Styled Layer Descriptor
Symbology Encoding
Transducer Markup Language
Web Coverage Service
Web Feature Service 
Web Map Context 
Web Map Service
Web Processing Service
Web Service Common

Any pointers will be most appreciated!


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
 * FOSS Consulting & Support Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Call For Papers, OGRS 2009

2008-12-27 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Call For Papers - OGRS 2009
First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009

Dates & place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
Website: http://www.ogrs2009.org

Dear colleagues,
(our apologies for cross postings)

From July 8th to 10th, 2009, during the tenth edition of Libre Software 
Meeting, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques (IRSTV) 
in partnership with the University Of Applied Sciences Western 
Switzerland, Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de La Loire will 
organize a Research and Innovation Symposium about free and open source 
geospatial methods and technologies.

Main goals of this symposium are :
* to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models 
or using open source tools
* to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source 
technology usage (benefits and limitations)
* to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future 
collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday 
operational world (companies, local authorities ...)

The symposium will integrate scientific conferences (research papers), 
companies and authorities testimonies (showcases) and training sessions 

Thus, we invite to submit contributions which can be a full paper for 
the research session or an abstract for the labs session. Notice, the 
call for showcases will also be launched during January 2009.

Contributions should address the following overall topics but are not 
limited to :

* Cartography and advanced styling ;
* Cultural heritage ;
* Earth Observation ;
* From Webmapping to WebGIS ;
* Integrated risk and disaster management for society ;
* GIS and SDI interoperability (data, knowledge, language, ...) ;
* GIS and SDI for participatory learning and action ;
* GIS concept and theory (semantics and ontology) ;
* Landscape and ecology ;
* Spatial Analysis and Integration ;
* Spatial and Spatio-temporal data and analysis ;
* Sustainable Development and Governance ;
* Urban and Environmental Planning ;
* Visual Languages and Querying ;
* Web and desktop convergence in the geospatial field.

Keynote speakers :
* Câmara Gilberto, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research
* Neteler Markus, Fondazione Mach - Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Italia
* Steiniger Stefan, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

See committee members on OGRS2009 website : 

Research paper submission :
* Full paper deadline : March, 1st 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract and a 12 pages full paper
* Notification to authors: April 12th, 2009
* Final paper due: June, 1st, 2009
* See http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=cfpmenu:research

Lab abstract submission :
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract before : March, 22th 2009
* Notification to authors : April 12th, 2009
* Final documents, material and tutorial aure due for : June, 1st, 2009
* See http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=cfpmenu:labs

Contacts :
* for research submission : resea...@ogrs2009.org
* for lab submission : l...@ogrs2009.org
* for other questions : i...@ogrs2009.org

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other 
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards and best wishes for the coming new year,
OGRS2009 program committee
fn:Olivier ERTZ
adr:Bureau T154a;;Centre St-Roch, Avenue des Sports 20;Yverdon-les-Bains ;VD;1401;Switzerland

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Lorenzo Becchi

Andrea Aime wrote:

Doh, interesting, and I thought it was for blog posts only...
do you have some reference in mind, like one or more
example sites I can look at?

there's a huge catalog[1].
an example chosen quickly is this:
(click on a title to see details expanded and look at "browse" section)

Do you know any site made with wordpress that has this
kde-looks ability to show the most interesting items by
category with a screenshot, title and short description?
(the visual component is key to such a site).

it was easier than what expected to find one[2]: the Plugin directory of 
WordPress site offers a directory tree, with the number of related posts 
and a "per popularity" order. Then I see they have a "Newest" and 
"Recently Updated" index, guess this is not that difficult to customize.
What is lacking is the image but I still guess that should not be 
difficult to add one.


[1] http://www.freshapps.com/
[2] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/browse/popular/

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Andrea Aime

Lorenzo Becchi ha scritto:

Andrea Aime wrote:

Well, personally I don't have much time, but the idea is engaging.
What I would like to see in such a platform is:
- easy to get into it. Register and contribute
- have some focus on the contribution license, it is important
  that whoever shares decides how others can reuse his work
- peer review (voting system)
- comments, possibly treaded -> a discussion on each contribution
- forum, where people can discuss map making more in general
- visual, everything we talk about (style, symbols, softwares, data)
  should be accompained by at least one screenshot, the screenshot
  should appear in all listings
- categorized, so that if I'm interested in symbols I know where
  to go... maybe we more than one way to categorize stuff,
  think point symbols vs fills but also geology vs road maps

AFAIK, with a little customization (or maybe not) of Wordpress [1] you 
can do them all.

Doh, interesting, and I thought it was for blog posts only...
do you have some reference in mind, like one or more
example sites I can look at?
Do you know any site made with wordpress that has this
kde-looks ability to show the most interesting items by
category with a screenshot, title and short description?
(the visual component is key to such a site).


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Lorenzo Becchi

Andrea Aime wrote:

Well, personally I don't have much time, but the idea is engaging.
What I would like to see in such a platform is:
- easy to get into it. Register and contribute
- have some focus on the contribution license, it is important
  that whoever shares decides how others can reuse his work
- peer review (voting system)
- comments, possibly treaded -> a discussion on each contribution
- forum, where people can discuss map making more in general
- visual, everything we talk about (style, symbols, softwares, data)
  should be accompained by at least one screenshot, the screenshot
  should appear in all listings
- categorized, so that if I'm interested in symbols I know where
  to go... maybe we more than one way to categorize stuff,
  think point symbols vs fills but also geology vs road maps

AFAIK, with a little customization (or maybe not) of Wordpress [1] you 
can do them all.
It's plenty of plugin and it's easy to manage... easier then drupal, I 
mean.  ;-)


[1] http://wordpress.org/
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 11:58:44AM +0100, Andrea Aime wrote:
> RAVI KUMAR ha scritto:
> >Hi,
> >symbology is of particular significance for Geologists. Orientation 
> >(Rotation) of symbols and labelling through attribute table are essential. 
> >OpenJUMP user list has made great contribution towards this. Wish to know 
> >if any other Open GIS has similar resources.
> Any software using SLD should be able to rotate symbols,
> at least point ones. GeoServer does for example, I think
> MapServer does too.

OpenLayers does too.


Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Andrea Aime

RAVI KUMAR ha scritto:

symbology is of particular significance for Geologists. Orientation (Rotation) of symbols and labelling through attribute table are essential. 
OpenJUMP user list has made great contribution towards this. Wish to know if any other Open GIS has similar resources.

Any software using SLD should be able to rotate symbols,
at least point ones. GeoServer does for example, I think
MapServer does too.

But maybe you're not referring to simple points? Can you
provide more details?


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread RAVI KUMAR
symbology is of particular significance for Geologists. Orientation (Rotation) 
of symbols and labelling through attribute table are essential. 
OpenJUMP user list has made great contribution towards this. Wish to know if 
any other Open GIS has similar resources.

Ravi Kumar

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Olivier ERTZ  wrote:

> From: Olivier ERTZ 
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange
> To: "OSGeo Discussions" 
> Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 4:25 PM
> Hi,
> while you read my little answer, just imagine a big smile
> on my face, because what you describe in your call is
> something that really motivates me. I was currently doing a
> kind of same investigation, and Osmarender, Kosmos, MassGIS
> Wiki on SLD, ... could all be added to your starting list,
> and I came to the same conclusions : having a symbology and
> styling platform to share would be great, and I sign up with
> two hands. So, I'm ready to help in building a wiki page
> to write the specification of such a platform. Of course,
> OSGeo_map_symbol_set is then to be taken in consideration,
> and for sure people who wrote this wiki page will feel
> concerned...
> Best regards,
> Olivier
> Andrea Aime wrote:
> > Hi,
> > lately I was looking around for places where
> > sample map styles, sample map symbols, and
> > public discussions (forums/ml) about the topic
> > of map making on web/desktop platforms.
> > 
> > I've found something around, like the MapServer
> > symbology exchange, or the italian OSGEO chapter
> > site collecting some free SVG symbols.
> > And some discussions as well, but sprinkled over
> > various mailing list as part of a different main
> > topic.
> > The scenario is somewhat discouraging, and I was
> > thinking of ways to improve the situation,
> > have more users exchange, discuss and participate
> > in a community of electonic map makers.
> > 
> > What I have in mind is a platform like
> > gnome-look.org allowing everyone to post and
> > share their work, organize it in categories,
> > have other people vote and comment/discuss
> > Examples:
> > - map symbols
> > - map styles, be it SLD, mapfiles, mapnik config file,
> >ESRI projects  (why not?)
> > - data itself, be it real downloadable data, or
> >pointers to sites where the data is available
> > 
> > Here are some user stories I have in mind for such
> > a site:
> > - a user has made a map is proud of. He posts
> >on the site a screenshot of the map, the style
> >used to create it, and the license under which
> >the style is distributed. Other people can comment,
> >eventually show how the same map can be created
> >using a different GIS system
> > - maybe the above map contains self made symbols
> >(SVG, TTF, MapServer symbols, ...) that can be
> >published in a map symbol sharing area of the
> >same site
> > - the same map is done using some data, maybe the
> >data can be shared, or the map has been produced
> >over some well known free data set. This would
> >help others make the same map with another
> >system, or take the initial map and propose
> >variations/improvements on top of it
> > 
> > Adding a forum where people can discuss about map
> > making would be good as well.
> > This would be in competition with the various support
> > forums of the existing projects, so it has to provide
> > something more than the existing ml do not provide.
> > What that is, is comparisons between different
> > products, approaches to make maps: that would break
> > the user communities silos and stimulate some lively
> > exchange on the merits of each platform
> > (yeah that may degenerate sometimes,
> > but I believe most of the times it would be healthy
> > and very interesting for users and developers alike).
> > 
> > How to pull something like this off? Well, it would
> > be nice if gnome-look (as the site code) was open
> source,
> > thought as of now I haven't found any indication
> of
> > the code being available. The forum could be the
> > usual php-bb or something like that.
> > Maybe the above are not 100% suited to the task
> > at hand, but it would be an easy start to see if
> > the idea has merit and can pull togheter a community
> > of users.
> > Does anybody have suggestions on existing software
> > platforms that could be used to put togheter such
> > a site?
> > 
> > Soo... wondering what other people think about this?
> > I would be willing to put some of my time on this,
> > but I'm already quite busy with other stuff
> > in GeoServer/GeoTools land so I'm wondering if
> there
> > is anybody else interested in such a thing?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Andrea
> > 
> >   
> -- HEIG-VD, University Of Applied Sciences Western
> Switzerland
> IICT, Institute for Information and Communication
> Technologies
> Olivier ERTZ Avenue des Sports 20
> CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
> olivier.e...@heig-vd.ch
> +41 24 55 77570
> -> http://www.heig-vd.ch
> -> http://geosysin.iict.ch
> __

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Symbology/styles exchange

2008-12-27 Thread Andrea Aime

Olivier ERTZ ha scritto:

while you read my little answer, just imagine a big smile on my face, 
because what you describe in your call is something that really 
motivates me. I was currently doing a kind of same investigation, and 
Osmarender, Kosmos, MassGIS Wiki on SLD, ... could all be added to your 
starting list, and I came to the same conclusions : having a symbology 
and styling platform to share would be great, and I sign up with two 
hands. So, I'm ready to help in building a wiki page to write the 
specification of such a platform. 

Well, personally I don't have much time, but the idea is engaging.
What I would like to see in such a platform is:
- easy to get into it. Register and contribute
- have some focus on the contribution license, it is important
  that whoever shares decides how others can reuse his work
- peer review (voting system)
- comments, possibly treaded -> a discussion on each contribution
- forum, where people can discuss map making more in general
- visual, everything we talk about (style, symbols, softwares, data)
  should be accompained by at least one screenshot, the screenshot
  should appear in all listings
- categorized, so that if I'm interested in symbols I know where
  to go... maybe we more than one way to categorize stuff,
  think point symbols vs fills but also geology vs road maps

The kde-looks.org plaftorm seems to offer all of the above with
little/no effort. If there is no dedicated team to build a new
site going to that platform seems a good way to test out the
concept with little investment.
The one thing I don't like much about kde-looks.org platform
is that I don't understand well its licensing issues, if any,
and the fact that a map styling site would be better owned

But in the end, I'd prefer to see one site with some chance
of success despite some issues, that a lengthly discussion
about tools, people that want to make them up with different
technologies, and end up with nothing done because all the
energy is lost in discussion, if you know what I mean.

I'm more of looking for technologies that provide all
of the above (or most of the above) out of the box and see
what comes out by comparing them.

Of course, OSGeo_map_symbol_set is 
then to be taken in consideration, and for sure people who wrote this 
wiki page will feel concerned...

I don't believe there should be any concern... the page can
get its representation in a such a community based site, or
be an alternative to it.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.
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