[OSGeo-Discuss] Paul's keynote on the Future of Open Source Economy

2009-10-20 Thread Jeff McKenna



Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Invitation for expressions of interest for Ordnance Survey Think Tank Session on "Automated generalization and cartographic modelling" - 8 December 2009 (Tuesday), University of Nottin

2009-10-20 Thread Suchith Anand
Dear All,


I would like to invite expressions of interest for Ordnance Survey Think
Tank Session on "Research challenges in automated generalization and
cartographic modelling" to be held on 8 December 2009 (Tuesday) at The
University of Nottingham.


The Ordnance Survey has awarded a research contract to the Centre of
Geospatial Science (CGS) to investigate future data and data management
developments that might impact on Ordnance Survey's operations and


Please see http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cgs/projects_os.html for more


In part fulfilment of this contract we are organising a series of Think
Tank events to explore relevant technology developments and to better
understand how these developments might influence and impact on spatial
data capture and usage in the future. The proposed Think Tank event is
to be held on Tuesday 8th December at Nottingham and will cover the
topics of  automated generalization and cartographic modelling. 


The Think Tank Meeting will a one-day event with 10 experts drawn from a
mix of academic, commercial and industry backgrounds. Selected experts
may be invited to give brief presentations but in each case significant
time will be allocated for discussion and open exploration of likely
developments and potential consequences.  The meeting will operate
according to Chatham House rules.


Interested participants are invited to submit short position paper (max
2 A4 pages) detailing their potential think tank contribution,
expectations, vision and research interest, before 30th Oct 2009 to


Travel and accommodation costs of all the selected participants will be
reimbursed. Selection of invited experts will be made by the Ordnance


Think Tank Outcomes


* Identify key research trends in automated generalization

* Identify mid-term (2-3 years) and long-term (5-10 years)
research challenges in automated generalization.

* Produce report on the Think Tank findings. 


We look forward to receiving your expressions of interest for the OS
Think Tank on automated generalization. Please contact me for any


Best wishes,


Suchith Anand


Dr Suchith Anand

Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building 

University of Nottingham  NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 84 32750



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[OSGeo-Discuss] PAL community platform

2009-10-20 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the start of PAL community platform and we 
invite you to visit http://pal.heig-vd.ch.

The major focus is to federate and bring together forces to maintain, 
offer support and follow innovative new developments in the field of 
labeling through PAL opensource library. Currently, a stable release of 
PAL automated label placement library is available, and the source code 
can be downloaded from the website. Also a start of documentation is 
ready to help new integrations and developements on the core library. A 
Trac instance and mailing-list was setup to manage the project 

Notice there are currently two integrations of PAL : for gvSIG and for 
QuantumGIS. Also, an integration for MapWindow is in progress.

If you plan a new integration or enhancements on the core library, feel 
free to join the mailing-list so as to post your needs, comments and 
ideas (http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pal-developer).

Best regards,

Olivier Ertz 
PAL initial team project member

HEIG-VD, University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
IICT, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Olivier ERTZ 
Avenue des Sports 20

CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
+41 24 55 77570
-> http://www.heig-vd.ch
-> http://geosysin.iict.ch

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