Hi Jody,

This is a new and important initative.

So, let us wait till we finish a couple of online/offline
meetings before we decide on the rules and
first order business.

I am sure, with the excellent members that have
signed up, we will arrive at a good decision if
we allow everyone a bit of time.



On 2015/11/03 15:05, Jody Garnett wrote:
Thanks for getting that set up Jeff.

To reiterate how we get things done, we are setting up committees for long
standing activities (such as interacting with the the UN). Committees will
do their thing and send a status update to the board (and discussion
list?). We ask that committees have a contact point on the wiki
<http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Contacts> - can this UN committee sort that out
as a first order business?

We will also spin up short term working groups
<http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Working_Groups> to perform a
specific activity and then finish (such as with this years sponsorship

Jody Garnett

On 2 November 2015 at 14:32, Jeff McKenna <jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com>

Hi Ela, Jeroen, Venka, everyone,

Thanks for signing up on the wiki.  We now have a new mailing list for our
discussions: subscribe at https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/un

I think we should aim to have our first (IRC) meeting by the end of this
month, to start planning this collaboration.


On 2015-10-30 4:58 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi everyone,

At the last OSGeo board meeting we agreed to form a new committee,
focused on the UN/United Nations.  I have drafted an initial wiki page
for the committee, that gives some background.  Please, if you are
interested in helping promote Open Source geospatial at the UN with its
members states, definitely add your name to the wiki page.  We will
likely organize the first committee meeting sometime in November.  Thanks!



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