Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Recruiting OSGeo Santa Clause(s)

2016-03-15 Thread Jody Garnett
Thanks Cameron & Nick, could you start outlining a "reboot" on the wiki and
grab an agenda item for next months board meeting? We also have a
hangout/workparty for board members (and officers?) in case you want some
companionship shaping the wiki page.

Jody Garnett

On 15 March 2016 at 04:38, nicolas bozon  wrote:

> Dear Cameron, Marketing Committee, OSGeo Directors,
> As a member of the so called "dormant" Marketing Committee, i would be
> glad to help revitalising it.
> In fact it hasn't been a satisfactory nor confortable situation to be a
> member of such a forgotten commitee since 2012.
> So i'd like to volunteer for championing such committee reboot, and
> propose to help define strategic changes, recruit new members and tackle
> some of the administrative tasks.
> I can also chair the Committee if needed, and if this is appropriated for
> gathering the troops. Cameron, I am not Santa (but 'Klaus' only:)), but I'd
> be very glad to learn from your experience and we may try to enhance things
> together.
> However,i think the commitee's mission and role should be revised,
> probably indepth modified, and aligned with the new OSGeo plans.
> My main point is that the mandate of the OSGeo Marketing Committee must go
> way beyond the funding of OSGeo events and the managment of consumables or
> swag, as it mostly did (or not) until now.
> OSGeo Live is one of our best marketing tool to showcase some of the
> Foundation's software projects, but not to promote and market the
> Foundation itself IMHO.
> OSGeo Live must of course be kept inside a new marketing plan, but the
> latter shouldn't be built on DVDs and events only.
> According to me, improving OSGeo Marketing globally is one of the most
> important and urgent action to be taken according to the new strategic plan
> defined by the Board.
> It must help OSGeo to be presented as more matured, more inclusive, more
> professional, and fully considered by the broader geospatial community.
> I believe such reborn Marketing Committee should work closely along with
> the Board of Directors, the Website Committee and a few motivated
> contributors, in order to:
> - Define a consitent OSGeo identity from existing material (including
> revised graphic guidelines, new shapes and colors aligned with identified
> needs and recent web trends, new scalable vector graphics, web fonts ...)
> - Refine the OSGeo web identity (including main site redesign through the
> developement a new drupal theme, responsive webdesign, efficient and
> reusable visuals...)
> - Enhance OSGeo web content and presence (including blog, journal,
> newsletter and bring more activity on various social networks)
> - Market the OSGeo brand online and at all kind of events (including
> consumables management, viral marketing, direct marketing...)
> Such actions could be prioritized and voted by the Committee's members,
> coordinated by the commitee's chair according to the Committee members, and
> aligned with the allocated budget and volunteered time.
> I sincerly hope we can reboot and improve our Marketing Committee
> together, in order to grow and market our Foundation better.
> Let us talk, decide and act now ! Enough rest for MarkCom' !
> Best regards,
> Nick
> 2016-03-15 8:42 GMT+01:00 Cameron Shorter :
>> OSGeo needs help distributing money to worthy causes. We need an OSGeo
>> Santa Clause.
>> The current state of play is:
>> * The OSGeo Board has allocated budget for an OSGeo marketing committee
>> to distribute.
>> * But, our OSGeo Marketing committee has imploded. (I was the last chair,
>> a few years back). It seems no one is interested in the administrative
>> tasks of giving away money, doing the administrative work of writing
>> cheques, being accountable, deciding which requests get funded verses which
>> don't based on a set of guidelines.
>> My take is that handing out money to worthy marketing causes can't be too
>> important, as it is not bugging anyone enough to want to step up and
>> volunteer to fix it. But I'd be delighted to proven wrong, and see some
>> people volunteer to step up to revitalise the OSGeo marketing committee. If
>> you are possibly interested, please speak up. I'd be happy to help you get
>> started.
>> A first task would be to consider this request from Bob.
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 9/03/2016 6:29 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Sounds like an amazing event, marketing committee should have a budget to
>> work against shortly (it is an agenda topic for this week and you can see
>> the budget
>> on the wiki ).
>> Cameron is involved with both marketing committee and OSGeo live and
>> should be able to assist.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 8 March 2016 at 08:59, Bob Basques  wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I haven’t heard anything back on 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Recruiting OSGeo Santa Clause(s)

2016-03-15 Thread Jody Garnett
The board has a number of initiatives in mind (I am helping with sponsor
visibility right now, next up is the service providers page).

I think we are looking for two things from the marketing committee:

a) handle an operational marketing budget - for things like supporting
local chapters and events with promotional material
b) being responsible for initiatives (either coming from the marketing
committee itself, or coming out of the 201 strategic plan)

For (a) we can look to prior years as a guidelines, you will find this
years budget in keeping with prior years. For (b) we are indeed open up to
some chaos - which is where the 2016 strategic plan comes in - providing
the message we are emphasizing this year.

To be blunt - perfectly good ideas that do not fit with our message won't
have a chance to be supported.

Jody Garnett

On 15 March 2016 at 04:22, Marc Vloemans  wrote:

> Before handing out money to undoubtedly worthy causes...a marketing (which
> is more than just the promotional 'P' ) plan would be the usual starting
> point. Agreed upon by the Board and with input from all.
> So. Why is what is given to whom, when and to what amount? Effectively;
> what precedes a marketing committee.
> Unless, a plan/framework is in place, Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth
> Fairy/etc. can expect to receive a lot of flak. Groups and initiatives have
> no clue as to what (governable) rules to comply with. Besides all sorts of
> unwanted chaos and misunderstandings can be expected.
> By the way, does one also not start to code without some sort of initial
> and agreed plan?
> Any volunteers besides me to have a stab at it?
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Marc Vloemans
> Op 15 mrt. 2016 om 08:42 heeft Cameron Shorter 
> het volgende geschreven:
> OSGeo needs help distributing money to worthy causes. We need an OSGeo
> Santa Clause.
> The current state of play is:
> * The OSGeo Board has allocated budget for an OSGeo marketing committee to
> distribute.
> * But, our OSGeo Marketing committee has imploded. (I was the last chair,
> a few years back). It seems no one is interested in the administrative
> tasks of giving away money, doing the administrative work of writing
> cheques, being accountable, deciding which requests get funded verses which
> don't based on a set of guidelines.
> My take is that handing out money to worthy marketing causes can't be too
> important, as it is not bugging anyone enough to want to step up and
> volunteer to fix it. But I'd be delighted to proven wrong, and see some
> people volunteer to step up to revitalise the OSGeo marketing committee. If
> you are possibly interested, please speak up. I'd be happy to help you get
> started.
> A first task would be to consider this request from Bob.
> Warm regards, Cameron
> On 9/03/2016 6:29 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Sounds like an amazing event, marketing committee should have a budget to
> work against shortly (it is an agenda topic for this week and you can see
> the budget
> on the wiki ).
> Cameron is involved with both marketing committee and OSGeo live and
> should be able to assist.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 8 March 2016 at 08:59, Bob Basques  wrote:
>> All,
>> I haven’t heard anything back on the following request from anyone (other
>> than Jody commenting about where this should be sent . . .).
>> So trying again . . .
>> All,
>> First, let me know if this is the wrong list to request from.
>> We’re holding a regional Geo conference and would like to include a
>> OSGeo-Live thumb drive in each attendees goody bag.  So, please consider
>> this an official request for funding of OSGeo Live Thumb Drives for the
>> event.
>> This is a multi- discipline, multi-state event for all things Geo.  60
>> confirmed presenters.  This will be a highly knowledgable audience and
>> because of the varied subject matter it will be an excellent venue to get
>> the word out to new folks about OSGeo and it’s mission, via the OSGeo Live
>> project.  More info about the event can be seen here:
>> We’ve planned for 350 attendees.  We can make our own thumb drives,
>> and/or pay to have them made ourselves.  We’ve handed these out in the past
>> and will also include a getting started cheat sheet for each user to get
>> them going with the least amount of effort.
>> I haven’t checked lately for the going rate on these.  Local suppliers
>> are advertising ~$5 each for an 8GB USB3.0 blank drive.
>> Request is for $2000 ($1750 for Drives, $250 for copying the OSGeo Live
>> suite to each).
>> Related, my submission of the OSGeo Live presentation has been accepted
>> at the event, and there will also be a (free) GeoMOOSE workshop.
>> bobb
>> --
>> Bob Basques

[OSGeo-Discuss] Invitation to Geo4All Webminar Series on March 29th 18:00 GMT

2016-03-15 Thread Suchith Anand
This webinar on urban forest management might be of wider interest. Thanks to 
Rafael Moreno and colleagues at University of Colorado Denver for organising 
the Geo4All webinar series. If you are interested to do a webinar for the 
Geo4All webinar series please contact Rafael (details below) and he will be 
happy to discuss ideas.


From: ica-osgeo-labs [] on behalf of 
Moreno-sanchez, Rafael []
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 3:17 PM
Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Geo4All Webminar Series March 29th 18:00 GMT; Join 

Hi everyone,

Kind reminder of our coming webminar. Please pass the word. Join webminar from 
PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
We will record presentation and post link to recording in the Geo4All Webminar 
Series page (

[Ian Hanou]
Geo4All International Network of FOSS4G Labs Webminar Series
18:00 GMT Tuesday March 29

Join webminar from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
FOSS/FOSS4G in Urban Forestry Applications in the USA
Ian Hanou
Plan-it GEO
This presentation will introduce the use of FOSS/FOSS4G applications for urban 
forest management, outreach and planning. Case studies will highlight 
web/mobile apps from municipal, private and nonprofit sectors across the 
country. The first examples will focus on mobile field data collection, data 
management, maintenance tracking and reporting for urban tree inventories of 
parks, streets and private property planting projects. The second half will 
take a big picture view of the entire urban forest at a landscape scale using 
urban tree canopy assessment data in interactive online mapping applications. 
These tools will show how progressive organizations can view, plan, and grow 
their urban forest without knowledge of GIS software or training in data 

Rafael Moreno, Ph.D.
Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Colorado Denver
Office: North Classroom 3524, Auraria Campus
Campus Box 172
1200 Larimer Street NC 3524
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-352-3762
Fax 303-556-6197

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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] National level strategy for Open Principles in Geospatial - ideas and inputs needed

2016-03-15 Thread Suchith Anand

Hi Mario,

Thank you for your inputs and i fully agree with all the points you mentioned. 
In fact, when we decided to set up the first Open Source Geospatial Lab in the 
UK to lay the foundation for "Geo for All" , i send invitations to select key 
players in the UK to send their representatives for the founding meeting . The 
Association of Geographic Information , British Geological Survey, EDINA, 
Ordnance Survey etc send their representatives for the founding meeting at 
University of Nottingham in June 2010 . The only international initiative that 
i invited for the meeting was gvSIG . We wanted to learn from gvSIG community, 
these excellent ideas and implementation plans and how you were able to scale 
this up from local,national to global initiative in matter of just a few years 
. Having the successful Triple Helix collaborations (Government, Industry, 
Academia) was really good idea.

"Geo for All" was initially started by scientists and research active academics 
to build strong foundations for Open Geospatial Science . Openness and 
transparency of research results (and how these results are created) are very 
important for us Scientists . We also wanted to create openness in Geo 
Education for developing creative and open minds in students which is critical 
for building open innovation and contributes to building up Open Knowledge for 
the benefit of the whole society and for our future generations.

We were laughed at initially by some proprietary vendor supporters because we 
do not have  any initial funding when we decided to start "Geo for All" . It is 
100 percent the dedication and efforts of all our colleagues globally which 
helped us build this. We are grateful to all our colleagues globally for their 
help and efforts which enabled us to build this initiative. Please see

We are now working closely with governments and industry to build strong cross 
collaboration links and the example you gave on the importance of Open 
Principles in Smart Cities and local government is good.   Some proprietary 
vendors have very clear enslavement strategies like reducing prices and giving 
'free' online accounts for a limited period and when the local government moves 
its systems to their proprietary online web services they start charging huge 

For example, Dave Murray's (GIS Coordinator, City of Westminster, USA ) send 
this reply to my mail discussions in Geo4All mail lists in June 2015 [1] on the 
importance of having Open Principles in Education for our future generations. 
Dave has kindly given permission to share his email with the wider geo 
community so the wider community is aware of these kind of marketing gimmicks 
and vendor lock-in tactics.

"We got caught in the proprietary vendor's trap a couple of years ago. Our 
public works department adopted the vendor's online service. We had a number of 
business operations running that were critical to our success. Then the vendor 
told us the service would cost $15,000 + per year to continue. Quite a shock 
and after we even promoted their service at conferences. After that, I have 
real questions about what I can believe from them." [1]

When i read Dave Murray's (GIS Coordinator, City of Westminster, USA ) email on 
this , i realised that this is a much wider problem and we need to make all 
colleagues globally aware of the dangers of falling into some Proprietary 
vendor's very clever marketing trap. It will help others realise the costs of 
being silent as it is affecting not just government departments such as City of 
Westminister in USA and hundreds of other organisations worldwide but our 
future generations education opportunities. I am determined to do my best to 
make sure education is not at the dictates of any vendor.

Dave and City of Westminster, USA are just one of thousands who fall in the 
marketing gimmicks of various proprietary vendor's trap. Unfortunately many are 
very scared even to discuss this in public . I really hope UK Government 
organisations and departments don't fall in traps like this and millions of UK 
taxpayers money for this each year is saved.

Best wishes,



From: Relating to all things GIS [] on behalf of Mario 
Carrera []
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: National level strategy for Open Principles in Geospatial - ideas 
and inputs needed

Hi Suchith,

thanks for setting the gvSIG Association example. I comment between the
lines so that you have more information about the sustainability model
of the gvSIG project and also to open possible type of collaboration:

El 12/03/16 a las 10:50, Suchith Anand escribió:
> Dear All,
> Few months back, i decided to start*Free GIS Workshops and Think Tanks
> for UK government organisations, SMEs and startups* 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Recruiting OSGeo Santa Clause(s)

2016-03-15 Thread Jody Garnett
The webcom is also rebooting!
On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 4:38 AM nicolas bozon 

> Dear Cameron, Marketing Committee, OSGeo Directors,
> As a member of the so called "dormant" Marketing Committee, i would be
> glad to help revitalising it.
> In fact it hasn't been a satisfactory nor confortable situation to be a
> member of such a forgotten commitee since 2012.
> So i'd like to volunteer for championing such committee reboot, and
> propose to help define strategic changes, recruit new members and tackle
> some of the administrative tasks.
> I can also chair the Committee if needed, and if this is appropriated for
> gathering the troops. Cameron, I am not Santa (but 'Klaus' only:)), but I'd
> be very glad to learn from your experience and we may try to enhance things
> together.
> However,i think the commitee's mission and role should be revised,
> probably indepth modified, and aligned with the new OSGeo plans.
> My main point is that the mandate of the OSGeo Marketing Committee must go
> way beyond the funding of OSGeo events and the managment of consumables or
> swag, as it mostly did (or not) until now.
> OSGeo Live is one of our best marketing tool to showcase some of the
> Foundation's software projects, but not to promote and market the
> Foundation itself IMHO.
> OSGeo Live must of course be kept inside a new marketing plan, but the
> latter shouldn't be built on DVDs and events only.
> According to me, improving OSGeo Marketing globally is one of the most
> important and urgent action to be taken according to the new strategic plan
> defined by the Board.
> It must help OSGeo to be presented as more matured, more inclusive, more
> professional, and fully considered by the broader geospatial community.
> I believe such reborn Marketing Committee should work closely along with
> the Board of Directors, the Website Committee and a few motivated
> contributors, in order to:
> - Define a consitent OSGeo identity from existing material (including
> revised graphic guidelines, new shapes and colors aligned with identified
> needs and recent web trends, new scalable vector graphics, web fonts ...)
> - Refine the OSGeo web identity (including main site redesign through the
> developement a new drupal theme, responsive webdesign, efficient and
> reusable visuals...)
> - Enhance OSGeo web content and presence (including blog, journal,
> newsletter and bring more activity on various social networks)
> - Market the OSGeo brand online and at all kind of events (including
> consumables management, viral marketing, direct marketing...)
> Such actions could be prioritized and voted by the Committee's members,
> coordinated by the commitee's chair according to the Committee members, and
> aligned with the allocated budget and volunteered time.
> I sincerly hope we can reboot and improve our Marketing Committee
> together, in order to grow and market our Foundation better.
> Let us talk, decide and act now ! Enough rest for MarkCom' !
> Best regards,
> Nick
> 2016-03-15 8:42 GMT+01:00 Cameron Shorter :
>> OSGeo needs help distributing money to worthy causes. We need an OSGeo
>> Santa Clause.
>> The current state of play is:
>> * The OSGeo Board has allocated budget for an OSGeo marketing committee
>> to distribute.
>> * But, our OSGeo Marketing committee has imploded. (I was the last chair,
>> a few years back). It seems no one is interested in the administrative
>> tasks of giving away money, doing the administrative work of writing
>> cheques, being accountable, deciding which requests get funded verses which
>> don't based on a set of guidelines.
>> My take is that handing out money to worthy marketing causes can't be too
>> important, as it is not bugging anyone enough to want to step up and
>> volunteer to fix it. But I'd be delighted to proven wrong, and see some
>> people volunteer to step up to revitalise the OSGeo marketing committee. If
>> you are possibly interested, please speak up. I'd be happy to help you get
>> started.
>> A first task would be to consider this request from Bob.
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 9/03/2016 6:29 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Sounds like an amazing event, marketing committee should have a budget to
>> work against shortly (it is an agenda topic for this week and you can see
>> the budget
>> on the wiki ).
>> Cameron is involved with both marketing committee and OSGeo live and
>> should be able to assist.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 8 March 2016 at 08:59, Bob Basques  wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I haven’t heard anything back on the following request from anyone
>>> (other than Jody commenting about where this should be sent . . .).
>>> So trying again . . .
>>> All,
>>> First, let me know if this is the wrong 

[OSGeo-Discuss] The 2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference - Girona , Spain on May 26th 2016

2016-03-15 Thread Suchith Anand


The 2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference is happening in Girona 
on May 26th 2016. The International QGIS User and Developer Conference is a 
meeting point for the family of users and developers orbiting around the QGIS 
project, in order to gather experiences and sharing knowledge about QGIS. The 
language of the Conference is English.

Details of the conference at

There are some really interesting presentations submitted including 
presentations on Migrating Public Sector Organizations to QGIS . This might 
also nicely link with some ideas on the importance of having National level 
strategy for Open Principles in Geospatial [1]

The workshops are on May 25th and there are already good range of submitted 
workshop proposals on QGIS Cartography Tips to workshops on Advanced Processing

Our colleagues at University of Girona's GIS and Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE) 
are heavily involved in helping organise this. Thanks to them for their efforts 
to organise this excellent conference and please join the event to learn and 
share new ideas.

Best wishes,



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permitted by UK legislation.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [GSoC] Student application period opened

2016-03-15 Thread SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA
?Thank you Margherita. We'll have a proposal from our lab this year. Let`s hope 
he can do it.


Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas

De: Discuss  en nombre de Margherita Di Leo 

Enviado: martes, 15 de marzo de 2016 5:28
Para: OSGeo-SoC; OSGeo Discussions
Asunto: [OSGeo-Discuss] [GSoC] Student application period opened

Dear All,

student application period opened [1]! Students can now submit their proposals 
until 25 March. See the timeline at [2]. Spread the word!



Margherita Di Leo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Recruiting OSGeo Santa Clause(s)

2016-03-15 Thread Marc Vloemans
Before handing out money to undoubtedly worthy causes...a marketing (which is 
more than just the promotional 'P' ) plan would be the usual starting point. 
Agreed upon by the Board and with input from all.

So. Why is what is given to whom, when and to what amount? Effectively; what 
precedes a marketing committee.

Unless, a plan/framework is in place, Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy/etc. 
can expect to receive a lot of flak. Groups and initiatives have no clue as to 
what (governable) rules to comply with. Besides all sorts of unwanted chaos and 
misunderstandings can be expected.

By the way, does one also not start to code without some sort of initial and 
agreed plan?

Any volunteers besides me to have a stab at it?

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

> Op 15 mrt. 2016 om 08:42 heeft Cameron Shorter  
> het volgende geschreven:
> OSGeo needs help distributing money to worthy causes. We need an OSGeo Santa 
> Clause.
> The current state of play is:
> * The OSGeo Board has allocated budget for an OSGeo marketing committee to 
> distribute.
> * But, our OSGeo Marketing committee has imploded. (I was the last chair, a 
> few years back). It seems no one is interested in the administrative tasks of 
> giving away money, doing the administrative work of writing cheques, being 
> accountable, deciding which requests get funded verses which don't based on a 
> set of guidelines.
> My take is that handing out money to worthy marketing causes can't be too 
> important, as it is not bugging anyone enough to want to step up and 
> volunteer to fix it. But I'd be delighted to proven wrong, and see some 
> people volunteer to step up to revitalise the OSGeo marketing committee. If 
> you are possibly interested, please speak up. I'd be happy to help you get 
> started.
> A first task would be to consider this request from Bob.
> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 9/03/2016 6:29 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Sounds like an amazing event, marketing committee should have a budget to 
>> work against shortly (it is an agenda topic for this week and you can see 
>> the budget on the wiki ).
>> Cameron is involved with both marketing committee and OSGeo live and should 
>> be able to assist.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>>> On 8 March 2016 at 08:59, Bob Basques  wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I haven’t heard anything back on the following request from anyone (other 
>>> than Jody commenting about where this should be sent . . .).
>>> So trying again . . .
>>> All,
>>> First, let me know if this is the wrong list to request from.
>>> We’re holding a regional Geo conference and would like to include a 
>>> OSGeo-Live thumb drive in each attendees goody bag.  So, please consider 
>>> this an official request for funding of OSGeo Live Thumb Drives for the 
>>> event.  
>>> This is a multi- discipline, multi-state event for all things Geo.  60 
>>> confirmed presenters.  This will be a highly knowledgable audience and 
>>> because of the varied subject matter it will be an excellent venue to get 
>>> the word out to new folks about OSGeo and it’s mission, via the OSGeo Live 
>>> project.  More info about the event can be seen here: 
>>> We’ve planned for 350 attendees.  We can make our own thumb drives, and/or 
>>> pay to have them made ourselves.  We’ve handed these out in the past and 
>>> will also include a getting started cheat sheet for each user to get them 
>>> going with the least amount of effort.  
>>> I haven’t checked lately for the going rate on these.  Local suppliers are 
>>> advertising ~$5 each for an 8GB USB3.0 blank drive. 
>>> Request is for $2000 ($1750 for Drives, $250 for copying the OSGeo Live 
>>> suite to each).
>>> Related, my submission of the OSGeo Live presentation has been accepted at 
>>> the event, and there will also be a (free) GeoMOOSE workshop.
>>> bobb
>>> -- 
>>> Bob Basques
>>> 612.598.9210
>>> ___
>>> Board mailing list
>> ___
>> Board mailing list
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W,  F +61 2 9009 5099
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] [GSoC] Student application period opened

2016-03-15 Thread Margherita Di Leo
Dear All,

student application period opened [1]! Students can now submit their
proposals until 25 March. See the timeline at [2]. Spread the word!



Margherita Di Leo
Discuss mailing list